9 research outputs found

    立体裁断の仮想化手法に関する研究 -幾何学的マッピングと布モデル操作-

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    信州大学(Shinshu university)博士(工学)Thesis召田 優子. 立体裁断の仮想化手法に関する研究 -幾何学的マッピングと布モデル操作-. 信州大学, 2018, 博士論文. 博士(工学), 甲第679号, 平成30年03月20日授与.doctoral thesi

    Virtual Reality Based Simulation of Hysteroscopic Interventions

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    Virtual reality based simulation is an appealing option to supplement traditional clinical education. However, the formal integration of training simulators into the medical curriculum is still lacking. Especially, the lack of a reasonable level of realism supposedly hinders the widespread use of this technology. Therefore, we try to tackle this situation with a reference surgical simulator of the highest possible fidelity for procedural training. This overview describes all elements that have been combined into our training system as well as first results of simulator validation. Our framework allows the rehearsal of several aspects of hysteroscopy—for instance, correct fluid management, handling of excessive bleeding, appropriate removal of intrauterine tumors, or the use of the surgical instrument

    Soft volume simulation using a deformable surface model

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    The aim of the research is to contribute to the modelling of deformable objects, such as soft tissues in medical simulation. Interactive simulation for medical training is a concept undergoing rapid growth as the underlying technologies support the increasingly more realstic and functional training environments. The prominent issues in the deployment of such environments centre on a fine balance between the accuracy of the deformable model and real-time interactivity. Acknowledging the importance of interacting with non-rigid materials such as the palpation of a breast for breast assessment, this thesis has explored the physics-based modelling techniques for both volume and surface approach. This thesis identified that the surface approach based on the mass spring system (MSS) has the benefits of rapid prototyping, reduced mesh complexity, computational efficiency and the support for large material deformation compared to the continuum approach. However, accuracy relative to real material properties is often over looked in the configuration of the resulting model. This thesis has investigated the potential and the feasibility of surface modelling for simulating soft objects regardless of the design of the mesh topology and the non-existence of internal volume discretisation. The assumptions of the material parameters such as elasticity, homogeneity and incompressibility allow a reduced set of material values to be implemented in order to establish the association with the surface configuration. A framework for a deformable surface model was generated in accordance with the issues of the estimation of properties and volume behaviour corresponding to the material parameters. The novel extension to the surface MSS enables the tensile properties of the material to be integrated into an enhanced configuration despite its lack of volume information. The benefits of the reduced complexity of a surface model are now correlated with the improved accuracy in the estimation of properties and volume behaviour. Despite the irregularity of the underlying mesh topology and the absence of volume, the model reflected the original material values and preserved volume with minimal deviations. Global deformation effect which is essential to emulate the run time behaviour of a real soft material upon interaction, such as the palpation of a generic breast, was also demonstrated, thus indicating the potential of this novel technique in the application of soft tissue simulation

    Modeling And Simulation Of Soft Bodies

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    As graphics and simulations become more realistic, techniques for approximating soft body objects, that is, non-solid objects such as liquids, gases, and cloth, are becoming increasingly common. The proposed generalized soft body method encompasses some specific cases of other existing models enabling simulation of a variety of soft body materials by parameter adjustment. This research presents a general method of soft body model and simulation in which parameters for body control, surface deformation, volume control, and gravitation, can be adjusted to simulate different types of soft bodies. In this method, the soft body mesh structure maintains configuration among surface points while fluid modeling deforms the details of the surface. To maintain volume, an internal pressure is approximated by simulated molecules within the soft body. Free fall motion of soft body is generated by gravitational field. Additionally, a constraint is specified based on the property of the soft body being modeled. There are several standard methods to control soft body volume. This work illustrates the simplicity of simulation by selecting a mass-spring system for the deformation of the connected points of a three-dimensional mesh, while an internal pressure force acts upon the surface triangles. To incorporate fluidity, smooth particles hydrodynamics (SPH) is applied where surface points are considered as free moving particles interacting with neighboring surface points within a SPH radius. Because SPH is computationally expensive, it requires an efficient method to determine neighboring surface points. Collision detection with soft bodies and other rigid body objects also requires such fast neighbor detection. To determine the neighboring surface point, Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB), Octree, and a partitioning and hashing schemes iv have been investigated and the result shows that the partitioning and hashing scheme provides the best frame rate. Thus a fast partitioning and hashing scheme is used in this research to reduce both computational time and the memory requirements. The proposed soft body model aims to be applied in several types of soft body application depending on the specific types of soft body deformation. The work presented in this dissertation details experiments with a variety of visually appealing fluid-like surfaces and organic materials animated at interactive speeds. The algorithm is also used to implement animated space-blob creatures in the Galactic Arms Race video game and a human lung simulation, demonstrating the effectiveness of the algorithm in both an actual video game engine and a medical application. The simulation results show that the general model of the soft body can be applied to several applications by adjusting the soft body parameters according to the appearance results

    Real-time simulation and visualisation of cloth using edge-based adaptive meshes

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    Real-time rendering and the animation of realistic virtual environments and characters has progressed at a great pace, following advances in computer graphics hardware in the last decade. The role of cloth simulation is becoming ever more important in the quest to improve the realism of virtual environments. The real-time simulation of cloth and clothing is important for many applications such as virtual reality, crowd simulation, games and software for online clothes shopping. A large number of polygons are necessary to depict the highly exible nature of cloth with wrinkling and frequent changes in its curvature. In combination with the physical calculations which model the deformations, the effort required to simulate cloth in detail is very computationally expensive resulting in much diffculty for its realistic simulation at interactive frame rates. Real-time cloth simulations can lack quality and realism compared to their offline counterparts, since coarse meshes must often be employed for performance reasons. The focus of this thesis is to develop techniques to allow the real-time simulation of realistic cloth and clothing. Adaptive meshes have previously been developed to act as a bridge between low and high polygon meshes, aiming to adaptively exploit variations in the shape of the cloth. The mesh complexity is dynamically increased or refined to balance quality against computational cost during a simulation. A limitation of many approaches is they do not often consider the decimation or coarsening of previously refined areas, or otherwise are not fast enough for real-time applications. A novel edge-based adaptive mesh is developed for the fast incremental refinement and coarsening of a triangular mesh. A mass-spring network is integrated into the mesh permitting the real-time adaptive simulation of cloth, and techniques are developed for the simulation of clothing on an animated character

    Interaktive Echtzeitsimulation deformierbarer Oberflächen für Trainingssysteme in der Augenchirurgie

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    Die Arbeit befasst sich mit Simulations-Algorithmen für virtuelle Augenoperationen. Sie konzentriert sich auf die Simulation von Membranen, die im Verlauf eines chirurgischen Eingriffs aus dem Auge entfernt werden müssen. Es werden Algorithmen vorgestellt, die eine realistische Interaktion zwischen Membran und chirurgischem Instrument ermöglichen, und die eine physikalisch plausible Riss-Simulation garantieren

    Soft volume simulation using a deformable surface model

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    The aim of the research is to contribute to the modelling of deformable objects, such as soft tissues in medical simulation. Interactive simulation for medical training is a concept undergoing rapid growth as the underlying technologies support the increasingly more realstic and functional training environments. The prominent issues in the deployment of such environments centre on a fine balance between the accuracy of the deformable model and real-time interactivity. Acknowledging the importance of interacting with non-rigid materials such as the palpation of a breast for breast assessment, this thesis has explored the physics-based modelling techniques for both volume and surface approach. This thesis identified that the surface approach based on the mass spring system (MSS) has the benefits of rapid prototyping, reduced mesh complexity, computational efficiency and the support for large material deformation compared to the continuum approach. However, accuracy relative to real material properties is often over looked in the configuration of the resulting model. This thesis has investigated the potential and the feasibility of surface modelling for simulating soft objects regardless of the design of the mesh topology and the non-existence of internal volume discretisation. The assumptions of the material parameters such as elasticity, homogeneity and incompressibility allow a reduced set of material values to be implemented in order to establish the association with the surface configuration. A framework for a deformable surface model was generated in accordance with the issues of the estimation of properties and volume behaviour corresponding to the material parameters. The novel extension to the surface MSS enables the tensile properties of the material to be integrated into an enhanced configuration despite its lack of volume information. The benefits of the reduced complexity of a surface model are now correlated with the improved accuracy in the estimation of properties and volume behaviour. Despite the irregularity of the underlying mesh topology and the absence of volume, the model reflected the original material values and preserved volume with minimal deviations. Global deformation effect which is essential to emulate the run time behaviour of a real soft material upon interaction, such as the palpation of a generic breast, was also demonstrated, thus indicating the potential of this novel technique in the application of soft tissue simulation.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceUniversiti Malaysia Sarawak (UMS)Malaysia. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA)Malaysia. Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT)GBUnited Kingdo

    A biomechanics-based articulation model for medical applications

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    Computer Graphics came into the medical world especially after the arrival of 3D medical imaging. Computer Graphics techniques are already integrated in the diagnosis procedure by means of the visual tridimensional analysis of computer tomography, magnetic resonance and even ultrasound data. The representations they provide, nevertheless, are static pictures of the patients' body, lacking in functional information. We believe that the next step in computer assisted diagnosis and surgery planning depends on the development of functional 3D models of human body. It is in this context that we propose a model of articulations based on biomechanics. Such model is able to simulate the joint functionality in order to allow for a number of medical applications. It was developed focusing on the following requirements: it must be at the same time simple enough to be implemented on computer, and realistic enough to allow for medical applications; it must be visual in order for applications to be able to explore the joint in a 3D simulation environment. Then, we propose to combine kinematical motion for the parts that can be considered as rigid, such as bones, and physical simulation of the soft tissues. We also deal with the interaction between the different elements of the joint, and for that we propose a specific contact management model. Our kinematical skeleton is based on anatomy. Special considerations have been taken to include anatomical features like axis displacements, range of motion control, and joints coupling. Once a 3D model of the skeleton is built, it can be simulated by data coming from motion capture or can be specified by a specialist, a clinician for instance. Our deformation model is an extension of the classical mass-spring systems. A spherical volume is considered around mass points, and mechanical properties of real materials can be used to parameterize the model. Viscoelasticity, anisotropy and non-linearity of the tissues are simulated. We particularly proposed a method to configure the mass-spring matrix such that the objects behave according to a predefined Young's modulus. A contact management model is also proposed to deal with the geometric interactions between the elements inside the joint. After having tested several approaches, we proposed a new method for collision detection which measures in constant time the signed distance to the closest point for each point of two meshes subject to collide. We also proposed a method for collision response which acts directly on the surfaces geometry, in a way that the physical behavior relies on the propagation of reaction forces produced inside the tissue. Finally, we proposed a 3D model of a joint combining the three elements: anatomical skeleton motion, biomechanical soft tissues deformation, and contact management. On the top of that we built a virtual hip joint and implemented a set of medical applications prototypes. Such applications allow for assessment of stress distribution on the articular surfaces, range of motion estimation based on ligament constraint, ligament elasticity estimation from clinically measured range of motion, and pre- and post-operative evaluation of stress distribution. Although our model provides physicians with a number of useful variables for diagnosis and surgery planning, it should be improved for effective clinical use. Validation has been done partially. However, a global clinical validation is necessary. Patient specific data are still difficult to obtain, especially individualized mechanical properties of tissues. The characterization of material properties in our soft tissues model can also be improved by including control over the shear modulus