12 research outputs found

    A systematic review of systematic review process in software engineering

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    ContextMany researchers adopting systematic reviews (SRs) have also published papers discussing problems with the SR methodology and suggestions for improving it. Since guidelines for SRs in software engineering (SE) were last updated in 2007, we believe it is time to investigate whether the guidelines need to be amended in the light of recent research.ObjectiveTo identify, evaluate and synthesize research published by software engineering researchers concerning their experiences of performing SRs and their proposals for improving the SR process.MethodWe undertook a systematic review of papers reporting experiences of undertaking SRs and/or discussing techniques that could be used to improve the SR process. Studies were classified with respect to the stage in the SR process they addressed, whether they related to education or problems faced by novices and whether they proposed the use of textual analysis tools.ResultsWe identified 68 papers reporting 63 unique studies published in SE conferences and journals between 2005 and mid-2012. The most common criticisms of SRs were that they take a long time, that SE digital libraries are not appropriate for broad literature searches and that assessing the quality of empirical studies of different types is difficult.ConclusionWe recommend removing advice to use structured questions to construct search strings and including advice to use a quasi-gold standard based on a limited manual search to assist the construction of search stings and evaluation of the search process. Textual analysis tools are likely to be useful for inclusion/exclusion decisions and search string construction but require more stringent evaluation. SE researchers would benefit from tools to manage the SR process but existing tools need independent validation. Quality assessment of studies using a variety of empirical methods remains a major problem

    Um Método de aquisição de conhecimento para customização de modelos de capacidade/maturidade de processos de software

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnoclógico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2011A Engenharia do Conhecimento provê métodos que possibilitam o entendimento das estruturas e processos utilizados por especialistas, no intuito de criar uma melhor integração da tecnologia da informação em suporte ao trabalho intelectual. Um dos principais processos da Engenharia do Conhecimento é a aquisição de conhecimento, que consiste em extrair o conhecimento necessário a partir de suas diversas fontes, de modo a poder codificá-lo e reutilizá-lo. O conhecimento representado na forma de melhores práticas constitui-se no encapsulamento de experiências que, quando repetidas, levam a alcançar resultados semelhantes. Nesse sentido, os Modelos de Capacidade/ Maturidade de Processo de Software (SPCMMs) são frameworks de melhores práticas de desenvolvimento de software e têm sido customizados para atender as necessidades específicas de qualidade de cada domínio de desenvolvimento de software. Neste sentido, esta tese apresenta um método de aquisição de conhecimento para customização de SPCMMs para domínios específicos, desenvolvido com base nas experiências de desenvolvimento de SPCMMs relatadas na literatura, nos processos e técnicas de aquisição de conhecimento, processos de desenvolvimento de normas de qualidade e em frameworks de desenvolvimento de modelos de qualidade de processo. O método é avaliado por especialistas e utilizado na customização de dois SPCMMs. Os resultados observados revelam primeiros indícios de que o método é adequado e aplicável à aquisição de conhecimento para a customização de SPCMMs. O método desenvolvido contribui para a Engenharia do Conhecimento na pesquisa atual em aquisição do conhecimento a partir de fontes não estruturadas e na área de aplicação em Engenharia de Software fornecendo um suporte sistemático para a customização de SPCMMs

    Empirical studies of Quality of Experience (QoE) : A Systematic Literature Survey

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    Quality of Experience (QoE) is a relatively new phenomenon. The main focus of this thesis has been to conduct a systematic literature survey of research done in the field of QoE over a ten year period. The method, developed by A. Fink, has been used to survey empirical studies. A framework of QoE has been developed, which created the possibility of grouping together and analysing all the studies in a common framework. In total, 44 studies were analysed. 66 per cent of them were studies with human participants and 34 per cent of them were studies without human participants. The majority of the selected empirical studies have analysed the sub-aspect ‘satisfaction’. Among other vital sub-aspects, which were of interest to researches, were ‘usefulness’, ‘ease of use’, ‘communication’, ‘loss/packet loss’, ‘delay’, ‘bandwidth’, and ‘jitter’. The results of this survey show that different sub-aspects depend on different services. It is not enough that one sub-aspect functions very well, because most of sub-aspects are closely related to each other. Therefore, it is very important that sub-aspects, which are dependent on each other, are functioning as one group to achieve higher QoE on user experience. This thesis may contribute to deeper understanding of the phenomenon QoE. Knowledge of QoE can bring in new ideas and new possibilities for developing a new system or products for achieving satisfaction of user experience

    An investigation of the utility and value of process patterns in the management of software development projects.

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    Pattern theory has engendered much controversy in the field of architecture; yet it has brought new insights to the field of software engineering. Patterns continue to play an important role in software engineering in general, and in software development in particular. In this study, two preliminary surveys, focusing on the two fields of architecture and software engineering, were carried out to investigate the role and effect of patterns. The surveys indicate that while, patterns are unpopular within the architecture community and are criticised for stifling creativity, software patterns are popular within the software community and a high proportion of software development companies use them in their development practice. The results however show that in the vast majority of cases, pattern usage is limited to design-based problems, involving a single type of pattern (i.e. design patterns). The results further show that process-based patterns are seldom used in the software development industry, which prompted the topic of the main investigation of this research to evaluate the effect and utility of process patterns. A controlled experimental research method was designed and used to evaluate the utility and value of process patterns in the management of software development projects. In this '2x2 factorial design' experiment, the subjects were divided in two groups of experimental and control, where the experimental groups were given a set of process patterns to use in their software development projects. Overall, there were over 750 subjects involved in this experiment and a total of 260 software development projects (individual and group projects) were investigated. Measurements of a number of appropriate software attributes were taken during the life of the projects though a devised goal-based measurement process. A further number of attributes were measured after the projects were completed. Using metrics, a number of software attributes across the four major phases of the development lifecycle (i.e. Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Delivery) were measured and statistically analysed. In addition to these specific measurement data, official marks awarded to the projects by the tutors were also used in the analysis. The objective was to determine if the experimental groups produced software projects that were of higher quality, in terms of the measured software attributes, than the control groups. The experiment results show that, in the case of thirteen measured attributes, the treated groups scored significantly higher than the control groups. The improvements are across all the four major development phases, with at least two attribute in each phase, showing significant improvement. The experiment, therefore, confirms that the application of process patterns in software development projects, improves the quality of the projects in terms of a number of specific attributes such as productivity and defect density. The results further show that the treated subjects in the group projects performed significantly better than those in the individual projects. This, therefore, confirms that while the application of process patterns significantly improves the quality of both group and individual projects, the improvement is more prominent in the case of team projects. Process patterns are thus shown to be more effective on team projects in improving the quality of software development projects

    Professional Search in Pharmaceutical Research

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    In the mid 90s, visiting libraries – as means of retrieving the latest literature – was still a common necessity among professionals. Nowadays, professionals simply access information by ‘googling’. Indeed, the name of the Web search engine market leader “Google” became a synonym for searching and retrieving information. Despite the increased popularity of search as a method for retrieving relevant information, at the workplace search engines still do not deliver satisfying results to professionals. Search engines for instance ignore that the relevance of answers (the satisfaction of a searcher’s needs) depends not only on the query (the information request) and the document corpus, but also on the working context (the user’s personal needs, education, etc.). In effect, an answer which might be appropriate to one user might not be appropriate to the other user, even though the query and the document corpus are the same for both. Personalization services addressing the context become therefore more and more popular and are an active field of research. This is only one of several challenges encountered in ‘professional search’: How can the working context of the searcher be incorporated in the ranking process; how can unstructured free-text documents be enriched with semantic information so that the information need can be expressed precisely at query time; how and to which extent can a company’s knowledge be exploited for search purposes; how should data from distributed sources be accessed from into one-single-entry-point. This thesis is devoted to ‘professional search’, i.e. search at the workplace, especially in industrial research and development. We contribute by compiling and developing several approaches for facing the challenges mentioned above. The approaches are implemented into the prototype YASA (Your Adaptive Search Agent) which provides meta-search, adaptive ranking of search results, guided navigation, and which uses domain knowledge to drive the search processes. YASA is deployed in the pharmaceutical research department of Roche in Penzberg – a major pharmaceutical company – in which the applied methods were empirically evaluated. Being confronted with mostly unstructured free-text documents and having barely explicit metadata at hand, we faced a serious challenge. Incorporating semantics (i.e. formal knowledge representation) into the search process can only be as good as the underlying data. Nonetheless, we are able to demonstrate that this issue can be largely compensated by incorporating automatic metadata extraction techniques. The metadata we were able to extract automatically was not perfectly accurate, nor did the ontology we applied contain considerably “rich semantics”. Nonetheless, our results show that already the little semantics incorporated into the search process, suffices to achieve a significant improvement in search and retrieval. We thus contribute to the research field of context-based search by incorporating the working context into the search process – an area which so far has not yet been well studied

    Second International Workshop on Realising Evidence-Based Software Engineering - Cover

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