590,078 research outputs found

    Editorial Preface

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    It is with great pleasure that we present the 4th regular issue of Volume 10 of the International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE). This edition features the latest findings and research in the area of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering.We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the enthusiastic and vigorous support and contributions from the Editorial Board and Reviewers of IJIE for taking time and effort to review manuscripts. As no manuscript is accepted or rejected without careful reading by experts in a particular area to which the paper is related. The experts have maintained a high standard of scholarship and we believe the readers of this Journal deserves.It is our hope that this fine collection of articles will be a valuable resource for International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE) readers and will stimulate further research in the area of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering. We strongly encourage authors to submit their articles and readers to provide feedback. In order to access the online version of this issue along with archived editions please visit our website http://penerbit.uthm.edu.my/ojs/index.php/ijie/.We would like to thank all the authors who have contributed manuscripts in IJIE and those who are awaiting their manuscripts for publication in subsequent issues

    Inferring export orientation from corporate websites

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    This is an author's accepted manuscript of an article published in: “Applied Economics Letters"; Volume 21, Issue 7, 2014; copyright Taylor & Francis; available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2013.872752The purpose of this article is to infer indicators about the export orientation of firms from the analysis of their corporate websites. Using a dataset of manufacturing firms, two logistic regressions were performed and compared: one considering some firm structural variables, and another considering some web-based variables. Results showed that the website features are good predictors of the export orientation of firms, performing as well as the classic economic variables.Blázquez Soriano, MD.; Doménech I De Soria, J. (2014). Inferring export orientation from corporate websites. Applied Economics Letters. 21(7):509-512. doi:10.1080/13504851.2013.872752S509512217Bonaccorsi, A. (1992). On the Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Intensity. Journal of International Business Studies, 23(4), 605-635. doi:10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8490280DA, Z., ENGELBERG, J., & GAO, P. (2011). In Search of Attention. The Journal of Finance, 66(5), 1461-1499. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6261.2011.01679.xDzielinski, M. (2012). Measuring economic uncertainty and its impact on the stock market. Finance Research Letters, 9(3), 167-175. doi:10.1016/j.frl.2011.10.003Freund, C. L., & Weinhold, D. (2004). The effect of the Internet on international trade. Journal of International Economics, 62(1), 171-189. doi:10.1016/s0022-1996(03)00059-xGirma, S., Greenaway, avid, & Kneller, R. (2004). Does Exporting Increase Productivity? A Microeconometric Analysis of Matched Firms. Review of International Economics, 12(5), 855-866. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9396.2004.00486.xLee, J., & Morrison, A. M. (2010). A comparative study of web site performance. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 1(1), 50-67. doi:10.1108/17579881011023016Murphy, J., & Scharl, A. (2007). An investigation of global versus local online branding. International Marketing Review, 24(3), 297-312. doi:10.1108/02651330710755302Nassimbeni, G. (2001). Technology, innovation capacity, and the export attitude of small manufacturing firms: a logit/tobit model. Research Policy, 30(2), 245-262. doi:10.1016/s0048-7333(99)00114-6Preis, T., Reith, D., & Stanley, H. E. (2010). Complex dynamics of our economic life on different scales: insights from search engine query data. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 368(1933), 5707-5719. doi:10.1098/rsta.2010.0284Spence, M. M. (2003). Small Business Economics, 20(1), 83-103. doi:10.1023/a:1020200621988Varian, H. R. (2010). Computer Mediated Transactions. American Economic Review, 100(2), 1-10. doi:10.1257/aer.100.2.1Wholey, J. S., & Hatry, H. P. (1992). The Case for Performance Monitoring. Public Administration Review, 52(6), 604. doi:10.2307/97717

    Increasing Children's Character Overt Behaviours by Neuro Pedagogy-Based Play

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    The research aims to improve the character of children aged 4-6 years by implementing the way the individual interacts with the environment. Qualitative research methods were used in this study, where researchers investigated the open behavior of children aged 4-6 years during neuropedagogy-based play, as well as the open behavior of preschool teachers' professional characters in managing play. The participants in this research were 20 children aged 4-6 years and 4 teachers who were chosen deliberately. The results of the study revealed that all the children's overt character behaviors improved after participating in neuropedagogy-based play. There was not a single child who was classified as having open early behavior. On the other hand, preschool teachers consistently demonstrate the implications of their professional behavior. Based on research findings, it is proven that neuro-pedagogy-based play is beneficial for preschool children and teachers. Extrapolated from this interpretation, curriculum designers and teaching practices are informed that neuro pedagogy-based play can strengthen children's character, this is necessary in preparing future generations who can overcome all challenges in the future. Keywords: neuro pedagogy-based play, open character behavior, children aged 4-6 years References: Bandura A (1997) Social Learning Theory. New Jersey: Prentice  Hall, Inc A Paramount Communication Company Englewood Cliff Beibert M. Hanna & Hasellhorn  Marcus (2016). Individual Differences in Moral Development : Does Intelligence Really Affect Children’s Moral Emotion? Department of Education and Human Development. German Institute for International Educational Research, Frankfurt am Main. Germany Bonomo Virginia (2017) Brain-Based Learning Theory. Journal of Education and Human Development, Vol 6 No 1(Online) DOI: 10.15640/jehd.v6n1a3. URL: http://doi.org/10.15640/jehd.v6na3 Bransford J, Brown A, and Cocking, (2000). How People Learn: Brain, Mind and Experience & School. Washington, DC: National Academy Press Budiartati Emmy. Y & Jamaris Martini  (2018) Music Instructional to Develop Character Value for Early Childhood at Fishery Community Tambak Lorok Semarang City. Journal of Non-Formal Education 4, 47-56 Carter R, Aldridge S, Pge M, & Parker S ( 2009 ) The Human Brain Book. New York, NY: DK Publishing Chojak. M (2018) Neuropedagogy as a Scientific Discipline: Interdisciplinary Description of the Theoretical Basis for the Development of a Research  Field. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. International Journal of Education and Pedagogical Science . Vol 12, No 8, 2018 Chudler E.C (2005) Brain Plasticity What is it?. http://www.faculty.washington.edu/chudler/plast.html Collin Gallian & Dixson Hazel. (1993). Integrated Learning Planned Curriculum Unit (Bookshelf tt) Collin. JW (2007) The Neuroscience and Learning. The Journal of Neuroscience Nursing: Journal of The American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, 39 (5) pp 395-400 Dick Walter & Carey Lou (1985). The Systematic Design of Instruction.  Glenview, Illinois, London England: Scoot, Foresman and Company Fogerty Robin (1991). How to Integrate Curricula. Palaline: IRI/Skylight Training and Publishing Inc. p xii Friedman Issac, Grobgeld Etty & Teichman Weinberg Ariela ( 2016). Neuropedagpgy in Teacher Education. The Mofet Institute: International Portal of Teacher Education. Haghigh Maryam (2013). The Effect of Brain Learning on Iranian EFL Learners ‘Achievement and Retain. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Science, vol 70, page 508-516 Hayes, B. Grant & Hagedorn, W. Bryce (2000).” A Case of Character Education.” Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development 39, (1) 2-4 Henniger L. Mitchel (2013) Teaching Young Children. One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, USA: Pearson Education Intan Ahmad (2019) Pidato Rektor Wisuda Tahun Akademik 2018-2019. Jakarta: Unversitas Negeri Jakarta, 1-12 Keles Esra & Cepni Salih,(2006 ) Brain and Learning. Journal of Turkish Science Education, Volume 3, Issue 2, December 2006 Lapina SJ & Colombo JA. (2009 )  Proverty and Brain Development During Cilhdhood: An Approach from Cognitive Psychology and Neuroccience. Washsington, DC. Amarivan Psychological Association Likona, Thomas ( 1996) Eleven Principles for Effective Character Education. Journal of Moral Education 25 (1) :93-100 Martini Jamaris (2016) Empowering Logical Mathemetical of the 4-6 Years Old Children through the Neurosensory Instructional Approach. American Journal of Educational Research. Vol 4. No 10, 768-776.  DOI: 10.12691/education4-10-10 Martini Jamaris & Sofia Hartati (2017) The Role of Undergraduate Students ‘Self-Regulation and Its Influence on their Academic Achievements. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research 5 May/June 2017, 544-552 Martini Jamaris, Edwita & Trisna Mulyeni (2019) Instructional Model Based Neuro Pedagogy for Character Education of the 4-6 Years Old Children. Research Report. Jakarta  LPPM Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Nass L. Martin (2017) The Superego and Moral Development in the Theories of Freud and Piaget. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, Volume 21, 1966,Issue1 1. Contribution of Psychoanalysis Theory. http://doi.org/10.1080/00797308. 1966. 11823252 O’Rahilly R, Mueller F ( 2008) Significant Feature in The Early Prenatal Development of The Human Brain.   Annal Of Anatomy Porter Nancy (1972) Kohlberg and Moral Development. Journal of  Moral Education volume 1 1972, Issue2. Publish on line  7 Juli 2016, http://doi.org/10.1080/030572472001­0206 Rushton. Stephen, Rushon - Jualo Anne & larkin Elizabeth (2019) Neuroscience, Play and Early Childhood Education: Connections, Implications and Assessment.  Early Childhood Education Journal 37: 351-361. DOI 10.1007/s10643-009-0359-3 Santrock, W. John (1996 ) Child Development. Chicago: Brown & Benchmark Seravac, Zoran & Jevanovic Jelena ( 2012) Adaptive Neuro-Fizzy Pedagogical Recommender. Expert Systems with Applications. Volume 39, Issue 10. , 9797-9806 Shearer, Banton (2018). Multiple Intelligences in Teaching and Education Lessons Learned from Neuroscience. Journal of Intelligence, Vol 6, No 38; doi: 10.3390/jintellgence6030038 Soldz ,Stephen (1988) The Construction of Meaning: Kagan, Piaget, and Psychoanalysis. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy 18 (1) p 46-59 the phenomena of mind.Nature.com/scitable/blog/brain ) Voytek, Brown (2013) Brain Matricts: How measuring brian biology can explain. White E. Rachel (2012) Power of Play. Minnesota: Minnesota Children’s Museum   &nbsp

    Factors Affecting Teacher Readiness for Online Learning (TROL) in Early Childhood Education: TISE and TPACK

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    This study aims to find empirical information about the effect of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), and Technology Integration Self Efficacy (TISE) on Teacher Readiness for Online Learning (TROL). This study uses a quantitative survey method with path analysis techniques. This study measures the readiness of kindergarten teachers in distance learning in Tanah Datar Regency, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia with a sampling technique using simple random sampling involving 105 teachers. Empirical findings reveal that; 1) there is a direct positive effect of Technology Integration Self Efficacy on Teacher Readiness for Online Learning; 2) there is a direct positive effect of PACK on Teacher Readiness for Online Learning; 3) there is a direct positive effect of Technology Integration Self Efficacy on TPACK. If want to improve teacher readiness for online learning, Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) must be improved by paying attention to Technology Integration Self Efficacy (TISE). Keywords: TROL, TPACK, TISE, Early Childhood Education References: Abbitt, J. T. (2011). An Investigation of the Relationship between Self-Efficacy Beliefs about Technology Integration and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) among Preservice Teachers. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 27(4), 134–143. Adedoyin, O. B., & Soykan, E. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: The challenges and opportunities. Interactive Learning Environments, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1813180 Adnan, M. (2020). Online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Students perspectives. Journal of Pedagogical Sociology and Psychology, 1(2), 45–51. https://doi.org/10.33902/JPSP.2020261309 Alqurashi, E. (2016). Self-Efficacy in Online Learning Environments: A Literature Review. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), 9(1), 45–52. https://doi.org/10.19030/cier.v9i1.9549 Amir, H. (2016). Korelasi Pengaruh Faktor Efikasi Diri Dan Manajemen Diri Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia Unversitas Bengkulu. Manajer Pendidikan, 10(4). Anderson, T. (2008). The theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca University Press. Anggraeni, N., Ridlo, S., & Setiati, N. (2018). The Relationship Between TISE and TPACK among Prospective Biology Teachers of UNNES. Journal of Biology Education, 7(3), 305–311. https://doi.org/10.15294/jbe.v7i3.26021 Ariani, D. N. (2015). Hubungan antara Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge dengan Technology Integration Self Efficacy Guru Matematika di Sekolah Dasar. Muallimuna: Jurnal Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 1(1), 79–91. Birisci, S., & Kul, E. (2019). Predictors of Technology Integration Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Preservice Teachers. Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(1). https://doi.org/10.30935/cet.512537 Bozkurt, A., Jung, I., Xiao, J., Vladimirschi, V., Schuwer, R., Egorov, G., Lambert, S. R., Al-freih, M., Pete, J., Olcott, D., Rodes, V., Aranciaga, I., Bali, M., Alvarez, A. V, Roberts, J., Pazurek, A., Raffaghelli, J. E., Panagiotou, N., CoĂŤtlogon, P. De, … Paskevicius, M. (2020). UVicSPACE: Research & Learning Repository Navigating in a time of uncertainty and crisis. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(1), 1–126. Brinkley-Etzkorn, K. E. (2018). Learning to teach online: Measuring the influence of faculty development training on teaching effectiveness through a TPACK lens. The Internet and Higher Education, 38, 28–35. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iheduc.2018.04.004 Butnaru, G. I., Niță, V., Anichiti, A., & BrĂŽnză, G. (2021). The effectiveness of online education during covid 19 pandemic—A comparative analysis between the perceptions of academic students and high school students from romania. 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    Analysis of the 'Endoworm' prototype's ability to grip the bowel in in vitro and ex vivo models

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    [EN] Access to the small bowel by means of an enteroscope is difficult, even using current devices such as single-balloon or double-balloon enteroscopes. Exploration time and patient discomfort are the main drawbacks. The prototype 'Endoworm' analysed in this paper is based on a pneumatic translation system that, gripping the bowel, enables the endoscope to move forward while the bowel slides back over its most proximal part. The grip capacity is related to the pressure inside the balloon, which depends on the insufflate volume of air. Different materials were used as in vitro and ex vivo models: rigid polymethyl methacrylate, flexible silicone, polyester urethane and ex vivo pig small bowel. On measuring the pressure-volume relationship, we found that it depended on the elastic properties of the lumen and that the frictional force depended on the air pressure inside the balloons and the lumen's elastic properties. In the presence of a lubricant, the grip on the simulated intestinal lumens was drastically reduced, as was the influence of the lumen's properties. This paper focuses on the Endoworm's ability to grip the bowel, which is crucial to achieving effective endoscope forward advance and bowel foldingThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Project (PI18/01365) and by the UPV/IIS LA Fe through the (Endoworm 3.0) Project. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with the assistance of the European Regional Development FundTobella, J.; Pons-Beltrán, V.; Santonja, A.; Sánchez-Diaz, C.; Campillo Fernandez, AJ.; Vidaurre, A. (2020). Analysis of the 'Endoworm' prototype's ability to grip the bowel in in vitro and ex vivo models. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part H Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 234(5):1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/09544119209014141102345Iddan, G., Meron, G., Glukhovsky, A., & Swain, P. (2000). Wireless capsule endoscopy. Nature, 405(6785), 417-417. doi:10.1038/35013140Yamamoto, H., Sekine, Y., Sato, Y., Higashizawa, T., Miyata, T., Iino, S., … Sugano, K. (2001). Total enteroscopy with a nonsurgical steerable double-balloon method. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 53(2), 216-220. doi:10.1067/mge.2001.112181Arnott, I. D. R., & Lo, S. K. (2004). REVIEW: The Clinical Utility of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 49(6), 893-901. doi:10.1023/b:ddas.0000034545.58486.e6Hosoe, N., Takabayashi, K., Ogata, H., & Kanai, T. (2019). Capsule endoscopy for small‐intestinal disorders: Current status. 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    Relationship between roll-off occurrence and spatial distribution of dehydrated tissue during RF ablation with cooled electrodes

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    Purpose: To study the relationship between roll-off (sudden increase in impedance) and spatial distribution of dehydrated tissue during RF ablation using a cooled electrode (temperatures around 100°C). Methods: We used a double approach: (1) theoretical modelling based on the finite element method, and (2) 20 ablations using an experimental study on ex vivo excised bovine liver in which we measured impedance progress and temperature at three points close to the electrode surface: 0.5 (T1), 1.5 (T2) and 2.5 (T3) mm from the tip. T2 was located exactly at the centre of the 30 mm long electrode. Results: Temperatures at T1 and T3 quickly rose to 100°C (at ≈20 and 40 s, respectively), while at the rise at T2 was somewhat slower, stabilized around 50 s and reached a maximum value of 99°C at about 60 s. Impedance reached a minimum of 65 Ω (plateau), began increasing at 50 s and continued rising throughout the procedure, reaching a value equal to the initial value at 70 s. Likewise, computed impedance dropped to ≈73 Ω (plateau), began increasing at 50 s and reached an impedance value equal to the initial value at ≈78 s, which approximately coincided with the time when the entire zone surrounding the electrode was within the 100°C isotherm. Conclusion: There is a close relationship between the moment at which roll-off occurs and the time when the entire electrode is completely encircled by the dehydrated tissue. The mid-electrode zone is the last in which tissue desiccation occurs.This work received financial support from the Spanish Plan Nacional de I+D+I del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, grant no. TEC2008-01369/TEC and FEDER Project MTM2010-14909. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. The authors alone are responsible for the content and writing of the paper.Trujillo Guillen, M.; Alba Martínez, J.; Berjano, E. (2012). Relationship between roll-off occurrence and spatial distribution of dehydrated tissue during RF ablation with cooled electrodes. International Journal of Hyperthermia. 28(1):62-68. https://doi.org/10.3109/02656736.2011.631076S6268281Poon, R. T.-P., Fan, S.-T., Tsang, F. H.-F., & Wong, J. (2002). Locoregional Therapies for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Critical Review From the Surgeon’s Perspective. Annals of Surgery, 235(4), 466-486. doi:10.1097/00000658-200204000-00004Solbiati, L., Livraghi, T., Goldberg, S. N., Ierace, T., Meloni, F., Dellanoce, M., … Gazelle, G. S. (2001). Percutaneous Radio-frequency Ablation of Hepatic Metastases from Colorectal Cancer: Long-term Results in 117 Patients. Radiology, 221(1), 159-166. doi:10.1148/radiol.2211001624Ahmed, M., Brace, C. L., Lee, F. T., & Goldberg, S. N. (2011). Principles of and Advances in Percutaneous Ablation. Radiology, 258(2), 351-369. doi:10.1148/radiol.10081634Pereira, P. 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    Multimodal Sentiment Analysis of Instagram Using Cross-media Bag-of-words Model

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    Instagram, one of social media sharing services has increasing growth of use and popularity during recent years. Photos or videos shared by Instagram users are challenging to be mined and analyzed for some purposes. One type of studies can be applied to Instagram data is sentiment analysis, a field of study that learn and analyze people opinion, sentiment, and (or) evaluation about something. Sentiment analysis applied to Instagram can be used as analytics tool for some business purposes such as user behavior, market intelligence and user evaluation. This research aimed to analyze sentiment contained on Instagrams post by considering two modalities: images and English text on its caption. The Cross-media Bag-of-Words Model (CBM) was applied for analyzing the sentiment contained on Instagrams post. CBM treated text and image features as a unit of vector representation. These cross-media features then classified using logistic regression to predict sentiment values which categorized into three classes: positive, negative and neutral. Simulation results showed that the combination of unigram text features and 56-length images features achieves the highest accuracy. The accuracy achieved is 87.2%. Keywords : Instagram, sentiment analysis, Cross-media Bag-of-Words Model (CBM), logistic regression, classification Bibliography [1] D. Borth, R. Ji, T. Chen, T. Breuel, and S.-F. Chang, “Large-scale visual sentiment ontology and detectors using adjective noun pairs,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia, ser. MM '13. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013, pp. 223–232. [2] R.-E. Fan, K.-W. Chang, C.-J. Hsieh, X.-R. Wang, and C.-J. Lin, “Liblinear: A library for large linear classification,” J. Mach. Learn. Res., vol. 9, pp. 1871– 1874, Jun. 2008. [3] E. Ferrara, R. Interdonato, and A. 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