17 research outputs found

    Laboratory multistatic polarimetric sparse aperture 3D SAR investigation

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a coherent technique that produces high quality imagery, with a finer cross-range resolution than would be possible with a stationary antenna. Radar pulses from multiple points along a flight path are combined, with return time and phase recorded for each pulse. This technique can be used to produce multidimensional 3D SAR images, with scatterers otherwise overlaid in range and azimuth separated out in height

    An Experimental Study on Airborne Landmine Detection Using a Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Many countries in the world are contaminated with landmines. Several thousand casualties occur every year. Although there are certain types of mines that can be detected from a safe stand-off position with tools, humanitarian demining is still mostly done by hand. As a new approach, an unmanned aerial system (UAS) equipped with a ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar (GPSAR) was developed, which is used to detect landmines, cluster munition, grenades, and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The measurement system consists of a multicopter, a total station, an inertial measurement unit (IMU), and a frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radar operating from 1 GHz to 4 GHz. The highly accurate localization of the measurement system and the full flexibility of the UAS are used to generate 3D-repeat-pass circular SAR images of buried antipersonnel landmines. In order to demonstrate the functionality of the system, 15 different dummy landmines were buried in a sandbox. The measurement results show the high potential of circular SAR for the detection of minimum metal mines. 11 out of 15 different test objects could be detected unambiguously with cm-level accuracy by examining depth profiles showing the amplitude of the targets response over the processing depth.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    UAV Formation Optimization for Communication-assisted InSAR Sensing

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    Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is an increasingly important remote sensing technique that enables three-dimensional (3D) sensing applications such as the generation of accurate digital elevation models (DEMs). In this paper, we investigate the joint formation and communication resource allocation optimization for a system comprising two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to perform InSAR sensing and to transfer the acquired data to the ground. To this end, we adopt as sensing performance metrics the interferometric coherence, i.e., the local correlation between the two co-registered UAV radar images, and the height of ambiguity (HoA), which together are a measure for the accuracy with which the InSAR system can estimate the height of ground objects. In addition, an analytical expression for the coverage of the considered InSAR sensing system is derived. Our objective is to maximize the InSAR coverage while satisfying all relevant InSAR-specific sensing and communication performance metrics. To tackle the non-convexity of the formulated optimization problem, we employ alternating optimization (AO) techniques combined with successive convex approximation (SCA). Our simulation results reveal that the resulting resource allocation algorithm outperforms two benchmark schemes in terms of InSAR coverage while satisfying all sensing and real-time communication requirements. Furthermore, we highlight the importance of efficient communication resource allocation in facilitating real-time sensing and unveil the trade-off between InSAR height estimation accuracy and coverage

    Novel closed-loop approaches for precise relative navigation of widely separated GPS receivers in LEO

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    This paper deals with the relative navigation of a formation of two spacecrafts separated by hundreds of kilometers based on processing dual-frequency differential carrier-phase GPS measurements. Specific requirements of the considered application are high relative positioning accuracy and real-time on board implementation. These can be conflicting requirements. Indeed, if on one hand high accuracy can be achieved by exploiting the integer nature of double-difference carrier-phase ambiguities, on the other hand the presence of large ephemeris errors and differential ionospheric delays makes the integer ambiguities determination challenging. Closed-loop schemes, which update the relative position estimates of a dynamic filter with feedback from integer ambiguities fixing algorithms, are customarily employed in these cases. This paper further elaborates such approaches, proposing novel closed loop techniques aimed at overcoming some of the limitations of traditional algorithms. They extend techniques developed for spaceborne long baseline relative positioning by making use of an on-the-fly ambiguity resolution technique especially developed for the applications of interest. Such techniques blend together ionospheric delay compensation techniques, nonlinear models of relative spacecraft dynamics, and partial integer validation techniques. The approaches are validated using flight data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission. Performance is compared to that of the traditional closed-loop scheme analyzing the capability of each scheme to maximize the percentage of correctly fixed integer ambiguities as well as the relative positioning accuracy. Results show that the proposed approach substantially improves performance of the traditional approaches. More specifically, centimeter-level root-mean square relative positioning is feasible for spacecraft separations of more than 260 km, and an integer ambiguity fixing performance as high as 98% is achieved in a 1-day long dataset. Results also show that approaches exploiting ionospheric delay models are more robust and precise of approaches relying on ionospheric-delay removal techniques. © 2013 IAA


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    Non-cooperative bistatic SAR clock drift compensation for tomographic acquisitions

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    In the last years, an important amount of research has been headed towards the measurement of above-ground forest biomass with polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) tomography techniques. This has motivated the proposal of future bistatic SAR missions, like the recent non-cooperative SAOCOM-CS and PARSIFAL from CONAE and ESA. It is well known that the quality of SAR tomography is directly related to the phase accuracy of the interferometer that, in the case of non-cooperative systems, can be particularly affected by the relative drift between onboard clocks. In this letter, we provide insight on the impact of the clock drift error on bistatic interferometry, as well as propose a correction algorithm to compensate its effect. The accuracy of the compensation is tested on simulated acquisitions over volumetric targets, estimating the final impact on tomographic profiles

    Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Missions Employing Formation Flying

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    This paper presents an overview of single-pass interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) missions employing two or more satellites flying in a close formation. The simultaneous reception of the scattered radar echoes from different viewing directions by multiple spatially distributed antennas enables the acquisition of unique Earth observation products for environmental and climate monitoring. After a short introduction to the basic principles and applications of SAR interferometry, designs for the twin satellite missions TanDEM-X and Tandem-L are presented. Primary objective of TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) is the generation of a global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with unprecedented accuracy as the basis for a wide range of scientific research, as well as for commercial DEM production. This goal is achieved by enhancing the TerraSAR-X mission with a second TerraSAR-X like satellite that will be launched in spring 2010. Both satellites act then as a large single-pass SAR interferometer with the opportunity for flexible baseline selection. Building upon the experience gathered with the TanDEM-X mission design, the fully polarimetric L-band twin satellite formation Tandem-L is proposed. Important objectives of this highly capable interferometric SAR mission are the global acquisition of 3-D forest structure and biomass inventories, large scale measurements of millimetric displacements due to tectonic shifts, and systematic observations of glacier movements. The sophisticated mission concept and the high data acquisition capacity of Tandem-L will moreover provide a unique data source to systematically observe, analyze and quantify the dynamics of a wide range of additional processes in the bio-, litho-, hydro- and cryosphere. By this, Tandem-L will be an essential step to advance our understanding of the Earth system and its intricate dynamics. Enabling technologies and techniques are described in detail and an outlook on future interferometric and tomographic concepts and developments, including multi-static SAR systems with multiple receivers, is provided

    Technology Time Machine 2012:Paving the Path for the Future Technology Developments

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    Sea ice local surface topography from single-pass satellite InSAR measurements: a feasibility study

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    Quantitative parameters characterizing the sea ice surface topography are needed in geophysical investigations such as studies on atmosphere–ice interactions or sea ice mechanics.Recently, the use of space-borne single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) for retrieving the ice surface topography has attracted notice among geophysicists. In this paper the potential of InSAR measurements is examined for several satellite configurations and radar frequencies, considering statistics of heights and widths of ice ridges as well as possible magnitudes of ice drift. It is shown that, theoretically, surface height variations can be retrievedwith relative errors < 0.5 m. In practice, however, the sea ice drift and open water leads may contribute significantly to the measured interferometric phase. Another essential factor is the dependence of the achievable interferometric baseline on the satellite orbit configurations. Possibilities to assess the influence of different factors on the measurement accuracy are demonstrated: signal-to-noise ratio, presence of a snow layer, and the penetration depth into the ice. Practical examples of sea surface height retrievals from bistatic SAR images collectedduring the TanDEM-X Science Phase are presented