6 research outputs found

    Digitally interpreting traditional folk crafts

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    The cultural heritage preservation requires that objects persist throughout time to continue to communicate an intended meaning. The necessity of computer-based preservation and interpretation of traditional folk crafts is validated by the decreasing number of masters, fading technologies, and crafts losing economic ground. We present a long-term applied research project on the development of a mathematical basis, software tools, and technology for application of desktop or personal fabrication using compact, cheap, and environmentally friendly fabrication devices, including '3D printers', in traditional crafts. We illustrate the properties of this new modeling and fabrication system using several case studies involving the digital capture of traditional objects and craft patterns, which we also reuse in modern designs. The test application areas for the development are traditional crafts from different cultural backgrounds, namely Japanese lacquer ware and Norwegian carvings. Our project includes modeling existing artifacts, Web presentations of the models, automation of the models fabrication, and the experimental manufacturing of new designs and forms

    Partial differential equations for function based geometry modelling within visual cyberworlds

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    We propose the use of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) for shape modelling within visual cyberworlds. PDEs, especially those that are elliptic in nature, enable surface modelling to be defined as boundary-value problems. Here we show how the PDE based on the Biharmonic equation subject to suitable boundary conditions can be used for shape modelling within visual cyberworlds. We discuss an analytic solution formulation for the Biharmonic equation which allows us to define a function based geometry whereby the resulting geometry can be visualised efficiently at arbitrary levels of shape resolutions. In particular, we discuss how function based PDE surfaces can be readily integrated within VRML and X3D environment

    Interactive function based shape modelling

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    112 p.In this work, interactive shape modelling is addressed using a function-based approach, where geometric shapes and their properties are defined with mathematical functions. Interactive modification of a function model with concurrent visualisation of the respective polygonal mesh provided both the interactivity and any required level of detail resulting in a photo-realistic appearance of the shapes. Mathematically the same functions are used for defining the shape's geometry as well as colours, which can be interactively applied to the shape. Any of the operators involved in creating the shape can be edited, modified or removed at any time thus allowing for a great flexibility of the modelling pipeline and opening prospects for efficient re-using and improvement of the models previously created.DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (SCE

    Interactive function based shape modelling

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    In this project we have addressed interactive shape modelling problem using the function-based approach, where geometric shapes and their properties are defined with mathematical functions. Interactive modification of the function model with concurrent visualisation of the respective polygonal mesh provided us both the interactivity and any required level of detail resulting in photo-realistic appearance of the shapes. We introduced geometric operators to represent interactive modifications of geometry and appearance of the shapes. Mathematically the same functions are used for defining the shape?s geometry as well as colours, which can be interactively applied to it. Any of the operators involved in creating the shape can be edited, modified or removed at any time thus allowing for a great flexibility of the modelling pipeline and opening prospects for efficient reusing and improving of the models previously created

    Technical Section Interactive function-based shape modelling

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    In this paper we address interactive shape modelling of geometric shapes defined by mathematical functions. We introduce mathematical operators that implement modifications of geometry and appearance of the shapes. Any of the operators involved in creating the shape can be edited, modified or removed at any time, thus allowing for a great flexibility of the modelling pipeline and opening prospects for efficient reusing and improving of the previously created models. Interactive modification of the function model with concurrent visualisation of the respective polygonal mesh lets us provide both the interactivity and any required level of detail resulting in photo-realistic appearance of the shapes

    EUROGRAPHICS 2002 / I. Navazo and Ph. Slusallek Short Presentations

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    This paper addresses interactive function-based shape modelling. Interactive modification of the function model with concurrent visualization of the respective polygonal mesh lets us provide both the interactivity and any required level of detail leading to photo-realistic appearance of the resulting shapes. We have proposed an interactive visualisation method capable of handling local shape modifications with any desired precision. We illustrate the implementation of the proposed visualisation method on the example of the interactive function-based artistic shape modelling