24 research outputs found

    Assessing RoQ Attacks on MANETs over Aware and Unaware TPC Techniques

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    Abstract-Adaptation mechanisms, such as transmission power control (TPC) techniques, cognitive radio technology and intelligent antenna, have been applied to efficiently manage the use of resources on wireless ad hoc networks. However, these mechanisms open doors for Reduction of Quality (RoQ) attacks. Those attacks damage network services exploiting adaptation capability and they can be easily launched on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). This paper assesses the influence of RoQ attacks on MANETs, aiming to provide insights and lead the design of control access mechanisms able to prevent or mitigate them. We evaluate MANETs supported by a modified IEEE 802.11 using unaware and aware TPC techniques. We analyze the impact of three types of RoQ attacks by simulations, and we show their effect over more dynamic aware TPC techniques

    Detection of selfish manipulation of carrier sensing in 802.11 networks

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    Recently, tuning the clear channel assessment (CCA) threshold in conjunction with power control has been considered for improving the performance of WLANs. However, we show that, CCA tuning can be exploited by selfish nodes to obtain an unfair share of the available bandwidth. Specifically, a selfish entity can manipulate the CCA threshold to ignore ongoing transmissions; this increases the probability of accessing the medium and provides the entity a higher, unfair share of the bandwidth. We experiment on our 802.11 testbed to characterize the effects of CCA tuning on both isolated links and in 802.11 WLAN configurations. We focus on AP-client(s) configurations, proposing a novel approach to detect this misbehavior. A misbehaving client is unlikely to recognize low power receptions as legitimate packets; by intelligently sending low power probe messages, an AP can efficiently detect a misbehaving node. Our key contributions are: 1) We are the first to quantify the impact of selfish CCA tuning via extensive experimentation on various 802.11 configurations. 2) We propose a lightweight scheme for detecting selfish nodes that inappropriately increase their CCAs. 3) We extensively evaluate our system on our testbed; its accuracy is 95 percent while the false positive rate is less than 5 percent. © 2012 IEEE

    An efficient genetic algorithm for large-scale transmit power control of dense and robust wireless networks in harsh industrial environments

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    The industrial wireless local area network (IWLAN) is increasingly dense, due to not only the penetration of wireless applications to shop floors and warehouses, but also the rising need of redundancy for robust wireless coverage. Instead of simply powering on all access points (APs), there is an unavoidable need to dynamically control the transmit power of APs on a large scale, in order to minimize interference and adapt the coverage to the latest shadowing effects of dominant obstacles in an industrial indoor environment. To fulfill this need, this paper formulates a transmit power control (TPC) model that enables both powering on/off APs and transmit power calibration of each AP that is powered on. This TPC model uses an empirical one-slope path loss model considering three-dimensional obstacle shadowing effects, to enable accurate yet simple coverage prediction. An efficient genetic algorithm (GA), named GATPC, is designed to solve this TPC model even on a large scale. To this end, it leverages repair mechanism-based population initialization, crossover and mutation, parallelism as well as dedicated speedup measures. The GATPC was experimentally validated in a small-scale IWLAN that is deployed a real industrial indoor environment. It was further numerically demonstrated and benchmarked on both small- and large-scales, regarding the effectiveness and the scalability of TPC. Moreover, sensitivity analysis was performed to reveal the produced interference and the qualification rate of GATPC in function of varying target coverage percentage as well as number and placement direction of dominant obstacles. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    An Interface Setup Optimization Method Using a Throughput Estimation Model for Concurrently Communicating Access Points in a Wireless Local Area Network

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    The IEEE 802.11 wireless local-area network (WLAN) has been deployed around the globe as a major Internet access medium due to its low cost and high flexibility and capacity. Unfortunately, dense wireless networks can suffer from poor performance due to high levels of radio interference resulting from adjoining access points (APs). To address this problem, we studied the AP transmission power optimization method, which selects the maximum or minimum power supplied to each AP so that the average signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) among the concurrently communicating APs is maximized.However, this method requires measurements of receiving signal strength (RSS) under all the possible combinations of powers. It may need intolerable loads and time as the number of APs increases. It also only considers the use of channel bonding (CB), although non-CB sometimes achieves higher performance under high levels of interference. In this paper, we present an AP interface setup optimization method using the throughput estimation model for concurrently communicating APs. The proposed method selects CB or non-CB in addition to the maximum or minimum power for each AP. This model approach avoids expensive costs of RSS measurements under a number of combinations. To estimate the RSS at an AP from another AP or a host, the model needs the distance and the obstacles between them, such as walls. Then, by calculating the estimated RSS with the model and calculating the SIR from them, the AP interface setups for a lot of APs in a large-scale wireless network can be optimized on a computer in a very short time. For evaluation, we conducted extensive experiments using Raspberry Pi for APs and Linux PCs for hosts under 12 network topologies in three buildings at Okayama University, Japan, and Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Bangladesh. The results confirm that the proposed method selects the best AP interface setup with the highest total throughput in any topology

    Learning Wi-Fi Performance

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    Accurate prediction of wireless network performance is important when performing link adaptation or resource allocation. However, the complexity of interference interactions at MAC and PHY layers, as well as the vast variety of possible wireless configurations make it notoriously hard to design explicit performance models. In this paper, we advocate an approach of “learning by observation” that can remove the need for designing explicit and complex performance models. We use machine-learning techniques to learn implicit performance models, from a limited number of real-world measurements. These models do not require to know the internal mechanics of interfering Wi-Fi links. Yet, our results show that they improve accuracy by at least 49% compared to measurement-seeded models based on SINR. To demonstrate that learned models can be useful in practice, we build a new algorithm that uses such a model as an oracle to jointly allocate spectrum and transmit power. Our algorithm is utility-optimal, distributed, and it produces efficient allocations that significantly improve performance and fairness

    A software framework for alleviating the effects of MAC-aware jamming attacks in wireless access networks

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    The IEEE 802.11 protocol inherently provides the same long-term throughput to all the clients associated with a given access point (AP). In this paper, we first identify a clever, low-power jamming attack that can take advantage of this behavioral trait: the placement of a lowpower jammer in a way that it affects a single legitimate client can cause starvation to all the other clients. In other words, the total throughput provided by the corresponding AP is drastically degraded. To fight against this attack, we design FIJI, a cross-layer anti-jamming system that detects such intelligent jammers and mitigates their impact on network performance. FIJI looks for anomalies in the AP load distribution to efficiently perform jammer detection. It then makes decisions with regards to optimally shaping the traffic such that: (a) the clients that are not explicitly jammed are shielded from experiencing starvation and, (b) the jammed clients receive the maximum possible throughput under the given conditions. We implement FIJI in real hardware; we evaluate its efficacy through experiments on two wireless testbeds, under different traffic scenarios, network densities and jammer locations. We perform experiments both indoors and outdoors, and we consider both WLAN and mesh deployments. Our measurements suggest that FIJI detects such jammers in realtime and alleviates their impact by allocating the available bandwidth in a fair and efficient way. © Springer Science+Business Media

    Distributed Spectrum Assignment for Home WLANs

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    We consider the problem of jointly allocating chan- nel center frequencies and bandwidths for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (WLANs). The bandwidth used on a link affects sig- nificantly both the capacity experienced on this link and the interference produced on neighboring links. Therefore, when jointly assigning both center frequencies and channel widths, there is a trade-off between interference mitigation and the potential capacity offered on each link. We study this trade- off and we present SAW (spectrum assignment for WLANs), a decentralized algorithm that finds efficient configurations. SAW is tailored for 802.11 home networks. It is distributed, online and transparent. It does not require a central coordinator and it constantly adapts the spectrum usage without disrupting network traffic. A key feature of SAW is that the access points (APs) need only a few out-of-band measurements in order to make spectrum allocation decisions. Despite being completely decentralized, the algorithm is self-organizing and provably converges towards efficient spectrum allocations. We evaluate SAW using both simulation and a deployment on an indoor testbed composed of off-the-shelf 802.11 hardware. We observe that it dramatically increases the overall network efficiency and fairness