18,267 research outputs found

    Characterization of Early and Late Adopters of ATM Card in Indian Banking Industry

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    The present study deals with affect of adoption pattern of the ATMs by banks on its characteristics. With the exploration of various characteristics of the banks like Size, Profi tability, Efficiency, Cost of Operations, Asset quality and Credit risk, Financing Pattern, Diversifi cation and Age etc.; the study has tried to differentiate between the early and late adopter category of the banks regarding ATM cards. The banks have been categorized into early and late adopters on the basis of their adoption period. For this purpose, 50 scheduled commercial banks consisting of 27 Public Sector Banks and 23 Private Sector Banks have been taken as sample to investigate the various aspects of and early adopter banks in comparison to late adopter banks. The time period of the study is 20 years i.e. from 1991 to 2010. It can be concluded that the initiators and fi rst movers take advantage over the late adopters and laggards. They have found to perform better in terms of various parameters. Overall, the early adopter banks are larger in size, more diversifi ed, having lesser branches, more market share and wide ATM network as compared to late adopter ones. Thus, the empirical results evidently reveal that the both the groups have their own different characteristics

    Service quality perception and customers’ satisfaction in internet banking service: a case study of public and private sector banks

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    Present research is based on empirical evidences collected through the customers’ survey regarding to the customers perception in internet banking services provided by public and private sector banks. It is efforts to examine the relationship between the demographics and customers’ satisfaction in internet banking, relationship between service quality and customers’ satisfaction as well as satisfaction in internet banking service provided by the public sector bank private sector banks. Present research shows that, demographics of the customers’ are one of the most important factors which influence using internet banking services. Overall results show that highly educated, a person who are employees, businessmen and belongs to higher income group and younger group are using this service, however, remaining customers are not using this services. Results also show that overall satisfaction of employees, businessmen and professionals are higher in internet banking service. There is significant difference in the customers’ perception in internet banking services provided by the public and privates sector banks. Private sector banks are providing better service quality of internet banking than service provided by the public sector banks. Therefore, public sector banks should improve their internet banking services according to the expectations of their customers.Service Quality; Perception; Customers’ Satisfaction;Internet Banking Service


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    The aim of this paper was to provide a preliminary comparative investigation of the customer satisfaction in ATM service of public and private sector banks in India. For this investigation primary data was collected from 150 respondents of public and private sector banks through a structured questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed according to the objectives of the present research and result of the statistical analysis indicates that private sector banks are providing more satisfactory ATM service as compared to public sector banks. Empirical evidences indicates that customers perception about Efficiency, Security and Responsiveness, Cost Effectiveness, Problem Handling and Compensation and Contact service related to ATM service is low in both public and privates sector banks (ranging between 3.00 to 3.50). Therefore both types of banks should aware about these aspects of ATM service to enhance customers’ satisfaction.ATM, Service quality, Brand perception, Perceived value, Satisfaction, Public and Private Banks, India

    Factors Influencing People’s Intention to Adopt E-Banking: An Empirical Study of Consumers in Shandong Province, China

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    E-Banking is growing at an unprecedented rate and has become a truly worldwide phenomenon, offering convenience, flexibility and interactivity for those that can, and know how to access it. This is clearly evidence in China. However, despite such growth and popularity, some users still have reservations about using Information and communication technology (ICT) in their daily banking activities, perhaps due to deep routed cultural factors that cause consumers to question the efficacy of such changes. Through the application of a technology acceptance framework, and empirical evidence from 52 E-Banking user questionnaires and four key market segment interviews, the research explores the factors that influence consumers’ intention to adopt E-Banking in Shandong Province of China. The findings highlight that perceived usefulness and perceived credibility are significant factors which have a positive influence on consumers’ intention to utilise E-Banking, while perceived ease of use and perceived cost are less significant. Unpacking the reasons for resistance to the use of E-Banking highlighted that “difficult to operate”, “unnecessary to use it” and “worry about the security” are key drivers and therefore challenges for the service providers. Based on the results, recommendations are drawn for banks, involving focusing on the significant factors, avoiding weaknesses and optimising strengths of E-Banking and ultimately developing more accurate market positioning strategies to align and manage consumer expectations and maximise potential acceptance

    A Study on Innovation in Banking and its Impact on Customer Satisfaction

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    Innovation through information technology (IT) has made inroads everywhere and banking is no exception to it. Whether it is private or public sector bank, everywhere innovation is the buzzword and technological breakthrough is witnessing new avenues of success. Competition is compelling everyone to move ahead and faster. Now, the working in public sector banks has been changing and customers are sensing the wave of innovation. These banks, which were working traditionally are now coming out and reaching to audience through billboards; FM radio and all possible media. Celebrity endorsements are now common in public sector banks as well. Core banking has added fuel to the fire of innovation. The ultimate results can be seen in terms of enhanced customer satisfaction in public sector as well as private sector banks. The research is an attempt to study the impact of innovative technology on customer satisfaction vis-à-vis public sector and private sector banks in Bhopal city. Primary data was collected from customers of these banks and analyzed, which has given significant results on the subject. It was found that private sector banks were having an edge in terms of success in innovation

    Strategic Extension and Perceived Usefulness of Emerging Technologies in the North Indian Banks: An Empirical Analysis

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    Technology advancement has changed the way banking business is done globally, where data Diasporas has become a great concern for management and operations of the financial service industry. This paper is an attempt to investigate the current innovation trends in banks with reference to technology-tailored services. All the services newly introduced in banks have been considered in the discussion. Primary survey has been considered to know the opinions of150 bank employees regarding the implementation of self-services in banks. For data analysis, statistical techniques such as weighted average score, cross tabulation and percentage analysis have been used. The results show that e-channels in the banking industry are gaining acceptance of recent past and growth trends are promising as the world over is heading to paperless, borderless and timeless economies. Key words: Technology, e-channels, Services, e-banking

    Strategic Extension and Perceived Usefulness of Emerging Technologies in the North Indian Banks: An Empirical Analysis

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    Technology advancement has changed the way banking business is done globally, where data Diasporas has become a great concern for management and operations of the financial service industry. This paper is an attempt to investigate the current innovation trends in banks with reference to technology-tailored services. All the services newly introduced in banks have been considered in the discussion. Primary survey has been considered to know the opinions of150 bank employees regarding the implementation of self-services in banks. For data analysis, statistical techniques such as weighted average score, cross tabulation and percentage analysis have been used. The results show that e-channels in the banking industry are gaining acceptance of recent past and growth trends are promising as the world over is heading to paperless, borderless and timeless economies Key words: Technology, e-channels, Services, e-banking

    Internet banking : Hyderabad scenario a banking and non-banking group perspective

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    Salah satu bentuk perbankan yang baru pada masa kini ialah e-perbankan atau perbankan internet. Teknologi perbankan ini menawarkan pelbagai kaedah pengurusan dan perkhidmatan bank yang mudah dan ekonomikal kepada pengguna. Tujuan kajian ini, "Internet Banking: Hyderabad Scenario - A Banking and Non-Banking Group Perspective,", adalah untuk mengkaji faktor di sebalik penerimaan teknologi perbankan internet di kalangan rakyat India. Tidak banyak kajian yang pemah dijalankan dalam bidang ini, di mana penganalisaan data dilakukan untuk mengenalpasti perbezaan yang wujud dalam persepsi perbankan internet di antara kumpulan perbankan dan kumpulan kerja bukan-perbankan. One of the forms of banking is e-banking or internet banking. This technology offers a non-traditional way through which banking products and services can be delivered to customers more conveniently and economically. The aim of this thesis "Internet Banking: Hyderabad Scenario- A Banking and Non-Banking Group Perspective" is to look in to the factors that are effecting the acceptance in the Indian market. This is among the very few researches which will try to analyze the data and find out the differences exists in the perception of internet banking between the banking and nonbanking working groups