9 research outputs found

    Web Services and IT Management in Healthcare and Grid Computing

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    Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care defines , health as not just absence of disease but fitness at all levels i.e.Physically, mentally, Psychologically, spirtually, socially, and so on. RCH emphasizes fitness at all level along with health education and medical education. For the last one decade IT has contributed substantially in the healthcare domain. Tele-Medicine, Health informatics, using IT for Health for Prevention, curing, rehabilitation, Medical Education and accessing resources are the some of them.Web Services, IT Management, IT in healthcare, Health Informatics

    Building Problem Solving Environments with Application Web Service Toolkits

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    Application portals, or Problem Solving Environments (PSEs), provide user environments that simplify access and integrate various distributed computational services for scientists working on particular classes of problems. Specific application portals are typically built on common sets of core services, so reusability of these services is a key problem in PSE development. In this paper we address the reusability problem by presenting a set of core services built using the Web services model and application metadata services that can be used to build science application front ends out of these core services

    Modelado semántico y ubicuo del comercio electrónico mediante Web Services

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    La demanda de interoperabilidad semántica y ubicuidad tecnológica en aplicaciones de comercio electrónico tiene un crecimiento exponencial. Añadir propiedades inteligentes a la Web actual, ya es una realidad a través del desarrollo e implementación de Web Services basados en estándares de fácil gestión y cada vez más estables, cumpliendo con los requerimientos básicos de Calidad de Servicio (QoS). Este trabajo presenta un análisis de la tecnología de los Web Services con el principal objetivo de aportar valor añadido a aplicaciones de Comercio Electrónico; así como, exponer una visión general del estado actual de los Web Services y sus contribuciones a las necesidades de las empresas en general.Peer Reviewe

    Web Services and IT Management in Healthcare and Grid Computing

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    Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care defines , health as not just absence of disease but fitness at all levels i.e.Physically, mentally, Psychologically, spirtually, socially, and so on. RCH emphasizes fitness at all level along with health education and medical education. For the last one decade IT has contributed substantially in the healthcare domain. Tele-Medicine, Health informatics, using IT for Health for Prevention, curing, rehabilitation, Medical Education and accessing resources are the some of them

    Grid Service Provider: How to Improve Flexibility of Grid User Interfaces?

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    Um portal regional de saúde orientado para o cidadão

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaNo âmbito das redes telemáticas de saúde, a existência de portais que facilitem a interacção com o utilizador são de extrema importância. Este tipo de abordagem tem vindo a crescer e a ser adoptada por promover a participação do cidadão e facilitar a forma amigável como disponibiliza o acesso aos seus serviços sem necessidade de aplicações específicas. Actualmente a Rede Telemática de Saúde (RTS) da região de Aveiro, inclui o Portal dos Profissionais, orientado para o prestador de cuidados (profissionais de saúde). Este portal agiliza a interacção entre Profissionais de saúde mas não suporta a interacção com os Utentes. Verifica-se portanto a oportunidade de criar um portal centrado no cidadão que irá fornecer serviços aos Utentes, da região. Nesta dissertação pretende-se especificar e implementar o Portal do Utente no âmbito da RTS. Este portal visa disponibilizar serviços que irão fornecer aos utentes e utilizadores deste sistema um ponto de acesso telemático aos prestadores de cuidados na Região, assistindo o cidadão na obtenção de informação e solicitação de serviços. Pretende-se também melhorar serviços no Portal dos Profissionais existente de modo a ligar aspectos do Portal do Utente com aquele, tais como a monitorização de acessos à informação dos doentes na RTS. Para a implementação das soluções propostas irá ser usada a plataforma J2EE, presente na arquitectura actual da RTS. O desenvolvimento do Portal do Utente articula com os módulos da RTS que expande, partilhando a mesma base J2EE, e adopta mecanismos específicos para a visualização e controlo de interacção na Web, como é o caso do Struts. Como resultado das implementações propostas, o Portal do Utente veio trazer à RTS mais uma solução de acesso, que ainda não se encontrava no presente estado da sua arquitectura. Também houve uma melhoria na monitorização de acessos (aspecto desenvolvido em ambos os portais). ABSTRACT: In the health networks, the existence of web portals, that provide services to the users, is extremely important. This approach has been grown and it’s being adopted in such systems to facilitate the way in providing an easy access to their services without the need for specific applications. The RTS in the region of Aveiro, includes, the “Portal dos Profissionais” (a web portal for Professionals), as a service provider to health care (health case professionals). This portal streamlines the interaction between health professionals, but does not support the interaction with patients. There is therefore an opportunity to create a portal focused on the citizen, which will provide services to patients, in the region. This dissertation seeks to clarify and implement the Portal do Utente within RTS. This portal aims to provide services, which will provide patients and users of the system a point of electronic access to providers of healthcare in the region, assisting the public in obtaining information and request services. It is also intended to improve services in the Portal do Profissional in order to link aspects of the Portal do Utente, such as monitoring of online information for patients in the RTS. For the implementation of the proposed solutions will be use the J2EE platform, the architecture of the current RTS. The development of the Portal do Utente articulates with the modules that expand the RTS, sharing the same basic J2EE, and adopt specific mechanisms for viewing and control of interaction on the Web, such as Struts. As a result of the implementation proposals, the Portal do Utente will bring a new solution for accessing the RTS, which was not yet under this architecture. There was also an improvement in the monitoring of hits (in both developed aspect portals)

    Interoperable Web Services for Computational Portals

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    Computational web portals are designed to simplify access to diverse sets of high performance computing resources, typically through an interface to computational Grid tools. An important shortcoming of these portals is their lack of interoperable and reusable services. This paper presents an overview of research efforts undertaken by our group to build interoperating portal services around a Web Services model. We present a comprehensive view of an interoperable portal architecture, beginning with core portal services that can be used to build Application Web Services, which in turn may be aggregated and managed through portlet containers