274 research outputs found

    Exploring Value Co-Destruction Process in Customer Interactions with AI-Powered Mobile Applications

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    Background: Mobile applications have emerged as important touchpoints for addressing service requests and optimizing human resources. Within the service industry, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into these applications has enabled the inference of product demand, provision of personalized service offers, and enhancement of overall firm value. Customers now engage with these apps to stay informed, seek guidance, and make purchases. It is important to recognize that the interactive and human-like qualities of AI can either foster the co-creation of value with customers or potentially lead to the co-destruction of customer value. Although prior research has examined the process of value co-creation, the present study aims to investigate the underlying factors contributing to the value co-destruction process, specifically within AI-powered mobile applications. Method: Our research employs topic modelling and content analysis to examine the value co-destruction process that occurs when customers engage with AI apps. We analyze 7,608 negative reviews obtained from eleven AI apps available on Google Play and App Store AI apps. Results: Our findings reveal six distinct types of value - utilitarian, hedonic, symbolic, social, epistemic, and economic value - that can be co-destroyed during the process. System failure, self-threat and privacy violation are some contributing factors to this value co-destruction process. These values change over time and vary depending on the type of app. Conclusion: Theoretically, our findings extend the concept of value co-destruction in the context of AI apps. We also offer practical recommendations for designing an AI app in a more service-friendly way

    The adoption of health and eco-innovations to improve quality, food safety and sustainability

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    L'imballaggio svolge un ruolo fondamentale nel preservare la qualità, l'integrità e la sicurezza degli alimenti lungo l'intera filiera alimentare. La sua importanza è legata anche alla possibile riduzione delle perdite e degli sprechi alimentari finalizzata a promuovere modelli di produzione e consumo più sostenibili. In effetti, al termine dell'utilizzo del prodotto alimentare, una grande quantità di imballaggi viene sprecata e spesso sfugge ai sistemi di raccolta e riciclaggio formali e finisce per inquinare l'ambiente. Esiste quindi la necessità di innovazioni di packaging in grado di ridurre al minimo le perdite e gli sprechi alimentari ottimizzando l'utilizzo di materiali come il packaging attivo, intelligente e sostenibile (es., biodegradabile e compostabile). In questo contesto, c'è un ampio spazio di innovazioni nel settore del packaging capaci di migliorare la sicurezza alimentare e mantenere la qualità dei prodotti. Inoltre, il packaging innovativo può avere maggiori possibilità di soddisfare i bisogni dei consumatori aumentando la sostenibilità nelle scelte individuali, raggiungendo gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile indicati dall'Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite. Alla luce di queste premesse, lo scopo di questa tesi è duplice. In primo luogo, l’obiettivo è quello di esplorare se i consumatori sono disposti ad acquistare prodotti alimentari confezionati con soluzioni innovative come imballaggi attivi, intelligenti e sostenibili, nonché di definire le determinanti delle loro intenzioni di acquisto. In secondo luogo, di indagare se i produttori di alimenti e bevande sono disposti ad investire per tali innovazioni di packaging. Quindi, a seguito dell’introduzione generale di queste innovazioni di packaging e della loro applicazione nel settore alimentare e delle bevande, la prima parte del lavoro si concentra sull'investigazione dell'accettazione e della disponibilità a pagare dei consumatori per imballaggi attivi, intelligenti e sostenibili raccogliendo prove presenti in letteratura e pubblicate tra il 2005 e il 2018. Inoltre, per raggiungere i suddetti obiettivi, sono stati intervistati 260 consumatori italiani e 20 imprese italiane di micro e medio-piccola dimensione. I risultati preliminari mostrano che l'accettazione da parte del consumatore e la disponibilità a pagare per gli imballaggi attivi ed intelligenti sono influenzate dalla conoscenza del consumatore di queste tecnologie. Inoltre, la maggior parte dei consumatori è interessata all'acquisto di prodotti alimentari confezionati con imballaggi intelligenti piuttosto che attivi per ridurre i propri rifiuti domestici, grazie alla capacità di questo pacchetto di fornire dati sulla freschezza degli alimenti in tempo reale. Gli intervistati sono anche disposti ad acquistare alimenti (es. latte) confezionati in imballaggi sostenibili (es. biodegradabili) per migliorare il benessere ambientale. Inoltre, le statistiche descrittive mostrano che gli intervistati preferiscono maggiormente acquistare prodotti confezionati utilizzando materiale biodegradabile di origine vegetale (es. mais, canna da zucchero ecc.) piuttosto che l'uso di materie prime organiche di scarto (es. siero del latte), così come la maggior parte dei consumatori si dice disposta a pagare dall'1% al 5% in più per il latte confezionato in imballaggi biodegradabili, indipendentemente dalla materia prima utilizzata. Infine, la maggior parte dei produttori intervistati è disposta a investire in almeno un'innovazione di packaging, preferendo principalmente tra il packaging attivo e quello sostenibile (es. packaging compostabile).Packaging plays a pivotal role in preserving food quality, integrity and safety along the whole food supply chain. Its importance is also linked to the possible reduction of food loss and waste aimed at promoting more sustainable production and consumption patterns. Actually, at the end of food product use, a large amount of packaging is wasted and often it escapes formal collection and recycling systems and eventually it end-ups polluting our environment. Hence, there is the need to contribute to packaging innovations able to minimize food loss and waste by optimizing the use of the materials such as, active, intelligent and sustainable packaging (e.g., biodegradable and compostable one). In this context, there is a large room for innovation in the packaging sector in the attempt to enhance food safety and to maintain the quality of products. Also, innovative packaging may have higher chances to satisfy the social needs in increasing the sustainability of individual choices, reaching the Sustainable Development Goals indicated by the 2030 UN Agenda. In the light of these premises, the aim of this thesis is twofold. First, it is to explore whether consumers are willing to purchase food products packaged with innovative solutions such as active, intelligent and sustainable packaging, as well as to define the determinants of their intentions. Secondly, it is to investigate if the food and drink manufacturers are willing to invest in such packaging innovations. Then, after a general introduction of these packaging innovations and their application in the food and drink sector, the first part of the work is focused to investigate the consumers acceptance and willingness to pay (WTP) for active, intelligent and sustainable packaging by collecting evidence available in the literature and published between 2005 to 2018. Moreover, in order to reach the aforementioned objectives, 260 Italian consumers were surveyed and 20 Italian micro and smallmedium entrepreneurs interviewed. Preliminary results show that consumer’s acceptance and WTP for smart packaging are influenced by the consumer's knowledge about these technologies. Furthermore, most of the consumers are interested in buying food products packed with intelligent packaging rather than the active one to reduce their wastes at home, thanks to the ability of this package to provide real-time use-by or expiration data. Respondents are also willing to purchase foods (e.g., milk) packaged in sustainable packaging (e.g., biodegradable packaging) to improve the environmental wellbeing. Moreover, descriptive statistics show that respondents slightly prefer to purchase products packaged using plant-based (e.g., corn, sugarcane etc.) biodegradable material, rather than the use of organic waste feedstocks (e.g., whey), as well most of the respondents are willing to pay from 1% to 5% more for milk packed in biodegradable packaging, regardless of the raw material used. Finally, most of the interviewed manufacturers are willing to invest in at least one packaging innovation, mainly preferring between the active packaging and the sustainable one (e.g., compostable packaging)

    A guide for field trips for teachers of consumer education

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston UniversityThe purpose of this study was to prepare a guide for field trips that would be of value to teachers of consumer education courses at the secondary school level. The guide is designed to be of use to teachers in planning field trips in their own communities

    The Question: Could a multi-sensory approach to design facilitate a re-enchantment of the food industry in Britain?

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    This thesis explores the potential of design industries ability to re-enchant the food industry in Britain in 2007. My research is informed by the increasing evidence of the negative impact on human and biosphere wellbeing and industrialization practice in food production and marketing. I highlight the connection between design's promotion of the hegemony of visuality and the marginalization of opportunities to construct connections between food source and its quality through multi-sensory engagement. I have adapted Webber's (2000) idea of disenchantment to describe a condition .in which the deterioration of quality of food experience. I argue that industrialization has created a loss of intangible qualities and traditions that have a clear potential to provide deep sources of pleasure and meaning to participants. I have focused on the relationship between design and food in order to evidence how design has become a tool of instrumental rationality by primarily servicing the short-term economic agendas of corporate business. I argue that design's focus on the role of seduction has led to the marginalization of a latent ability to connect consumers and producers to value through their non-visual senses. I propose that a multi-sensory form of design is capable of informing the restoration/creation of a deeper and more reflective relationship with the food chain. I argue that the route to this outcome is through the re-evaluation and re-education of the role that multi-sensory aesthetics play in the construction of promoting more benign rituals of production and consumption. I use evidence of multi-sensory practice in the non-industrialized and ethical food sector as an analogy and source that could sensory awareness to the designer's portfolio. I draw on a wide range of evidence to inform and support my explanation of the origins and character of the syndrome of industrialized production, marketing and consumption. My goal is informed by a concern to demonstrate that multi-sensory design could support the viability of alternative production and consumption strategie


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    Research investigating the development of trial purchase has recognised that the chosen advertising approach is a key influence in the trial process. This thesis describes a critique of the central and related literature surrounding the influence of advertising approach in a trial purchase context, with particular emphasis on the concept of disruptive advertising. This concept can be described as an overturning of convention for commercial benefit, and has been introduced to deal with change. Whilst it is clear that many brands achieve success via a consistent approach to advertising, it is also true that successful advertising is often rooted in 'doing something different'. The literature reveals that there is a lack of empirical work to date on brand/market situations in which a disruptive approach to advertising will be more appropriate and successful than a conventional approach at stimulating purchase or perhaps increasing awareness of a brand. In which situations should a disruptive advertising approach be applied? Phase 1 of the research investigates the possible link between a brand situation, the advertising strategy adopted and the brand success using existing advertising case materials. Focus group interviews are then utilised in phase 2 to gain some understanding of consumer attitudes towards different advertising approaches in different product markets and also to explore brand usage and brand choices in these markets. Content analysis is applied to the results of phases 1 and 2. Finally. phase 3 of the research more specifically investigates the influence of advertising approach on purchase intention within different product markets compared with other primary influencing factors. A questionnaire survey was administered to undergraduate students at the University of Plymouth for phase 3 and the results were analysed using individual item analysis and multiple regression. A generic model of 'The Influence of Advertising Approach in a Trial Purchase Context' is constructed from the literature and a modified version is used to discuss the results of the study. The results indicate that the choice of a disruptive or conventional advertising approach does affect intention to purchase a brand and that the nature of product involvement does influence intention to purchase a brand. However, the research has not been able to provide conclusive evidence as to the situations in which a disruptive advertising approach should be applied and consequently little can be recommended to managers regarding disruption on an operational basis. In addition, the study has provided little evidence to support the concept of disruption other than as an elaborate repackaging of positioning theory. Additional research using non-student populations and a greater selection of low involvement and high involvement markets is recommended, however, in order to validate the relationships found

    Be social or be good. The performance of italian microbreweries

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    The research aims to go beyond the traditional analysis by introducing in the performance measurement quantitative variables related to the social media presence and participation and to the product quality. The research wants to study if the company's social attutude and the product quality have an association with the economic performances of the italian brewery industr

    The total assessment profile, volume 1

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    A methodology is described for the evaluation of societal impacts associated with the implementation of a new technology. Theoretical foundations for the methodology, called the total assessment profile, are established from both the economic and social science perspectives. The procedure provides for accountability of nonquantifiable factors and measures through the use of a comparative value matrix by assessing the impacts of the technology on the value system of the society

    The communicative aspects of trade marks : a legal, functional and economic analysis.

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    PhDThe Ph.D. thesis looks extensively at the history and functions of trade marks and attempts to outline a theory for trade mark protection established on their communicative aspects. The second chapter is a historical note which looks at trade marks as traces of history and sets the grounds for a functional analysis. The third chapter deals with the proprietary aspects of trade marks, seeking to establish a theoretical deontological argument for their legal protection. The functional analysis of trade marks concentrates on their contemporary role as a fiat of information between marketers, consumers and competitors. The economic analysis is developed around the dualistic nature of trade marks, being on the one hand an essential prerequisite for competition and on the other a potentially perpetual monopoly. The balance between the two as depicted by their legal protection is being continuously re-established. The main object of this thesis is to show that it is the nature of trade marks as a multidirectional system of exchange of information that must form the basis for their protection
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