6 research outputs found

    An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Solving a New Variational Model based on Gradients Similarity Measures and High Order Regularization for Multimodality Registration

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    In this work we propose a variational model for multi-modal image registration. It minimizes a new functional based on using reformulated normalized gradients of the images as the fidelity term and higher-order derivatives as the regularizer. We first present a theoretical analysis of the proposed model. Then, to solve the model numerically, we use an augmented Lagrangian method (ALM) to reformulate it to a few more amenable subproblems (each giving rise to an Euler-Lagrange equation that is discretized by finite difference methods) and solve iteratively the main linear systems by the fast Fourier transform; a multilevel technique is employed to speed up the initialisation and avoid likely local minima of the underlying functional. Finally we show the convergence of the ALM solver and give numerical results of the new approach. Comparisons with some existing methods are presented to illustrate its effectiveness and advantages

    A Nash Game Based Variational Model For Joint Image Intensity Correction And Registration To Deal With Varying Illumination

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    Registration aligns features of two related images so that information can be compared and/or fused in order to highlight differences and complement information. In real life images where bias field is present, this undesirable artefact causes inhomogeneity of image intensities and hence leads to failure or loss of accuracy of registration models based on minimization of the differences of the two image intensities. Here, we propose a non-linear variational model for joint image intensity correction (illumination and translation) and registration and reformulate it in a game framework. While a non-potential game offers flexible reformulation and can lead to better fitting errors, proving the solution existence for a non-convex model is non-trivial. Here we establish an existence result using the Schauder's fixed point theorem. To solve the model numerically, we use an alternating minimization algorithm in the discrete setting. Finally numerical results can show that the new model outperforms existing models

    A monitoring and diagnostic approach for stochastic textured surfaces

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    We develop a supervised-learning-based approach for monitoring and diagnosing texture-related defects in manufactured products characterized by stochastic textured surfaces that satisfy the locality and stationarity properties of Markov random fields. Examples of stochastic textured surface data include images of woven textiles; image or surface metrology data for machined, cast, or formed metal parts; microscopy images of material microstructure samples; etc. To characterize the complex spatial statistical dependencies of in-control samples of the stochastic textured surface, we use rather generic supervised learning methods, which provide an implicit characterization of the joint distribution of the surface texture. We propose two spatial moving statistics, which are computed from residual errors of the fitted supervised learning model, for monitoring and diagnosing local aberrations in the general spatial statistical behavior of newly manufactured stochastic textured surface samples in a statistical process control context. We illustrate the approach using images of textile fabric samples and simulated 2-D stochastic processes, for which the algorithm successfully detects local defects of various natures. Supplemental discussions, results, data and computer codes are available online

    Registration and categorization of camera captured documents

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    Camera captured document image analysis concerns with processing of documents captured with hand-held sensors, smart phones, or other capturing devices using advanced image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, and machine learning techniques. As there is no constrained capturing in the real world, the captured documents suffer from illumination variation, viewpoint variation, highly variable scale/resolution, background clutter, occlusion, and non-rigid deformations e.g., folds and crumples. Document registration is a problem where the image of a template document whose layout is known is registered with a test document image. Literature in camera captured document mosaicing addressed the registration of captured documents with the assumption of considerable amount of single chunk overlapping content. These methods cannot be directly applied to registration of forms, bills, and other commercial documents where the fixed content is distributed into tiny portions across the document. On the other hand, most of the existing document image registration methods work with scanned documents under affine transformation. Literature in document image retrieval addressed categorization of documents based on text, figures, etc. However, the scalability of existing document categorization methodologies based on logo identification is very limited. This dissertation focuses on two problems (i) registration of captured documents where the overlapping content is distributed into tiny portions across the documents and (ii) categorization of captured documents into predefined logo classes that scale to large datasets using local invariant features. A novel methodology is proposed for the registration of user defined Regions Of Interest (ROI) using corresponding local features from their neighborhood. The methodology enhances prior approaches in point pattern based registration, like RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) and Thin Plate Spline-Robust Point Matching (TPS-RPM), to enable registration of cell phone and camera captured documents under non-rigid transformations. Three novel aspects are embedded into the methodology: (i) histogram based uniformly transformed correspondence estimation, (ii) clustering of points located near the ROI to select only close by regions for matching, and (iii) validation of the registration in RANSAC and TPS-RPM algorithms. Experimental results on a dataset of 480 images captured using iPhone 3GS and Logitech webcam Pro 9000 have shown an average registration accuracy of 92.75% using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). Robust local features for logo identification are determined empirically by comparisons among SIFT, Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF), Hessian-Affine, Harris-Affine, and Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER). Two different matching methods are presented for categorization: matching all features extracted from the query document as a single set and a segment-wise matching of query document features using segmentation achieved by grouping area under intersecting dense local affine covariant regions. The later approach not only gives an approximate location of predicted logo classes in the query document but also helps to increase the prediction accuracies. In order to facilitate scalability to large data sets, inverted indexing of logo class features has been incorporated in both approaches. Experimental results on a dataset of real camera captured documents have shown a peak 13.25% increase in the F–measure accuracy using the later approach as compared to the former