188 research outputs found

    A blockchain-based distributed paradigm to secure localization services

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    In recent decades, modern societies are experiencing an increasing adoption of interconnected smart devices. This revolution involves not only canonical devices such as smartphones and tablets, but also simple objects like light bulbs. Named the Internet of Things (IoT), this ever-growing scenario offers enormous opportunities in many areas of modern society, especially if joined by other emerging technologies such as, for example, the blockchain. Indeed, the latter allows users to certify transactions publicly, without relying on central authorities or intermediaries. This work aims to exploit the scenario above by proposing a novel blockchain-based distributed paradigm to secure localization services, here named the Internet of Entities (IoE). It represents a mechanism for the reliable localization of people and things, and it exploits the increasing number of existing wireless devices and blockchain-based distributed ledger technologies. Moreover, unlike most of the canonical localization approaches, it is strongly oriented towards the protection of the users’ privacy. Finally, its implementation requires minimal efforts since it employs the existing infrastructures and devices, thus giving life to a new and wide data environment, exploitable in many domains, such as e-health, smart cities, and smart mobility

    A Method for Securing Symmetric Keys for Internet of Things Enabled Distributed Data Systems

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    This study introduces an innovative method for securing symmetric keys in Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled distributed data systems, focusing on enhancing data security while optimizing encryption and decryption times. Through a comprehensive analysis of various encryption algorithms—TEA, XTEA, BLOCK TEA (XXTEA), and the proposed NTSA algorithm—across different key sizes and file sizes, we aim to demonstrate the significant improvements our method offers over existing techniques. Our research meticulously evaluated the performance of these algorithms, employing random variations to encryption and decryption times to simulate real-world variability and assess the algorithms' efficiency and security robustness. The findings reveal that the NTSA algorithm, in particular, showcases superior performance, offering an approximate improvement of 10% to 15% in encryption and decryption times over traditional methods such as TEA and XTEA, and an even more considerable enhancement compared to BLOCK TEA (XXTEA). The key contribution of this study lies in its provision of a secure, efficient framework for symmetric key encryption in IoT-enabled distributed environments. By optimizing key size and algorithm selection, our method not only secures data against potential cyber threats but also ensures high-speed data processing—a critical requirement in the IoT domain where the volume of data transactions and the need for real-time processing are ever-increasing. The proposed method significantly advances the field of data security in distributed systems, especially within the context of the burgeoning IoT landscape. It underscores the importance of algorithmic efficiency and strategic key management in bolstering the security and performance of modern digital ecosystems

    Survey on 6G Frontiers: Trends, Applications, Requirements, Technologies and Future Research

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    Emerging applications such as Internet of Everything, Holographic Telepresence, collaborative robots, and space and deep-sea tourism are already highlighting the limitations of existing fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. These limitations are in terms of data-rate, latency, reliability, availability, processing, connection density and global coverage, spanning over ground, underwater and space. The sixth-generation (6G) of mobile networks are expected to burgeon in the coming decade to address these limitations. The development of 6G vision, applications, technologies and standards has already become a popular research theme in academia and the industry. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the current developments towards 6G. We highlight the societal and technological trends that initiate the drive towards 6G. Emerging applications to realize the demands raised by 6G driving trends are discussed subsequently. We also elaborate the requirements that are necessary to realize the 6G applications. Then we present the key enabling technologies in detail. We also outline current research projects and activities including standardization efforts towards the development of 6G. Finally, we summarize lessons learned from state-of-the-art research and discuss technical challenges that would shed a new light on future research directions towards 6G

    Edge AI for Internet of Energy: Challenges and Perspectives

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    The digital landscape of the Internet of Energy (IoE) is on the brink of a revolutionary transformation with the integration of edge Artificial Intelligence (AI). This comprehensive review elucidates the promise and potential that edge AI holds for reshaping the IoE ecosystem. Commencing with a meticulously curated research methodology, the article delves into the myriad of edge AI techniques specifically tailored for IoE. The myriad benefits, spanning from reduced latency and real-time analytics to the pivotal aspects of information security, scalability, and cost-efficiency, underscore the indispensability of edge AI in modern IoE frameworks. As the narrative progresses, readers are acquainted with pragmatic applications and techniques, highlighting on-device computation, secure private inference methods, and the avant-garde paradigms of AI training on the edge. A critical analysis follows, offering a deep dive into the present challenges including security concerns, computational hurdles, and standardization issues. However, as the horizon of technology ever expands, the review culminates in a forward-looking perspective, envisaging the future symbiosis of 5G networks, federated edge AI, deep reinforcement learning, and more, painting a vibrant panorama of what the future beholds. For anyone vested in the domains of IoE and AI, this review offers both a foundation and a visionary lens, bridging the present realities with future possibilities

    SMS : a secure healthcare model for smart cities

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    Technological innovations have enabled the realization of a utopian world where all objects of everydaylife, as well as humans, areinterconnected to form an ?Internet of Things (IoT).? These connected technologies and IoT solutions have led to the emergence of smart cities where all components are converted into a connected smart ecosystem. IoT has envisioned several areas of smart cities including the modern healthcare environment like real-time monitoring, patient information management, ambient-assisted living, ambient-intelligence, anomaly detection, and accelerated sensing. IoT has also brought a breakthrough in the medical domain by integrating stake holders, medical components, and hospitals to bring about holistic healthcare management. The healthcare domain is already witnessing promising IoT-based solutions ranging from embedded mobile applications to wearable devices and implantable gadgets. However, with all these exemplary benefits, there is a need to ensure the safety and privacy of the patient?s personal and medical data communicated to and from the connected devices and systems. For a smart city, it is pertinent to have an accessible, effective, and secure healthcare system for its inhabitants. This paper discusses the various elements of technology-enabled healthcare and presents a privacy-preserved and secure ?Smart Medical System (SMS)? framework for the smart city ecosystem. For providing real-time analysis and responses, this paper proposes to use the concept of secured Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) for performing critical time-bound computations on the edge itself. In order to protect the medical and personal data of the patients and to make the data tamper-proof, the concept of blockchain has been used. Finally, this paper highlights the ways to capture and store the medical big data generated from IoT devices and sensors.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/