15 research outputs found

    Interactive design and gamification of eBooks for mobile and contextual learning

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    Given the global spread of mobile platforms like iOS and Android, it is relevant to consider the potential of these devices to teach and learn. Our exploratory research was designed to evaluate the possibility of using common eBook formats to create gamebooks (gamified books) that are effective in teaching and learning. After analyzing the features available in many free or open tools, we decided to use iBooks Author to build a model of a dynamic book that may function as an educational game for "Environmental Studies", aimed at children in the 4th grade, mostly 9 to 10- year olds enrolled in Portuguese schools. This paper pre- sents the design and features of this interactive book titled "Adventures in the Guadiana River", developed using the Apple iBook format, and especially set for the iPad retina. Because this is a proprietary format, we also built a proto- type following the EPUB3 standard and developed new ways to interact with content within this universal format. Preliminary tests with our prototypes revealed very good usability and a promising pedagogical potential for the proposed models.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online gamification devices as extensions of the educational printed book

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    In recent years there have been several commercial products designated as "augmented books". These use gamification and augmented reality technologies to provide the reader with more layers of information, thereby fostering the use of the book in new ways. So, in this article we describe part of the research and outcomes of the Portuguese project CHIC – C3, aimed at designing and developing a platform for managing the production of digital content connected with printed books. Furthermore, we developed a model for the gamification of digital content based on the printed book, mainly aimed at educational purposes. A proof of concept for the model was built in the form of a companion platform, supported by the Moodle LMS, fully integrated with the main CHIC website. Readers were able to access the platform, engage in several content related games, and interact with other readers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhancement and extension of the printed book: an online gamification model to complement educational textbooks

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    Conferência realizada em Bari, Itália, de 3-5 de novembro de 2021.Despite the significant increase in the use of digital devices, and the access to e-books by younger ages, the printed book still remains very important. Nowadays, although many communication processes and information exchanges have a digital support, the importance of using printed paper is acknowledged in many contexts. Both the paper and the digital media have unique advantages: digital media integrate with audiovisual and interactive resources, and the paper book supports interactions such as tactile and kinesthetic feedback given to both hands. In recent years there have been several commercial products designated as "augmented books", using augmented reality technologies to provide the reader with more layers of information, thereby fostering the use of the book in new ways. So, in this concept paper we describe part of the research and outcomes of project CHIC – C3, aimed at designing and developing a platform for managing the production of digital content connected with printed books. Furthermore, we propose a model for the gamification of digital content based on the printed book, mainly aimed at educational purposes. A proof of concept for the model was built in the form of a companion platform, supported by the Moodle LMS, fully integrated with the main CHIC website. Readers are able to access the platform, engage in several content related games, and interact with other readers.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Game design and the gamification of content : assessing a project for learning sign language

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    Comunicação apresentada na EDULEARN 2015, realizada em Barcelona de 6-8 de julho de 2015This paper discusses the concepts of game design and gamification of content, based on the development of a serious game aimed at making the process of learning sign language enjoyable and interactive. In this game the player controls a character that interacts with various objects and non- player characters, with the aim of collecting several gestures from the Portuguese Sign Language corpus. The learning model used pushes forward the concept of gamification as a learning process valued by students and teachers alike, and illustrates how it may be used as a personalized device for amplifying learning. Our goal is to provide a new methodology to involve students and general public in learning specific subjects using a ludic, participatory and interactive approach supported by ICT- based tools. Thus, in this paper we argue that perhaps some education processes could be improved by adding the gaming factor through technologies that are able to involve students in a way that is more physical (e.g. using Kinect and sensor gloves), so learning becomes more intense and memorable

    The use of ebooks as a strategy to improve learning

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    The potential of electronic books (ebooks) has been discussed widely, due mainly to their role in helping the user transform passive reading into interactive and dynamic learning, while promoting better retention and appropriation of materials. Taking this premise, the present study follows an exploratory and qualitative approach, discussing how the use of ebooks can improve learning, motivation, dynamism and interactivity in Distance Education. This study was supported by a bibliographic review and a survey method through an online questionnaire used as data collection instruments. The sample consisted of students who attended distance courses taught by the Open University ISCED – UnISCED in Mozambique. The scientific literature studied, and the results from the field research, show the practicality of using ebook as a learning resource and they facility the interactivity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Once upon a tip... : a story of MOOCs and gamification

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    Comunicação publicada nas atas da conferência EADTU 2017, realizadas na Open University, Milton Keynes, de 25-27 de outubro de 2017.This paper discusses the future of MOOCs based on recent research and acknowledged affordances of videogame’s design. The interest in MOOCS for educational purposes has increased over the last few years, with researchers identifying key pedagogical features that make the success of these inherently powerful learning tools. However, low student motivation and high dropout rates have somehow changed the original expectations of many researchers, despite the MOOC user base doubling in 2015. So, in this study we survey recent literature looking for answers, and discuss the evidence gathered from specific MOOCs with over one thousand participants, namely, pioneering iMOOC courses at Universidade Aberta (the Portuguese Open University). Finally, we look at the gaming world and discuss some findings that may benefit the learning design of MOOCs, considering that, besides the huge appeal of these (free) courses, there are recurring shortcomings that we have to alleviate. We follow up on the tip that gamification, and other emerging strategies, such as social networking and digital storytelling, may be vital to assure a sustainable future for open education and MOOCs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A pedagogical model for science education through blended learning

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    Comunicação publicada nas atas da conferência EADTU 2015This paper proposes a framework to support science education through blended learning, based on a participatory and interactive approach supported by ICT-based tools, called Science Learning Activities Model (SLAM). The study constitutes a work in progress and started as a response to complex societal developments such as a changing labour market, high turnover rate of knowledge, and use of technology as a natural part of daily life activities. Another concern was the emergence of new challenges in education, like learning in various authentic contexts and in collaboration with others, in ways that influence the circumstances learners live in. Many of these challenges are related to science and it would be expected that students were interested in science, however the contrary is the case. So, after reviewing the relevant literature and the current trend towards a learner-centred approach, we contend that there is a need to provide a model with which teachers can design science courses with high motivational impact on students. By using today’s flexible, interactive and immersive technologies (mobile, AR, VR) combined with the appropriate pedagogies, we believe it is possible to have students more motivated in science areas (STEM), and expect a more creative response to the world problems that surround them

    Contextual Learning Module Based on Multiple Representations: The Influence on Students’ Concept Understanding

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    This study aims to describe the effect of using contextual learning module based on multiple representations of static fluid material toward students' conceptual understanding. The sample of this research was the students of class XI IPA 2 and XI IPA 3 in SMA N 1 Trimurjo, Central Lampung. This research was conducted using Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Data were tested with N-gain analysis, normality test, homogeneity test and Independent Sample T-test. Results from the Independent Sample T-test value of the Sig value. (2-Tailed) was less than 0.05 which is 0.036, then it can be stated that there is a significant influence of contextual learning module based on multiple representations toward the students’ conceptual understanding. Based on the N-gain value, the average N-gain concept comprehension in the experimental class was 0.56 (medium category), while the control class was 0.46 (medium category). Contextual learning modules based on multiple representations can improve students’ conceptual understanding

    Total Quality Educational Mindset Formation at Muhammadiyah Elementary School Kleco Yogyakarta

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    The main and fundamental thing to consider in improving the quality of education is to build and form a mindset strategy for all stakeholders of education. This research was conducted by using qualitative descriptive approach. The purpose of this study is to obtain information and describe the formation of total quality educational mindset at Kleco Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Yogyakarta. The formation of the mindset was done through the formulation and the communication of mindset. The formulation of the mindset was done by observing the principals regarding various trends driving the changes that will occur. It then illustrated the impact of changes in the school caused by various efforts of changes that have been observed and formulated by providing the best value for customers, making continuous improvement, and trying to satisfy the needs of stakeholders. The communication mindset that has been formulated was done in two ways, namely through personal behavior and operational behavior. The realization of the result of forming the total quality educational mindset is the formation of member behavior in the organization in accordance with what is expected by the school

    Ebook User Expectations

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    This document synthesizes existing user research on ebooks, proposes user stories for the Enhanced Networked Monographs (ENM) reader interface, and poses questions for further investigation. Research confirms the desirability of full-text search, annotation, and navigation using internal links within an ebook. Downloading, printing, and copying/pasting are also important. Though navigation via internal links has been studied, expectations about the directionality of links could be further investigated. Relatedly, though users may expect ebooks to have Internet-style hyperlinks in them, conclusions are mixed regarding the appropriateness or value of links to external content, and it is unclear what sort of content users desire from external links. This issue, as well as expectations for navigating not just within a book but also between ebooks, are areas for future study.The Andrew W. Mellon Foundatio