24,193 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationA broad range of applications capture dynamic data at an unprecedented scale. Independent of the application area, finding intuitive ways to understand the dynamic aspects of these increasingly large data sets remains an interesting and, to some extent, unsolved research problem. Generically, dynamic data sets can be described by some, often hierarchical, notion of feature of interest that exists at each moment in time, and those features evolve across time. Consequently, exploring the evolution of these features is considered to be one natural way of studying these data sets. Usually, this process entails the ability to: 1) define and extract features from each time step in the data set; 2) find their correspondences over time; and 3) analyze their evolution across time. However, due to the large data sizes, visualizing the evolution of features in a comprehensible manner and performing interactive changes are challenging. Furthermore, feature evolution details are often unmanageably large and complex, making it difficult to identify the temporal trends in the underlying data. Additionally, many existing approaches develop these components in a specialized and standalone manner, thus failing to address the general task of understanding feature evolution across time. This dissertation demonstrates that interactive exploration of feature evolution can be achieved in a non-domain-specific manner so that it can be applied across a wide variety of application domains. In particular, a novel generic visualization and analysis environment that couples a multiresolution unified spatiotemporal representation of features with progressive layout and visualization strategies for studying the feature evolution across time is introduced. This flexible framework enables on-the-fly changes to feature definitions, their correspondences, and other arbitrary attributes while providing an interactive view of the resulting feature evolution details. Furthermore, to reduce the visual complexity within the feature evolution details, several subselection-based and localized, per-feature parameter value-based strategies are also enabled. The utility and generality of this framework is demonstrated by using several large-scale dynamic data sets

    Fast filtering and animation of large dynamic networks

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    Detecting and visualizing what are the most relevant changes in an evolving network is an open challenge in several domains. We present a fast algorithm that filters subsets of the strongest nodes and edges representing an evolving weighted graph and visualize it by either creating a movie, or by streaming it to an interactive network visualization tool. The algorithm is an approximation of exponential sliding time-window that scales linearly with the number of interactions. We compare the algorithm against rectangular and exponential sliding time-window methods. Our network filtering algorithm: i) captures persistent trends in the structure of dynamic weighted networks, ii) smoothens transitions between the snapshots of dynamic network, and iii) uses limited memory and processor time. The algorithm is publicly available as open-source software.Comment: 6 figures, 2 table

    Visual Exploration System for Analyzing Trends in Annual Recruitment Using Time-varying Graphs

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    Annual recruitment data of new graduates are manually analyzed by human resources specialists (HR) in industries, which signifies the need to evaluate the recruitment strategy of HR specialists. Every year, different applicants send in job applications to companies. The relationships between applicants' attributes (e.g., English skill or academic credential) can be used to analyze the changes in recruitment trends across multiple years' data. However, most attributes are unnormalized and thus require thorough preprocessing. Such unnormalized data hinder the effective comparison of the relationship between applicants in the early stage of data analysis. Thus, a visual exploration system is highly needed to gain insight from the overview of the relationship between applicants across multiple years. In this study, we propose the Polarizing Attributes for Network Analysis of Correlation on Entities Association (Panacea) visualization system. The proposed system integrates a time-varying graph model and dynamic graph visualization for heterogeneous tabular data. Using this system, human resource specialists can interactively inspect the relationships between two attributes of prospective employees across multiple years. Further, we demonstrate the usability of Panacea with representative examples for finding hidden trends in real-world datasets and then describe HR specialists' feedback obtained throughout Panacea's development. The proposed Panacea system enables HR specialists to visually explore the annual recruitment of new graduates

    Viscous Fingering: A Topological Visual Analytic Approach

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    International audienceWe present a methodology to analyze and visualize an ensemble of finite pointset method (FPM) simulations that model the viscous fingering process of salt solutions inside water. In course of the simulations the solutions form structures with increased salt concentration called viscous fingers. These structures are of primary interest to domain scientists as it is not clear when and where viscous fingers appear and how they evolve. To explore the aleatoric uncertainty embedded in the simulations we analyze an ensemble of simulation runs which differ due to stochastic effects. To detect and track the viscous fingers we derive a voxel volume for each simulation where fingers are identified as subvolumes that satisfy geometrical and topological constraints. Properties and the evolution of fingers are illustrated through tracking graphs that visualize when fingers form, dissolve, merge, and split. We provide multiple linked views to compare, browse, and analyze the ensemble in real-time. Fig. 1: Detail view of our visualization tool consisting of the 3D rendering of viscous fingers (left), and the tracking graph showing their evolution (right)

    Visual Analysis of High-Dimensional Point Clouds using Topological Abstraction

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    This thesis is about visualizing a kind of data that is trivial to process by computers but difficult to imagine by humans because nature does not allow for intuition with this type of information: high-dimensional data. Such data often result from representing observations of objects under various aspects or with different properties. In many applications, a typical, laborious task is to find related objects or to group those that are similar to each other. One classic solution for this task is to imagine the data as vectors in a Euclidean space with object variables as dimensions. Utilizing Euclidean distance as a measure of similarity, objects with similar properties and values accumulate to groups, so-called clusters, that are exposed by cluster analysis on the high-dimensional point cloud. Because similar vectors can be thought of as objects that are alike in terms of their attributes, the point cloud\''s structure and individual cluster properties, like their size or compactness, summarize data categories and their relative importance. The contribution of this thesis is a novel analysis approach for visual exploration of high-dimensional point clouds without suffering from structural occlusion. The work is based on implementing two key concepts: The first idea is to discard those geometric properties that cannot be preserved and, thus, lead to the typical artifacts. Topological concepts are used instead to shift away the focus from a point-centered view on the data to a more structure-centered perspective. The advantage is that topology-driven clustering information can be extracted in the data\''s original domain and be preserved without loss in low dimensions. The second idea is to split the analysis into a topology-based global overview and a subsequent geometric local refinement. The occlusion-free overview enables the analyst to identify features and to link them to other visualizations that permit analysis of those properties not captured by the topological abstraction, e.g. cluster shape or value distributions in particular dimensions or subspaces. The advantage of separating structure from data point analysis is that restricting local analysis only to data subsets significantly reduces artifacts and the visual complexity of standard techniques. That is, the additional topological layer enables the analyst to identify structure that was hidden before and to focus on particular features by suppressing irrelevant points during local feature analysis. This thesis addresses the topology-based visual analysis of high-dimensional point clouds for both the time-invariant and the time-varying case. Time-invariant means that the points do not change in their number or positions. That is, the analyst explores the clustering of a fixed and constant set of points. The extension to the time-varying case implies the analysis of a varying clustering, where clusters appear as new, merge or split, or vanish. Especially for high-dimensional data, both tracking---which means to relate features over time---but also visualizing changing structure are difficult problems to solve

    Interactive Visualization Lenses:: Natural Magic Lens Interaction for Graph Visualization

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    Information visualization is an important research field concerned with making sense and inferring knowledge from data collections. Graph visualizations are specific techniques for data representation relevant in diverse application domains among them biology, software-engineering, and business finance. These data visualizations benefit from the display space provided by novel interactive large display environments. However, these environments also cause new challenges and result in new requirements regarding the need for interaction beyond the desktop and according redesign of analysis tools. This thesis focuses on interactive magic lenses, specialized locally applied tools that temporarily manipulate the visualization. These may include magnification of focus regions but also more graph-specific functions such as pulling in neighboring nodes or locally reducing edge clutter. Up to now, these lenses have mostly been used as single-user, single-purpose tools operated by mouse and keyboard. This dissertation presents the extension of magic lenses both in terms of function as well as interaction for large vertical displays. In particular, this thesis contributes several natural interaction designs with magic lenses for the exploration of graph data in node-link visualizations using diverse interaction modalities. This development incorporates flexible switches between lens functions, adjustment of individual lens properties and function parameters, as well as the combination of lenses. It proposes interaction techniques for fluent multi-touch manipulation of lenses, controlling lenses using mobile devices in front of large displays, and a novel concept of body-controlled magic lenses. Functional extensions in addition to these interaction techniques convert the lenses to user-configurable, personal territories with use of alternative interaction styles. To create the foundation for this extension, the dissertation incorporates a comprehensive design space of magic lenses, their function, parameters, and interactions. Additionally, it provides a discussion on increased embodiment in tool and controller design, contributing insights into user position and movement in front of large vertical displays as a result of empirical investigations and evaluations.Informationsvisualisierung ist ein wichtiges Forschungsfeld, das das Analysieren von Daten unterstĂŒtzt. Graph-Visualisierungen sind dabei eine spezielle Variante der DatenreprĂ€sentation, deren Nutzen in vielerlei AnwendungsfĂ€llen zum Einsatz kommt, u.a. in der Biologie, Softwareentwicklung und Finanzwirtschaft. Diese Datendarstellungen profitieren besonders von großen Displays in neuen Displayumgebungen. Jedoch bringen diese Umgebungen auch neue Herausforderungen mit sich und stellen Anforderungen an Nutzerschnittstellen jenseits der traditionellen AnsĂ€tze, die dadurch auch Anpassungen von Analysewerkzeugen erfordern. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit interaktiven „Magischen Linsen“, spezielle lokal-angewandte Werkzeuge, die temporĂ€r die Visualisierung zur Analyse manipulieren. Dabei existieren zum Beispiel VergrĂ¶ĂŸerungslinsen, aber auch Graph-spezifische Manipulationen, wie das Anziehen von Nachbarknoten oder das Reduzieren von KantenĂŒberlappungen im lokalen Bereich. Bisher wurden diese Linsen vor allem als Werkzeug fĂŒr einzelne Nutzer mit sehr spezialisiertem Effekt eingesetzt und per Maus und Tastatur bedient. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit prĂ€sentiert die Erweiterung dieser magischen Linsen, sowohl in Bezug auf die FunktionalitĂ€t als auch fĂŒr die Interaktion an großen, vertikalen Displays. Insbesondere trĂ€gt diese Dissertation dazu bei, die Exploration von Graphen mit magischen Linsen durch natĂŒrliche Interaktion mit unterschiedlichen ModalitĂ€ten zu unterstĂŒtzen. Dabei werden flexible Änderungen der Linsenfunktion, Anpassungen von individuellen Linseneigenschaften und Funktionsparametern, sowie die Kombination unterschiedlicher Linsen ermöglicht. Es werden Interaktionstechniken fĂŒr die natĂŒrliche Manipulation der Linsen durch Multitouch-Interaktion, sowie das Kontrollieren von Linsen durch MobilgerĂ€te vor einer Displaywand vorgestellt. Außerdem wurde ein neuartiges Konzept körpergesteuerter magischer Linsen entwickelt. Funktionale Erweiterungen in Kombination mit diesen Interaktionskonzepten machen die Linse zu einem vom Nutzer einstellbaren, persönlichen Arbeitsbereich, der zudem alternative Interaktionsstile erlaubt. Als Grundlage fĂŒr diese Erweiterungen stellt die Dissertation eine umfangreiche analytische Kategorisierung bisheriger Forschungsarbeiten zu magischen Linsen vor, in der Funktionen, Parameter und Interaktion mit Linsen eingeordnet werden. ZusĂ€tzlich macht die Arbeit Vor- und Nachteile körpernaher Interaktion fĂŒr Werkzeuge bzw. ihre Steuerung zum Thema und diskutiert dabei Nutzerposition und -bewegung an großen DisplaywĂ€nden belegt durch empirische Nutzerstudien

    Visual Detection of Structural Changes in Time-Varying Graphs Using Persistent Homology

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    Topological data analysis is an emerging area in exploratory data analysis and data mining. Its main tool, persistent homology, has become a popular technique to study the structure of complex, high-dimensional data. In this paper, we propose a novel method using persistent homology to quantify structural changes in time-varying graphs. Specifically, we transform each instance of the time-varying graph into metric spaces, extract topological features using persistent homology, and compare those features over time. We provide a visualization that assists in time-varying graph exploration and helps to identify patterns of behavior within the data. To validate our approach, we conduct several case studies on real world data sets and show how our method can find cyclic patterns, deviations from those patterns, and one-time events in time-varying graphs. We also examine whether persistence-based similarity measure as a graph metric satisfies a set of well-established, desirable properties for graph metrics
