6 research outputs found

    Collaborative multidisciplinary learning : quantity surveying students’ perspectives

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    The construction industry is highly fragmented and is known for its adversarial culture, culminating in poor quality projects not completed on time or within budget. The aim of this study is thus to guide the design of QS programme curricula in order to help students develop the requisite knowledge and skills to work more collaboratively in their multi-disciplinary future workplaces. A qualitative approach was considered appropriate as the authors were concerned with gathering an initial understanding of what students think of multi-disciplinary learning. The data collection method used was a questionnaire which was developed by the Behaviours4Collaboration (B4C) team. Knowledge gaps were still found across all the key areas where a future QS practitioner needs to be collaborative (either as a project contributor or as a project leader) despite the need for change instigated by the multi-disciplinary (BIM) education revolution. The study concludes that universities will need to be selective in teaching, and innovative in reorienting, QS education so that a collaborative BIM education can be effected in stages, increasing in complexity as the students’ technical knowledge grows. This will help students to build the competencies needed to make them future leaders. It will also support programme currency and delivery

    Learning Through Successful Digital Opportunities for Effective Competition Preparations:Reflections of students and coaches

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    Education of the built environment is moving towards more collaborative practices. The intent behind the collaborative approach of teaching is to encourage students to explore the unknowns and unravel the problems themselves, with the professor acting as the facilitator. This paper presents a collaborative pedagogical approach that was adopted to teach students from two geographically distant universities. The occasion used was preparation of student teams for Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) student competitions. The participants began by engaging online in a virtual environment and later moved to face-to-face collaboration solving an interdisciplinary design build problem as part of the student competition. The authors adopted an action research method to enhance the capabilities of the students in understanding and generating constructive behavioral changes. The intention was to empower the students to explore new horizons by ‘clarifying and negotiating’ ideas and concerns. The authors evaluated the usefulness of this pedagogical approach based on direct and indirect measures. The pedagogical approach presented is a part of an ongoing initiative between three universities that have shown positive results based on the teams’ performance in the competition as well as affirmative feedback from the student participants

    Estudio Analítico del Proyecto Final de Grado de Arquitectura Técnica y Edificación. Optimización y relación de las actividades de aprendizaje con las principales competencias profesionales demandadas por el sector y la sociedad

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    Tant el grau d'Arquitectura Tècnica i Edificació (nomenclatura actual), com les atribucions professionals relacionades amb els estudis, han sofert constants canvis i evolucions des de les seves primeres ressenyes. Recentment, els canvis de nomenclatura, les modificacions dels Plans Acadèmics, així com, la crisi global que ha afectat especialment al sector de la Construcció a Espanya, ha generat un descens dels estudiants de grau universitari. Aquest descens també ha afectat al grau d'Arquitectura Tècnica i Edificació, encara que el mateix ha mantingut una alta taxa d'incorporació laboral dels seus estudiants, en contra d'altres estudis relacionats com el d'Arquitectura. En un context com el que ens ocupa, és fonamental optimitzar les activitats docents del grau per aconseguir titulats que contemplin en el seu currículum les principals competències professionals que demana el sector i la societat, així com una alta qualificació i assimilació de les mateixes. En la mesura que les activitats docents evolucionin i millorin, permetran als alumnes una millor incorporació, quelcom essencial en un entorn actualment molt competitiu en el sector de l'edificació i dins de les pròpies universitats. La present tesi, aporta un estudi analític de les variables que caracteritzen una de les assignatures més importants del grau: el Projecte Final de Grau (PFG). L'objectiu és analitzar el grau de preparació de l'alumne en funció d'una sèrie de variables associades al desenvolupament del PFG i relacionar les activitats d'aprenentatge definides en el mateix amb les principals competències professionals demandades pel sector de l'edificació. Més enllà de percepcions subjectives i fonaments basats en l'experiència dels professionals, la investigació aporta un enfocament innovador en haver estat capaç d'identificar, analitzar i re-ordenar una sèrie de variables i activitats per tal de millorar els estudis d'Arquitectura Tècnica i Edificació, establint les bases per a validacions futures tant en aquests com en altres estudis de grau.Tanto el grado de Arquitectura Técnica y Edificación (nomenclatura actual), como las atribuciones profesionales relacionadas con los estudios, han sufrido constantes cambios y evoluciones desde sus primeras reseñas. Recientemente, los cambios de nomenclatura, las modificaciones de los Planes Académicos, así como, la crisis global que ha afectado especialmente al sector de la Construcción en España, ha generado un descenso de los estudiantes de grado universitario. Este descenso también ha afectado al grado de Arquitectura Técnica y Edificación, aunque el mismo ha mantenido una alta tasa de incorporación laboral de sus estudiantes, en contra de otros estudios relacionados como el de Arquitectura. En un contexto como el que nos ocupa, es fundamental optimizar las actividades docentes del grado para conseguir egresados que contemplen en su currículo las principales competencias profesionales que demanda el sector y la sociedad, y una alta calificación y asimilación de las mismas. En la medida que las actividades docentes evolucionen y mejoren, permitirán a los alumnos una mejor incorporación, algo esencial en un entorno actualmente muy competitivo en el sector de la edificación y para las propias universidades. La presente tesis, aporta un estudio analítico de las variables que caracterizan una de las asignaturas más importantes del grado: el Proyecto Final de Grado (PFG). El objetivo es analizar el grado de preparación del alumno en función de una serie de variables asociadas al desarrollo del PFG y relacionar las actividades de aprendizaje definidas en el mismo con las principales competencias profesionales demandadas por el sector de la Edificación. Más allá de percepciones subjetivas y fundamentos basados en la experiencia de los profesionales, la investigación aporta un enfoque innovador al haber sido capaz de identificar, analizar y re-ordenar una serie de variables y actividades con el fin de mejorar los estudios de Arquitectura Técnica y Edificación, sentando las bases para validaciones futuras tanto en estos como en otros estudios de grado.Both, the degree of Technical Architecture and Building (current terminology), as well as the professional attributions related to the studies, have undergone constant evolution and changes since their first reviews. Recently, the terminology changes, the modifications of the Academic Plans, as well as the global crisis, that has affected especially the construction sector in Spain, has generated a fall in university degree students. This decrease has also affected the degree of Technical Architecture and Building, but it still maintains a high rate of employment incorporation of its students, compared to other related studies such as Architecture. In a context like the one we are dealing with, it is essential to optimize the teaching activities in order to obtain graduates who contemplate in their CV the main professional capacities demanded by the sector and society, and a high qualification and assimilation of them. As the teaching activities evolve and improve, it will allow the students a better incorporation, something essential in a currently very competitive environment in the building professional sector, and the universities themselves. The present thesis provides an analytical study of the variables that characterize one of the most important subjects of the degree: the Final Project. The aim is to analyze the degree of student preparation that is based on a set of variables associated with the development of the PFG and relate to the learning activities defined in it, and with the main professional capacities demanded by the building sector. Beyond subjective perception and foundations based on the experience of professionals, the research provides an innovative approach capable of identifying, analyzing and re-ordering a series of variables and activities in order to improve the studies of Technical Architecture and Building, laying the foundation for future validations in other Spanish Schools as well as in other technical degree studies

    The impact of digitalisation on the management role of architectural technology.

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    Building information modelling (BIM) is not only an authoring tool for architects and engineers, but also an analysis tool for all stakeholders in the supply chain procurement process. Analysis tools such as the code checking of building regulations and environmental simulations that can report on heating loads, daylighting and carbon use will influence the adoption of intelligent modelling faster and further than previously thought. The benefits for clients should not be underestimated either and some are already reaping them where project certainty is to the fore. However, the professional language that architects and engineers espouse is a latent force that can run counter to fostering collaboration. An emerging professional, the Architectural Technologist, can bridge that divide and adopt the adjunct role of manager in the integrated project delivery. The impact of digitalisation on the management role of architectural technology leads to four objectives namely; the practicalities of integrating drawing operations; the practicalities of design processes within the databased controlled programmes; the mapping of the overall process pitted against individual responsibility, data reliability and standard risk and the significant contribution to an understanding of how IMTs will drive changes within the discipline of Architectural Technology through the next decade. These objectives were then tested to establish whether there was an evolution in the manner in which the design team is structured. They included; how the opportunities for BIM are impacting design strategies, how they are impacting associated management structures and a deeper analysis of the changing role of the architectural technologist as a result of adoption. In conclusion, two streams were identified where one points to the educational set-up where primarily there is an apparent latent talent shortage waiting to be filled. Secondly, to the industry where project certainty will evidently drive the adoption of building information modelling and integrated project delivery as both clients and contractors will require projects to be delivered in BIM formats

    Quantity surveying education and the benchmarking of future needs

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    The education and development needs of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) students has received a great deal of attention in recent years. The dynamic nature of the construction industry coupled with the ever-changing needs of clients has put sustained pressure on the AEC curricula of higher education institutions (HEIs). This is exacerbated by the complexities of modern-day buildings/infrastructures and project teams. The education and development needs of AEC professionals have never been more important. As a vocational subject, the quantity surveying (QS) undergraduate courses delivered in HEIs are designed to prepare students for the world of practice and to deal with emerging challenges (or at least with those intentions). The extent to which graduates from these programmes fulfil this expectation is open to debate and interpretation and continues to generate considerable interest and investigation. The thesis draws upon the wide-ranging perspectives in the field and beyond as the publications were explored from a wider theoretical background and the findings compared with several other important studies.The main finding associated with vocational QS education is that there is general dissatisfaction with graduate attainments due to a tripartite pull on their training needs. As with APC requirements, defining the levels of attainment of each RICS competency and the extent of training required to cope with the critical challenges and emerging roles in a dynamic industry should inform the development of an adaptable curriculum.The principal conclusion relating to education for sustainability is that a lack of definition and common agreement on what sustainable development entails is causing different interpretations by HEIs and hindering the development of a structured QS curriculum. A minimum standard which aligns the views of major stakeholders should produce graduates with the required level of knowledge and skills in sustainability.Regarding BIM education, the critical barriers include the trio of high cost, human factors and inconsistent standards. Despite multi-disciplinary learning, knowledge gaps were found in the collaborative behaviours of QS students. This thesis, thus, concludes that still more needs to be done to move away from the speciality and insularity of the typical BE discipline to the more pluralist and collaborative multi-disciplinary curricula of the future