7 research outputs found

    Interface analysis between GSVML and HL7 version 3

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    AbstractIn order to realize gene-based medicine, a number of key challenges must be overcome. Construction of infrastructure capable of integrating genetic and clinical information is one of those challenges. The Genomic Sequence Variation Markup Language (GSVML) and the Health Level Seven Version 3 (HL7v3) are important electronic data exchange standards for clinical genome infrastructure, and compatibility between these two standards will promote the above integration. In this study, we analyzed the interface between GSVML and HL7v3, primarily for the Clinical Genomics Domain, from a view of the GSVML, and were able to create a blueprint for a functional interface between GSVML and HL7v3. We expect that these analytical results will help accelerate the realization of gene-based medicine

    Standards and Principles to Enable Interoperability and Integration of 5P Medicine Ecosystems

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    Health and social care ecosystems are currently a matter of foundational organizational, methodological and technological paradigm changes towards personalized, preventive, predictive, participative precision (5P) medicine. For designing and implementing such advanced ecosystems, an understanding and correct representation of structure, function and relations of their components is inevitable. To guarantee consistent and conformant processes and outcomes, the specifications and principles must be internationally standardized. Summarizing the first author's Keynotes over the last 15 years of pHealth conferences, the paper discusses concepts, standards and principles of 5P medicine ecosystems including their design and implementation. Furthermore, a guidance to find and to deploy corresponding international standards in practical projects is provided.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Principles and Standards for Designing and Managing Integrable and Interoperable Transformed Health Ecosystems

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    The advancement of sciences and technologies, economic challenges, increasing expectations, and consumerism result in a radical transformation of health and social care around the globe, characterized by foundational organizational, methodological, and technological paradigm changes. The transformation of the health and social care ecosystems aims at ubiquitously providing personalized, preventive, predictive, participative precision (5P) medicine, considering and understanding the individual’s health status in a comprehensive context from the elementary particle up to society. For designing and implementing such advanced ecosystems, an understanding and correct representation of the structure, function, and relations of their components is inevitable, thereby including the perspectives, principles, and methodologies of all included disciplines. To guarantee consistent and conformant processes and outcomes, the specifications and principles must be based on international standards. A core standard for representing transformed health ecosystems and managing the integration and interoperability of systems, components, specifications, and artifacts is ISO 23903:2021, therefore playing a central role in this publication. Consequently, ISO/TC 215 and CEN/TC 251, both representing the international standardization on health informatics, declared the deployment of ISO 23903:2021 mandatory for all their projects and standards addressing more than one domain. The paper summarizes and concludes the first author’s leading engagement in the evolution of pHealth in Europe and beyond over the last 15 years, discussing the concepts, principles, and standards for designing, implementing, and managing 5P medicine ecosystems. It not only introduces the theoretical foundations of the approach but also exemplifies its deployment in practical projects and solutions regarding interoperability and integration in multi-domain ecosystems. The presented approach enables comprehensive and consistent integration of and interoperability between domains, systems, related actors, specifications, standards, and solutions. That way, it should help overcome the problems and limitations of data-centric approaches, which still dominate projects and products nowadays, and replace them with knowledge-centric, comprehensive, and consistent ones

    Quality framework for semantic interoperability in health informatics: definition and implementation

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    Aligned with the increased adoption of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, it is recognized that semantic interoperability provides benefits for promoting patient safety and continuity of care. This thesis proposes a framework of quality metrics and recommendations for developing semantic interoperability resources specially focused on clinical information models, which are defined as formal specifications of structure and semantics for representing EHR information for a specific domain or use case. This research started with an exploratory stage that performed a systematic literature review with an international survey about the clinical information modelling best practice and barriers. The results obtained were used to define a set of quality models that were validated through Delphi study methodologies and end user survey, and also compared with related quality standards in those areas that standardization bodies had a related work programme. According to the obtained research results, the defined framework is based in the following models: Development process quality model: evaluates the alignment with the best practice in clinical information modelling and defines metrics for evaluating the tools applied as part of this process. Product quality model: evaluates the semantic interoperability capabilities of clinical information models based on the defined meta-data, data elements and terminology bindings. Quality in use model: evaluates the suitability of adopting semantic interoperability resources by end users in their local projects and organisations. Finally, the quality in use model was implemented within the European Interoperability Asset register developed by the EXPAND project with the aim of applying this quality model in a broader scope to contain any relevant material for guiding the definition, development and implementation of interoperable eHealth systems in our continent. Several European projects already expressed interest in using the register, which will now be sustained by the European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

    The Electronic Health Record between the Semantic Web and the right to privacy

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    Principale obiettivo della ricerca è quello di ricostruire lo stato dell’arte in materia di sanità elettronica e Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, con una precipua attenzione ai temi della protezione dei dati personali e dell’interoperabilità. A tal fine sono stati esaminati i documenti, vincolanti e non, dell’Unione europea nonché selezionati progetti europei e nazionali (come “Smart Open Services for European Patients” (EU); “Elektronische Gesundheitsakte” (Austria); “MedCom” (Danimarca); “Infrastruttura tecnologica del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico”, “OpenInFSE: Realizzazione di un’infrastruttura operativa a supporto dell’interoperabilità delle soluzioni territoriali di fascicolo sanitario elettronico nel contesto del sistema pubblico di connettività”, “Evoluzione e interoperabilità tecnologica del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico”, “IPSE - Sperimentazione di un sistema per l’interoperabilità europea e nazionale delle soluzioni di Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico: componenti Patient Summary e ePrescription” (Italia)). Le analisi giuridiche e tecniche mostrano il bisogno urgente di definire modelli che incoraggino l’utilizzo di dati sanitari ed implementino strategie effettive per l’utilizzo con finalità secondarie di dati sanitari digitali , come Open Data e Linked Open Data. L’armonizzazione giuridica e tecnologica è vista come aspetto strategico per ridurre i conflitti in materia di protezione di dati personali esistenti nei Paesi membri nonché la mancanza di interoperabilità tra i sistemi informativi europei sui Fascicoli Sanitari Elettronici. A questo scopo sono state individuate tre linee guida: (1) armonizzazione normativa, (2) armonizzazione delle regole, (3) armonizzazione del design dei sistemi informativi. I principi della Privacy by Design (“prottivi” e “win-win”), così come gli standard del Semantic Web, sono considerate chiavi risolutive per il suddetto cambiamento.The main goal of the PhD research is providing the European and national state of the art on e-Health and the Electronic Health Record with a focus on Data Protection and Interoperability issues. It has been achieved through the overview of existing binding and non-binding EU legal documents and the analysis of selected European and national projects (as “Smart Open Services for European Patients” (EU); “Elektronische Gesundheitsakte” (Austria); “MedCom” (Denmark); “Infrastruttura tecnologica del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico”, “OpenInFSE: Realizzazione di un’infrastruttura operativa a supporto dell’interoperabilità delle soluzioni territoriali di fascicolo sanitario elettronico nel contesto del sistema pubblico di connettività”, “Evoluzione e interoperabilità tecnologica del Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico”, “IPSE - Sperimentazione di un sistema per l’interoperabilità europea e nazionale delle soluzioni di Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico: componenti Patient Summary e ePrescription” (Italy)). Legal and technical analyses show the urgent need to define models that encourage use of Health Data and to implement effective strategies improving usability of e-Health Data for secondary uses, such as Open Data and Linked Open Data. Technological and legal harmony is a strategic aspect for narrowing the gaps, such as conflicting data protection rules in different countries or the lack of interoperability between Electronic Health Record systems in Europe. To that end, three strategic guidelines are identified: (1) harmonization of law, (2) harmonization of rules, (3) harmonization of system design. Privacy by Design principles are a “proactive” and “win-win” key solution for this change, such as Semantic Web standards

    Actas de las VI Jornadas Nacionales (JNIC2021 LIVE)

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    Estas jornadas se han convertido en un foro de encuentro de los actores más relevantes en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad en España. En ellas, no sólo se presentan algunos de los trabajos científicos punteros en las diversas áreas de ciberseguridad, sino que se presta especial atención a la formación e innovación educativa en materia de ciberseguridad, y también a la conexión con la industria, a través de propuestas de transferencia de tecnología. Tanto es así que, este año se presentan en el Programa de Transferencia algunas modificaciones sobre su funcionamiento y desarrollo que han sido diseñadas con la intención de mejorarlo y hacerlo más valioso para toda la comunidad investigadora en ciberseguridad