68 research outputs found

    Multicultural communication in the Middle East: How a ‘young’ profession in a young but ancient region is adapting to the challenges of cross-cultural communication in an increasingly digital world

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    This paper provides first-hand insight into senior public relations (PR) professionals’ views on and attitudes towards digital communication in the UAE, a regional and global hub of cross-cultural and multicultural public relations and commerce. This study is part of a longitudinal and transnational project investigating PR professionals’ attitudes towards digital communication. The study began in 2010 in Western Australia and the original authors have since widened their focus (and collaboration with others) to include Singapore and now the UAE. When the study started in 2010 in Western Australia, the term ‘new media’ was used and some practitioners were not convinced of the strategic impact or importance of ‘new media’. Since that time, the explosion in digital communication and social media use by citizens (and the shrinking news desks of many media outlets) have meant communication practitioners can no longer ignore digital media. ‘New’ media is not so new anymore..

    Technology Adoption Model of Electronic Public Administration Services in Croatia - Research Framework Proposition

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    In the last few years we have witnessed the rapid development of electronic public administration services in the Republic of Croatia, while, at the same time, there are no clear indications what has an influence on the acceptance of such services. The purpose of this paper is the identification of factors that contribute to or hinder the adoption of electronic public administration services in the Republic of Croatia. The concept of electronic public administration services (eGovernment) is related to information technology that facilitates the process of information exchange, communication and transactions between state institutions, citizens and businesses. Although the eGovernment became available to everyone not everyone is using it. This research will try to give an answer to why is this so and what can be done to improve the acceptance of eGovernment.The research will help to detect factors that contribute to or hinder the adoption of eGovernment in Croatia and help to understand the impact of various characteristics such as demographics, security, and other, on the level of acceptance of eGovernment, the intended use of eGovernment services, and, finally, the actual use of these services. Some of the key questions here are whether the usefulness of available eGovernment services affects the intended use; whether the usability of ICT systems influences the intended use and whether perceived shortcomings affect the intended use of the eGoverment services. Primary research will be carried out by a structured questionnaire. The collected data will be statistically processed through quantitative econometric analysis that would confirm or deny the existence of a strong correlation between the above factors. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Pengaruh Persepsian Risiko, Kepuasan dan Citra Harga Terhadap Niat Membeli Ulang Menggunakan M-Commerce di Kalangan Masyarakat Kota Sungai Penuh, dengan Kepercayaan dan Sensitivitas Harga Sebagai Moderasi

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    The use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, which is increasingly widespread throughout the world, is currently at an all-time high. This technological disruption makes mobile e-commerce or m-commerce a business channel that is considered more convenient and efficient for today's lifestyle compared to e-commerce or offline stores. This study aims to determine the effect of perceived risk, satisfaction and price image on repurchase intention using m-commerce among the people of Sungai Penuh City, with trust and price sensitivity as moderating. This study uses the Smart PLS software data analysis method. Research This research was conducted in the urban area of ​​Sungai Penuh City in 2021. The population in this study was the Sungai Penuh City Community who had shopped through m-commerce at least once. The results of this study state that perceived risk has no significant effect on repurchase intentions using m-commerce. Price image also has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention using m-commerce. Whether consumer confidence in m-commerce is higher or lower, the perceived risk still has no impact on repurchase intentions using m-commerce. The second moderating effect of this study is the moderation of price sensitivity to the effect of price image on repurchase intention which results in no function

    The Adoption of Blockchain In Supply Chain: Is Supply Chain Ready?

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    Recently, blockchain technology is getting its recognition in the supply chain. After the existence of bitcoin, which blockchain acts as its underlying technology, people started to recognise the advantages of the blockchain. Blockchain has been expected to eliminate unnecessary cost and at the same time, help in improving productivity by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness in daily operation. In the era of Industrial 4.0, the collaboration of blockchain technology with other autonomous technology is necessary to achieve customer satisfaction. However, based on the current practices, blockchain is yet to be adopted by all the parties in the supply chain. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the factors which are affecting the adoption of blockchain technology in the supply chain. Factors identified are perceived benefits, top management support and supply chain partner readiness. The primary data has been collected through a structured questionnaire survey. The simple random sampling method has been used to target and collect data from suitable respondents. In conclusion, the outcome of this study is expected to identify the factors affecting the adoption of the blockchain as well as to guide the organisation to act according to increase the level of adoption


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Trust (Kepercayaan) terhadap Keputusan Penggunaan E-Payment di DKI Jakarta. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan skala trust (kepercayaan) dan Keputusan Penggunaan oleh Mayer, dkk (1995) dan Kotler & Keller (2012). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan uji hipotesis analisis regresi berganda. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah non probability sampling, yaitu purposive sampling dengan jumlah responden penelitian sebanyak 247 orang responden yang merupakan pengguna layanan e-payment pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di DKI Jakarta yang berusia di atas 17 tahun. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan nilai F hitung 72,175 lebih besar > dari F tabel 3,89. Nilai signifikansi (p) yaitu 0,000 lebih kecil dari nilai koefisien alpha (α = 0,05). Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Ho ditolak, yang artinya terdapat pengaruh antara trust (kepercayaan) terhadap keputusan penggunaan e-payment di DKI Jakarta. Pengaruh trust (kepercayaan) terhadap keputusan penggunaan pada penelitian ini sebesar 47,1% sedangkan sisanya (52,9%) dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini. Arah pengaruh dalam penelitian ini adalah positif sehingga jika variabel trust (kepercayaan) mengalami peningkatan, maka variabel keputusan penggunaan akan meningkat juga, hal ini juga berlaku sebaliknya. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of trust on e-payment usage decision in Special Capital Region of Jakarta. This research use trust and usage decision scale by Mayer, et al (1995) and Kotler & Keller (2012) as the instrument in this research. Quantitative approach is used as the research method and analysed using multiple regression analysis. The sample was conducted by the purposive sampling. The subject of this research is 247 e-payment users during the Covid-19 pandemic in Special Capital Region of Jakarta who are over 17 years old. Based on multiple regression analysis results showed that the F value = 72,175 is greater than > F table 3,89 with a significance value (p) is 0.000 less than < alpha coefficient value (α) 0.05. Thus, it can conclude that Ho was rejected, which means that there is an effect of trust on e-payment usage decision in Special Capital Region of Jakarta. Trust affecting usage decision in this study by 47,1% while the rest (52,9%) is affected by other variables beyond this research. It is found in this study that the effect has a positive direction, so if trust increases then usage decision also increases, it’s also happens the other way around

    Different Organization Culture

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    This paper discusses many important points in any different organization culture, the definition of organization culture and why we need it. Also, it focuses on  Advantage and disadvantage of cultural communication and the way of communication and applying communication theories. It discuss the problem which the employer faced in work place and who they can solve this problems. Researchers collected surveys which related to the different organization culture and dell’s culture places efficiency and competitiveness far above innovation and aesthetic. we do this surveys in many places such as: Al Fujairah Hospital, UAEU (employs and sectaries), Dubai Festival city, Tanmia for development & employer, Khat school, some company in the Abu Dhabi, UAE Red Crescent, SAAED. This paper gives as clear idea about the meaning of organization culture and how you can deal will other people who is from other countries and how can have mixture of themes characteristic by differences and similarities. Also, the kind of problems which managers faced in the firm of multiple cultures and the good way to connect with this employer
