68 research outputs found

    Interfaces as functors, programs as coalgebras—A final coalgebra theorem in intensional type theory

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    AbstractIn [P. Hancock, A. Setzer, Interactive programs in dependent type theory, in: P. Clote, H. Schwichtenberg (Eds.), Proc. 14th Annu. Conf. of EACSL, CSL’00, Fischbau, Germany, 21–26 August 2000, Vol. 1862, Springer, Berlin, 2000, pp. 317–331, URL 〈citeseer.ist.psu.edu/article/hancock00interactive.html〉; P. Hancock, A. Setzer, Interactive programs and weakly final coalgebras in dependent type theory, in: L. Crosilla, P. Schuster (Eds.), From Sets and Types to Topology and Analysis. Towards Practicable Foundations for Constructive Mathematics, Oxford Logic Guides, Clarendon Press, 2005, URL 〈www.cs.swan.ac.uk/∼csetzer/〉] Hancock and Setzer introduced rules to extend Martin-Löf's type theory in order to represent interactive programming. The rules essentially reflect the existence of weakly final coalgebras for a general form of polynomial functor. The standard rules of dependent type theory allow the definition of inductive types, which correspond to initial algebras. Coalgebraic types are not represented in a direct way. In this article we show the existence of final coalgebras in intensional type theory for these kind of functors, where we require uniqueness of identity proofs (UIP) for the set of states S and the set of commands C which determine the functor. We obtain the result by identifying programs which have essentially the same behaviour, viz. are bisimular. This proves the rules of Setzer and Hancock admissible in ordinary type theory, if we replace definitional equality by bisimulation. All proofs [M. Michelbrink, Verifications of final coalgebra theorem in: Interfaces as Functors, Programs as Coalgebras—A Final Coalgebra Theorem in Intensional Type Theory, 2005, URL 〈www.cs.swan.ac.uk/∼csmichel/〉] are verified in the theorem prover agda [C. Coquand, Agda, Internet, URL 〈www.cs.chalmers.se/∼catarina/agda/〉; K. Peterson, A programming system for type theory, Technical Report, S-412 96, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 1982], which is based on intensional Martin-Löf type theory

    Interactive Programs and Weakly Final Coalgebras in Dependent Type Theory (Extended Version)

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    We reconsider the representation of interactive programs in dependent type theory that the authors proposed in earlier papers. Whereas in previous versions the type of interactive programs was introduced in an ad hoc way, it is here defined as a weakly final coalgebra for a general form of polynomial functor. The are two versions: in the first the interface with the real world is fixed, while in the second the potential interactions can depend on the history of previous interactions. The second version may be appropriate for working with specifications of interactive programs. We focus on command-response interfaces, and consider both client and server programs, that run on opposite sides such an interface. We give formation/introduction/elimination/equality rules for these coalgebras. These are explored in two dimensions: coiterative versus corecursive, and monadic versus non-monadic. We also comment upon the relationship of the corresponding rules with guarded induction. It turns out that the introduction rules are nothing but a slightly restricted form of guarded induction. However, the form in which we write guarded induction is not recursive equations (which would break normalisation -- we show that type checking becomes undecidable), but instead involves an elimination operator in a crucial way

    Coalgebras as Types Determined by Their Elimination Rules

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    Coiterative Morphisms: Interactive Equational Reasoning for Bisimulation, using Coalgebras

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    ter: SEN 3 Abstract: We study several techniques for interactive equational reasoning with the bisimulation equivalence. Our work is based on a modular library, formalised in Coq, that axiomatises weakly final coalgebras and bisimulation. As a theory we derive some coalgebraic schemes and an associated coinduction principle. This will help in interactive proofs by coinduction, modular derivation of congruence and co-fixed point equations and enables an extensional treatment of bisimulation. Finally we present a version of the lambda-coinduction proof principle in our framework

    04381 Abstracts Collection -- Dependently Typed Programming

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    From 12.09.04 to 17.09.04, the Dagstuhl Seminar 04381 ``Dependently Typed Programming\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    How to Reason Coinductively Informally

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    We start by giving an overview of the theory of indexed inductively and coinductively defined sets. We consider the theory of strictly positive indexed inductive definitions in a set theoretic setting. We show the equiv-alence between the definition as an indexed initial algebra, the definition via an induction principle, and the set theoretic definition of indexed in-ductive definitions. We review as well the equivalence of unique iteration, unique primitive recursion, and induction. Then we review the theory of indexed coinductively defined sets or final coalgebras. We construct indexed coinductively defined sets set theoretically, and show the equiv-alence between the category theoretic definition, the principle of unique coiteration, of unique corecursion, and of iteration together with bisimula-tion as equality. Bisimulation will be defined as an indexed coinductively defined set. Therefore proofs of bisimulation can be carried out corecur-sively. This fact can be considered together with bisimulation implying equality as the coinduction principle for the underlying coinductively de-fined set. Finally we introduce various schemata for reasoning about coin-ductively defined sets in an informal way: the schemata of corecursion, of indexed corecursion, of coinduction, and of corecursion for coinductively defined relations. This allows to reason about coinductively defined sets similarly as one does when reasoning about inductively defined sets using schemata of induction. We obtain the notion of a coinduction hypothesis, which is the dual of an induction hypothesis.

    Infinite Types, Infinite Data, Infinite Interaction

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    We describe a way to represent computable functions between coinductive types as particular transducers in type theory. This generalizes earlier work on functions between streams by P. Hancock to a much richer class of coinductive types. Those transducers can be defined in dependent type theory without any notion of equality but require inductive-recursive definitions. Most of the properties of these constructions only rely on a mild notion of equality (intensional equality) and can thus be formalized in the dependently typed language Agda

    Constructive Final Semantics of Finite Bags

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    Finitely-branching and unlabelled dynamical systems are typically modelled as coalgebras for the finite powerset functor. If states are reachable in multiple ways, coalgebras for the finite bag functor provide a more faithful representation. The final coalgebra of this functor is employed as a denotational domain for the evaluation of such systems. Elements of the final coalgebra are non-wellfounded trees with finite unordered branching, representing the evolution of systems starting from a given initial state. This paper is dedicated to the construction of the final coalgebra of the finite bag functor in homotopy type theory (HoTT). We first compare various equivalent definitions of finite bags employing higher inductive types, both as sets and as groupoids (in the sense of HoTT). We then analyze a few well-known, classical set-theoretic constructions of final coalgebras in our constructive setting. We show that, in the case of set-based definitions of finite bags, some constructions are intrinsically classical, in the sense that they are equivalent to some weak form of excluded middle. Nevertheless, a type satisfying the universal property of the final coalgebra can be constructed in HoTT employing the groupoid-based definition of finite bags. We conclude by discussing generalizations of our constructions to the wider class of analytic functors
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