122,376 research outputs found


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    This paper deals with the discussion on the use of simulation techniques for work order scheduling on the factory floor level of production and contains a description of the program electronic planning board with simulation elements for Finite Capacity Scheduling. The ability to implement simulation effectively for factory scheduling is dependent upon the availability of shop floor data and the response time for the evaluation process

    Computer assisted interactive resource scheduling system

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    A computer system is reported that effectively schedules complex mission support by processing spacecraft requirements, station capabilities, and ephemeris data in teletype format ready for transmission

    SLS-PLAN-IT: A knowledge-based blackboard scheduling system for Spacelab life sciences missions

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    The primary scheduling tool in use during the Spacelab Life Science (SLS-1) planning phase was the operations research (OR) based, tabular form Experiment Scheduling System (ESS) developed by NASA Marshall. PLAN-IT is an artificial intelligence based interactive graphic timeline editor for ESS developed by JPL. The PLAN-IT software was enhanced for use in the scheduling of Spacelab experiments to support the SLS missions. The enhanced software SLS-PLAN-IT System was used to support the real-time reactive scheduling task during the SLS-1 mission. SLS-PLAN-IT is a frame-based blackboard scheduling shell which, from scheduling input, creates resource-requiring event duration objects and resource-usage duration objects. The blackboard structure is to keep track of the effects of event duration objects on the resource usage objects. Various scheduling heuristics are coded in procedural form and can be invoked any time at the user's request. The system architecture is described along with what has been learned with the SLS-PLAN-IT project

    Analysis of Issues for Project Scheduling by Multiple, Dispersed Schedulers (distributed Scheduling) and Requirements for Manual Protocols and Computer-based Support

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    Although computerized operations have significant gains realized in many areas, one area, scheduling, has enjoyed few benefits from automation. The traditional methods of industrial engineering and operations research have not proven robust enough to handle the complexities associated with the scheduling of realistic problems. To address this need, NASA has developed the computer-aided scheduling system (COMPASS), a sophisticated, interactive scheduling tool that is in wide-spread use within NASA and the contractor community. Therefore, COMPASS provides no explicit support for the large class of problems in which several people, perhaps at various locations, build separate schedules that share a common pool of resources. This research examines the issue of distributing scheduling, as applied to application domains characterized by the partial ordering of tasks, limited resources, and time restrictions. The focus of this research is on identifying issues related to distributed scheduling, locating applicable problem domains within NASA, and suggesting areas for ongoing research. The issues that this research identifies are goals, rescheduling requirements, database support, the need for communication and coordination among individual schedulers, the potential for expert system support for scheduling, and the possibility of integrating artificially intelligent schedulers into a network of human schedulers

    A space station onboard scheduling assistant

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    One of the goals for the Space Station is to achieve greater autonomy, and have less reliance on ground commanding than previous space missions. This means that the crew will have to take an active role in scheduling and rescheduling their activities onboard, perhaps working from preliminary schedules generated on the ground. Scheduling is a time intensive task, whether performed manually or automatically, so the best approach to solving onboard scheduling problems may involve crew members working with an interactive software scheduling package. A project is described which investigates a system that uses knowledge based techniques for the rescheduling of experiments within the Materials Technology Laboratory of the Space Station. Particular attention is paid to: (1) methods for rapid response rescheduling to accommodate unplanned changes in resource availability, (2) the nature of the interface to the crew, (3) the representation of the many types of data within the knowledge base, and (4) the possibility of applying rule-based and constraint-based reasoning methods to onboard activity scheduling

    Automatic Scheduling and Planning (ASAP) in future ground control systems

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    This report describes two complementary approaches to the problem of space mission planning and scheduling. The first is an Expert System or Knowledge-Based System for automatically resolving most of the activity conflicts in a candidate plan. The second is an Interactive Graphics Decision Aid to assist the operator in manually resolving the residual conflicts which are beyond the scope of the Expert System. The two system designs are consistent with future ground control station activity requirements, support activity timing constraints, resource limits and activity priority guidelines

    NTDS computer facilities scheduling system: Final report

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    This report investigates the scheduling of Naval Tactical Data Systems (NTDS) mockups and the associated computer facilities at FCDSSA/FCDSTCP, San Diego. We provide a design for an automated, computer based, interactive system for assisting in the management of job and equipment scheduling, equipment status recording and equipment hookup. The decision logic of the scheduling portion of this system has been developed in detail, and a prototype scheduling program has been written and tested. The results indicate that the computer program can do a good job of producing a job schedule and the associated equipment assignments. A schedule for system implementation is also suggested. (Author)FLTCOMDIRSYSSACT, San Diegohttp://archive.org/details/ntdscomputerfaci00har

    Content Scheduling in Multimedia Interactive Mobile Games

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    In this paper, we study how to implement interactive multimedia services using a DVB-H broadcast channel combined with a point-to-point channel, such as 3G or GPRS. We study the problem in the context of a location-based interactive mobile game. The technical challenge is to schedule the sending of data over the broadcast channel while maintaining Quality-of-Service, that is, sending the right data to the right user at the right time to provide a seamless interactive experience. We explore design issues and problems related to the scheduling of content in the game, present a usecase study to describe scheduling problems and propose a content scheduling algorithm to solve these problems. Moreover, we provide a simulation of the system and the experimental results to show how different game parameters influence the in-time delivery of the multimedia content to the players. We conclude that most of the problems involved with our approach can be expressed as the problem of defining delivery deadlines for a scheduling algorithm

    IICADS--integrated interactive computer aided design system

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    This research has three goals. The first goal is to develop a software interface (supervisor) to support and control a variety of interactive subsystem modules; thus eliminating manual scheduling of interactive jobs. The second goal is to develop a common methodology for interactive subsystem design. The third goal is to develop a linear systems analysis package using the facilities developed under the first two goals. A software interface (supervisor) to support and control a variety of interactive subsystem modules is described. The supervisor operates under the constraints of a large multiprogramming variable task operating system as opposed to a time sharing system. The supervisor not only eliminates the manual scheduling of interactive jobs, but also provides interactive users with a powerful dynamic linking mechanism. The supervisor permits the access of disk stored interactive modules in a random fashion. A methodology for developing interactive subsystems is presented. The problems of communicating between different high level languages are investigated and solutions are presented. In particular, a problem oriented language, interactive translator, is implemented using PL/1. The graphics service routines for this translator are coded in FORTRAN and ASSEMBLER languages. The techniques for adding graphics routines to existing programs, especially simulation languages, are formalized. A computer aided design program to assist in the initial phases of linear systems design is described. This program, developed for use at an on-line graphics terminal, allows the designer to describe a linear system in standard control engineering terms, and experiment with design alternatives during initial creative design phases --Abstract, pages ii-iii