3,749 research outputs found

    ECG Biometric for Human Authentication using Hybrid Method

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    Recently there is more usage of deep learning in biometrics. Electrocardiogram (ECG) for person authentication is not the exception. However the performance of the deep learning networks purely relay on the datasets and trainings, In this work we propose a fusion of pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) such as Googlenet with SVM for person authentication using there ECG as biometric. The one dimensional ECG signals are filtered and converted into a standard size with suitable format before it is used to train the networks. An evaluation of performances shows the good results with the pre-trained network that is Googlenet. The accuracy results reveal that the proposed fusion method outperforms with an average accuracy of 95.0%

    A review of automated sleep disorder detection

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    Automated sleep disorder detection is challenging because physiological symptoms can vary widely. These variations make it difficult to create effective sleep disorder detection models which support hu-man experts during diagnosis and treatment monitoring. From 2010 to 2021, authors of 95 scientific papers have taken up the challenge of automating sleep disorder detection. This paper provides an expert review of this work. We investigated whether digital technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide automated diagnosis support for sleep disorders. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines during the content discovery phase. We compared the performance of proposed sleep disorder detection methods, involving differ-ent datasets or signals. During the review, we found eight sleep disorders, of which sleep apnea and insomnia were the most studied. These disorders can be diagnosed using several kinds of biomedical signals, such as Electrocardiogram (ECG), Polysomnography (PSG), Electroencephalogram (EEG), Electromyogram (EMG), and snore sound. Subsequently, we established areas of commonality and distinctiveness. Common to all reviewed papers was that AI models were trained and tested with labelled physiological signals. Looking deeper, we discovered that 24 distinct algorithms were used for the detection task. The nature of these algorithms evolved, before 2017 only traditional Machine Learning (ML) was used. From 2018 onward, both ML and Deep Learning (DL) methods were used for sleep disorder detection. The strong emergence of DL algorithms has considerable implications for future detection systems because these algorithms demand significantly more data for training and testing when compared with ML. Based on our review results, we suggest that both type and amount of labelled data is crucial for the design of future sleep disorder detection systems because this will steer the choice of AI algorithm which establishes the desired decision support. As a guiding principle, more labelled data will help to represent the variations in symptoms. DL algorithms can extract information from these larger data quantities more effectively, therefore; we predict that the role of these algorithms will continue to expand

    Multimodal biometric system for ECG, ear and iris recognition based on local descriptors

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    © 2019, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Combination of multiple information extracted from different biometric modalities in multimodal biometric recognition system aims to solve the different drawbacks encountered in a unimodal biometric system. Fusion of many biometrics has proposed such as face, fingerprint, iris…etc. Recently, electrocardiograms (ECG) have been used as a new biometric technology in unimodal and multimodal biometric recognition system. ECG provides inherent the characteristic of liveness of a person, making it hard to spoof compared to other biometric techniques. Ear biometrics present a rich and stable source of information over an acceptable period of human life. Iris biometrics have been embedded with different biometric modalities such as fingerprint, face and palm print, because of their higher accuracy and reliability. In this paper, a new multimodal biometric system based ECG-ear-iris biometrics at feature level is proposed. Preprocessing techniques including normalization and segmentation are applied to ECG, ear and iris biometrics. Then, Local texture descriptors, namely 1D-LBP (One D-Local Binary Patterns), Shifted-1D-LBP and 1D-MR-LBP (Multi-Resolution) are used to extract the important features from the ECG signal and convert the ear and iris images to a 1D signals. KNN and RBF are used for matching to classify an unknown user into the genuine or impostor. The developed system is validated using the benchmark ID-ECG and USTB1, USTB2 and AMI ear and CASIA v1 iris databases. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms unimodal biometric system. A Correct Recognition Rate (CRR) of 100% is achieved with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 0.5%

    Affective e-learning approaches, technology and implementation model: a systematic review

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    A systematic literature study including articles from 2016 to 2022 was done to evaluate the various approaches, technologies, and implementation models involved in measuring student engagement during learning. The review’s objective was to compile and analyze all studies that investigated how instructors can gauge students’ mental states while teaching and assess the most effective teaching methods. Additionally, it aims to extract and assess expanded methodologies from chosen research publications to offer suggestions and answers to researchers and practitioners. Planning, carrying out the analysis, and publishing the results have all received significant attention in the research approach. The study’s findings indicate that more needs to be done to evaluate student participation objectively and follow their development for improved academic performance. Physiological approaches should be given more support among the alternatives. While deep learning implementation models and contactless technology should interest more researchers. And, the recommender system should be integrated into e-learning system. Other approaches, technologies, and methodology articles, on the other hand, lacked authenticity in conveying student feeling

    Face Emotion Recognition Based on Machine Learning: A Review

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    Computers can now detect, understand, and evaluate emotions thanks to recent developments in machine learning and information fusion. Researchers across various sectors are increasingly intrigued by emotion identification, utilizing facial expressions, words, body language, and posture as means of discerning an individual's emotions. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of the first three methods may be limited, as individuals can consciously or unconsciously suppress their true feelings. This article explores various feature extraction techniques, encompassing the development of machine learning classifiers like k-nearest neighbour, naive Bayesian, support vector machine, and random forest, in accordance with the established standard for emotion recognition. The paper has three primary objectives: firstly, to offer a comprehensive overview of effective computing by outlining essential theoretical concepts; secondly, to describe in detail the state-of-the-art in emotion recognition at the moment; and thirdly, to highlight important findings and conclusions from the literature, with an emphasis on important obstacles and possible future paths, especially in the creation of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms for the identification of emotions

    Shallow Neural Network for Biometrics from the ECG-WATCH

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    Applications such as surveillance, banking and healthcare deal with sensitive data whose confidentiality and integrity depends on accurate human recognition. In this sense, the crucial mechanism for performing an effective access control is authentication, which unequivocally yields user identity. In 2018, just in North America, around 445K identity thefts have been denounced. The most adopted strategy for automatic identity recognition uses a secret for encrypting and decrypting the authentication information. This approach works very well until the secret is kept safe. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) can be exploited for biometric purposes because both the physiological and geometrical differences in each human heart correspond to uniqueness in the ECG morphology. Compared with classical biometric techniques, e.g. fingerprints, ECG-based methods can definitely be considered a more reliable and safer way for user authentication due to ECG inherent robustness to circumvention, obfuscation and replay attacks. In this paper, the ECG WATCH, a non-expensive wristwatch for recording ECGs anytime, anywhere, in just 10 s, is proposed for user authentication. The ECG WATCH acquisitions have been used to train a shallow neural network, which has reached a 99% classification accuracy and 100% intruder recognition rate

    Exploring ECG Signal Analysis Techniques for Arrhythmia Detection: A Review

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    The heart holds paramount importance in the human body as it serves the crucial function of supplying blood and nutrients to various organs. Thus, maintaining its health is imperative. Arrhythmia, a heart disorder, arises when the heart's rhythm becomes irregular. Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals are commonly utilized for analyzing arrhythmia due to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness. The peaks observed in ECG graphs, particularly the R peak, are indicative of heart conditions, facilitating arrhythmia diagnosis. Arrhythmia is broadly categorized into Tachycardia and Bradycardia for identification purposes. This paper explores diverse techniques such as Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Neural Network (NN) classifiers, as well as Wavelet and Time–Frequency Transform (TQWT), which have been employed over the past decade for arrhythmia detection using various datasets. The study delves into the analysis of arrhythmia classification on ECG datasets, highlighting the effectiveness of data preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification techniques in achieving superior performance in classifying ECG signals for arrhythmia detection

    Classification of Arrhythmia by Using Deep Learning with 2-D ECG Spectral Image Representation

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    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most extensively employed signals used in the diagnosis and prediction of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). The ECG signals can capture the heart's rhythmic irregularities, commonly known as arrhythmias. A careful study of ECG signals is crucial for precise diagnoses of patients' acute and chronic heart conditions. In this study, we propose a two-dimensional (2-D) convolutional neural network (CNN) model for the classification of ECG signals into eight classes; namely, normal beat, premature ventricular contraction beat, paced beat, right bundle branch block beat, left bundle branch block beat, atrial premature contraction beat, ventricular flutter wave beat, and ventricular escape beat. The one-dimensional ECG time series signals are transformed into 2-D spectrograms through short-time Fourier transform. The 2-D CNN model consisting of four convolutional layers and four pooling layers is designed for extracting robust features from the input spectrograms. Our proposed methodology is evaluated on a publicly available MIT-BIH arrhythmia dataset. We achieved a state-of-the-art average classification accuracy of 99.11\%, which is better than those of recently reported results in classifying similar types of arrhythmias. The performance is significant in other indices as well, including sensitivity and specificity, which indicates the success of the proposed method.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for future publication in Remote Sensing MDPI Journa
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