5,287 research outputs found

    Is talking online to unknown people always risky? Distinguishing online interaction styles in a national sample of youth Internet users.

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    Abstract We examined the risk of unwanted online sexual solicitations and characteristics associated with four online interaction styles among youth Internet users. The interaction styles took into account the people with whom youth interacted online (people known in person only, unknown people met through face-to-face friends, unknown people met in chatroom, and other places online) and high- and low-risk patterns of online behavior. The aim was to provide a basis for identifying which youth may be most at risk from interacting online with unknown people

    Towards socially adaptive robots : A novel method for real time recognition of human-robot interaction styles

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.” DOI: 10.1109/ICHR.2008.4756004Automatically detecting different styles of play in human-robot interaction is a key challenge towards adaptive robots, i.e. robots that are able to regulate the interactions and adapt to different interaction styles of the robot users. In this paper we present a novel algorithm for pattern recognition in human-robot interaction, the Cascaded Information Bottleneck Method. We apply it to real-time autonomous recognition of human-robot interaction styles. This method uses an information theoretic approach and enables to progressively extract relevant information from time series. It relies on a cascade of bottlenecks, the bottlenecks being trained one after the other according to the existing Agglomerative Information Bottleneck Algorithm. We show that a structure for the bottleneck states along the cascade emerges and we introduce a measure to extrapolate unseen data. We apply this method to real-time recognition of Human-Robot Interaction Styles by a robot in a detailed case study. The algorithm has been implemented for real interactions between humans and a real robot. We demonstrate that the algorithm, which is designed to operate real time, is capable of classifying interaction styles, with a good accuracy and a very acceptable delay. Our future work will evaluate this method in scenarios on robot-assisted therapy for children with autism.Peer reviewe

    Students’ Online Interaction Styles: Can They Change?

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    Past studies indicate that students demonstrate different online interaction styles, which consist of the ways or habits students acquire knowledge from computer-mediated discussions (Sutton, 2001). Such interaction styles include the active interaction style (Beaudion, 2002), the vicarious interaction style (Sutton, 2001), and the mixed or balanced-interaction style. The purpose of this exploratory study was to further investigate whether students’ online interaction styles changed during a course utilizing asynchronous computer-mediated discussions; and if so how and why they changed. Results indicate that such changes did take place as 44% of participants adjusted to more active learning styles as the courses progressed. This study has implications for the design of online learning environments, instructor’s role in online courses, and educational tools to facilitate students in adapting to more active interaction styles in computer-mediated learning environments

    Classifying public display systems: an input/output channel perspective

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    Public display screens are relatively recent additions to our world, and while they may be as simple as a large screen with minimal input/output features, more recent developments have introduced much richer interaction possibilities supporting a variety of interaction styles. In this paper we propose a framework for classifying public display systems with a view to better understanding how they differ in terms of their interaction channels and how future installations are likely to evolve. This framework is explored through 15 existing public display systems which use mobile phones for interaction in the display space

    Identifying mother-child interaction styles using a person-centered approach

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    Parent–child conflict in the context of a supportive relationship has been discussed as a potentially constructive interaction pattern; the current study is the first to test this using a holistic analytic approach. Interaction styles, defined as mother–child conflict in the context of maternal sensitivity, were identified and described with demographic and stress-related characteristics of families. Longitudinal associations were tested between interaction styles and children's later social competence. Participants included 814 partnered mothers with a first-grade child. Latent profile analysis identified agreeable, dynamic, and disconnected interaction styles. Mothers' intimacy with a partner, depressive symptoms, and authoritarian childrearing beliefs, along with children's later conflict with a best friend and externalizing problems, were associated with group membership. Notably, the dynamic style, characterized by high sensitivity and high conflict, included families who experienced psychological and relational stressors. Findings are discussed with regard to how family stressors shape parent–child interaction patterns

    The Hypertext Internet Connection: E-mail, Online Search, Gopher

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    In this paper we show how to handle and organize the large amount of information accessible through the Internet or other public communication networks in a hypertext environment. The C(K)onstance-Hypertext-System (KHS) uses typed units to indicate the differences and the content and structure of information, comprising text, forms, images pointers to external information. We show how to imbed Internet services, which usual require rather different interaction styles, such as point-to-point communication (e-mail query formulation (online databases) or browsing (Gopher) into the uniform interaction model of the KHS. The integration of Internet services in an open hypertext environment produces value-adding effects which are also discussed. (DIPF/Orig.

    Towards a multimodal interaction space: Categorisation and applications

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    Based on many experiences of developing interactive systems by the authors, a framework for the description and analysis of interaction has been developed. The dimensions of this multimodal interaction space have been identified as sensory modalities, modes and levels of interaction. To illustrate and validate this framework, development of multimodal interaction styles is carried out and interactions in the real world are studied, going from theory to practice and back again. The paper describes the framework and two recent projects, one in the field of interactive architecture and another in the field of multimodal HCI research. Both projects use multiple modalities for interaction, particularly movement based interaction styles. © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007

    Interaction Styles in Development Tools for Virtual Reality Applications

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