225 research outputs found

    The Impact of Information Security Technologies Upon Society

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    This paper's aims are concerned with the effects of information security technologies upon society in general and civil society organisations in particular. Information security mechanisms have the potential to act as enablers or disablers for the work of civil society groups. Recent increased emphasis on national security issues by state actors, particularly 'anti-terrorism' initiatives, have resulted in legislative instruments that impinge upon the civil liberties of many citizens and have the potential to restrict the free flow of information vital for civil society actors. The nascent area of cyberactivism, or hactivism, is at risk of being labelled cyberterrorism, with the accompanying change of perception from a legitimate form of electronic civil disobedience to an abhorrent crime. Biometric technology can be an invasive intrusion into citizens' privacy. Internet censorship and surveillance is widespread and increasing. These implementations of information security technology are becoming more widely deployed with profound implications for the type of societies that will result

    How Wikipedia Can Overcome the Great Firewall of China

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    How Wikipedia Can Overcome the Great Firewall of China

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    Oil is the main insulation in power transformers and over long time of ageing its insulation properties can change. In this paper ageing of oil due to the exposure to electric discharges was investigated. The effect of high energy discharges (complete arc) and low energy discharges (partial discharges) on oil properties such as breakdown strength and oil conductivity was investigated. An experimental setup consisting of two spherical electrodes was designed. The adjustable distance between the two electrodes made it possible to have PD with different magnitude. The oil conductivity and breakdown strength was measured for three sets of experiments. The first group of experiments was performed on new oil in order to have a reference for comparison. In the second group of experiments the new oil samples was exposed to 1000 and 3000 lightning impulses. In the third group of experiments new oil samples was exposed to partial discharge for different duration of time. Oil conductivity and breakdown strength of these aged samples were compared with new oil. The results show that after exposure to lightning impulse oil conductivity increases and breakdown strength decreases, However PD activity for short time does not change the oil conductivity but it reduces the breakdown strength.QC 20140107</p

    Breaching the Great Firewall: China’s Internet Censorship and the Quest for Freedom of Expression in a Connected World

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    In the final days of 2005, Microsoft Corporation made international headlines when it removed the site of a Beijing researcher from its blog hosting service. Soon, other instances of U.S. companies assisting in China’s internet censorship emerged. These revelations generated outrage among commentators and legislators and led to calls for action. This Note examines the methods of internet censorship employed by China and other nations, and explores the assistance that U.S. companies have provided to these nations. It analyzes the liability issues facing these companies in light of existing case law and statutory solutions proposed in the U.S. Congress. It then proposes a novel combination of existing legislative proposals, recommendations from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and international cooperation as the best way to address the problem of internet censorship

    Government Control Of Communications Technology

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    The internet allows for the sharing of knowledge, communications, and business transactions on a global scale. Governmental regulation of the internet varies among different countries and regions of the world.  The benefits and burdens of such regulatory policies should be considered
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