23 research outputs found

    Inter-Calibration of Satellite Passive Microwave Land Observations from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Using Overlapping FY3B-MWRI Sensor Measurements

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    The development and continuity of consistent long-term data records from similar overlapping satellite observations is critical for global monitoring and environmental change assessments. We developed an empirical approach for inter-calibration of satellite microwave brightness temperature (Tb) records over land from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) and Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) using overlapping Tb observations from the Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI). Double Differencing (DD) calculations revealed significant AMSR2 and MWRI biases relative to AMSR-E. Pixel-wise linear relationships were established from overlapping Tb records and used for calibrating MWRI and AMSR2 records to the AMSR-E baseline. The integrated multi-sensor Tb record was largely consistent over the major global vegetation and climate zones; sensor biases were generally well calibrated, though residual Tb differences inherent to different sensor configurations were still present. Daily surface air temperature estimates from the calibrated AMSR2 Tb inputs also showed favorable accuracy against independent measurements from 142 global weather stations (R2 ≥ 0.75, RMSE ≤ 3.64 °C), but with slightly lower accuracy than the AMSR-E baseline (R2 ≥ 0.78, RMSE ≤ 3.46 °C). The proposed method is promising for generating consistent, uninterrupted global land parameter records spanning the AMSR-E and continuing AMSR2 missions

    Rain-on-snow events in Alaska, their frequency and distribution from satellite observations

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    Wet snow and the icing events that frequently follow wintertime rain-on-snow (ROS) affect high latitude ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales, including hydrology, carbon cycle, wildlife, and human development. However, the distribution of ROS events and their response to climatic changes are uncertain. In this study, we quantified ROS spatiotemporal variability across Alaska during the cold season (November to March) and clarified the influence of precipitation and temperature variations on these patterns. A satellite-based daily ROS geospatial classification was derived for the region by combining remote sensing information from overlapping MODIS and AMSR sensor records. The ROS record extended over the recent satellite record (water years 2003–2011 and 2013–2016) and was derived at a daily time step and 6 km grid, benefiting from finer (500 m) resolution MODIS snow cover observations and coarser (12.5 km) AMSR microwave brightness temperature-based freeze–thaw retrievals. The classification showed favorable ROS detection accuracy (75%–100%) against in situ climate observations across Alaska. Pixel-wise correlation analysis was used to clarify relationships between the ROS patterns and underlying physiography and climatic influences. Our findings indicate that cold season ROS events are most common during autumn and spring months along the maritime Bering Sea coast and boreal interior regions, but are infrequent on the colder arctic North Slope. The frequency and extent of ROS events coincided with warm temperature anomalies (p \u3c 0.1), but showed a generally weaker relationship with precipitation. The weaker precipitation relationship was attributed to several factors, including large uncertainty in cold season precipitation measurements, and the important contribution of humidity and turbulent energy transfer in driving snowmelt and icing events independent of rainfall. Our results suggest that as high latitude temperatures increase, wet snow and ROS events will also increase in frequency and extent, particularly in the southwestern and interior regions of Alaska

    Urban Heat Islands as Viewed by Microwave Radiometers and Thermal Time Indices

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    Urban heat islands (UHIs) have been long studied using both ground-based observations of air temperature and remotely sensed thermal infrared (TIR) data. While ground-based observations lack spatial detail even in the occasional “dense” urban network, skin temperature retrievals using TIR data have lower temporal coverage due to revisit frequency, limited swath width, and cloud cover. Algorithms have recently been developed to retrieve near-surface air temperatures using microwave radiometer data, which enables characterization of UHIs in metropolitan areas, major conurbations, and global megacities at regional to continental scales using temporally denser time series than those that have been available from TIR sensors. Here we examine how UHIs appear across the entire Western Hemisphere using surface air temperatures derived from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometers (AMSRs), AMSR-E onboard the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Aqua and AMSR2 onboard the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency’s Global Change Observation Mission-Water1 (JAXA’s GCOM-W1) satellites. We compare these data with station observations from the Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN) for 27 major cities across North America (in 83 urban-rural groupings) to demonstrate the capability of microwave data in a UHI study. Two measures of thermal time, accumulated diurnal and nocturnal degree-days, are calculated from the remotely sensed surface air temperature time series to characterize the urban-rural thermal differences over multiple growing seasons. Daytime urban thermal accumulations from the microwave data were sometimes lower than in adjacent rural areas. In contrast, station observations showed consistently higher day and night thermal accumulations in cities. UHIs are more pronounced at night, with 55% (AMSRs) and 93% (GHCN) of urban-rural groupings showing higher accumulated nocturnal degree-days in cities. While urban-rural thermal gradients may vary according to different datasets or locations, day-night differences in thermal time metrics were consistently lower ( \u3e90% of urban-rural groupings) in urban areas than in rural areas for both datasets. We propose that the normalized difference accumulated thermal time index (NDATTI) is a more robust metric for comparative UHI studies than simple temperature differences because it can be calculated from either station or remotely sensed data and it attenuates latitudinal effects


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    Mongolia’s cryosphere (glaciers and snow cover) drives ecosystem services and in turn, supports emerging economies in the water-restricted country. However, as Mongolia experiences long-term drought conditions and an increase in annual air temperatures at twice the global rate, the potential adverse effects of the changing cryosphere during a period of climate uncertainty will have cascading implications to water availability and economic development. Using several data sources and methods, I partitioned my dissertation into two components to determine the hydrologic and economic implications of modulations in Mongolia’s cryosphere. The first component is an examination of glacier recession in Mongolia’s Altai Mountains, where I identified the major drivers of glacier recession and the role of glaciers in the regional hydrology. In the second component we created novel techniques to detect snowmelt events and to determine their role in large annual livestock mortality across Mongolia. In chapter 2 we identified a rate of glacier recession of 6.4 ± 0.4 km2 yr-1 from 1990-2016, resulting in an overall decrease in glacier area of 43%, which were comparable to rates of recession in mountain ranges across Central Asia. In chapter 3 we found that glaciers contributed up to 22% of the regional hydrology in the glaciated Upper Khovd River Basin (UKRB) and glacier melt contributions began to decrease after 2016, suggesting an overall depletion of accumulation zones. In chapter 4, we developed a novel approach to detect snow melt events in Alaska, USA – due to its high satellite coverage, climate monitoring network, and previous existing studies – and produced a gridded geospatial data product. In chapter 5, we expanded on the novel methods developed in chapter 4 to determine the spatio-temporal role of snowmelt events on large annual livestock mortality in Mongolia. Results showed strong correlations between snowmelt events and mortality in the southern Gobi during the fall and the central and western regions during the spring. As Mongolia continues to develop climatically vulnerable economic industries, future modulations in Mongolia’s cryosphere will likely decrease regional water-availability and amplify annual livestock mortality

    Land Surface Phenologies and Seasonalities Using Cool Earthlight in Temperate and Tropical Croplands

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    In today’s world of increasing food insecurity due to more frequent and extreme events (droughts, floods), a comprehensive understanding of global cropland dynamics is critically needed. Land surface parameters derived from the passive microwave Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on EOS (AMSR-E) and AMSR2 data enable monitoring of cropland dynamics and they can complement visible to near infrared (VNIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) data. Passive microwave data are less sensitive to atmospheric effects, cloud contamination, and solar illumination constraints resulting in finer temporal resolution suitable to track the temporal progression of cropland cover development compared to the VNIR data that has coarser temporal resolution due to compositing to lessen the atmospheric effects. Both VNIR and TIR data have moderate to fine spatial resolution compared to passive microwaves, due to the faint microwave flux from the planetary surface. I used AMSR, MODIS, TRMM, and simplified surface energy balance (SSEB) data to study cropland dynamics from 2003-2015 in North Dakota, USA, the Canadian Prairie Provinces, Northern Eurasia, and East Africa: a contrast between crop exporting regions and a food insecure region. Croplands in the temperate region are better studied compared to that of the tropics. The objective of this research was to characterize cropland dynamics in the tropics based on the knowledge gained about the microwave products in the temperate croplands. This study also aimed at assessing the utility of passive microwave data for cropland dynamics study, especially for tropical cropland regions that are often cloud-obscured during the growing season and have sparse in situ data networks. Using MODIS land cover data, I identified 162 AMSR grid cells (25km*25km=625km2) dominated by croplands within the study regions. To fit the passive microwave time series data to environmental forcings, I used the convex quadratic (CxQ) model fit that has been successfully applied with the VNIR and TIR data to herbaceous vegetation in temperate and boreal ecoregions. Land surface dynamics in the thermally-limited temperate croplands were characterized as a function of temperature; whereas, a function of moisture to model land surface dynamics in the tropical croplands. In the temperate croplands, growing degree-day (GDD), NDVI, and vegetation optical depth (VOD) were modeled as a convex quadratic function of accumulated GDD (AGDD) derived from AMSR air temperature data, yielding high coefficients of determination (0.88≤ r2≤0.98) Deviations of GDD from the long term average CxQ model by site corresponded to peak VI producing negative residuals (arising from higher latent heat flux) and low VI at beginning and end of growing season producing positive residuals (arising from higher sensible heat flux). In Northern Eurasia, sites at lower latitude (44° - 48° N) that grow winter grains showed either a longer unimodal growing season or a bimodal growing season; whereas, sites at higher latitude (48° - 56° N) where spring grains are cultivated showed shorter, unimodal growing seasons. Peak VOD showed strong linear correspondence with peak greenness (NDVI) with r2\u3e0.8, but with a one-week lag. The AMSR data were able to capture the effects of the 2010 and 2007 heat waves that devastated grain production in southwestern Russia and Northern Kazakhstan, and Ukraine, respectively, better than the MODIS data. In East African croplands, the AMSR, TRMM, and SSEB datasets modeled as a convex quadratic function of cumulative water-vapor-days displayed distinct cropland dynamics in space and time, including unimodal and bimodal growing seasons. Interannual moisture variability is at its highest at the beginning of the growing season affecting planting times of crops. Moisture time to peak from AMSR and TRMM land surface parameters displayed strong correspondence (r2 \u3e 0.80) and logical lags among variables. Characterizing cropland dynamics based on the synergistic use of complementary remote sensing data should help to advance and improve agricultural monitoring in tropical croplands that are often associated with food insecurity

    Quantifying the effects of freeze-thaw transitions and snowpack melt on land surface albedo and energy exchange over Alaska and Western Canada

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    Variations in land surface albedo and snow-cover strongly impact the global biosphere, particularly through the snow-albedo feedback on climate. The seasonal freeze-thaw (FT) transition is coupled with snowpack melt dynamics and strongly impacts surface water mobility and the energy budget in the northern (≥45°N) arctic and boreal region (ABR). However, understanding of the regional variation in snowmelt and its effect on the surface energy budget are limited due to sparse in situ measurements of these processes and environmental constraints on effective monitoring within the ABR. In this study, we combined synergistic observations from overlapping satellite optical-infrared and microwave sensor records to quantify the regional patterns and seasonal progression in wet snow conditions during the spring snowmelt and autumn snow accumulation periods across Alaska and western Canada. The integrated satellite record included daily landscape FT status from AMSR microwave brightness temperature retrievals; and snow-cover extent, black sky albedo and net shortwave solar radiation (R snet) derived from MODIS and AVHRR observations. The integrated satellite records were analyzed with in situ surface air temperature and humidity observations from regional weather stations over a two-year study period (2015–2016) overlapping with the NASA ABoVE (Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment). Our results show a large (79%) mean decline in land surface albedo between dry snow and snow-free conditions during the spring (March–June) and autumn (August–November) transition periods. Onset of diurnal thawing and refreezing of the surface snow layer and associated wet snow conditions in spring contributed to an approximate 25% decrease in snow cover albedo that extended over a seven to 21 week snowpack depletion period. The lower wet snow albedo enhances R snet by approximately 74% (9–10 MJ m−2 d−1) relative to dry snow conditions, reinforcing snowmelt and surface warming, and contributing to growing season onset and activation of biological and hydrological processes in the ABR. These results contribute to better understanding of snow albedo feedbacks to Arctic amplification, and the representation of these processes in global Earth system models

    Satellite-observed changes in vegetation sensitivities to surface soil moisture and total water storage variations since the 2011 Texas drought

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    We combine soil moisture (SM) data from AMSR-E and AMSR-2, and changes in terrestrial water storage (TWS) from time-variable gravity data from GRACE to delineate and characterize the evolution of drought and its impact on vegetation growth. GRACE-derived TWS provides spatially continuous observations of changes in overall water supply and regional drought extent, persistence and severity, while satellite-derived SM provides enhanced delineation of shallow-depth soil water supply. Together these data provide complementary metrics quantifying available plant water supply. We use these data to investigate the supply changes from water components at different depths in relation to satellite-based enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and gross primary productivity (GPP) from MODIS and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) from GOME-2, during and following major drought events observed in the state of Texas, USA and its surrounding semiarid area for the past decade. We find that in normal years the spatial pattern of the vegetation–moisture relationship follows the gradient in mean annual precipitation. However since the 2011 hydrological drought, vegetation growth shows enhanced sensitivity to surface SM variations in the grassland area located in central Texas, implying that the grassland, although susceptible to drought, has the capacity for a speedy recovery. Vegetation dependency on TWS weakens in the shrub-dominated west and strengthens in the grassland and forest area spanning from central to eastern Texas, consistent with changes in water supply pattern. We find that in normal years GRACE TWS shows strong coupling and similar characteristic time scale to surface SM, while in drier years GRACE TWS manifests stronger persistence, implying longer recovery time and prolonged water supply constraint on vegetation growth. The synergistic combination of GRACE TWS and surface SM, along with remote-sensing vegetation observations provides new insights into drought impact on vegetation–moisture relationship, and unique information regarding vegetation resilience and the recovery of hydrological drought

    Satellite microwave assessment of Northern Hemisphere lake ice phenology from 2002 to 2015

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    A new automated method enabling consistent satellite assessment of seasonal lake ice phenology at 5 km resolution was developed for all lake pixels (water coverage  ≥  90 %) in the Northern Hemisphere using 36.5 GHz H-polarized brightness temperature (Tb) observations from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR-E/2) sensors. The lake phenology metrics include seasonal timing and duration of annual ice cover. A moving t test (MTT) algorithm allows for automated lake ice retrievals with daily temporal fidelity and 5 km resolution gridding. The resulting ice phenology record shows strong agreement with available ground-based observations from the Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database (95.4 % temporal agreement) and favorable correlations (R) with alternative ice phenology records from the Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (R = 0.84 for water clear of ice (WCI) dates; R = 0.41 for complete freeze over (CFO) dates) and Canadian Ice Service (R = 0.86 for WCI dates; R = 0.69 for CFO dates). Analysis of the resulting 12-year (2002–2015) AMSR-E/2 ice record indicates increasingly shorter ice cover duration for 43 out of 71 (60.6 %) Northern Hemisphere lakes examined, with significant (p  \u3c  0.05) regional trends toward earlier ice melting for only five lakes. Higher-latitude lakes reveal more widespread and larger trends toward shorter ice cover duration than lower-latitude lakes, consistent with enhanced polar warming. This study documents a new satellite-based approach for rapid assessment and regional monitoring of seasonal ice cover changes over large lakes, with resulting accuracy suitable for global change studies

    Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes in Cold Regions

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    This Special Issue gathers papers reporting recent advances in the remote sensing of cold regions. It includes contributions presenting improvements in modeling microwave emissions from snow, assessment of satellite-based sea ice concentration products, satellite monitoring of ice jam and glacier lake outburst floods, satellite mapping of snow depth and soil freeze/thaw states, near-nadir interferometric imaging of surface water bodies, and remote sensing-based assessment of high arctic lake environment and vegetation recovery from wildfire disturbances in Alaska. A comprehensive review is presented to summarize the achievements, challenges, and opportunities of cold land remote sensing