11 research outputs found

    Investigating visibility affordance, knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. A study of enterprise social media

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    The research analyzes the associations between enterprise social media (ESM) visibility affordance (i.e., message transparency and network translucence) and employee agility performance through knowledge transfer (knowledge acquisition and knowledge provision) in organizations that have applied ESM. Utilizing the communication visibility theory, this study further examines the moderating role of task interdependence in strengthening the interactions between knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. We conducted two studies, one in China (347 samples) and the other in the United States (335 samples) to cross-culturally test our research model. Our results indicate that message transparency and network translucence have significant positive associations with employee agility performance in both studies. The findings also show that knowledge provision mediates the relationships between ESM visibility affordance and employee agility performance in both samples, while knowledge acquisition mediates the association between ESM visibility affordance and employee agility performance in the Chinese sample but not in the U.S. sample. Further, task interdependence moderates the link between knowledge acquisition and employee agility performance in China and the United States. However, task interdependence moderates the relationship between knowledge provision and employee agility performance in China but not in the United States. The implications for theory and management are also discussed

    Investigating visibility affordance, knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. A study of enterprise social media

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    The research analyzes the associations between enterprise social media (ESM) visibility affordance (i.e., message transparency and network translucence) and employee agility performance through knowledge transfer (knowledge acquisition and knowledge provision) in organizations that have applied ESM. Utilizing the communication visibility theory, this study further examines the moderating role of task interdependence in strengthening the interactions between knowledge transfer and employee agility performance. We conducted two studies, one in China (347 samples) and the other in the United States (335 samples) to cross-culturally test our research model. Our results indicate that message transparency and network translucence have significant positive associations with employee agility performance in both studies. The findings also show that knowledge provision mediates the relationships between ESM visibility affordance and employee agility performance in both samples, while knowledge acquisition mediates the association between ESM visibility affordance and employee agility performance in the Chinese sample but not in the U.S. sample. Further, task interdependence moderates the link between knowledge acquisition and employee agility performance in China and the United States. However, task interdependence moderates the relationship between knowledge provision and employee agility performance in China but not in the United States. The implications for theory and management are also discussed.publishedVersio

    The Role of Enterprise Social Media during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Leaders' Experience

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    The COVID-19 pandemic impacted workplaces, with public health orders requiring people to shift their workplaces into their homes. Consequently, many organisations pivoted to online operation and utilised technology such as Enterprise Social Media (ESM) to help manage this transition. In this study we explore leaders' diverse use of ESM during the pandemic, including whether it was used for performance management and how it shaped leaders’ social behaviour. We conducted fifteen semi-structured interviews with leaders in a large Australian University using the ESM technology. Our results explore the nuances of ESM use during this time including how it was used as a social tool, a communication tool, and as an informal means to collect performance data. Interviews also revealed concerns with ESM use such as privacy and information redundancy. Our work advances the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) literature by conceptualising cognitive and affective mechanisms to understand how utilisation moderates TTF outcomes. These mechanisms are contingent on how leaders use ESM and the level of their interactions and engagements. We identify practical implications of ESM use at a time of crisis including leader training, clear guidelines for internal communication, efficient information sharing practices, and informed consent for ESM-related data collection practices

    A conceptual model of feedback mechanisms in adjusted affordances – Insights from usage of a mental mobile health application

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    Affordance theory provides one of the most prominent lenses through which the socio-technical aspects of a system’s use can be investigated and understood. In this context, the literature has proposed that perceived and actualized affordances may be adjusted over time. Yet, how the adjustment of affordances occurs has not been explained in detail. Thus, in this article, we develop a conceptual model of feedback mechanisms that includes a more explicit description of how affordances are perceived by users, whether actualized and adjusted. With the model, we introduce the central concept of a generative base, out of which affordance perceptions emerge and which can be updated through affordance actualizations. With this base, we integrate mental model (MM) theory to explain better the differing perceptions before and after actor–artifact interactions. Our conceptual model is illustrated and specified using an empirical case of the mental mobile health (mHealth) app “Between The Lines” in Germany. In this study, we conducted 40 interviews in two rounds with 20 teenage app users. Our results show that the users’ perceptions of mHealth affordances become adjusted and hence change over time due to experiencing the actualization process, which may lead to an update of the generative base, including the user’s MM.A conceptual model of feedback mechanisms in adjusted affordances – Insights from usage of a mental mobile health applicationpublishedVersionPaid Open Acces

    A conceptual model of feedback mechanisms in adjusted affordances – Insights from usage of a mental mobile health application

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    Affordance theory provides one of the most prominent lenses through which the socio-technical aspects of a system’s use can be investigated and understood. In this context, the literature has proposed that perceived and actualized affordances may be adjusted over time. Yet, how the adjustment of affordances occurs has not been explained in detail. Thus, in this article, we develop a conceptual model of feedback mechanisms that includes a more explicit description of how affordances are perceived by users, whether actualized and adjusted. With the model, we introduce the central concept of a generative base, out of which affordance perceptions emerge and which can be updated through affordance actualizations. With this base, we integrate mental model (MM) theory to explain better the differing perceptions before and after actor–artifact interactions. Our conceptual model is illustrated and specified using an empirical case of the mental mobile health (mHealth) app “Between The Lines” in Germany. In this study, we conducted 40 interviews in two rounds with 20 teenage app users. Our results show that the users’ perceptions of mHealth affordances become adjusted and hence change over time due to experiencing the actualization process, which may lead to an update of the generative base, including the user’s MM

    Métricas e motivadores de decisão para adoção de Robotic Process Automation na área financeira de um sistema de crédito cooperativo

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    A busca por eficiência e agilidade tem levado as empresas a pensarem sobre automação de processos, uma vez que a automatização está transformando o ambiente organizacional aceleradamente. A ferramenta de tecnologia Robotic Process Automation, propicia que as organizações automatizem tarefas determinísticas, gerando mais valor aos serviços e produtos. Tendo em vista os potenciais dessa tecnologia para o meio contábil e financeiro, este estudo tem como objetivo central desenvolver um framework de métricas e motivadores para adoção da RPA na área financeira de um Sistema de Crédito Cooperativo X, sobre a luz da teoria de estrutura de tecnologia-organização-ambiente (TOE - do inglês, Technology-Organization-Environment Framework). Desta forma, para atingir o objetivo proposto, realizou-se o estudo em duas etapas, a primeira etapa apresenta as aplicações da RPA na área contábil e as métricas para a adoção da RPA nesse contexto, à luz da teoria TOE. Na segunda etapa apresenta-se as métricas e motivadores que orientam a decisão pela adoção da RPA em um Sistema de Crédito Cooperativo X, na perspectiva da teoria TOE. A metodologia utilizada na primeira parte do estudo foi de abordagem qualitativa descritiva, operacionalizada por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura. A revisão inclui 10 artigos publicados nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus, publicados até fevereiro de 2022. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo, com o uso de planilha eletrônica para as categorizações. O estudo identificou 13 categorias finais das métricas que se interrelacionam e descrevem motivadores para adoção e implementação da tecnologia nas organizações. As métricas apresentadas na pesquisa permitiram identificar um ponto em comum entre as categorias: o compartilhamento de informações e conhecimento, a relevância da disseminação do conhecimento sobre a tecnologia, a importância de equipes multidisciplinares e a importância de manter os processos transparentes para viabilizar a mitigação de possíveis riscos dentro das organizações. A metodologia utilizada na segunda parte do estudo foi de abordagem qualitativa descritiva, operacionalizada com a estratégia do estudo de caso único integrado aplicado às Cooperativas integradas a um Sistema de Crédito Cooperativo X, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 17 colaboradores do sistema. A análise dos dados foi realizada através da análise de conteúdo, com os dados das entrevistas, pela observação sistemática e pela coleta documental, foram transcritos e tabulados em documento de texto visando a operacionalização da análise de conteúdo, com o uso do software NVivo12. Os resultados encontrados na pesquisa, na etapa 2, apresentam quais as métricas e motivadores são considerados por Cooperativas de Crédito para adoção da tecnologia RPA, contribuindo para responder às lacunas de pesquisas apontadas na etapa 1. Como contribuição teórica, a pesquisa detalhou os motivadores e métricas consideradas na prática para adoção de uma nova tecnologia, neste estudo a RPA, retornando para teoria TOE de Tornatzky e Fleischer (1990) um aprofundamento sobre o ponto de partida na prática com Cooperativas de Crédito. O estudo apresenta 57 motivadores e métricas, distribuídos conforme os elementos organizacionais, que influenciaram na adoção de inovação na tecnologia RPA nas 17 Cooperativas entrevistadas. Como contribuição prática, o estudo apresenta, nas categorias finais, as métricas e motivadores que podem servir de esteio para outras instituições basear-se para tomada de decisão sobre adotar a tecnologia RPA, assim como, atentar-se a pontos que precisam ser maturados antes da adoção, como treinamentos, controles de segurança, regulamentários, normativos, comunicação, entre outros.The search for efficiency and agility has led companies to think about process automation, since automation is rapidly transforming the organizational environment. The Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology tool allows organizations to automate deterministic tasks, generating more value for services and products. Observing the potential of this technology for the accounting and financial environment, this study has as its central objective to develop a framework of decision variables (metrics and motivators) for the adoption of RPA in the accounting of a Credit Cooperative System X, from the perspective of of the TOE theory. There for, to achieve the proposed objective, the study was carried out in two stages, the first stage presents the applications of RPA in the accounting area and the drivers for the adoption of RPA in this context, in the light of the theory of structure of technology-organization-environment (TOE - Technology-Organization-Environment Framework). On the second stage it presents the metrics and motivators that guide the decision to adopt RPA in a Cooperative Credit System X, from the perspective of TOE theory. The methodology used in the first part of the study was a qualitative descriptive approach, operationalized through a systematic review of the literature. The review includes 10 articles published in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, published until February 2021. Data analysis was performed through content analysis, using an electronic spreadsheet for categorizations. The study identified 13 final categories of drivers that are interrelated and describe the motivators for technology adoption and implementation in organizations. The drivers presented in the research made it possible to identify a common point between the categories, the sharing of information and knowledge, the relevance of disseminating knowledge about the technology, the importance of multidisciplinary teams, and the importance of keeping processes transparent to enable mitigation of possible risks within organizations. The methodology used in the second part of the study was a descriptive qualitative approach, operationalized with the strategy of a single integrated case study applied to Cooperatives integrated into a Credit Cooperative System X, through semi-structured interviews with 17 employees of the system. Data analysis was carried out through content analysis, with data from interviews, systematic observation and document collection, which were transcribed and tabulated in a text document seeking the operationalizing content analysis, using the NVivo12 software. The results found in the research, in stage 2, show which metrics and motivators are considered by Credit Cooperatives for the adoption of RPA technology, contributing to answering the research gaps pointed out in stage 1. As a theoretical contribution, the research detailed the motivators and metrics considered in practice for the adoption of a new technology, in this study the RPA, returning to the TOE theory of Tornatzky and Fleischer (1990) a deepening on the starting point in practice with Credit Cooperatives. The study presents 57 motivators and metrics, distributed according to organizational elements, which influenced the adoption of innovation in RPA technology in the 17 Cooperatives interviewed. As a practical contribution, the study presents, in its final categories, the metrics and motivators that can serve as a support for other institutions to base themselves on when making decisions about adopting RPA technology, as well as paying attention to points that need to be matured before adoption, such as training, security controls, regulations, norms, communication, among others

    Virtuaalinen johtaminen paradoksien syleilyssä : sosiaalista pääomaa ja oman äänen käyttöä tukeva johtaminen kunnissa

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    Tämän hallintotieteellisen laadullisen tutkimuksen keskiössä on kuntaorganisaatio yhteiskunnallisten muutosten keskiössä. Tutkimuksen lähtökohtana on selvittää millainen muutos johtamisessa ja vuorovaikutuksessa tapahtui COVID-19 pandemian aikana siirryttäessä virtuaaliseen työhön. Kuntaorganisaation muutosta voidaan kuvata moniulotteiseksi paradoksien muodostamaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Kunta on nähty valtion jatkeena palveluita tuottavana palvelukoneena, jolle valtio antaa, ja jolta valtio ottaa tehtäviä. Kunta poliittisena ja elinvoimaa tuottavana, yleistä etua vaalivana yhteisönä tarvitsee vuorovaikutuksesta kumpuavaa toimintaa. Pelkästään johtamisen tai johtajan ominaisuuksien tarkastelu ei anna riittäviä vastauksia. Kuntaa haastavat paradoksaaliset kysymykset edellyttävät uuden tyyppistä suhtautumista johtamiseen ja paradoksien hallintaan. Tämä tutkimus perustuu sosiaalisen konstruktionismin ajatukselle tunnistaen, että maailma rakentuu ihmisten välisessä vuorovaikutussuhteessa. Tämä laadullinen tutkimus pitää sisällään 22 kunta-alan ylimmän ja keskijohdon haastattelua kahdesta eri kunnasta ja sen aineistolähtöinen abduktiivinen analysointi on johdattanut organisaation sisäistä sosiaalista pääoma, hiljaisuutta ja oman äänen käyttöä koskevan tieteellisen keskustelun äärelle. Aineistosta nousivat esille myös kuntien johtamiseen liittyvät paradoksit. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, minkälainen johtaminen tukee sosiaalisen pääoman kehittymistä ja oman äänen käyttöä sekä miten voimme tunnistaa paradokseja ja lisätä paradoksiajattelua johtamisen käytänteissä. Sosiaalista pääomaa ja paradoksiajattelua tukevassa johtamisessa erityisesti johtamisen, luottamuksen ja menestyksen paradoksien tunnistaminen ja johtaminen on keskiössä. Tutkimus osallistuu keskusteluun virtuaalisen johtamisen käsitteestä ja sosiaalista pääomaa ja paradoksiajattelua tukevasta ihmisten johtamisesta. Tutkimuksessa keskustellaan tulosten vaikutuksesta ja annetaan käytännön suosituksia johtamisen työssä onnistumiseen.The focus of this qualitative study in public administration is on municipal organization in the midst of societal changes. The aim of this research is to explore the changes in leadership and interaction during the transition to virtual work amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The transformation of the municipal organization can be described as a multidimensional whole formed by paradoxes. The municipality has been viewed as an extension of the state, a service-producing machine to which the state assigns tasks and from which it takes responsibilities. As a political and vitality-producing community, serving the common good, the municipality requires interaction-driven activities. Examining only leadership or leader characteristics does not provide sufficient answers. The paradoxical questions challenging the municipality demand a new approach to leadership and paradox management. This research is based on the social constructionism approach, recognizing that the world is constructed through interpersonal relationships. This qualitative study includes interviews with 22 senior and mid-level municipal managers from two different municipalities. Utilizing a grounded theory approach, the abductive analysis has delved into academic discourse concerning on organization´s internal social capital, silence, and the use of one’s voice. The data also brought forward paradoxes related to municipal leadership. The aim of the study is to understand what kind of leadership supports the development of social capital and the use of one’s voice, and how we can identify paradoxes and enhance paradoxical thinking in leadership practices. The leadership supporting social capital and paradoxical thinking acknowledge the importance of structures, trust, and silence. Recognizing and managing paradoxes, particularly those related to silence, leadership, and success, seem to be crucial for the development of leadership that supports paradoxical thinking. The study discusses the definition of virtual leadership and the leadership supporting social capital and paradoxical thinking. The study provides practical implications for success in leadership practice

    Interaction between Task Characteristics and Technology Affordances: Task-Technology Fit and Enterprise Social Media Usage

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    Enterprise social media (ESM) usage has gained considerable momentum within organizations. The purpose of this paper is to seek a better understanding of ESM usage based on the task environments and the technology affordances of ESM. Design/methodology/approach This study is based on a survey consisting of 556 usable responses. Regression methods are applied to analyze the data. Findings This study finds strong support for the positive impact of task-technology fit on ESM usage. Considering separately, task equivocality had no impact; task interdependence had a negative effect on ESM usage; bridging social capital had a positive effect; and bonding social capital had a marginal impact on ESM usage. Research limitations/implications This research incorporated social capital into discussions of task-technology fit. A 2×2 matrix based on task equivocality and task interdependence was developed, which may be extended to other contexts or technologies. Practical implications ESM implementation should account for both task environments and the appropriate technology affordances. Individuals access bridging social capital to a greater extent than bonding social capital using ESM, and they do not use ESM when the task environments alone are considered. Originality/value This is an original study that considers task environments and technology affordances in the context of ESM usage. The findings offer valuable and timely contributions to both scholars and practitioners