763 research outputs found

    Analisa Perbandingan Pengaruh Penggunaan Protokol Tunneling IP Security dengan Protokol Tunneling Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol terhadap Quality Of Services pada Jaringan Virtual Private Network

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    Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a security protocol on the VPN is used to improve the security of an Internet network. Comparison of the use of these protocols may affect network performance or Quality of Services (QoS). The QoS measurement parameters measured by delay, jitter, throughput and packet loss. Network modeling scenarios using the bus topology model. Results of this study was to compare the performance of each protocol which is VPN IPSec and L2TP by measuring the QoS performance without using the protocol as a benchmark to compare their effects on QoS by using the tunneling protocol

    Evaluation of Network Architecture and Its Implication on Connectivity and Data Security

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    Networking offers the framework to congregate largely heterogeneous entities so that they can communicate. In this paper we review aspects of Network architectural design that aims to ensure connectivity and data security for network users. Security protocols like the Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) ensures data security for users of a Virtual Private Network which provides encryption, tunneling and authentication services. Virtual Local Area Networks plays a role in network management and security. Access Control lists provides an overview of rights granted to users to access network resources thereby reducing incidence of hacking to the minimum. Combining these techniques in a network would ensure uninterrupted service and data security to network users

    Optimizing Secure Communication in Distributed Corporate Networks through PPTP and IPSec VPN Protocols

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    In today’s industry, company’s activities are scattered in several locations and need internet for communication purposes. However, it will be dangerous if third-parties have access to their information. One of the solutions for securing information exchange is by using Virtual Private Network (VPN). The VPN protocols that will be used are Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) with the help of Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). These protocols are simulated in VirtualBox that has been previously installed with two Mikrotik routers and two Windows 7 operating systems. The PPTP and IPSec protocols are configured in both routers through Winbox software. For the computers, the IP addresses are configured along with iPerf software for bandwidth analysis. In this VPN simulation, both computers can communicate with each other and have no problem in accessing the internet. In PPTP’s network, the average bandwidth is 1.293 Mbits/sec. Meanwhile, in PPTP with IPSec’s network, the average bandwidth is 0.853 Mbits/sec. There is a slight difference considering that in PPTP, the data packets are only encapsulated. On the other hand, the data packets in IPSec protocol are both encapsulated and encrypted.Di era industri saat ini, aktivitas perusahaan yang tersebar di beberapa lokasi membutuhkan internet sebagai media komunikasi. Namun pertukaran informasi akan berbahaya jika dapat diakses oleh pihak ketiga. Salah satu cara untuk menjaga pertukaran informasi adalah menggunakan Virtual Private Network (VPN). Protokol VPN yang digunakan adalah Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) dan dibantu dengan Internet Protocol Security (IPSec). Kedua protokol VPN tersebut disimulasikan pada VirtualBox yang sudah terdapat 2 router Mikrotik CHR dan 2 komputer dengan sistem operasi Windows 7. Konfigurasi pada router adalah protokol PPTP dan IPSec yang dilakukan melalui Winbox, sementara pada komputer Windows 7 adalah konfigurasi alamat IP dan software iPerf untuk pengambilan data bandwidth pada jaringan VPN. Hasil yang didapatkan pada jaringan VPN adalah kedua komputer Windows 7 mampu saling berkomunikasi dan mengakses internet. Pada jaringan PPTP, bandwidth rata-ratanya adalah 1,293 Mbits/sec. Sementara pada jaringan PPTP dengan IPSec, bandwidth rata-ratanya adalah 0,853 Mbits/sec. Hal ini dikarenakan PPTP hanya melakukan enkapsulasi paket data sementara pada IPSec terdapat enkapsulasi serta enkripsi paket data


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    Along with the widespread use of the internet, many companies then switch to using the internet as part of their network to save costs. However, security issues are still a major factor in the reliability of a network. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is one way that can be used to create a private network and long-distance connections (remote access) with a high level of security over public networks or the Internet. The conclusions of this study are a) analysis and design of remote access with VPN technology in the Mentari East Lampung BMT Office, b) the resulting management of IP Address distribution for connections between branches using VPN, c) the creation of a VPN account management function for connection between branch BMT office. Mentari East Lampung, d) has successfully tested the VPN account login from the Client side

    Analisis Performansi Remote Access VPN Berbasis IPSec dan Berbasis SSL pada Jaringan IPv6

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    ABSTRAKSI: Protokol keamanan Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) dan Secure Socket Layer (SSL) merupakan protokol keamanan yang paling banyak digunakan untuk meningkatkan keamanan VPN. Hal ini dikarenakan, kedua protokol mampu memenuhi kriteria dukungan keamanan dan mememiliki tingkat keamanan yang lebih baik dari protokol-protokol keamanan lainnya. Selain tingkat keamanan, performansi protokol keamanan juga bisa diuji dengan parameter seperti throughput dan delay. Parameter ini akan memberikan gambaran Quality of Service (QoS) protokol keamanan dari segi performansi jaringan. Skenario pengimplementasian VPN dengan IPSec dan VPN dengan SSL adalah VPN remote access. Jenis pengimplementasian remote access memungkinkan pengguna VPN yang mobile untuk terhubung ke private network. Pada private network akan menggunakan standar pengalamatan IPv6 karena sudah banyak Local Area Network (LAN) yang mampu menjalankan standar IPv6.KATA KUNCI: IPSec, SSL, IPv6, VPN, Remote AccessABSTRACT: Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) are the most deployed security protocol to improve VPN security. This because both protocol fulfill security criteria and have securing capability more than any other security protocol. Beside securing capability, security protocol performance also can be tested with other parameters such as throughput and delay. This parameters will show security protocol’s Quality of Service (QoS) from network performance capability. The IPSec VPN and SSL VPN implementing scenario is remote access. Remote access VPN allow mobile VPN user to connect to private network. On private network will use IPv6 standard because most of Local Area Network already support IPv6 standard.KEYWORD: IPSec, SSL, IPv6, VPN, Remote Acces

    A New Router Certification Authority Protocol For Securing Mobile Internet Protocol Version 6

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    Protokol Internet Bergerak versi 6 (IPv6 Bergerak) telah dicadangkan sebagai satu protokol piawai untuk memberikan mobility dalam Rangkaian Generasi Seterusnya. Mobile Internet Protocol version 6 (Mobile IPv6) has been proposed as a standard protocol to provide mobility in Next Generation Networks

    Efficient Hardware Accelerator for IPSec Based on Partial Reconfiguration on Xilinx FPGAs

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    Abstract—In this paper we present a practical low-end embed-ded system solution for Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) imple-mented on the smallest Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device in the Virtex 4 family. The proposed solution supports the three main IPSec protocols: Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Authentication Header (AH) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE). This system uses efficiently hardware-software co-design and partial reconfiguration techniques. Thanks to utilization of both methods we were able to save a significant portion of hardware resources with a relatively small penalty in terms of performance. In this work we propose a division of the basic mechanisms of IPSec protocols, namely cryptographic algorithms and their modes of operation to be implemented either in software or hardware. Through this, we were able to combine the high performance offered by a hardware solution with the flexibility of a software implementation. We show that a typical IPSec protocol configuration can be combined with Partial Reconfiguration techniques in order to efficiently utilize hardware resources. Index Terms—Partial reconfiguration; IPSec; Xilinx FPGA I

    Network Security: Internet Protocol Version Six Security

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    It is no secret that the pool of public internet addresses available with Internet Protocol version Four (IPv4) is gone. (Morphy, 2011) Thus the migration to the more roomy Internet Protocol version Six (IPv6) has begun. This migration is a complex process including different security procedures and updates that require time and knowledge. This paper will dive into scientific writings, with databases like Scopus and IEEE, about various security risks in the IPv6 protocol such as tunneling practices, router issues and issues with Internet Protocol Security (IPsec). This paper will overview security practices to better clarify common vulnerabilities in IPv6. While some configurations cause issues with host safety, it is commonly noted that due to user error most of the attacks escalate more than they should. Network professionals should be informed about IPv6 security issues in order to best protect a system. Information on IPv6 security risks is crucial to protecting against an attack before it happens and minimizing damage when real time attacks take place