145 research outputs found

    Cross-layer network lifetime optimization considering transmit and signal processing power in WSNs

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    Maintaining high energy efficiency is essential for increasing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), where the battery of the sensor nodes cannot be routinely replaced. Nevertheless, the energy budget of the WSN strictly relies on the communication parameters, where the choice of both the transmit power as well as of the modulation and coding schemes (MCSs) plays a significant role in maximizing the network lifetime (NL). In this paper, we optimize the NL of WNSs by analysing the impact of the physical layer parameters as well as of the signal processing power (SPP) P_sp on the NL. We characterize the underlying trade-offs between the NL and bit error ratio (BER) performance for a predetermined set of target signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) values and for different MCSs using periodic transmit-time slot (TS) scheduling in interference-limited WSNs. For a per-link target BER requirement (PLBR) of 10^?3, our results demonstrate that a ’continuous-time’ NL in the range of 0.58?4.99 years is achieved depending on the MCSs, channel configurations, and SPP

    Reliable load-balancing routing for resource-constrained wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are energy and resource constrained. Energy limitations make it advantageous to balance radio transmissions across multiple sensor nodes. Thus, load balanced routing is highly desirable and has motivated a significant volume of research. Multihop sensor network architecture can also provide greater coverage, but requires a highly reliable and adaptive routing scheme to accommodate frequent topology changes. Current reliability-oriented protocols degrade energy efficiency and increase network latency. This thesis develops and evaluates a novel solution to provide energy-efficient routing while enhancing packet delivery reliability. This solution, a reliable load-balancing routing (RLBR), makes four contributions in the area of reliability, resiliency and load balancing in support of the primary objective of network lifetime maximisation. The results are captured using real world testbeds as well as simulations. The first contribution uses sensor node emulation, at the instruction cycle level, to characterise the additional processing and computation overhead required by the routing scheme. The second contribution is based on real world testbeds which comprises two different TinyOS-enabled senor platforms under different scenarios. The third contribution extends and evaluates RLBR using large-scale simulations. It is shown that RLBR consumes less energy while reducing topology repair latency and supports various aggregation weights by redistributing packet relaying loads. It also shows a balanced energy usage and a significant lifetime gain. Finally, the forth contribution is a novel variable transmission power control scheme which is created based on the experience gained from prior practical and simulated studies. This power control scheme operates at the data link layer to dynamically reduce unnecessarily high transmission power while maintaining acceptable link reliability

    A reliable cross layer routing scheme (CL-RS) for wireless sensor networks to prolong network lifetime

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    Design of conventional protocols for wireless sensor networks(WSN) are mainly based on energy management. The solutions for layered protocol of the WSN network are inefficient as sensors network mainly delivers real-time content thus, cross layer communication between layers of the protocol stack is highly required. In this paper, a reliable cross layer routing scheme (CL - RS) is proposed to balance energy to achieve prolonged lifetime through controlled utilization of limited energy. CL - RS considers 2 adjacent layers namely, MAC layer and network layer. Optimization issues are identified in these two layers and solutions are provided to reduce energy consumption thereby increasing network lifetime. To achieve higher energy efficiency MAC layer protocols compromise on packet latency. It is essential to attempt reduce the end-to-end delay and energy consumption using low duty cycle cross layer MAC (CL-MAC). The joint optimization design is formulated as a linear programming problem. The network is partitioned into four request zones to enable increase in network performance by using an appropriate duty cycle and routing scheme. We demonstrate by simulations that the strategy designed by combining (CL - RS) and (CL-MAC) algorithms at each layer significantly increases the network lifetime and a relation exists between the network lifetime maximization and the reliability constraint. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme under different scenarios using ns-2. Experimental results shows that proposed scheme outperforms the layered AODV in terms of packet loss ratio, end-to-end delay, control overhead and energy consumption

    Real-Time Cross-Layer Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Reliable and energy efficient routing is a critical issue in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) deployments. Many approaches have been proposed for WSN routing, but sensor field implementations, compared to computer simulations and fully-controlled testbeds, tend to be lacking in the literature and not fully documented. Typically, WSNs provide the ability to gather information cheaply, accurately and reliably over both small and vast physical regions. Unlike other large data network forms, where the ultimate input/output interface is a human being, WSNs are about collecting data from unattended physical environments. Although WSNs are being studied on a global scale, the major current research is still focusing on simulations experiments. In particular for sensor networks, which have to deal with very stringent resource limitations and that are exposed to severe physical conditions, real experiments with real applications are essential. In addition, the effectiveness of simulation studies is severely limited in terms of the difficulty in modeling the complexities of the radio environment, power consumption on sensor devices, and the interactions between the physical, network and application layers. The routing problem in ad hoc WSNs is nontrivial issue because of sensor node failures due to restricted recourses. Thus, the routing protocols of WSNs encounter two conflicting issue: on the one hand, in order to optimise routes, frequent topology updates are required, while on the other hand, frequent topology updates result in imbalanced energy dissipation and higher message overhead. In the literature, such as in (Rahul et al., 2002), (Woo et al., 2003), (TinyOS, 2004), (Gnawali et al., 2009) and (Burri et al., 2007) several authors have presented routing algorithms for WSNs that consider purely one or two metrics at most in attempting to optimise routes while attempting to keep small message overhead and balanced energy dissipation. Recent studies on energy efficient routing in multihop WSNs have shown a great reliance on radio link quality in the path selection process. If sensor nodes along the routing path and closer to the base station advertise a high quality link to forwarding upstream packets, these sensor nodes will experience a faster depletion rate in their residual energy. This results in a topological routing hole or network partitioning as stated and resolved in and (Daabaj 2010). This chapter presents an empirical study on how to improve energy efficiency for reliable multihop communication by developing a real-time cross-layer lifetime-oriented routing protocol and integrating useful routing information from different layers to examine their joint benefit on the lifetime of individual sensor nodes and the entire sensor network. The proposed approach aims to balance the workload and energy usage among relay nodes to achieve balanced energy dissipation, thereby maximizing the functional network lifetime. The obtained experimental results are presented from prototype real-network experiments based on Crossbow’s sensor motes (Crossbow, 2010), i.e., Mica2 low-power wireless sensor platforms (Crossbow, 2010). The distributed real-time routing protocol which is proposed In this chapter aims to face the dynamics of the real world sensor networks and also to discover multiple paths between the base station and source sensor nodes. The proposed routing protocol is compared experimentally with a reliability-oriented collection-tree protocol, i.e., the TinyOS MintRoute protocol (Woo et al., 2003). The experimental results show that our proposed protocol has a higher node energy efficiency, lower control overhead, and fair average delay

    Socio-economic aware data forwarding in mobile sensing networks and systems

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    The vision for smart sustainable cities is one whereby urban sensing is core to optimising city operation which in turn improves citizen contentment. Wireless Sensor Networks are envisioned to become pervasive form of data collection and analysis for smart cities but deployment of millions of inter-connected sensors in a city can be cost-prohibitive. Given the ubiquity and ever-increasing capabilities of sensor-rich mobile devices, Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Phones (WSN-MP) provide a highly flexible and ready-made wireless infrastructure for future smart cities. In a WSN-MP, mobile phones not only generate the sensing data but also relay the data using cellular communication or short range opportunistic communication. The largest challenge here is the efficient transmission of potentially huge volumes of sensor data over sometimes meagre or faulty communications networks in a cost-effective way. This thesis investigates distributed data forwarding schemes in three types of WSN-MP: WSN with mobile sinks (WSN-MS), WSN with mobile relays (WSN-HR) and Mobile Phone Sensing Systems (MPSS). For these dynamic WSN-MP, realistic models are established and distributed algorithms are developed for efficient network performance including data routing and forwarding, sensing rate control and and pricing. This thesis also considered realistic urban sensing issues such as economic incentivisation and demonstrates how social network and mobility awareness improves data transmission. Through simulations and real testbed experiments, it is shown that proposed algorithms perform better than state-of-the-art schemes.Open Acces

    Integrated Data and Energy Communication Network: A Comprehensive Survey

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    OAPA In order to satisfy the power thirsty of communication devices in the imminent 5G era, wireless charging techniques have attracted much attention both from the academic and industrial communities. Although the inductive coupling and magnetic resonance based charging techniques are indeed capable of supplying energy in a wireless manner, they tend to restrict the freedom of movement. By contrast, RF signals are capable of supplying energy over distances, which are gradually inclining closer to our ultimate goal – charging anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, transmitters capable of emitting RF signals have been widely deployed, such as TV towers, cellular base stations and Wi-Fi access points. This communication infrastructure may indeed be employed also for wireless energy transfer (WET). Therefore, no extra investment in dedicated WET infrastructure is required. However, allowing RF signal based WET may impair the wireless information transfer (WIT) operating in the same spectrum. Hence, it is crucial to coordinate and balance WET and WIT for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), which evolves to Integrated Data and Energy communication Networks (IDENs). To this end, a ubiquitous IDEN architecture is introduced by summarising its natural heterogeneity and by synthesising a diverse range of integrated WET and WIT scenarios. Then the inherent relationship between WET and WIT is revealed from an information theoretical perspective, which is followed by the critical appraisal of the hardware enabling techniques extracting energy from RF signals. Furthermore, the transceiver design, resource allocation and user scheduling as well as networking aspects are elaborated on. In a nutshell, this treatise can be used as a handbook for researchers and engineers, who are interested in enriching their knowledge base of IDENs and in putting this vision into practice

    Wireless sensor networks using network coding for structural health monitoring

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been deployed for the purpose of structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil engineering structures, e.g. bridges. SHM applications can potentially produce a high volume of sensing data, which consumes much transmission power and thus decreases the lifetime of the battery-run networks. We employ the network coding technique to improve the network efficiency and prolong its lifetime. By increasing the transmission power, we change the node connectivity and control the number of nodes that can overhear transmitted messages so as to hopefully realize the capacity gain by use of network coding. In Chapter 1, we present the background, to enable the reader to understand the need for SHM, advantages and drawbacks of WSNs and potential the application of network coding techniques has. In Chapter 2 we provide a review of related research explaining how it relates to our work, and why it is not fully applicable in our case. In Chapter 3, we propose to control transmission power as a means to adjust the number of nodes that can overhear a message transmission by a neighbouring node. However, too much of the overhearing by high power transmission consumes aggressively limited battery energy. We investigate the interplay between transmission power and network coding operations in Chapter 4. We show that our solution reduces the overall volume of data transfer, thus leading to significant energy savings and prolonged network lifetime. We present the mathematical analysis of our proposed algorithm. By simulation, we also study the trade-offs between overhearing and power consumption for the network coding scheme. In Chapter 5, we propose a methodology for the optimal placement of sensor nodes in linear network topologies (e.g., along the length of a bridge), that aims to minimise the link connectivity problems and maximise the lifetime of the network. Both simple packet relay and network coding are considered for the routing of the collected data packets towards two sink nodes positioned at both ends of the bridge. Our mathematical analysis, verified by simulation results, shows that the proposed methodology can lead to significant energy saving and prolong the lifetime of the underlying wireless sensor network. Chapter 6 is dedicated to the delay analysis. We analytically calculate the gains in terms of packet delay obtained by the use of network coding in linear multi-hop wireless sensor network topologies. Moreover, we calculate the exact packet delay (from the packet generation time to the time it is delivered to the sink nodes) as a function of the location of the source sensor node within the linear network. The derived packet delay distribution formulas have been verified by simulations and can provide a benchmark for the delay performance of linear sensor networks. In the Chapter 7, we propose an adaptive version of network coding based algorithm. In the case of packet loss, nodes do not necessary retransmit messages as they are able to internally decide how to cope with the situation. The goal of this algorithm is to reduce the power consumption, and decrease delays whenever it can. This algorithm achieves the delay similar to that of three-hop direct-connectivity version of the deterministic algorithm, and consumes power almost like one-hop direct-connectivity version of deterministic algorithm. In very poor channel conditions, this protocol outperforms the deterministic algorithm both in terms of delay and power consumption. In Chapter 8, we explain the direction of our future work. Particularly, we are interested in the application of combined TDMA/FDMA technique to our algorithm.Open Acces

    Towards reliable geographic broadcasting in vehicular networks

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    In Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs), safety-related messages are broadcasted amongst cars, helping to improve drivers' awareness of the road situation. VANETs’ reliability are highly affected by channel contention. This thesis first addresses the issue of channel use efficiency in geographical broadcasts (geocasts). Constant connectivity changes inside a VANET make the existing routing algorithms unsuitable. This thesis presents a geocast algorithm that uses a metric to estimate the ratio of useful to useless packet received. Simulations showed that this algorithm is more channel-efficient than the farthest-first strategy. It also exposes a parameter, allowing it to adapt to channel load. Second, this thesis presents a method of estimating channel load for providing feedback to moderate the offered load. A theoretical model showing the relationship between channel load and the idle time between transmissions is presented and used to estimate channel contention. Unsaturated stations on the network were shown to have small but observable effects on this relationship. In simulations, channel estimators based on this model show higher accuracy and faster convergence time than by observing packet collisions. These estimators are also less affected by unsaturated stations than by observing packet collisions. Third, this thesis couples the channel estimator to the geocast algorithm, producing a closed-loop load-reactive system that allows geocasts to adapt to instantaneous channel conditions. Simulations showed that this system is not only shown to be more efficient in channel use and be able to adapt to channel contention, but is also able to self-correct suboptimal retransmission decisions. Finally, this thesis demonstrates that all tested network simulators exhibit unexpected behaviours when simulating broadcasts. This thesis describes in depth the error in ns-3, leading to a set of workarounds that allows results from most versions of ns-3 to be interpreted correctly
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