266 research outputs found

    Multi-loop quality scalability based on high efficiency video coding

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    Scalable video coding performance largely depends on the underlying single layer coding efficiency. In this paper, the quality scalability capabilities are evaluated on a base of the new High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard under development. To enable the evaluation, a multi-loop codec has been designed using HEVC. Adaptive inter-layer prediction is realized by including the lower layer in the reference list of the enhancement layer. As a result, adaptive scalability on frame level and on prediction unit level is accomplished. Compared to single layer coding, 19.4% Bjontegaard Delta bitrate increase is measured over approximately a 30dB to 40dB PSNR range. When compared to simulcast, 20.6% bitrate reduction can be achieved. Under equivalent conditions, the presented technique achieves 43.8% bitrate reduction over Coarse Grain Scalability of the SVC - H.264/AVC-based standard

    Fast transcoding for video delivery by means of a control stream

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    When a video delivery system provides different representations of the same sequence, solutions can be found in simulcast coding, scalable coding, and transcoding. The major downside of transcoding is the additional complexity needed to re-encode the video sequence in its new form. When one fidelity version of the video stream should be transmitted over the network, scalable coding is less efficient compared to single layer coding because of the layering overhead. Finally, simulcast encoding results in large storage requirements. In this paper, we propose an intermediate solution providing transcoding at a low complexity by the aid of control streams. We define a control stream as a regular video stream from which residual information is removed. With these control streams, the complexity of the encoding step in the transcoder can be reduced to decoder complexity. As a result of the removal of residual information, these control streams take up 62.8% less bitrate compared to simulcast coding for a test set based on High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Additionally, when compared to scalable coding, an efficient single layer video stream can be provided without the 16.6% bitrate increase caused by transmitting a layered bitstream

    A parallel H.264/SVC encoder for high definition video conferencing

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    In this paper we present a video encoder specially developed and configured for high definition (HD) video conferencing. This video encoder brings together the following three requirements: H.264/Scalable Video Coding (SVC), parallel encoding on multicore platforms, and parallel-friendly rate control. With the first requirement, a minimum quality of service to every end-user receiver over Internet Protocol networks is guaranteed. With the second one, real-time execution is accomplished and, for this purpose, slice-level parallelism, for the main encoding loop, and block-level parallelism, for the upsampling and interpolation filtering processes, are combined. With the third one, a proper HD video content delivery under certain bit rate and end-to-end delay constraints is ensured. The experimental results prove that the proposed H.264/SVC video encoder is able to operate in real time over a wide range of target bit rates at the expense of reasonable losses in rate-distortion efficiency due to the frame partitioning into slices

    Efficient HEVC-based video adaptation using transcoding

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    In a video transmission system, it is important to take into account the great diversity of the network/end-user constraints. On the one hand, video content is typically streamed over a network that is characterized by different bandwidth capacities. In many cases, the bandwidth is insufficient to transfer the video at its original quality. On the other hand, a single video is often played by multiple devices like PCs, laptops, and cell phones. Obviously, a single video would not satisfy their different constraints. These diversities of the network and devices capacity lead to the need for video adaptation techniques, e.g., a reduction of the bit rate or spatial resolution. Video transcoding, which modifies a property of the video without the change of the coding format, has been well-known as an efficient adaptation solution. However, this approach comes along with a high computational complexity, resulting in huge energy consumption in the network and possibly network latency. This presentation provides several optimization strategies for the transcoding process of HEVC (the latest High Efficiency Video Coding standard) video streams. First, the computational complexity of a bit rate transcoder (transrater) is reduced. We proposed several techniques to speed-up the encoder of a transrater, notably a machine-learning-based approach and a novel coding-mode evaluation strategy have been proposed. Moreover, the motion estimation process of the encoder has been optimized with the use of decision theory and the proposed fast search patterns. Second, the issues and challenges of a spatial transcoder have been solved by using machine-learning algorithms. Thanks to their great performance, the proposed techniques are expected to significantly help HEVC gain popularity in a wide range of modern multimedia applications

    Encryption for high efficiency video coding with video adaptation capabilities

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    Video encryption techniques enable applications like digital rights management and video scrambling. Applying encryption on the entire video stream can be computationally costly and prevents advanced video modifications by an untrusted middlebox in the network, like splicing, quality monitoring, watermarking, and transcoding. Therefore, encryption techniques are proposed which influence a small amount of the video stream while keeping the video compliant with its compression standard, High Efficiency Video Coding. Encryption while guaranteeing standard compliance can cause degraded compression efficiency, so depending on their bitrate impact, a selection of encrypted syntax elements should be made. Each element also impacts the quality for untrusted decoders differently, so this aspect should also be considered. In this paper, multiple techniques for partial video encryption are investigated, most of them having a low impact on rate-distortion performance and having a broad range in scrambling performance(1)

    Efficient high-resolution video compression scheme using background and foreground layers

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    Video coding using dynamic background frame achieves better compression compared to the traditional techniques by encoding background and foreground separately. This process reduces coding bits for the overall frame significantly; however, encoding background still requires many bits that can be compressed further for achieving better coding efficiency. The cuboid coding framework has been proven to be one of the most effective methods of image compression which exploits homogeneous pixel correlation within a frame and has better alignment with object boundary compared to traditional block-based coding. In a video sequence, the cuboid-based frame partitioning varies with the changes of the foreground. However, since the background remains static for a group of pictures, the cuboid coding exploits better spatial pixel homogeneity. In this work, the impact of cuboid coding on the background frame for high-resolution videos (Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) and 360-degree videos) is investigated using the multilayer framework of SHVC. After the cuboid partitioning, the method of coarse frame generation has been improved with a novel idea by keeping human-visual sensitive information. Unlike the traditional SHVC scheme, in the proposed method, cuboid coded background and the foreground are encoded in separate layers in an implicit manner. Simulation results show that the proposed video coding method achieves an average BD-Rate reduction of 26.69% and BD-PSNR gain of 1.51 dB against SHVC with significant encoding time reduction for both UHD and 360 videos. It also achieves an average of 13.88% BD-Rate reduction and 0.78 dB BD-PSNR gain compared to the existing relevant method proposed by X. Hoang Van. © 2013 IEEE