44 research outputs found

    A switchable approach to large object allocation in real-time Java

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    Over the last 20 years object-oriented programming languages and managed run-times like Java have been very popular because of their software engineering benefits. Despite their popularity in many application areas, they have not been considered suitable for real-time programming. Besides many other factors, one of the barriers that prevent their acceptance in the development of real-time systems is the long pause times that may arise during large object allocation. This paper examines different kinds of solutions that have been developed so far and introduces a switchable approach to large object allocation in real-time Java. A synthetic benchmark application that is developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the presented technique against other currently implemented techniques is also described

    Integrating SAT with MDG for Efficient Invariant Checking

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    Multiway Decision Graph (MDG) is a canonical representation of a subset of many-sorted first-order logic. It generalizes the logic of equality with abstract types and uninterpreted function symbols. The area of Satisfiability (SAT) has been the subject of intensive research in recent years, with significant theoretical and practical contributions. From a practical perspective, a large number of very effective SAT solvers have recently been proposed, most of which based on improvements made to the original Davis-Putnam algorithm. Local search algorithms have allowed solving extremely large satisfiable instances of SAT. The combination between various verification methodologies will enhance the capabilities of each and overcome their limitations. In this thesis, we introduce a methodology and propose a new design verification tool integrating MDG and SAT, to check the safety of a design by invariant checking. Using MDG to encode the set of states provide powerful mean of abstraction. We use SAT solver searching for paths of reachable states violating the property under certain encoding constraints. In addition, we also introduce an automated conversion-verification methodology to convert a Directed Formula (DF) into Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) formula that can be fed to a SAT solver. The formal verification of this conversion is conducted within the HOL theorem prover. Finally, we implement and conduct experiment on some examples along with a case study to show the correctness and the efficiency of our approach

    A novel seed based random interleaving for OFDM system and its phy layer security implications

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    In this work, a novel near optimal seed based random interlcaver is designed. An optimal interleaver scatters a given burst of errors uniformly over a fixed block of data -a property that is measured by so called 'spread'

    Manipulating Code Annotations

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    This thesis concerns language theory and metaprogramming, more specifically, a kind of metaprogramming performed during program execution. This thesis proposes a technique that help simplify and partially automate many tasks involved on these two aspects of software design and development. A powerful and smart metaprogramming mechanism, which works at runtime on virtual machine level, and which is applicable to any language supported by the virtual machine itself is provided. The mechanism is based on simple source code annotations. Applications of this technique varies from code specialization to code reuse and deployment. Different examples of application are provided

    Incrémentalité et simulation d'effets dans le lambda calcul simplement typé

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    Certified programming is a framework in which any program is correct by construction. Proof assistants and dependently typed programming languages are the representatives of this paradigm where the proof and implementation of a program are done at the same time. However, it has some limitations: a program in Type Theory is built only with pure and total functions.Our objective is to write efficient and certified programs. The contributions of this work are the formalization, in the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus, of two mechanisms to achieve efficiency: to validate impure computations and to optimize computations by incrementality.An impure computation, that is a program with effects, and its validation in a functional and total language is done through a posteriori simulation. The simulation is performed afterwards on a monadic procedure and is guided by a prophecy. An efficient oracle is responsible for producing prophecies which is actually, the monadic procedure itself translated into an effectful programming language.The second contribution is an optimization to perform incremental computations. Incrementality as a way to propagate an input change into a corresponding output change is guided by formal change descriptions over terms and dynamic differentiation of functions.Displaceable types represent data-changes while an extension of the simply typed lambda calculus with differentials and partial derivatives offers a language to reason about incrementality.La programmation certifiée offre un cadre dans lequel tout programme est correct par construction. Les assistants de preuve et les langages de programmation avec types dépendents sont les représentants de ce paradigme, où la prévue et l’implementation d’un programme sont faites au même temps. Toutefois, il existe certaines limitations : un programme écrit en théorie des types est construit seulement avec des fonctions pures et totales.Notre objectif est d’écrire des programmes efficaces et certifiés. Les contributions de cette thèse sont la formalisation, dans le lambda calcul simplement typé, de deux mécanismes pour améliorer l’efficacité : la validation des calculs impurs et l’optimisation des calculs incrémentaux.Un calcul impur, c’est-à-dire un programme avec effets, et sa validation dans un langage fonctionnel et total est fait á l’aide d’une simulation a posteriori. La simulation est effectuée après, par une procédure monadique et elle est guidée par une prophétie. Un oracle efficace est responsable de la production des prophéties et lui est en fait, la procédure monadique traduite dans un language de programmation généraliste.La deuxième contribution est une optimisation pour les calculs incrémentaux. L’incrémentalité consiste à propager des changements des entrées en changements des sorties, elle est guidée par les descriptions formelles du changement des termes et une différenciation dynamique des fonctions. La représentation des changements de données est pris en charge par les types déplaçables et une extension du lambda calcul simplement typé avec dérivées et dérivées partielles offre un language pour raisonner sur l’incrementalité

    A novel seed based random interleaving for OFDM system and its phy layer security implications

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    In this work, a novel near optimal seed based random interlcaver is designed. An optimal interleaver scatters a given burst of errors uniformly over a fixed block of data -a property that is measured by so called 'spread'

    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

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    Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs has had a dramatic impact on computer science curricula over the past decade. This long-awaited revision contains changes throughout the text. There are new implementations of most of the major programming systems in the book, including the interpreters and compilers, and the authors have incorporated many small changes that reflect their experience teaching the course at MIT since the first edition was published. A new theme has been introduced that emphasizes the central role played by different approaches to dealing with time in computational models: objects with state, concurrent programming, functional programming and lazy evaluation, and nondeterministic programming. There are new example sections on higher-order procedures in graphics and on applications of stream processing in numerical programming, and many new exercises. In addition, all the programs have been reworked to run in any Scheme implementation that adheres to the IEEE standard

    Development of linguistic linked open data resources for collaborative data-intensive research in the language sciences

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    Making diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, and accessible: perspectives from language/language acquistiion researchers and technical LOD (linked open data) researchers. This volume examines the challenges inherent in making diverse data in linguistics and the language sciences open, distributed, integrated, and accessible, thus fostering wide data sharing and collaboration. It is unique in integrating the perspectives of language researchers and technical LOD (linked open data) researchers. Reporting on both active research needs in the field of language acquisition and technical advances in the development of data interoperability, the book demonstrates the advantages of an international infrastructure for scholarship in the field of language sciences. With contributions by researchers who produce complex data content and scholars involved in both the technology and the conceptual foundations of LLOD (linguistics linked open data), the book focuses on the area of language acquisition because it involves complex and diverse data sets, cross-linguistic analyses, and urgent collaborative research. The contributors discuss a variety of research methods, resources, and infrastructures. Contributors Isabelle Barrière, Nan Bernstein Ratner, Steven Bird, Maria Blume, Ted Caldwell, Christian Chiarcos, Cristina Dye, Suzanne Flynn, Claire Foley, Nancy Ide, Carissa Kang, D. Terence Langendoen, Barbara Lust, Brian MacWhinney, Jonathan Masci, Steven Moran, Antonio Pareja-Lora, Jim Reidy, Oya Y. Rieger, Gary F. Simons, Thorsten Trippel, Kara Warburton, Sue Ellen Wright, Claus Zin

    Second Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications

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    The proceedings of the conference are presented. This second conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications brings together a diversity of scientific and engineering work and is intended to provide an opportunity for those who employ AI methods in space applications to identify common goals and to discuss issues of general interest in the AI community