7,006 research outputs found

    Interactive Attention Networks for Aspect-Level Sentiment Classification

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    Aspect-level sentiment classification aims at identifying the sentiment polarity of specific target in its context. Previous approaches have realized the importance of targets in sentiment classification and developed various methods with the goal of precisely modeling their contexts via generating target-specific representations. However, these studies always ignore the separate modeling of targets. In this paper, we argue that both targets and contexts deserve special treatment and need to be learned their own representations via interactive learning. Then, we propose the interactive attention networks (IAN) to interactively learn attentions in the contexts and targets, and generate the representations for targets and contexts separately. With this design, the IAN model can well represent a target and its collocative context, which is helpful to sentiment classification. Experimental results on SemEval 2014 Datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI 201

    Attentional Encoder Network for Targeted Sentiment Classification

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    Targeted sentiment classification aims at determining the sentimental tendency towards specific targets. Most of the previous approaches model context and target words with RNN and attention. However, RNNs are difficult to parallelize and truncated backpropagation through time brings difficulty in remembering long-term patterns. To address this issue, this paper proposes an Attentional Encoder Network (AEN) which eschews recurrence and employs attention based encoders for the modeling between context and target. We raise the label unreliability issue and introduce label smoothing regularization. We also apply pre-trained BERT to this task and obtain new state-of-the-art results. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness and lightweight of our model.Comment: 7 page

    Building End-To-End Dialogue Systems Using Generative Hierarchical Neural Network Models

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    We investigate the task of building open domain, conversational dialogue systems based on large dialogue corpora using generative models. Generative models produce system responses that are autonomously generated word-by-word, opening up the possibility for realistic, flexible interactions. In support of this goal, we extend the recently proposed hierarchical recurrent encoder-decoder neural network to the dialogue domain, and demonstrate that this model is competitive with state-of-the-art neural language models and back-off n-gram models. We investigate the limitations of this and similar approaches, and show how its performance can be improved by bootstrapping the learning from a larger question-answer pair corpus and from pretrained word embeddings.Comment: 8 pages with references; Published in AAAI 2016 (Special Track on Cognitive Systems

    Drug prescription support in dental clinics through drug corpus mining

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    The rapid increase in the volume and variety of data poses a challenge to safe drug prescription for the dentist. The increasing number of patients that take multiple drugs further exerts pressure on the dentist to make the right decision at point-of-care. Hence, a robust decision support system will enable dentists to make decisions on drug prescription quickly and accurately. Based on the assumption that similar drug pairs have a higher similarity ratio, this paper suggests an innovative approach to obtain the similarity ratio between the drug that the dentist is going to prescribe and the drug that the patient is currently taking. We conducted experiments to obtain the similarity ratios of both positive and negative drug pairs, by using feature vectors generated from term similarities and word embeddings of biomedical text corpus. This model can be easily adapted and implemented for use in a dental clinic to assist the dentist in deciding if a drug is suitable for prescription, taking into consideration the medical profile of the patients. Experimental evaluation of our model’s association of the similarity ratio between two drugs yielded a superior F score of 89%. Hence, such an approach, when integrated within the clinical work flow, will reduce prescription errors and thereby increase the health outcomes of patients
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