29 research outputs found

    The Effect of Augmented Reality-Based Qur'anic Natural Science into Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes

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    Augmented reality-based IPA (QURRACI, disingkat IPA) merupakan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada topik IPA Al-Qur'an dengan menggunakan media. Untuk mengembangkan media digunakan pendekatan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, dan Evaluate). Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, media yang dikembangkan berupa buku berbasis smartphone dan berhasil divalidasi relevansinya oleh ahli media, ahli materi, guru, peer reviewer, dan siswa. Secara khusus, validasi mengungkapkan (1) 87,27% untuk relevansi produk; (2) 90,66% untuk materi IPA Al-Qur'an; (3) 82,85% untuk tanggapan peer reviewer dan guru; dan (4) 86,2% untuk respon siswa, khususnya pada materi representasi ganda. Implementasi dilakukan pada 100 siswa, menunjukkan bahwa QURACI berpengaruh positif dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA Al-Qur'an. Selain itu dari penelitian ini, berdasarkan hasil uji coba pretest dan posttest menggunakan analisis paired sample t-test dari 50 siswa diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada dengan penerapan QURACI motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran meningkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran QURACI terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada dengan penerapan QURACI motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran meningkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran QURACI terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan ada dengan penerapan QURACI motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran meningkat. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran QURACI terbukti mampu meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa

    Augmented Reality Visualization through Multirepresentations Approach in Chemistry Based on Qur’anic to Improve Cognitive Learning Outcomes

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    media melalui visualisasi augmented reality berbasis pembelajaran al-Qur'an, dan mengkaji sejauh mana hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media tersebut. Untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut, pendekatan ADDIE (Analisis, Desain, Pengembangan, Implementasi, dan Evaluasi) digunakan untuk mengembangkan media. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, media yang dikembangkan berupa buku berbasis smartphone dan berhasil divalidasi relevansinya oleh ahli media, ahli materi, guru, peer reviewer, dan siswa. Secara khusus, validasi mengungkapkan (1) 87,27% untuk relevansi produk; (2) 90,66% untuk materi IPA Al-Qur'an; (3) 82,85% untuk tanggapan peer reviewer dan guru; dan (4) 86,2% untuk respon siswa, khususnya pada materi multirepresentasi kimia (tingkat makroskopis, submikroskopis, dan simbolik). Implementasi yang dilakukan terhadap 100 siswa, menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran berpengaruh positif dan meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran al-Qur'an dan kimia. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil uji coba pretest dan posttest menggunakan analisis paired sample t-test terhadap 50 siswa diperoleh nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran ini terbukti mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa

    Constructing interactive multi-view videos based on image-based rendering

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we use image-based rendering (IBR) to develop a scene rotation mechanism. We shot several images in the same scene and computed the angles between images. A video is then composed, allowing users to select viewing angles when the video is playing. We made three kinds of assumptions that may affect the resulting video, and proved our assumptions by a series of experiments. Finally, we use video of realistic scenario and produce interactive video by the proposed method. The contribution also includes techniques to compute geometric parameters of the scene from one or more images.[[notice]]補正完

    Navigation and Exploration in Virtual Environment with Virtual Agent using Java 3D

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    This project's objective was to investigate the potential used of Java 3D in developing a virtual environment integrated with virtual agent. The methodology of this project is constitutes on four (4) main phases; planning and analysis phase, modeling and development phase, integration construction phase and the last is testing phase. The testing phase indicates that in order to develop a virtual reality (VR) application, the developer must perform hard-coded programming to model the objects as well as to develop a behavior. Navigation and exploration activity in a virtual environment can be perform easily by using keyboard arrows. To develop a joint behavior between the virtual environment and virtual agent, complex and careful programming is required. This project's conclusion indicates that Java 3D provides other libraries to develop a VRapplication to better help user in navigation and exploration in a virtual environment. For that reason, further study and investigation can be conducted to achieve this goal

    Learning by doing on the EGEE GRID and first performance analysis of CODESA-3D multirun submission

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    The project TEMA (Training on Environmental Modelling and Applications) is a CRS4 training initiative in the field of computational hydrology and grid computing (Jan-Sept, 2006). The personnel involved were Fabrizio Murgia (trainee) and Giuditta Lecca (tutor). The objectives of the project were: " To aquire specialized skills about grid computing with special emphasis on computational sub-surface hydrology; " To develop and test software procedures to run Monte Carlo simulations on the EGEE production grid; " To produce a technical report and some seminars about grid computing. The aquired competences and skills will be used in the ongoing projects GRIDA3, CyberSAR and DEGREE

    Gesture-based Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments

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    The traditional human-machine interaction systems for manufacturing processes use peripheral devices that require physical contact between end user and machines. This physical contact causes an alteration of the elements that constitute the system due to the transmission of undesirable particles such as oil, chemical substances and pollution. This Master's thesis gives a solution for this issue which is based on the integration of a device used by game industry in entertainment applications that enables human-machine interaction through a non-physical contact modality. Several purposes are offered by the market such as kinect sensor and leap motion controller (LMC). However, the solution used in this thesis was focused on a hand gesture-based device called "LMC", which promising features that make it an attractive tool for future solutions in the industrial domain. The obtained result was the integration of this gesture sensor with different technologies that enables the interaction via hand gestures with a monitoring system and also a robot cell which is part of a manufacturing system

    A proteção dos videojogos pela propriedade intelectual

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    O tema principal desta tese é o estudo da ligação existente entre a propriedade intelectual e os videojogos. O objetivo subjacente à análise deste tema foi trazer para a realidade nacional os diversos avanços existentes neste campo noutros países, porque a doutrina nacional ainda está bastante centrada em tentar enquadrar os videojogos num determinado tipo de obra. Desse modo, começamos por fazer um enquadramento breve dos videojogos, onde referimos o que são, qual a sua importância (em geral e para o direito) e como é que os videojogos poderiam ser objeto de proteção pelo direito de autor. Também analisamos a evolução do sistema copyright nos Estados Unidos da América. De seguida, estudamos as diferentes teses relativas à qualificação dos videojogos, e optamos por seguir uma abordagem que consistia em analisar vários tipos de obras e, no final, concluir se os videojogos poderiam caber nalgum tipo delas ou se a melhor solução seria a classificação dos videojogos como um novo tipo de obra. Nós entendemos que os videojogos deveriam ser incluídos nas obras multimédia, mas defendemos a necessidade de prever um novo regime para regular as especificidades destas obras. Depois exploramos a relação entre os videojogos e as patentes, onde atribuímos especial relevo à prática ao analisarmos um exemplo de uma invenção relacionada com os videojogos. Após esta análise, concluímos que as patentes podem ser uma forma de proteção para determinadas características de um videojogo. Finalmente, estudamos algumas particularidades dos videojogos, nomeadamente as medidas tecnológicas de proteção e as modificações nos videojogos realizadas por terceiros. Nas medidas tecnológicas de proteção optamos por uma análise prática ao analisar o caso Nintendo e concluímos que deveria ser dado um maior enfâse ao princípio da proporcionalidade para determinar se as medidas tecnológicas de proteção seriam apropriadas. Nas modificações, depois de percebermos o que eram, enquadramo-las nas obras derivadas e nas obras compósitas e vimos exemplos da sua integração nos End User License Agreements. No final, concluímos que a proteção dos autores deve prevalecer sobre a liberdade do utilizador para realizar modificações à obra.The main theme of this thesis is to study the connection between intellectual property and videogames. The objective underlying the analysis of this theme was to bring to the national reality the multiple advances that other countries have made in this field, because the national doctrine is still very focused on trying to frame the videogames within certain type of work. As such, we started by presenting the general picture of videogames, where we mentioned what they are, what is their importance (in general and to the law) and how they can be protected within author rights. We also analysed the evolution of the copyright system in the United States of America. Then, we studied the different thesis around the qualification of videogames by following an approach that consisted in analysing the different types of work and, in the end, concluding whether videogames could fit in any of those types or if the best solution would be the classify videogames as a type of work of their own. We chose to include videogames within the multimedia works, but we supported the idea of creating a new regulation to accommodate the particularities of these works. After that, we explored the connection between videogames and patents, where we gave greater emphasis to the practical approach by analysing an example of an invention that was related to videogames. After such analysis, we concluded that patents can be a way of protecting certain characteristics of videogames. Finally, we studied some peculiarities of videogames, namely the technological protection measures and the modifications of videogames created by a third party. In the technological protection measures we opted for a practical analysis by analysing the Nintendo case where we concluded that there should be given greater emphasis to the principle of proportionality in order to determine if the technological protection measures were appropriate. In the modifications, after understanding what they were, we included them in derivative works and composite works and we saw examples of their integration in End User License Agreements. By the end we concluded that author protection must prevail over the user freedom to make modifications to the work

    Group influences on individual learners' motivation : a study of group dynamics in EFL classrooms

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    Attention to how groups of students at university influence an individual learner's motivation within the group is the focus of this research. The uniqueness of this research lies in shifting the focus from an analysis of the individual's experience seen as being apart from the group to considering the individual's experience in relation to the social interactions within the group. This thesis begins with the examinations of the theoretical framework, including major issues in learning motivation and group dynamics, an area that has been gaining more and more attention in second language research. Then, it discusses the selection of a mixed methods approach, the employment of three research instruments (the classroom observation, the questionnaire, and the interview), and the research procedure. After presenting the findings from each research instrument, this study will integrate all the data and present key findings from the integration. Questionnaires were administered to 127 Taiwan university students from the Applied English Department of National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (NKFUST). The results from the questionnaires show that there is a slight to moderate correlation between group processes (group cohesiveness and group norms) and students' level of motivation (self-efficacy and level of autonomy). A dozen students who participated in this study were asked to give further information during semi-structured in-depth interviews. During those interviews, several students commented that their classmates are indeed important to their learning, as being around more motivated classmates positively influences their own motivation and autonomy. Other relevant findings, such as what is a 'good' and 'bad' group, the importance of a mixed methods approach, and the role of culture aspects, will also be discussed

    Paradigm shift : how the evolution of two generations of home consoles, arcades, and computers influenced American culture, 1985-1995.

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    As of 2016, unlike many popular media forms found here in the United States, video games possess a unique influence, one that gained its own a large widespread appeal, but also its own distinct cultural identity created by millions of fans both here stateside and across the planet. Yet, despite its significant contributions, outside of the gaming's arcade golden age of the early 1980s, the history of gaming post Atari shock goes rather unrepresented as many historians simply refuse to discuss the topic for trivial reasons thus leaving a rather noticeable gap within the overall history. One such important aspect not covered by the majority of the scholarship and the primary focus of thesis argues that the history of early modern video games in the North American market did not originate during the age of Atari in the 1970s and early 1980s. Instead, the real genesis of today's market and popular gaming culture began with the creation and establishment of the third and fourth generation of video games, which firmly solidified gaming as both a multi-billion dollar industry and as an accepted form of entertainment in the United States. This project focuses on the ten-year resurrection of the US video game industry from 1985 to 1995. Written as a case study, the project looks into the three main popular hardware mediums of the late 1980s and 1990s through a pseudo-business, cultural, and technological standpoint that ran parallel with the current events at the time. Through this evaluation of the home consoles, personal computers, and the coin operated arcade machines, gaming in America transformed itself from a perceived fad into a serious multi-billion dollar industry while at the same time, slowly gained popular acceptance. Furthermore, this study will examine the country's love-hate relationship with gaming by looking into reactions towards a Japanese-dominated market, the coming of popular computer gaming, the influence of the bit-wars, and the issue of violence that aided in the establishment of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). In order to undertake such a massive endeavor, the project utilizes various sources that include newspapers, magazine articles, US government documents, scholarly articles, video game manuals, commercials, and popular websites to complete the work. Furthermore, another vital source came from firsthand experience playing several of these popular video games from across the decades in question, which include such consoles as the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo, Genesis, home computer, and several notable arcade titles. The project's goal and its four main chapters serves as a historical viewpoint of towards neglected video game industry during the third and fourth generation of gaming and the influence it possess in the United States... 'Paradigm Shift...' examines the often-overlooked early modern history of video games from 1985-1995 and how they would go on to become a larger part of American culture. Each chapter attempts to explain the growing influence gaming has had via home console, computer, and arcades in the US market, and in turn show the origins of today's modern gaming market... The significance of 'Paradigm Shift...' comes down to one word, acceptance. Despite the controversy it generated before and during the ten critical years of its rebirth, what the gaming industry did right was breaking the notion that video games were simply a popular craze. Unlike the second generation that only fed this belief, the third and fourth generation of gaming proved this assumption wrong. With countless successful launches of influential games across the decade, video games slowly gained the acceptance of both gamers and non-gamers alike allowing gaming to ingrain itself within the American culture. By 1995, the foundation of both the modern gaming industry and culture came into existence, and it would only become greater as the years progressed thanks to the efforts of Nintendo, Sega, and countless other developers and licensees that kept video games from falling to the wayside during this period of growth and uncertainty