230 research outputs found


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    The work presents some aspects of beam tracing technique used in sound simulation. Adaptive Frustum algorithm, which was designed for detecting obstacles via beam subdivision was reviewed from efficiency point of view as well asfor its accuracy. Some possible improvements are suggested, however, they donot fully solve the problems of using this algorithm in real-time applications.Improved algorithm implementation was tested on five scenes with differentcharacteristics and varying complexity

    Efficient geometric sound propagation using visibility culling

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    Simulating propagation of sound can improve the sense of realism in interactive applications such as video games and can lead to better designs in engineering applications such as architectural acoustics. In this thesis, we present geometric sound propagation techniques which are faster than prior methods and map well to upcoming parallel multi-core CPUs. We model specular reflections by using the image-source method and model finite-edge diffraction by using the well-known Biot-Tolstoy-Medwin (BTM) model. We accelerate the computation of specular reflections by applying novel visibility algorithms, FastV and AD-Frustum, which compute visibility from a point. We accelerate finite-edge diffraction modeling by applying a novel visibility algorithm which computes visibility from a region. Our visibility algorithms are based on frustum tracing and exploit recent advances in fast ray-hierarchy intersections, data-parallel computations, and scalable, multi-core algorithms. The AD-Frustum algorithm adapts its computation to the scene complexity and allows small errors in computing specular reflection paths for higher computational efficiency. FastV and our visibility algorithm from a region are general, object-space, conservative visibility algorithms that together significantly reduce the number of image sources compared to other techniques while preserving the same accuracy. Our geometric propagation algorithms are an order of magnitude faster than prior approaches for modeling specular reflections and two to ten times faster for modeling finite-edge diffraction. Our algorithms are interactive, scale almost linearly on multi-core CPUs, and can handle large, complex, and dynamic scenes. We also compare the accuracy of our sound propagation algorithms with other methods. Once sound propagation is performed, it is desirable to listen to the propagated sound in interactive and engineering applications. We can generate smooth, artifact-free output audio signals by applying efficient audio-processing algorithms. We also present the first efficient audio-processing algorithm for scenarios with simultaneously moving source and moving receiver (MS-MR) which incurs less than 25% overhead compared to static source and moving receiver (SS-MR) or moving source and static receiver (MS-SR) scenario

    Interactive Sound Propagation for Massive Multi-user and Dynamic Virtual Environments

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    Hearing is an important sense and it is known that rendering sound effects can enhance the level of immersion in virtual environments. Modeling sound waves is a complex problem, requiring vast computing resources to solve accurately. Prior methods are restricted to static scenes or limited acoustic effects. In this thesis, we present methods to improve the quality and performance of interactive geometric sound propagation in dynamic scenes and precomputation algorithms for acoustic propagation in enormous multi-user virtual environments. We present a method for finding edge diffraction propagation paths on arbitrary 3D scenes for dynamic sources and receivers. Using this algorithm, we present a unified framework for interactive simulation of specular reflections, diffuse reflections, diffraction scattering, and reverberation effects. We also define a guidance algorithm for ray tracing that responds to dynamic environments and reorders queries to minimize simulation time. Our approach works well on modern GPUs and can achieve more than an order of magnitude performance improvement over prior methods. Modern multi-user virtual environments support many types of client devices, and current phones and mobile devices may lack the resources to run acoustic simulations. To provide such devices the benefits of sound simulation, we have developed a precomputation algorithm that efficiently computes and stores acoustic data on a server in the cloud. Using novel algorithms, the server can render enhanced spatial audio in scenes spanning several square kilometers for hundreds of clients in realtime. Our method provides the benefits of immersive audio to collaborative telephony, video games, and multi-user virtual environments.Doctor of Philosoph

    Interactive ray tracing of massive and deformable models

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    Ray tracing is a fundamental algorithm used for many applications such as computer graphics, geometric simulation, collision detection and line-of-sight computation. Even though the performance of ray tracing algorithms scales with the model complexity, the high memory requirements and the use of static hierarchical structures pose problems with massive models and dynamic data-sets. We present several approaches to address these problems based on new acceleration structures and traversal algorithms. We introduce a compact representation for storing the model and hierarchy while ray tracing triangle meshes that can reduce the memory footprint by up to 80%, while maintaining high performance. As a result, can ray trace massive models with hundreds of millions of triangles on workstations with a few gigabytes of memory. We also show how to use bounding volume hierarchies for ray tracing complex models with interactive performance. In order to handle dynamic scenes, we use refitting algorithms and also present highly-parallel GPU-based algorithms to reconstruct the hierarchies. In practice, our method can construct hierarchies for models with hundreds of thousands of triangles at interactive speeds. Finally, we demonstrate several applications that are enabled by these algorithms. Using deformable BVH and fast data parallel techniques, we introduce a geometric sound propagation algorithm that can run on complex deformable scenes interactively and orders of magnitude faster than comparable previous approaches. In addition, we also use these hierarchical algorithms for fast collision detection between deformable models and GPU rendering of shadows on massive models by employing our compact representations for hybrid ray tracing and rasterization

    Spatial Sound Rendering – A Survey

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    Simulating propagation of sound and audio rendering can improve the sense of realism and the immersion both in complex acoustic environments and dynamic virtual scenes. In studies of sound auralization, the focus has always been on room acoustics modeling, but most of the same methods are also applicable in the construction of virtual environments such as those developed to facilitate computer gaming, cognitive research, and simulated training scenarios. This paper is a review of state-of-the-art techniques that are based on acoustic principles that apply not only to real rooms but also in 3D virtual environments. The paper also highlights the need to expand the field of immersive sound in a web based browsing environment, because, despite the interest and many benefits, few developments seem to have taken place within this context. Moreover, the paper includes a list of the most effective algorithms used for modelling spatial sound propagation and reports their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the paper emphasizes in the evaluation of these proposed works

    Effects of virtual acoustics on dynamic auditory distance perception

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    Sound propagation encompasses various acoustic phenomena including reverberation. Current virtual acoustic methods, ranging from parametric filters to physically-accurate solvers, can simulate reverberation with varying degrees of fidelity. We investigate the effects of reverberant sounds generated using different propagation algorithms on acoustic distance perception, i.e., how faraway humans perceive a sound source. In particular, we evaluate two classes of methods for real-time sound propagation in dynamic scenes based on parametric filters and ray tracing. Our study shows that the more accurate method shows less distance compression as compared to the approximate, filter-based method. This suggests that accurate reverberation in VR results in a better reproduction of acoustic distances. We also quantify the levels of distance compression introduced by different propagation methods in a virtual environment.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 figure

    Visualization for the Physical Sciences

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