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    Identifying and Prioritizing the Effective Criteria in Selecting Lean Six Sigma Improvement Projects in the Healthcare Sector

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    [EN] The main objective of this study was to identify and prioritize effective criteria in selecting Lean Six Sigma improvement projects in the healthcare and treatment sector in Iran. The present study was an applied research in terms of objective and a descriptive and analytical one according to the research methodology and data collection approach. The research statistical population included experts and managers with experience in the field of implementing the lean six sigma methodology in the field of healthcare and treatment in Iran. We used interviews and questionnaire tools to collect the data. The effective criteria were identified through reviewing previous research, which were then prioritized based on the experts’ opinions using the BWM method. According to the results, out of the six main dimensions and 20 criteria identified, the customer development dimension with a weight of 0.387 and the customer satisfaction criterion with a weight of 0.066 were determined as the most effective dimension and the most effective criterion, respectively. Accordingly, the directors of medical centers and organizations affiliated with the healthcare sector are recommended to pay special attention to these defined criteria of the customer development dimension to effectively implement the lean six sigma methodology and managing an effective customer relationship.Bazrkar, A.; Aramoon, V.; Aramoon, E. (2021). Identifying and Prioritizing the Effective Criteria in Selecting Lean Six Sigma Improvement Projects in the Healthcare Sector. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management. 12(2):41-55. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.15766OJS4155122Ahmed, S., Abd Manaf, N. H., & Islam, R. (2018). 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    Exploring Maintainability Assurance Research for Service- and Microservice-Based Systems: Directions and Differences

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    User involvement in healthcare technology development and assessment: Structured literature review

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    Purpose – Medical device users are one of the principal stakeholders of medical device technologies. User involvement in medical device technology development and assessment is central to meet their needs. Design/methodology/approach – A structured review of literature, published from 1980 to 2005 in peer-reviewed journals, was carried out from social science perspective to investigate the practice of user involvement in the development and assessment of medical device technologies. This was followed by qualitative thematic analysis. Findings – It is found that users of medical devices include clinicians, patients, carers and others. Different kinds of medical devices are developed and assessed by user involvement. The user involvement occurs at different stages of the medical device technology lifecycle and the degree of user involvement is in the order of design stage > testing and trials stage > deployment stage > concept stage. Methods most commonly used for capturing users’ perspectives are usability tests, interviews and questionnaire surveys. Research limitations/implications – We did not review the relevant literature published in engineering, medical and nursing fields, which might have been useful. Practical implications – Consideration of the users’ characteristics and the context of medical device use is critical for developing and assessing medical device technologies from users’ perspectives. Originality/value – This study shows that users of medical device technologies are not homogeneous but heterogeneous, in several aspects, and their needs, skills and working environments vary. This is important consideration for incorporating users’ perspectives in medical device technologies. Paper type: Literature review
