1,574 research outputs found

    Laboratory experiments on cohesive soil bed fluidization by water waves

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    Part I. Relationships between the rate of bed fluidization and the rate of wave energy dissipation, by Jingzhi Feng and Ashish J. Mehta and Part II. In-situ rheometry for determining the dynamic response of bed, by David J.A. Williams and P. Rhodri Williams. A series of preliminary laboratory flume experiments were carried out to examine the time-dependent behavior of a cohesive soil bed subjected to progressive, monochromatic waves. The bed was an aqueous, 50/50 (by weight) mixture of a kaolinite and an attapulgite placed in a plexiglass trench. The nominal bed thickness was 16 cm with density ranging from 1170 to 1380 kg/m 3, and water above was 16 to 20 cm deep. Waves of design height ranging from 2 to 8 cm and a nominal frequency of 1 Hz were run for durations up to 2970 min. Part I of this report describes experiments meant to examine the rate at which the bed became fluidized, and its relation to the rate of wave energy dissipation. Part II gives results on in-situ rheometry used to track the associated changes in bed rigidity. Temporal and spatial changes of the effective stress were measured during the course of wave action, and from these changes the bed fluidization rate was calculated. A wave-mud interaction model developed in a companion study was employed to calculate the rate of wave energy dissipation. The dependence of the rate of fluidization on the rate of energy dissipation was then explored. Fluidization, which seemingly proceeded down from the bed surface, occurred as a result of the loss of structural integrity of the soil matrix through a buildup of the excess pore pressure and the associated loss of effective stress. The rate of fluidization was typically greater at the beginning of wave action and apparently approached zero with time. This trend coincided with the approach of the rate of energy dissipation to a constant value. In general it was also observed that, for a given wave frequency, the larger the wave height the faster the rate of fluidization and thicker the fluid mud layer formed. On the other hand, increasing the time of bed consolidation prior to wave action decreased the fluidization rate due to greater bed rigidity. Upon cessation of wave action structural recovery followed. Dynamic rigidity was measured by specially designed, in situ shearometers placed in the bed at appropriate elevations to determine the time-dependence of the storage and loss moduli, G' and G", of the viscoelastic clay mixture under 1 Hz waves. As the inter-particle bonds of the space-filling, bed material matrix weakened, the shear propagation velocity decreased measurably. Consequently, G' decreased and G" increased as a transition from dynamically more elastic to more viscous response occurred. These preliminary experiments have demonstrated the validity of the particular rheometric technique used, and the critical need for synchronous, in-situ measurements of pore pressures and moduli characterizing bed rheology in studies on mud fluidization. This study was supported by WES contract DACW39-90-K-0010. (This document contains 151 pages.

    Numerical Modeling and Field Investigation of Nearshore Nonlinear Wave Propagation

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    First, a phase-resolving frequency-domain wave model that solves nonlinear wave-wave interactions is improved to account for wave dissipation and modulations over viscoelastic mud layer. Model results show satisfactory agreement with laboratory measurements. The model is then used to investigate the combined effect of mud viscoelasticity and nonlinear wave-wave interactions on surface wave evolution using cnoidal and random wave simulations. In general, qualitative measures such as shape of cnoidal waves or pattern of variation in Hrms of random waves are dictated by direct mud-induced damping which, due to resonance effects, has a substantially different structure over viscoelastic mud compared to viscous mud. Nonlinear interactions affect spectral shape and distribution of energy loss across the spectrum. Subharmonic interactions cause indirect damping of high frequencies but ameliorate damping of harmonics around mud’s resonance frequency. Therefore, neglecting mud elasticity can result in significant errors in estimation of bulk wave characteristics and spectral shape. Next, a phase-resolving frequency-domain model for wave-current interaction is improved to account for wave modulations due to viscoelastic mud. Results indicates that copropagating currents decrease frequency-dependent damping at low frequencies while they increase it at higher frequencies. The opposite is true for counterpropagating currents. The impact of currents at high frequency increases with increase in mud shear modulus and it is observed in both monochromatic and random wave simulations. The Performance of two mud-induced wave evolution models are compared. One model assumes that the mud layer is thin and the other is applicable to mud of arbitrary depth. It is found that a model based on thin-mud assumption overestimates damping over viscous mud in both monochromatic and random wave scenarios. However, for viscoelastic muds, this model slightly underestimates and overestimates damping for monochromatic and random wave scenarios, respectively. Finally, a preliminary field measurement and data analysis of wave and flow over a seagrass meadow is conducted. In addition, a computational model for hydrodynamics of wave-vegetation interaction is linked to a computational biophysical model for seagrass growth. As a result of this integration, the wave-vegetation model provides improved information on leaf orientation to the seagrass growth model

    Field measurements of a swell band, shore normal, flux divergence reversal

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution June 2011Throughout this thesis we will discuss the theoretical background and empirical observation of a swell band shore normal flux divergence reversal. Specifically, we will demonstrate the existence and persistence of the energy flux divergence reversal in the nearshore region of Atchafalaya Bay, Gulf of Mexico, across storms during the March through April 2010 deployment. We will show that the swell band offshore component of energy flux is rather insignificant during the periods of interest, and as such we will neglect it during the ensuing analysis. The data presented will verify that the greatest flux divergence reversal is seen with winds from the East to Southeast, which is consistent with theories which suggest shoreward energy flux as well as estuarine sediment transport and resuspension prior to passage of a cold front. Employing the results of theoretical calculations and numerical modeling we will confirm that a plausible explanation for this phenomena can be found in situations where temporally varying wind input may locally balance or overpower bottom induced dissipation, which may also contravene the hypothesis that dissipation need increase shoreward due to nonlinear wave-wave interactions and maturation of the spectrum. Lastly, we will verify that the data presented is consistent with other measures collected during the same deployment in the Atchafalaya Bay during March - April 2010

    2017 State-of the Science of Dispersants and Dispersed Oil (DDO) in U.S. Arctic Waters: Physical Transport and Chemical Behavior

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    Chemical dispersants were employed on an unprecedented scale during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and could be a response option should a large spill occur in Arctic waters. The use of dispersants in response to that spill raised concerns regarding the need for chemical dispersants, the fate of the oil and dispersants, and their potential impacts on human health and the environment. Concerns remain that would be more evident in the Arctic, where the remoteness and harsh environmental conditions would make a response to any oil spill very difficult. An outcome of a 2013 Arctic oil spill exercise for senior federal agency leadership identified the need for an evaluation of the state-of-the-science of dispersants and dispersed oil (DDO), and a clear delineation of the associated uncertainties that remain, particularly as they apply to Arctic waters. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), in partnership with the Coastal Response Research Center (CRRC), and in consultation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) embarked on a project to seek expert review and evaluation of the state-of-the-science and the uncertainties involving DDO. The project focused on five areas and how they might be affected by Arctic conditions: dispersant effectiveness, distribution and fate, transport and chemical behavior, environmental impacts, and public health and safety. This publication (1 of 5) addresses efficacy and effectiveness

    Nonlinear Wave Evolution in Interaction With Currents and Viscoleastic Muds

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    A numerical model is extended to investigate the nonlinear dynamics of surface wave propagation over mud in the presence of currents. A phase-resolving frequency-domain model for wave-current interaction is improved to account for wave modulations due to viscoelastic mud of arbitrary thickness. The model compares well with published laboratory data and performs slightly better than the model with viscous mud-induced wave damping mechanism. Monochromatic and random wave simulations are conducted to examine the combined effect of currents, mud-induced wave dissipation and modulation, and nonlinear wave-wave interactions on surface wave spectra. Results indicate that current effects on wave damping over viscoelastic mud is not as straightforward as that over viscous mud. For example, while opposing currents consistently increase damping of random waves over viscous mud, they can decrease damping over viscoelastic mud due to high variations in frequency-dependent damping stemming from mud’s elasticity. It is shown that a model that assumes the mud layer to be thin for simplification can overestimate wave damping over thick mud layers

    Mechanisms of surface wave energy dissipation over a high-concentration sediment suspension

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (2015): 1638–1681, doi:10.1002/2014JC010245.Field observations from the spring of 2008 on the Louisiana shelf were used to elucidate the mechanisms of wave energy dissipation over a muddy seafloor. After a period of high discharge from the Atchafalaya River, acoustic measurements showed the presence of 20 cm thick mobile fluid-mud layers during and after wave events. While total wave energy dissipation (D) was greatest during the high energy periods, these periods had relatively low normalized attenuation rates (κ = Dissipation/Energy Flux). During declining wave-energy conditions, as the fluid-mud layer settled, the attenuation process became more efficient with high κ and low D. The transition from high D and low κ to high κ and low D was caused by a transition from turbulent to laminar flow in the fluid-mud layer as measured by a Pulse-coherent Doppler profiler. Measurements of the oscillatory boundary layer velocity profile in the fluid-mud layer during laminar flow reveal a very thick wave boundary layer with curvature filling the entire fluid-mud layer, suggesting a kinematic viscosity 2–3 orders of magnitude greater than that of clear water. This high viscosity is also consistent with a high wave-attenuation rates measured by across-shelf energy flux differences. The transition to turbulence was forced by instabilities on the lutocline, with wavelengths consistent with the dispersion relation for this two-layer system. The measurements also provide new insight into the dynamics of wave-supported turbidity flows during the transition from a laminar to turbulent fluid-mud layer.This work was supported by Office of Naval Research Award N00014-06-1–0718, which was part of the ONR Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MUD-MURI): entitled ‘‘Mechanisms of Fluid-Mud Interactions Under Waves.’’ Additional support was provided by National Science Foundation grant 1059914.2015-09-1

    Modeling the ultrasound reflection from immersed laminates and its application in adhesive bond inspections

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    This work presents an approach for the determination of an optimal experiment design to identify faults in laminated structures immersed in acoustic fluid. The spring boundary conditions are used for the adhesive bonds and adhesion imperfections are modeled reducing the corresponding spring constants. The formulation is developed with the aid of the invariant embedding technique and, accordingly, it is numerically unconditionally stable. The frequencies/angles of incidence that are most sensitive to adhesion flaws are identified by analyzing the reflection coefficient of a healthy and a flawed plate. Such frequencies/angles of incidence are presumably the optimum choices for the inspecting field in adhesive bond ultrasound evaluations.Este trabalho apresenta uma abordagem para a determinação do projeto ótimo de experimento para identificação de falhas em estruturas laminadas imersas em fluido acústico. As condições de contorno de mola são utilizadas para as camadas adesivas, sendo que as imperfeições nestas camadas são modeladas como uma redução das constantes elásticas das molas correspondentes. A formulação foi desenvolvida com o auxílio da técnica da imersão invariante, que é numericamente incondicionalmente estável. São identificadas as frequências/ângulos de incidência que são mais sensíveis às falhas nas juntas através da análise do coeficiente de reflexão de uma placa saudável e de uma com falha. Essas frequências/ângulos de incidência são, presumivelmente, as escolhas ideais para o campo de inspeção nas avaliações de ultrassom nas camadas adesivas

    Sediment resuspension and nepheloid layers induced by long internal solitary waves shoaling orthogonally on uniform slopes

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2013. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Continental Shelf Research 72 (2014): 21-33, doi:10.1016/j.csr.2013.10.019.Two-dimensional, nonlinear and nonhydrostatic field-scale numerical simulations are used to examine the resuspension, dispersal and transport of mud-like sediment caused by the shoaling and breaking of long internal solitary waves on uniform slopes. The patterns of erosion and transport are both examined, in a series of test cases with varying conditions. Shoreward sediment movement is mainly within boluses, while seaward movement is within intermediate nepheloid layers. Several relationships between properties of the suspended sediment and control parameters are determined such as the horizontal extent of the nehpeloid layers, the total mass of resuspended sediment and the point of maximum bed erosion. The numerical results provide a plausible explanation for acoustic backscatter patterns observed during and after the shoaling of internal solitary wavetrains in a natural coastal environment. The results may further help interpret sedimentary structures that may have been shaped by internal waves and add an another e ective mechanism for o shore dispersal of muddy sediments.This research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (D. Bourgault) and by the Spanish Research Project CGL2009-13254 (M. Morsilli)
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