27,006 research outputs found

    Faceted navigation for browsing large video collection

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    This paper presents a content-based interactive video brows- ing system to address the challenge in a live video search competition to find specific video clips from a large video collection under time constraints. Since the target of this evaluation forum is to evaluate and demonstrate the development of interactive video search tools, we do not need to consider if the most commonly used query-by-example or query-by-text approaches for large-scale image/video retrieval are appropriate in this scenario. In this paper, we describe an interactive video retrieval system which employs the concept filters and faceted navigation to aid users quickly and intuitively locate the interested content when browsing in large video collections based on automatically extracted semantic concepts, object labels and attributes from video content

    Video Data Visualization System: Semantic Classification And Personalization

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    We present in this paper an intelligent video data visualization tool, based on semantic classification, for retrieving and exploring a large scale corpus of videos. Our work is based on semantic classification resulting from semantic analysis of video. The obtained classes will be projected in the visualization space. The graph is represented by nodes and edges, the nodes are the keyframes of video documents and the edges are the relation between documents and the classes of documents. Finally, we construct the user's profile, based on the interaction with the system, to render the system more adequate to its references.Comment: graphic

    An investigation to examine the most appropriate methodology to capture historical and modern preserved anatomical specimens for use in the digital age to improve access: a pilot study

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    Anatomico-pathological specimens constitute a valuable component of many medical museums or institutional collections but can be limited in their impact on account of both physical and intellectual inaccessibility. Further concerns relate to conservation as anatomical specimens may be subject to tissue deterioration, constraints imposed by spatial or financial limitations of the host institution, or accident-based destruction. In awareness of these issues, a simple and easily implementable methodology to increase accessibility, impact and conservation of anatomical specimens is proposed which combines photogrammetry, object virtual reality (object VR), and interactive portable document format (PDF) with supplementary historical and anatomical commentary. The methodology was developed using wet, dry, and plastinated specimens from the historical and modern collections in the Museum of Anatomy at the University of Glasgow. It was found that photogrammetry yielded excellent results for plastinated specimens and showed potential for dry specimens, while object VR produced excellent photorealistic virtual specimens for all materials visualised. Use of PDF as output format was found to allow for the addition of textual, visual, and interactive content, and as such supplemented the virtual specimen with multidisciplinary information adaptable to the needs of various audiences. The results of this small-scale pilot study indicate the beneficial nature of combining these established techniques into a methodology for the digitisation and utilisation of historical anatomical collections in particular, but also collections of material culture more broadly

    Development Of Information Visualization Methods For Use In Multimedia Applications

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    The aim of the article is development of a technique for visualizing information for use in multimedia applications. In this study, to visualize information, it is proposed first to compile a list of key terms of the subject area and create data tables. Based on the structuring of fragments of the subject area, a visual display of key terms in the form of pictograms, a visual display of key terms in the form of images, and a visual display of data tables are performed. The types of visual structures that should be used to visualize information for further use in multimedia applications are considered. The analysis of existing visual structures in desktop publishing systems and word processors is performed.To build a mechanism for visualizing information about the task as a presentation, a multimedia application is developed using Microsoft Visual Studio software, the C# programming language by using the Windows Forms application programming interface. An algorithm is proposed for separating pieces of information text that have key terms. Tabular data was visualized using the “parametric ruler” metaphorical visualization method, based on the metaphor of a slide rule.The use of the parametric ruler method on the example of data visualization for the font design of children's publications is proposed. Interaction of using the method is ensured due to the fact that the user will enter the size of the size that interests for it and will see the ratio of the values of other parameters. The practical result of the work is the creation of a multimedia application “Visualization of Publishing Standards” for the visualization of information for the font design of publications for children. The result of the software implementation is the finished multimedia applications, which, according to the standardization visualization technique in terms of prepress preparation of publications, is the final product of the third stage of the presentation of the visual for

    Browsing through 3D representations of unstructured picture collections: an empirical study

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    The paper presents a 3D interactive representation of fairly large picture collections which facilitates browsing through unstructured sets of icons or pictures. Implementation of this representation implies choosing between two visualization strategies: users may either manipulate the view (OV) or be immersed in it (IV). The paper first presents this representation, then describes an empirical study (17 participants) aimed at assessing the utility and usability of each view. Subjective judgements in questionnaires and debriefings were varied: 7 participants preferred the IV view, 4 the OV one, and 6 could not choose between the two. Visual acuity and visual exploration strategies seem to have exerted a greater influence on participants' preferences than task performance or feeling of immersion.Comment: 4 page

    Designing interoperable museum information systems

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    Museum collections are characterized by heterogeneity, since they usually host a plethora of objects of categories, while each of them requires different description policies and metadata standards. Moreover the museum records, which keep the history and evolution of the hosted collections, request proactive curation in order to preserve this rich and diverse information. In this paper, the architecture of an innovative museum information system, as well as its implementation details is presented. In particular the requirements and the system architecture are presented along with the problems that were encountered. The main directions of the system design are (a) to increase interoperability levels and therefore assist proactive curation and (b) to enhance navigation by the usage of handheld devices. The first direction is satisfied by the design of a rich metadata schema based on the CIDOC/CRM standard. The second direction is fulfilled by the implementation of a module, which integrates the museum database with a subsystem appropriate to support user navigation into the museum floors and rooms. The module is expressed as a navigation functionality, which is accessed through handheld devices and peripherals, such as PDAs and RFID tags. The proposed system is functional and operates into the Solomos Museum, situated in Zakynthos island, Greece

    DRI Schema

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    Information access for personal media archives

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    It is now possible to archive much of our life experiences in digital form using a variety of sources, e.g. blogs written, tweets made, photographs taken, etc. Information can be captured from a myriad of personal information devices. In this workshop, researchers from diverse disciplines discussed how we can advance towards the goal of effective capture, retrieval and exploration of e-memories. Proposed solutions included advanced textile sensors to capture new data, P2P methods to store this data, and personal reflection applications to review this data. Much discussion centered around search and navigation strategies, interactive interfaces, and the cognitive basis in using digitally captured information as memorabilia

    Virtual Reference for Video Collections: System Infrastructure, User Interface and Pilot User Study

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    A new video-based Virtual Reference (VR) tool called VideoHelp was designed and developed to support video navigation escorting, a function that enables librarians to co-navigate a digital video with patrons in the web-based environment. A client/server infrastructure was adopted for the VideoHelp system and timestamps were used to achieve the video synchronization between the librarians and patrons. A pilot usability study of using VideoHelp prototype in video seeking was conducted and the preliminary results demonstrated that the system is easy to learn and use, and real-time assistance from virtual librarians in video navigation is desirable on a conditional basis

    Query Modification Patterns and Concept Analysis of Web Image Queries

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    ABSTRACT This study investigated query modification patterns and concepts used in query construction during users' searching images on the Web. It examined whether query modifications were related to different content collections, and analyzed what attributes were used to formulate a query in an interactive web searching process. Findings of the study show that query modification patterns were significantly associated with content collections. Terms related to format or specific objects to represent an image were found to be frequently used in reformulations and specializations. The findings suggest that system features for flexible query formulation and navigation would support users' image search process