6,750 research outputs found

    GRAIL – Grid Access and Instrumentation Tool

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    Since the release of Globus Toolkit 4 Web services enrich the world of Grid Computing. They provide methods to develop modular Grid applications which can be parallelized easily. The access to Web services is mostly solved by complex command line tools which need a good deal of knowledge of the underlaying Grid technologies. GRAIL is intended to fill the gap between existing Grid access methods and both the developer who wants to utilize the Grid for own developments and the user who wants to access the Grid without much additional knowledge. It simplifies the access and the testing of Web services for the Globus Grid middleware. GRAIL provides an easy to use graphical user interface for executing Web services and enables the user to construct complex relationships between services to realize parallel execution. The underlying framework allows an easy integration of any Web service or other arbitrary task without much additional effort for the developer. Existing technologies, shipped with the Globus Toolkit, are seamlessly integrated into GRAIL

    A Test Suite for High-Performance Parallel Java

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    The Java programming language has a number of features that make it attractive for writing high-quality, portable parallel programs. A pure object formulation, strong typing and the exception model make programs easier to create, debug, and maintain. The elegant threading provides a simple route to parallelism on shared-memory machines. Anticipating great improvements in numerical performance, this paper presents a suite of simple programs that indicate how a pure Java Navier-Stokes solver might perform. The suite includes a parallel Euler solver. We present results from a 32-processor Hewlett-Packard machine and a 4-processor Sun server. While speedup is excellent on both machines, indicating a high-quality thread scheduler, the single-processor performance needs much improvement

    Effect of high and low glycaemic index recovery diets on intramuscular lipid oxidation during aerobic exercise

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    Intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) and plasma NEFA are important skeletal muscle fuel sources. By raising blood insulin concentrations, carbohydrate ingestion inhibits lypolysis and reduces circulating NEFA. We hypothesised that differences in the postprandial glycaemic and insulin response to carbohydrates (i.e. glycaemic index; GI) could alter NEFA availability and IMCL use during subsequent exercise. Endurance-trained individuals (n 7) cycled for 90 min at 70 % V?O2peak and then consumed either high GI (HGI) or low GI (LGI) meals over the following 12 h. The following day after an overnight fast, the 90 min cycle was repeated. IMCL content of the vastus lateralis was quantified using magnetic resonance spectroscopy before and after exercise. Blood samples were collected at 15 min intervals throughout exercise and analysed for NEFA, glycerol, glucose, insulin, and lactate. Substrate oxidation was calculated from expired air samples. The 90 min cycle resulted in >2-fold greater reduction in IMCL in the HGI trial (3·5 (sem 1·0) mm/kg wet weight) than the LGI trial (1·6 (sem 0·3) mm/kg wet weight, P < 0·05). During exercise, NEFA availability was reduced in the HGI trial compared to the LGI trial (area under curve 2·36 (sem 0·14) mEq/l per h v. 3·14 (sem 0·28) mEq/l per h, P < 0·05 respectively). No other differences were significant. The findings suggest that HGI carbohydrates reduce NEFA availability during exercise and increase reliance on IMCL as a substrate source during moderate intensity exercise

    Effects of Steel and Polypropylene Fiber Addition on Interface Bond Strength between Normal Concrete Substrate andSelf-Compacting Concrete Topping

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    Based on facts that the composite action in semi-precast and strengthened structural system depends on the bond strength of the interface between concrete faces of different ages, this preliminary research is aimed to investigate effects of mixed polypropylene (PPF) and steel fiber (SF) addition on the hardened properties of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) and its bond strength when used as topping layer on normal concrete substrate. Effects of hybrid fiber addition on the hardened properties of SCC were investigated based on the compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strength of concrete specimens which is tested in 28 days of age. In the next step, the tensile and shear strength of the interface were evaluated using indirect splitting tensile and bi-surface shear test method. In this research, fiber addition were prepared using 1 kg/m PPF and various SF addition ranging from 15 kg/m3, 20 kg/m3, 25 kg/m3 and 30 kg/m3. Test results indicate that hybrid fiber addition does not affect the compressive strength significantly but it leads ositive improvement to the splitting tensile and flexural strength of hardened SCC and also improve the bond strength between SCC and normal concrete. Hybrid fiber addition of 1 kg/m3 PPF which is combined with 20 kg/m3 SF can be suggested as optimum composition for Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete (HyFRSCC) that will be used as topping or overlay material based on its hardened properties and interface strength

    New Method of Measuring TCP Performance of IP Network using Bio-computing

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    The measurement of performance of Internet Protocol IP network can be done by Transmission Control Protocol TCP because it guarantees send data from one end of the connection actually gets to the other end and in the same order it was send, otherwise an error is reported. There are several methods to measure the performance of TCP among these methods genetic algorithms, neural network, data mining etc, all these methods have weakness and can't reach to correct measure of TCP performance. This paper proposed a new method of measuring TCP performance for real time IP network using Biocomputing, especially molecular calculation because it provides wisdom results and it can exploit all facilities of phylogentic analysis. Applying the new method at real time on Biological Kurdish Messenger BIOKM model designed to measure the TCP performance in two types of protocols File Transfer Protocol FTP and Internet Relay Chat Daemon IRCD. This application gives very close result of TCP performance comparing with TCP performance which obtains from Little's law using same model (BIOKM), i.e. the different percentage of utilization (Busy or traffic industry) and the idle time which are obtained from a new method base on Bio-computing comparing with Little's law was (nearly) 0.13%. KEYWORDS Bio-computing, TCP performance, Phylogenetic tree, Hybridized Model (Normalized), FTP, IRCDComment: 17 Pages,10 Figures,5 Table

    JGraphT -- A Java library for graph data structures and algorithms

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    Mathematical software and graph-theoretical algorithmic packages to efficiently model, analyze and query graphs are crucial in an era where large-scale spatial, societal and economic network data are abundantly available. One such package is JGraphT, a programming library which contains very efficient and generic graph data-structures along with a large collection of state-of-the-art algorithms. The library is written in Java with stability, interoperability and performance in mind. A distinctive feature of this library is the ability to model vertices and edges as arbitrary objects, thereby permitting natural representations of many common networks including transportation, social and biological networks. Besides classic graph algorithms such as shortest-paths and spanning-tree algorithms, the library contains numerous advanced algorithms: graph and subgraph isomorphism; matching and flow problems; approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems such as independent set and TSP; and several more exotic algorithms such as Berge graph detection. Due to its versatility and generic design, JGraphT is currently used in large-scale commercial, non-commercial and academic research projects. In this work we describe in detail the design and underlying structure of the library, and discuss its most important features and algorithms. A computational study is conducted to evaluate the performance of JGraphT versus a number of similar libraries. Experiments on a large number of graphs over a variety of popular algorithms show that JGraphT is highly competitive with other established libraries such as NetworkX or the BGL.Comment: Major Revisio

    SOCR: Statistics Online Computational Resource

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    The need for hands-on computer laboratory experience in undergraduate and graduate statistics education has been firmly established in the past decade. As a result a number of attempts have been undertaken to develop novel approaches for problem-driven statistical thinking, data analysis and result interpretation. In this paper we describe an integrated educational web-based framework for: interactive distribution modeling, virtual online probability experimentation, statistical data analysis, visualization and integration. Following years of experience in statistical teaching at all college levels using established licensed statistical software packages, like STATA, S-PLUS, R, SPSS, SAS, Systat, etc., we have attempted to engineer a new statistics education environment, the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR). This resource performs many of the standard types of statistical analysis, much like other classical tools. In addition, it is designed in a plug-in object-oriented architecture and is completely platform independent, web-based, interactive, extensible and secure. Over the past 4 years we have tested, fine-tuned and reanalyzed the SOCR framework in many of our undergraduate and graduate probability and statistics courses and have evidence that SOCR resources build student's intuition and enhance their learning.