4 research outputs found

    Development of a drama gong performance model: an effort to preserve the traditional Balinese drama in the digital era

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    Drama Gong is a traditional Balinese performance art that enjoyed popularity. However, since the 1990s, the advent of television and the internet has led to a decline in the prominence of Drama Gong. Therefore, there is a pressing need to revitalize and innovate this traditional art form. One such effort by Balinese artists involves the creation of a digital adaptation known as 'Drama Keraton Cilinaya.' This qualitative descriptive research aims to explore the development model of Drama Gong in the digital era. The research data were collected through a comprehensive document analysis, which included the examination of seven episodes of 'Drama Keraton Cilinaya,' as well as direct observations and interviews with the creators. The findings revealed that 'Drama Keraton Cilinaya' has undergone significant internal and external innovations. Internally, the artists emphasized the importance of having an open mindset to embrace global changes, packaged stories for enhanced appeal and comprehension, incorporated contemporary dialogue, employed multiple languages, engaged younger talents, enhanced makeup and costume artistry, introduced digital music, and improved stage layouts. External innovations involve collaborations with artists beyond the Drama Gong tradition, utilizing digital technology in production, and distributing the performances through TV media and YouTube channels to broaden their audience reach. It is anticipated that the findings of this research will serve as a valuable digital packaging model, not only for Drama Gong but also for the development of other traditional Balinese performing arts, ensuring their sustainability in the digital era

    Embodying an invisible face shrinks the cone of gaze

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    The possibility of being invisible has long fascinating people. Recent research showed that multisensory illusions can induce experiences of bodily invisibility, allowing the psychological consequences of invisibility to be explored. Here, we demonstrate an illusion of embodying an invisible face. Participants received touches on their face and simultaneously saw a paintbrush moving synchronously in empty space and defining the shape of an invisible face. We show that such invisible enfacement induces a sense of ownership using both explicit questionnaire measures (Experiment 1) and implicit physiological measures (Experiment 2). We further demonstrated that embodying an invisible face shrinks the width of the cone of gaze, i.e. the range of eye deviations people judge as directed towards themselves (Experiment 3 and 4). These results suggest that the experience of invisibility affects the way in which we process the attention of others toward the self, starting from the perception of gaze direction

    Image Color Correction, Enhancement, and Editing

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    This thesis presents methods and approaches to image color correction, color enhancement, and color editing. To begin, we study the color correction problem from the standpoint of the camera's image signal processor (ISP). A camera's ISP is hardware that applies a series of in-camera image processing and color manipulation steps, many of which are nonlinear in nature, to render the initial sensor image to its final photo-finished representation saved in the 8-bit standard RGB (sRGB) color space. As white balance (WB) is one of the major procedures applied by the ISP for color correction, this thesis presents two different methods for ISP white balancing. Afterwards, we discuss another scenario of correcting and editing image colors, where we present a set of methods to correct and edit WB settings for images that have been improperly white-balanced by the ISP. Then, we explore another factor that has a significant impact on the quality of camera-rendered colors, in which we outline two different methods to correct exposure errors in camera-rendered images. Lastly, we discuss post-capture auto color editing and manipulation. In particular, we propose auto image recoloring methods to generate different realistic versions of the same camera-rendered image with new colors. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate that our methods provide superior solutions compared to existing alternatives targeting color correction, color enhancement, and color editing