5,126 research outputs found

    A burst compression and expansion technique for variable-rate users in satellite-switched TDMA networks

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    A burst compression and expansion technique is described for asynchronously interconnecting variable-data-rate users with cost-efficient ground terminals in a satellite-switched, time-division-multiple-access (SS/TDMA) network. Compression and expansion buffers in each ground terminal convert between lower rate, asynchronous, continuous-user data streams and higher-rate TDMA bursts synchronized with the satellite-switched timing. The technique described uses a first-in, first-out (FIFO) memory approach which enables the use of inexpensive clock sources by both the users and the ground terminals and obviates the need for elaborate user clock synchronization processes. A continous range of data rates from kilobits per second to that approaching the modulator burst rate (hundreds of megabits per second) can be accommodated. The technique was developed for use in the NASA Lewis Research Center System Integration, Test, and Evaluation (SITE) facility. Some key features of the technique have also been implemented in the gound terminals developed at NASA Lewis for use in on-orbit evaluation of the Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) high burst rate (HBR) system

    Slip and Adhesion in a Railway Wheelset Simulink Model Proposed for Detection Driving Conditions Via Neural Networks

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    Constantly enlarging operation of locomotives with a very high tractive power in modern railway transport has caused problems with optimal supplying torque from motor to wheel-sets. Losses emerging with inadequate torque values lead to wheel slipping connected with excessive wear and limited acceleration. In models simulating dynamics of torque transmission from the drive units to wheels, the most important are the submodel of the drive and the submodel of balance between traction forces and drive resistances. Some issues of this field studied within a PhD program and SGS (CTU Students Grant Competition) has been focused on increasing quality of these submodels. This contribution is aimed at an innovated part in the existing Simulink model utilizing new data sources and modeling techniques. This improvement supports application of operating point detection methods based on machine learning techniques. New control facilities provided with pulse-width modulated frequency control of the asynchronous motor will be used for automatic submission of optimal operating points. The idea of utilization of via simulation obtained data is an on-line training of polynomial neural unit as an approximation of current driving conditions.Neustále narůstající provoz lokomotiv s velmi vysokým trakčním výkonem v moderní železniční dopravě způsobuje problémy s přenosem optimálního hnacího momentu z motoru na dvojkolí. Ztráty vyplývající z nevhodných hodnot točivého momentu vedou k prokluzu kol spojeným s nadměrným opotřebením a omezeným zrychlením. V modelech simulujících dynamiku přenosu točivého momentu z pohonné jednotky na dvojkolí jsou nejdůležitější submodely pohonu a rovnováhy mezi trakčními silami a jízdními odpory. Výzkum prováděný v rámci doktorských studijních programů a SGS (Studentská grantová soutěž ČVUT) se zaměřuje na zvyšování kvality těchto submodelů. Tento příspěvek je zaměřen na inovovanou část v existujícím Simulink modelu využívajícím nové zdroje dat a technik modelování. Nové možnosti regulace zajištěné pulzně-šířkovou frekvenční regulací asynchronního motoru budou použity pro automatické poskytnutí optimálních provozních bodů. Představa využití simulací získaných dat je on-line učení polynomické neuronové jednotky jako aproximace současných jízdních podmínek

    AER Auditory Filtering and CPG for Robot Control

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a communication protocol for transferring asynchronous events between VLSI chips, originally developed for bio-inspired processing systems (for example, image processing). The event information in an AER system is transferred using a highspeed digital parallel bus. This paper presents an experiment using AER for sensing, processing and finally actuating a Robot. The AER output of a silicon cochlea is processed by an AER filter implemented on a FPGA to produce rhythmic walking in a humanoid robot (Redbot). We have implemented both the AER rhythm detector and the Central Pattern Generator (CPG) on a Spartan II FPGA which is part of a USB-AER platform developed by some of the authors.Commission of the European Communities IST-2001-34124 (CAVIAR)Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC-2003-08164-C03-0

    An AER handshake-less modular infrastructure PCB with x8 2.5Gbps LVDS serial links

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    Nowadays spike-based brain processing emulation is taking off. Several EU and others worldwide projects are demonstrating this, like SpiNNaker, BrainScaleS, FACETS, or NeuroGrid. The larger the brain process emulation on silicon is, the higher the communication performance of the hosting platforms has to be. Many times the bottleneck of these system implementations is not on the performance inside a chip or a board, but in the communication between boards. This paper describes a novel modular Address-Event-Representation (AER) FPGA-based (Spartan6) infrastructure PCB (the AER-Node board) with 2.5Gbps LVDS high speed serial links over SATA cables that offers a peak performance of 32-bit 62.5Meps (Mega events per second) on board-to-board communications. The board allows back compatibility with parallel AER devices supporting up to x2 28-bit parallel data with asynchronous handshake. These boards also allow modular expansion functionality through several daughter boards. The paper is focused on describing in detail the LVDS serial interface and presenting its performance.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02/01Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02/01Junta de Andalucía TIC-6091Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PRI-PIMCHI-2011-076

    Distributed computing system with dual independent communications paths between computers and employing split tokens

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    This is a distributed computing system providing flexible fault tolerance; ease of software design and concurrency specification; and dynamic balance of the loads. The system comprises a plurality of computers each having a first input/output interface and a second input/output interface for interfacing to communications networks each second input/output interface including a bypass for bypassing the associated computer. A global communications network interconnects the first input/output interfaces for providing each computer the ability to broadcast messages simultaneously to the remainder of the computers. A meshwork communications network interconnects the second input/output interfaces providing each computer with the ability to establish a communications link with another of the computers bypassing the remainder of computers. Each computer is controlled by a resident copy of a common operating system. Communications between respective ones of computers is by means of split tokens each having a moving first portion which is sent from computer to computer and a resident second portion which is disposed in the memory of at least one of computer and wherein the location of the second portion is part of the first portion. The split tokens represent both functions to be executed by the computers and data to be employed in the execution of the functions. The first input/output interfaces each include logic for detecting a collision between messages and for terminating the broadcasting of a message whereby collisions between messages are detected and avoided

    Simulation and experimental evaluation of a flexible time triggered ethernet architecture applied in satellite nano/micro launchers

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    The success of small satellites has led to the study of new technologies for the realization of Nano and Micro Launch Vehicle (NMLV) in order to make competitive launch costs. The paper has the objective to define and experimentally investigate the performance of a communication system for NMLV interconnecting the End Systems as On-Board Computer (OBC), telemetry apparatus, Navigation Unit...we propose a low cost Ethernet-based solution able to provide the devices with high interconnection bandwidth. To guarantee hard delays to the Guide, Navigation and Control applications we propose some architectural changes of the traditional Ethernet network with the introduction of a layer implemented in the End Systems and allow for the lack of any contention on the network links. We show how the proposed solution has comparable performance to the one of TTEthernet standard that is a very expensive solution. An experimental test-bed equipped with Ethernet switches and Hercules boards by Texas Instruments is also provided to prove the feasibility of the proposed solution

    Astrocytes actively support long-range molecular clock synchronization of segregated neuronal populations

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    In mammals, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is the master circadian pacemaker that synchronizes the clocks in the central nervous system and periphery, thus orchestrating rhythms throughout the body. However, little is known about how so many cellular clocks within and across brain circuits can be effectively synchronized. In this work, we investigated the implication of two possible pathways: (i) astrocytes-mediated synchronization and (ii) neuronal paracrine factors-mediated synchronization. By taking advantage of a lab-on-a-chip microfluidic device developed in our laboratory, here we report that both pathways are involved. We found the paracrine factors-mediated synchronization of molecular clocks is diffusion-limited and, in our device, effective only in case of a short distance between neuronal populations. Interestingly, interconnecting astrocytes define an active signaling channel that can synchronize molecular clocks of neuronal populations also at longer distances. At mechanism level, we found that astrocytes-mediated synchronization involves both GABA and glutamate, while neuronal paracrine factors-mediated synchronization occurs through GABA signaling. These findings identify a previously unknown role of astrocytes as active cells that might distribute long-range signals to synchronize the brain clocks, thus further strengthening the importance of reciprocal interactions between glial and neuronal cells in the context of circadian circuitry