142 research outputs found

    Intelligent Advertising

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    Intelligent Advertisement diseña e implementa un sistema de publicidad para dispositivos móviles en un centro comercial, donde los clientes reciben publicidad de forma pasiva en sus dispositivos mientras están dentro


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    Sebagai bagian dari intelligent advertising, age estimation digunakan untuk menyesuaikan iklan dari hasil estimasi usia audience. Age estimation (AE) dapat dibangun menggunakan deep learning menggunakan ConvNet dengan kendala seperti data training wajah usia tua yang sedikit, ketidak seimbangan dataset di dalamnya, serta membutuhkan jumlah data yang besar. Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan ini adalah melakukan data augmentasi menggunakan model generatif ACGAN untuk melakukan generate gambar sesuai dengan kelas. Intelligent advertising pada poster digital hanya disimulasikan pada komputer. Simulasi intelligent advertising berfungsi dengan baik terlepas dari terbatasnya iklan dan tidak konsistennya hasil estimasi usia. Hasil dari penggunaan model generatifACGAN untuk data augmentation berhasil meningkatkan performa hasil pada model AE terlepas dari rendahnya skor IS dan FID serta kualitas gambar yang dihasilkan. Hasil data augmentation lebih terlihat pada model B dengan peningkatan akurasi cumulative score sebesar 4,8% dan skor MAE sebesar 1,297

    An exploratory study to design an adaptive hypermedia system for online-advertisement

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    The revolutionary world of the World Wide Web has created an open space for a multitude of fields to develop and propagate. One of these major fields is advertisement. Online advertisement has become one of the main activities conducted on the web, heavily supported by the industry. Importantly, it is one of the main contributors to any businesses’ income. However, consumers usually ignore the great majority of adverts online. This research paper studies the field of online advertisement, by conducting an exploratory study to understand end users’ needs for targeted online advertisement using adaptive hypermedia techniques. Additionally, we explore social networks, one of the booming phenomena of the web, to enhance the appropriateness of the advertising to the users. The main current outcome of this research is that end users are interested in personalised advertisement that tackles their needs and that they believe that the use of social networks and social actions help in the contextualisation of advertisement

    Is adaptation of e-advertising the way forward?

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    E-advertising is a multi-billion dollar industry that has shown exponential growth in the last few years. However, although the number of users accessing the Internet increases, users don’t respond positively to adverts. Adaptive e-advertising may be the key to ensuring effectiveness of the ads reaching their target. Moreover, social networks are good sources of user information and can be used to extract user behaviour and characteristics for presentation of personalized advertising. Here we present a two-sided study based on two questionnaires, one directed to Internet users and the other to businesses. Our study shows that businesses agree that personalized advertising is the best way for the future, to maximize effectiveness and profit. In addition, our results indicate that most Internet users would prefer adaptive advertisements. From this study, we can propose a new design for a system that meets both Internet users’ and businesses’ requirements

    Agents and E-commerce: Beyond Automation

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    The fast-growing information and communication technologies have shifted the contemporary commerce in both its information and market spaces. Businesses demand a new generation of agile and adaptive commerce systems. Towards this end, software agents, a type of autonomous artifacts, have been viewed as a promising solution. They have been taking an increasingly important part in facilitating e-commerce operations in the last two decades. This article presents a systematized overview of the diversity of agent applications in commerce. The paper argues that agents start playing more substantial role in determining social affairs. They also have a strong potential to be used to build the future highly responsive and smart e-commerce systems. The opportunities and challenges presented by proliferation of agent technologies in e-commerce necessitate the development of insights into their place in information systems research, as well as practical implications for the management

    Paying tribute to Henderson Advertising Agency

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    Statement made over Radio Station WFBC
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