66,974 research outputs found

    Internet Research Methodology

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    Certainly the Internet has revolutionized our perception of information and information access. Information is everywhere on the Internet, existing in large quantities and continuously being created and revised. Finding information on the Internet has been described as drinking from a fire hose. As lawyers, how can we assess how much and what type of reliable information is available on the Internet for legal research? One of the most important tasks of this Internet Legal Research CLE is to inform you of exactly what types of major legal resources you can expect to find on the Internet and to equip you with the skills to evaluate the information that you do find on the Internet

    Open up Internet Research

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    Nel 2007 il Times sceglieva l’utente del web come persona dell’anno: Yes, You. You Control the Information Age. Welcome to Your World. Dal 2007 molta acqua sotto i ponti della Rete è passata e, a otto anni da quella copertina, il nuovo mondo è cresciuto in mole e complessità, così come si sono moltiplicati i tentativi da parte della ricerca, pubblica e privata, di mettere ordine nella comprensione dei meccanismi che lo governano. Obiettivo di questa rubrica è fornire alcuni primi riferimenti per orientarsi nel mondo della ricerca e dello studio intorno alla Rete. Ognuno di questi costituisce un hub di collegamento a network e comunità professionali ampie ed accreditate da cui imparare e con cui confrontarsi

    Advanced Internet Research Techniques

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    This session provided tips for conducting advanced legal research on the internet including special operators for improving Google searches

    Open source Internet research tool

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    Open source research on the Internet has become an everyday requirement for law enforcement officials. The special requirements of such activity include keeping a useable audit trail, screen capture of static and dynamic content, and document capture. All of these artefacts need to be stored in an evidential container and captured content should be suitably hashed. A report must then be generated from the evidence gathered. At the moment police in the UK use a number of different tools to carry out this process but there is no one tool that meets all of the requirements in an integrated way. This research seeks to fill this gap by creating a bespoke tool in collaboration with the College of Policing that allows one tool to carry out all tasks required for law enforcement to carry out open source internet research as part of a single tool and an integrated process. Written in C#, this early iteration of the tool automatically logs all websites visited, hashes all screenshots and downloaded files using MD5 for validation, and generates reports in PDF format detailing all activities within the case; allowing for dissemination to other departments/individuals. Presently, there are no overall guidelines within the UK of which we are aware for how Internet evidence should be gathered. For example, when a website makes an external call to download a JavaScript file, or access the Facebook API, should that be documented within the audit log? How should a tool of this nature deal with dynamic content, such as AJAX? Future plans for this project include a browser ‘hot-swap’ facility, addition of the ability to screen record browser activity, and to make the tool suitable for international use on multiple-platforms

    WWW.raising achievement: internet research resources on raising achievement in post-compulsory education; the agency comments

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    This report is designed to help practitioners and researchers find and use internet-based resources that deal with raising achievement. It contains a guide to useful research sources and organisations accessible via the internet; an introductory synthesis of research findings drawn from the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) and suggestions for applying American research findings to raising achievement in the UK

    Internet research and its pedagogical dimension

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    There is a great need for research and development of multidisci- plinary studies about the Internet and the credibility of the information available online. For example, in the field of Cultural Studies, in partic- ular, and in Communication courses, in general, it is possible to develop a corps of analysis which main goal should be to develop different approaches to the research and the organization of information in the Internet. At the University of Algarve we have been trying to develop some projects about themes of cultural identities different and distant to those of the students’ own cultural identities in order to discover and study some of the main characteristics of the information available in the Internet and trying to compare them with other characteristics already known from other media and communication contexts. These students also study the risks of the Internet, namely in what respects the information credibility and the adequate contextualization of that information, as well as the correct identification of information sources and channels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ICT Research, the New Economy, and the Evolving Discipline of Economics: Back to the Future?

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    Economics-related ICT research has moved from the fringes of the discipline to penetrate all of its branches. It is, therefore, not a separate economics sub-discipline. It is also unlikely to become part of an 'ICT or Internet Research' proto-discipline. Instead, it should be seen as only one part of a bigger agenda toward a proper 'information and knowledge economics' and possibly a future proto-discipline of a 'unified theory of information and knowledge' or a meta-discipline of information sciences. This is the post-print version of a short article for the Special Issue: ICT Research and Disciplinary Boundaries: Is “Internet Research” a Virtual Field, a Proto-Discipline, or Something Else?”(Guest Editor: Nancy K. Baym), Information Society, Volume 21, No. 4, 2005, pp. 317-320. See: http://www.indiana.edu/~tisj

    Advantages and disadvantages of Internet research surveys

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    En este trabajo, se comparan las encuestas autoadministradas a través de Internet con las presenciales y telefónicas, destacando las ventajas y los inconvenientes de cada una. La encuesta por Internet tiene, entre sus grandes virtudes, la gran rapidez, la mejora en la respuesta por la posibilidad de introducir elementos audiovisuales en el cuestionario y el menor coste de la investigación cuando se compara con encuestas administradas. Entre sus grandes inconvenientes, encontramos los errores de cobertura, la ausencia de aleatoriedad de las muestras y la menor tasa de respuesta. Existen importantes diferencias entre la población general y los usuarios de Internet, puesto que las encuestas a través de la red presentan un perfil más joven y con mayor nivel educativo. La práctica totalidad de las investigaciones analizadas localizan también diferencias en las variables objeto de la investigación, según se haya respondido el cuestionario frente a un entrevistador o en el ordenador del entrevistado. En definitiva, la revisión de la literatura sobre el tema sugiere prudencia a la hora de aceptar que los resultados de la aplicación de un cuestionario sean los mismos, con independencia del modo de aplicación utilizado.The aim of this paper is to analyze whether the results of an internet survey are similar to face-to-face, telephone and mail surveys. The analysis of the research reveals that the people who answer the internet survey are younger and better-educated, making it impossible to accept the first part of the hypothesis. Most of the research about this topic show differences between modes in attitude questions. Those who respond to the face-to-face surveys provide a more positive ideas about the use of the survey, as well as greater confidence in their results. However, people who responded to the questionnaire on the Internet believe that more respondents answered with total honesty, carry out better monitoring of results of surveys on political, social and cultural rights, as well as a higher valuation on the usefulness of the surveys

    Genealogy research, Internet research and genealogy tourism

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    Includes bibliographic references

    Rule 1.1 Duty of Competency and Internet Research

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    Basically the world has changed and technology is the primary driver. The legal industry has changed and yet many lawyers still brag about their lack of technology skills. These skills are not advanced programming and software design. I am talking about the competent use of basic office applications. Service providers like RocketLawyer and LegalZoom prepare wills, contracts and articles of incorporation. It’s estimated that these providers are now at least an $8 billion industry. People that used to hire local attorneys are now using these services. Potential clients are also using online service to find and evaluate lawyers. The days of non-transparency are dead. Lawyers must be knowledgeable about these services and how they use technology to deliver services