942 research outputs found

    Branding and ranking in higher education

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    Impact of HTTP Cookie Violations in Web Archives

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    Certain HTTP Cookies on certain sites can be a source of content bias in archival crawls. Accommodating Cookies at crawl time, but not utilizing them at replay time may cause cookie violations, resulting in defaced composite mementos that never existed on the live web. To address these issues, we propose that crawlers store Cookies with short expiration time and archival replay systems account for values in the Vary header along with URIs

    Cooperative International Direct Marketing: An Alternative for Asian-Pacific Countries to Increase Exports to Industrial Market Economies

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    Exporters from Asian-Pacific Countries can successfully establish marketing presence in Industrial Market Economies by directly marketing products in these country markets. Direct marketing potential in Industrial Marketing Economies can be determined by examining two critical factors: the direct marketing infrastructure and emerging environmental changes. Although the resource requirement for direct marketing is quite substantial, exporters, who combine their resources to engage in cooperative international direct marketing, will find it easier to establish marketing presence in Industrial Market Economics

    Uloga druÅ”tvenih i poslovnih mreža u internacionalizaciji poduzeća koja se rano globaliziraju (engl. born global): Dokazi iz Srbije

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    Purpose ā€“ This paper examines the specifics of born global firms from a post-transitional European country with regard to the role of social and business networks in the internationalization process. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ Given that born global firms are an emerging phenomenon in South-Eastern Europe, the research method was a case study. Four cases were judgmentally chosen for the analysis. Literal and theoretical replication was applied. Findings and implications ā€“ Regarding the role which social and business networks play in starting and stimulating the internationalization in post-transitional countries, the results indicate similar patterns of this contemporary phenomenon to those in developed countries. The main implications for entrepreneurs and policy makers may be found in the area of fostering cooperation between small firms and enhancing their personal and business interactions through the development of industrial/technology parks, industrial clusters, and business incubators. Limitations ā€“ The results have to be taken with some reservations due to a small number of firms examined and the fact that a half of them are from the information technology industry. Originality ā€“ The study contributes to the research of the born global phenomenon by addressing the issue in the South-Eastern European region, where it has not been widely investigated, especially in the context of a country with a socialist heritage.Svrha ā€“ Tema rada su specifičnosti poduzeća koja se rano globaliziraju (engl. born global) iz posttranzicijske europske zemlje, u pogledu uloge druÅ”tvenih i poslovnih mreža u procesu internacionalizacije. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ S obzirom da su poduzeća koja se rano globaliziraju (engl. born global) pojava u nastajanju u jugoistočnoj Europi, odabrana je metoda studije slučaja. Za analizu su odabrana četiri slučaja, i to oni za koje se predviđaju slični rezultati (engl. Literal replication) kao i slučajevi za koje se pretpostavlja da će pružiti kontradiktorne rezultate (engl. Theoretical replication). Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Å to se tiče uloge druÅ”tvenih i poslovnih mreža u pokretanju i poticanju internacionalizacije u posttranzicijskim zemljama, rezultati pokazuju obrasce ovog suvremenog fenomena slične onima u razvijenim zemljama. Glavne implikacije za poduzetnike i kreatore politika u području su poticanje suradnje između malih poduzeća i jačanju njihovih osobnih i poslovnih interakcija kroz razvoj industrijskih/tehnoloÅ”kih parkova, industrijskih klastera i poslovnih inkubatora. Ograničenja ā€“ Rezultati se moraju razmatrati uz određena ograničenja zbog malog broja ispitanih poduzeća i činjenice da ih je polovica iz IT industrije. Doprinos ā€“ Rad doprinosi istraživanju fenomena poduzeća koja se rano globaliziraju (engl. born global) zahvaljujući činjenici da temu razmatra u jugoistočnoj Europi gdje ne postoji puno istraživanja, posebno u kontekstu zemlje sa socijalističkim naslijeđem

    An Empirical Study of the Landscape of Open Source Projects in Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent

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    Open source software has drawn more and more attention from researchers, developers and companies nowadays. Meanwhile, many Chinese technology companies are embracing open source and choosing to open source their projects. Nevertheless, most previous studies are concentrated on international companies such as Microsoft or Google, while the practical values of open source projects of Chinese technology companies remain unclear. To address this issue, we conduct a mixed-method study to investigate the landscape of projects open sourced by three large Chinese technology companies, namely Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent (BAT). We study the categories and characteristics of open source projects, the developer's perceptions towards open sourcing effort for these companies, and the internationalization effort of their open source projects. We collected 1,000 open source projects that were open sourced by BAT in GitHub and performed an online survey that received 101 responses from developers of these projects. Some key findings include: 1) BAT prefer to open source frontend development projects, 2) 88\% of the respondents are positive towards open sourcing software projects in their respective companies, 3) 64\% of the respondents reveal that the most common motivations for BAT to open source their projects are the desire to gain fame, expand their influence and gain recruitment advantage, 4) respondents believe that the most common internationalization effort is "providing an English version of readme files", 5) projects with more internationalization effort (i.e., include an English readme file) are more popular. Our findings provide directions for software engineering researchers and provide practical suggestions to software developers and Chinese technology companies

    Toward a widely usable finite-state morphology workbench for less studied languages, 1: Desiderata

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    Most of the worldā€™s languages lack electronic word form dictionaries. The linguists who gather such dictionaries could be helped with an efficient morphology workbench that adapts to different environments and uses. A widely usable workbench could be characterized, ideally, as generally applicable, extensible, and freely available (GEA). It seems that such a solution could be implemented in the framework of finite-state methods. The current work defines the GEA desiderata and starts a series of articles concerning these desiderata in finite- state morphology. Subsequent parts will review the state of the art and present an action plan toward creating a widely usable finite-state morphology workbench.Most of the worldā€™s languages lack electronic word form dictionaries. The linguists who gather such dictionaries could be helped with an efficient morphology workbench that adapts to different environments and uses. A widely usable workbench could be characterized, ideally, as generally applicable, extensible, and freely available (GEA). It seems that such a solution could be implemented in the framework of finite-state methods. The current work defines the GEA desiderata and starts a series of articles concerning these desiderata in finite- state morphology. Subsequent parts will review the state of the art and present an action plan toward creating a widely usable finite-state morphology workbench.Peer reviewe

    Database of audio records

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