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    Identifying and classifying attributes of packaging for customer satisfaction-A Kano Model Approach

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    [EN] The packaging industry in India is predicted to grow at 18% annually. In recent years Packaging becomes a potential marketing tool. The marketer should design the packaging of high quality from customer perspective.  As the research in the area of packaging is very few, study of quality attributes of Packaging is the need of the hour and inevitable. An empirical research was conducted by applying Kano Model. The researcher is interested to find out the perception of the customers on 22 quality attributes of packaging. 500 respondents which were selected randomly were asked about their experience of packing on everyday commodities through a well-structured questionnaire.  The classification of attribute as must-be quality, one-dimensional quality, attractive quality, indifferent quality and reverse quality was done by three methods. Marketer should make a note of it and prioritise the attributes for customer satisfaction.Dash, SK. (2021). Identifying and classifying attributes of packaging for customer satisfaction-A Kano Model Approach. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 9(1):57-64. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2021.13683OJS576491Bakhitar, A.,Hannan, A., Basit, A., Ahmad, J.(2015). Prioritization of value based services of software by using AHP and fuzzy KANO model. International Conference on Computational and Social Sciences, 8, 25- 27.Basfirinci, C., Mitra, A. (2015). A cross cultural investigation of airlines service quality through integration of Servqual and the Kano model. Journal of Air Transport Management, 42(1), 239-48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2014.11.005Berger, C., Blauth, R., Boger, D., Bolster, C., Burchill, G., DuMouchel, W., Pouliot, F., Richter, R., Rubinoff, A., Shen, D., Timko, M., Walden, D. (1993). Kano's methods for understanding customer-defined quality. The Center for Quality of Management Journal, 2(4), 2-36.Brown, G.H. (1950). 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    Improving Distributed Decision Making in Inventory Management: A Combined ABC-AHP Approach Supported by Teamwork

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    [EN] The need of organizations to ensure service levels that impact on customer satisfaction has required the design of collaborative processes among stakeholders involved in inventory decision making. The increase of quantity and variety of items, on the one hand, and demand and customer expectations, on the other hand, are transformed into a greater complexity in inventory management, requiring effective communication and agreements between the leaders of the logistics processes. Traditionally, decision making in inventory management was based on approaches conditioned only by cost or sales volume. These approaches must be overcome by others that consider multiple criteria, involving several areas of the companies and taking into account the opinions of the stakeholders involved in these decisions. Inventory management becomes part of a complex system that involves stakeholders from different areas of the company, where each agent has limited information and where the cooperation between such agents is key for the system's performance. In this paper, a distributed inventory control approach was used with the decisions allowing communication between the stakeholders and with a multicriteria group decision-making perspective. This work proposes a methodology that combines the analysis of the value chain and the AHP technique, in order to improve communication and the performance of the areas related to inventory management decision making. This methodology uses the areas of the value chain as a theoretical framework to identify the criteria necessary for the application of the AHP multicriteria group decision-making technique. These criteria were defined as indicators that measure the performance of the areas of the value chain related to inventory management and were used to classify ABC inventory of the products according to these selected criteria. Therefore, the methodology allows us to solve inventory management DDM based on multicriteria ABC classification and was validated in a Colombian company belonging to the graphic arts sector.PĂ©rez Vergara, IG.; Arias SĂĄnchez, JA.; Poveda Bautista, R.; Diego-Mas, JA. (2020). Improving Distributed Decision Making in Inventory Management: A Combined ABC-AHP Approach Supported by Teamwork. Complexity. 2020:1-13. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6758108S1132020Poveda-Bautista, R., Baptista, D. C., & GarcĂ­a-MelĂłn, M. (2012). Setting competitiveness indicators using BSC and ANP. International Journal of Production Research, 50(17), 4738-4752. doi:10.1080/00207543.2012.657964Castro Zuluaga, C. A., Velez Gallego, M. C., & Catro Urrego, J. A. (2011). 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    Analyzing cultural expatriates' attitudes toward “Englishnization” using dynamic topic modeling

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    [EN] Several Japanese multinational corporations (MNCs) have recently adopted an English-only policy known as “Englishnization”. This study examines the impact of this policy using computer-assisted text analysis to investigate changes in cultural expatriates’ perceptions of Japanese work practices and values over time. Cultural expatriates are a significant but underexplored outcome of globalization. Despite the recent proliferation of studies on the internationalization of Japanese MNCs, few studies have focused on cultural expatriates' perceptions of corporate language policy in social media texts. This study analyzes a corpus of 208 posts from Rakuten, a Japanese MNC, on Glassdoor from 2009 to 2020. The findings suggest that these posts can be divided into three content groups: the threat of a foreign corporate culture, embracing the Rakuten way, and perceptions of leadership and marginalized status. Further, the posts reveal how Rakuten’s corporate language policy, as an instrument of internal internationalization, impacts external internationalization. The dynamics of “Englishnization’’ reveal a pressing issue facing Rakuten: namely, how to balance multinational cohesion with monolingualism and multiculturalism. This paper aims to demonstrate that dynamic topic modeling could enhance our understanding of the manner in which cultural expatriates and the English-only policy affect the internationalization of Japanese MNCs. It contributes to the literature by examining cultural expatriates’ perceptions of Japanese work practices and values from a diachronic perspective.Zhang, Z. (2021). Analyzing cultural expatriates' attitudes toward “Englishnization” using dynamic topic modeling. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research. 5(1):1-26. https://doi.org/10.4995/jclr.2021.15909OJS12651Alalwan, Ali Abdallah. 2018. 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    Do Disaster Literacy and Mitigation Policy Affect Residents Resettling in Tsunami Prone Areas? Study from the City of Banda Aceh, Indonesia

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    Visiting Dark Murals: An Ethnographic Approach to the Sustainability of Heritage

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    [EN] Political, war-themed and controversial murals aim to show the history of a community, making the intangible tangible, and, because these events are still recent, they stir people's emotions. Visitors to this type of heritage have a mixture of artistic and dark interests that lead to what we call 'dark mural attractions'. These political murals need a public strategy to be preserved, become better known and attract local economic development funds to make them sustainable. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyse how communities could build a co-narrative around murals to generate a sustainable local development. To achieve this goal, an in depth study needs to be performed to establish what kind of narrative will enable political murals to attract dark visitors and examine how communities can build a sustainable co-narrative around a dark mural. As a case study, we analyse the Battle of Cable Street mural in London, located in the non-touristic borough of Tower Hamlets, by means of an ethnographic qualitative approach based on stakeholders' opinions, among other sources. In this case, results show that dark murals have the potential to attract visitors, but they require a public strategy for the sustainability of heritage, based on a narrative of community solidarity for educational and discovery purposes.This research was funded by the Valencian Regional Government, Spain, during the visiting research period of De Miguel at the University of Roehampton, under the enlightened supervision of Jonathan Skinner. Grant number: BEST/2019/175.De-Miguel-Molina, M. (2020). Visiting Dark Murals: An Ethnographic Approach to the Sustainability of Heritage. Sustainability. 12(2):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12020677S116122Hooper, G., & Lennon, J. J. (Eds.). (2016). Dark Tourism. doi:10.4324/9781315575865Yan, L., Xu, J. (Bill), Sun, Z., & Xu, Y. (2019). Street art as alternative attractions: A case of the East Side Gallery. Tourism Management Perspectives, 29, 76-85. doi:10.1016/j.tmp.2018.11.001Culture for Sustainable Development. UNESCOhttps://en.unesco.org/themes/culture-sustainable-developmentSantamarina-Campos, V., Carabal-Montagud, M. Á., Miguel-Molina, M. D., & Miguel-Molina, B. D. (Eds.). (2017). Conservation, Tourism, and Identity of Contemporary Community Art. doi:10.1201/9781315209586Neill, W. J. V. (2001). Marketing the Urban Experience: Reflections on the Place of Fear in the Promotional Strategies of Belfast, Detroit and Berlin. Urban Studies, 38(5-6), 815-828. doi:10.1080/00420980125183Walls and Places: Political Murals in Belfasthttp://web2.uwindsor.ca/courses/ps/dartnell/wallandplaces.htmlCampos, R., & Sequeira, Á. (2019). Urban Art touristification: The case of Lisbon. Tourist Studies, 20(2), 182-202. doi:10.1177/1468797619873108De Miguel Molina, M., de Miguel Molina, B., & Santamarina Campos, V. (2019). Visiting African American murals: a content analysis of Los Angeles, California. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 18(2), 201-217. doi:10.1080/14766825.2019.1597877Merrill, S. (2014). Keeping it real? Subcultural graffiti, street art, heritage and authenticity. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 21(4), 369-389. doi:10.1080/13527258.2014.934902McAuliffe, C., & Iveson, K. (2011). Art and Crime (and Other Things Besides 
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    New product development in an emerging economy: analysing the role of supplier involvement practices by using Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo technique

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    The research question is whether the positive relationship found between supplier involvement practices and new product development performances in developed economies also holds in emerging economies. The role of supplier involvement practices in new product development performance is yet to be substantially investigated in the emerging economies (other than China). This premise was examined by distributing a survey instrument (Jayaram’s (2008) published survey instrument that has been utilised in developed economies) to Malaysian manufacturing companies. To gauge the relationship between the supplier involvement practices and new product development (NPD) project performance of 146 companies, structural equation modelling was adopted. Our findings prove that supplier involvement practices have a significant positive impact on NPD project performance in an emerging economy with respect to quality objectives, design objectives, cost objectives, and “time-to-market” objectives. Further analysis using the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm, yielding a more credible and feasible differentiation, confirmed these results (even in the case of an emerging economy) and indicated that these practices have a 28% impact on variance of NPD project performance. This considerable effect implies that supplier involvement is a must have, although further research is needed to identify the contingencies for its practices

    The effect of cyber-attacks on stock returns

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    A widely debated issue in recent years is cybercrime. Breaches in the security of accessibility, integrity and confidentiality of information involve potentially high explicit and implicit costs for firms. This paper investigates the impact of information security breaches on stock returns. Using event-study methodology, the study provides empirical evidence on the effect of announcements of cyber-attacks on the market value of firms from 1995 to 2015. Results show that substantial negative market returns occur following announcements of cyber-attacks. Financial entities often suffer greater negative effects than other companies and non-confidential cyber-attacks are the most dangerous, especially for the financial sector. Overall findings seem to show a link between cybercrime and insider trading

    Strategic Knowledge Measurement and Management

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    Knowledge and intellectual capital are now recognized as vital resources for organizational survival and competitive advantage. A vast array of knowledge measures has evolved, spanning many disciplines. This chapter reviews knowledge measures focusing on groups of individuals (such as teams, business and organizations), as they reflect the stock or flow of knowledge, as well as enabling processes that enhance knowledge stocks and flows. The chapter emphasizes the importance of organizational value chains, pivotal talent pools and the link between knowledge and competitive success, in understanding the significance of today’s knowledge measures, and opportunities for future research and practice to enhance them

    KM Maturity Factors Affecting High Performance in Universities

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    This paper aims to measure Knowledge Management Maturity (KMM) in the universities to determine the impact of knowledge management on high performance. This study was applied on Al-Quds Open University in Gaza strip, Palestine. Asian productivity organization model was applied to measure KMM. Second dimension which assess high performance was developed by the authors. The controlled sample was (306). Several statistical tools were used for data analysis and hypotheses testing, including reliability Correlation using Cronbach’s alpha, “ANOVA”, Simple Linear Regression and Step Wise Regression.The overall findings of the current study suggest that KMM is suitable for measuring high performance. KMM assessment shows that maturity level is in level three. Findings also support the main hypothesis and it is sub- hypotheses. The most important factors effecting high performance are: Processes, KM leadership, People, KM Outcomes and Learning and Innovation. Furthermore the current study is unique by the virtue of its nature, scope and way of implied investigation, as it is the first comparative study in the universities of Palestine explores the status of KMM using the Asian productivity Model
