108 research outputs found

    A usage analytics model for analysing user behaviour in IBM academic cloud

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    Usage in the software domain refers to the knowledge about how end- users use the application and how the application responds to the user’s actions. Usage can be revealed by monitoring the user’s interaction with the application. However, in the cloud environment, it is non-trivial to understand the interactions of the users by using only the monitoring solutions. For example, user’s behaviour, user’s usage pattern, which features of a cloud application are critical for a user, to name a few, cannot be extracted using only the existing monitoring tools. Understanding these information require additional analysis, which can be done by using usage analytics. For this purpose, in this paper, we propose a novel process model design for incorporating Usage Analytics in a cloud environment. We evaluate this proposed process model in the context of academic applications and services in the cloud, with the focus on IBM Academic Cloud

    An IT service engineering and management framework (ITS-EMF)

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    There is a rich amount of literature on services from Information Technology (IT) (Management view) and IT System Engineering (ITSE) (Engineering view) domains. However, such a variety has produced disparate views. Furthermore, given that IT and ITSE service-based systems must be linked to business services (the User view), conceptual interrelationships are increased, causing yet more diversity. This paper identifies that this generates a lack of theoretical conceptual cohesion and leads to multiple practical confusions. To address these issues and to reduce such conceptual gaps, an IT Service Engineering and Management Framework (ITS-EMF) is proposed. ITS-EMF is generated by careful review and examination of the main conceptualiza- tions on IT, ITSE and business services. The paper claims that ITS-EMF is useful for: (1) mapping services concepts from disparate IT literature, (2) reducing service conceptual confusion from the multiple available sources, and (3) providing conceptual links between service constructs used in business services and IT and ITSE services layers. It concludes with the implications, both academic and practical, for engineering and managing IT services in business organizations

    Medición para la evaluación transversal de metodologías de gestión de proyectos

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    La gestión de proyectos de software incluye varios aspectos: dirección, alcance, interesados, riesgos, planificación y control de actividades, requerimientos del proyecto, y objetivos de negocios. Remite a las habilidades del director de proyecto para administrar problemas vinculados con la gestión y tecnología. La gestión correcta de proyectos busca la conclusión en tiempo y forma de los mismos. Entre las razones para no alcanzar los objetivos en tiempo y forma se pueden citar: planificación insuficiente pobre definición de requerimientos, falta de habilidades, problemas con la disciplina de gestión y organización por parte de los encargados de llevar adelante los proyectos. Asimismo, diversos autores proponen el enfoque “híbrido”, que fusiona las propuestas tradicionales con ágiles. En esta metodología los gestores del proyecto deben centrarse no sólo en el objetivo final sino también en el momento donde se opta por una metodología u otra. En este artículo se presentan los tópicos de interés del proyecto Generación de marco de medición para la evaluación transversal de metodologías de gestión de proyectos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informátic

    PVSAT Optical strategy to boost glass sales in Sintang City

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    Pvsat Optics is a private company operating in the eye health sector. Glasses are one of the products at Optik Pvsat. Glasses are a visual aid for someone who suffers from nearsightedness or farsightedness. This research aims to determine Pvsat Optical's strategy for increasing glass sales in Sintang. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this research were collected by interviewing customers, documentation, and observation. This research shows that Optik Pvsat uses several strategies to increase sales, namely conducting training for employees and implementing marketing strategies by utilizing social media. Promotions implemented by Optik Pvsat include promotions online and in person. Online promotions include social media such as WhatsApp and Instagram, while offline promotions include banners/billboards or direct education to customers. This education conveys the customer's benefits of using glasses

    The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth and Price on Purchase Decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta

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    This study aims to examine the effect of electronic word of mouth and price on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. The respondents in this study were consumers at Yogyakarta. The number of respondents in this study were 115 respondents. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis technique with SPSS as an analytical tool.             The results of multiple linear regression test showed that: 1) Electronic word of mouth partially had a significant effect on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. 2) Price partially has a significant effect on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. 3) Electronic word of mouth and price simultaneously have a significant effect on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. Keywords: Electronic Word of Mouth, Price, Purchase Decision.This study aims to examine the effect of electronic word of mouth and price on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. The respondents in this study were consumers at Yogyakarta. The number of respondents in this study were 115 respondents. Sampling was done by purposive sampling technique. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis technique with SPSS as an analytical tool.             The results of multiple linear regression test showed that: 1) Electronic word of mouth partially had a significant effect on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. 2) Price partially has a significant effect on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. 3) Electronic word of mouth and price simultaneously have a significant effect on purchase decision Mie Ayam Bu Tumini at Yogyakarta. Keywords: Electronic Word of Mouth, Price, Purchase Decision

    Collaborative Research In Service Science: Quality And Innovation

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    The unprecedented shift in customer, corporate and societal demand for services and the management of corresponding resources has created a critical need for research, education, and outreach in service systems. Universities worldwide are addressing this need through the establishment of collaborative research centers, such as the Center for Services Science, Quality and Innovation (SSQI) at Virginia Tech. This paper discusses service science as a promising field of research and suggests opportunities for collaboration across disciplines, institutions and cultures

    CAPD: A Context-Aware, Policy-Driven Framework for Secure and Resilient IoBT Operations

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    The Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) will advance the operational effectiveness of infantry units. However, this requires autonomous assets such as sensors, drones, combat equipment, and uncrewed vehicles to collaborate, securely share information, and be resilient to adversary attacks in contested multi-domain operations. CAPD addresses this problem by providing a context-aware, policy-driven framework supporting data and knowledge exchange among autonomous entities in a battlespace. We propose an IoBT ontology that facilitates controlled information sharing to enable semantic interoperability between systems. Its key contributions include providing a knowledge graph with a shared semantic schema, integration with background knowledge, efficient mechanisms for enforcing data consistency and drawing inferences, and supporting attribute-based access control. The sensors in the IoBT provide data that create populated knowledge graphs based on the ontology. This paper describes using CAPD to detect and mitigate adversary actions. CAPD enables situational awareness using reasoning over the sensed data and SPARQL queries. For example, adversaries can cause sensor failure or hijacking and disrupt the tactical networks to degrade video surveillance. In such instances, CAPD uses an ontology-based reasoner to see how alternative approaches can still support the mission. Depending on bandwidth availability, the reasoner initiates the creation of a reduced frame rate grayscale video by active transcoding or transmits only still images. This ability to reason over the mission sensed environment and attack context permits the autonomous IoBT system to exhibit resilience in contested conditions

    Job Burnout Assessment Among Officer Grade Bank Employees of Meerut District

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    Background: India is in a transitioning state and so is it’s banking sector with wide socioeconomic differences and rapidly growing economy. In order to ensure smooth implementation of these policies, bank employees in banks are required to put in extra labor and hours of work and the fact that policies keep on changing time to time are a constant stressors in bank employees which may lead to burnout. Methods and Material: This was cross sectional study carried out among of Officer grade bank employees of urban block Meerut district situated in Uttar Pradesh. A total of 216 samples were collected through self-designed and semi structured questionnaire which included socio demographic profile and Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire (SMBQ) for assessing burnout.  The simple random sampling technique was applied through computer random tables method  for selection of banks and data was analyzed through SPSS19 and Microsoft excel .Results: 19.4% bank officers have pathological burnout and 55.1% of bank officers who are at brink of developing burnout. Conclusions: The Physical fatigue factor was found to be the least responsible for burnout in our study and the prevalence of burnout was found significantly more among married bank officers, living with nuclear type of family