21 research outputs found

    Stochastic R-Tuple Estimation for Unicast Routing Protocol in VANET

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    Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) is a latest technology that enables vehicles to communicate with infrastructure and with vehicle. It comes under the sub class of Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET). In VANET all participating nodes are highly moving. VANET has two type of communication vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle to vehicle (V2V). Each vehicle equipped with on board unit (OBUs) that gives the service of communicating with road side unit (RSUs). Main motivation behind VANET is to provide safety from accident and avoid the accident To manage the traffic VANETs play an important role for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). VANET has high mobility compare to MANET. Due to high mobility, routing is biggest challenge. In this paper, reliability tuple estimation protocol (RTEP) is proposed for unicast routing protocol in VANET. R-Tuple plays a vital role in selecting reliable route between source and target vehicle. R-Tuple has three parameter range, direction and speed of the vehicle. Reliable route is selected based on these parameters

    A novel k-means powered algorithm for an efficient clustering in vehicular ad-hoc networks

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    Considerable attention has recently been given to the routing issue in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET). Indeed, the repetitive communication failures and high velocity of vehicles reduce the efficacy of routing protocols in VANET. The clustering technique is considered an important solution to overcome these difficulties. In this paper, an efficient clustering approach using an adapted k-means algorithm for VANET has been introduced to enhance network stability in a highway environment. Our approach relies on a clustering scheme that accounts for the network characteristics and the number of connected vehicles. The simulation indicates that the proposed approach is more efficient than similar schemes. The results obtained appear an overall increase in constancy, proven by an increase in cluster head lifetime by 66%, and an improvement in robustness clear in the overall reduction of the end-to-end delay by 46% as well as an increase in throughput by 74%

    A UAV-Based Content Delivery Architecture for Rural Areas and Future Smart Cities

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    [EN] Content delivery in vehicular environments can serve multiple purposes, such as safety, entertainment, and news delivery that can be geographically relevant to vehicles traveling within a certain area. The traditional approach to address this problem, based on fixed networking infrastructure, suffers from the following two drawbacks: First, the efficient delivery of large-sized contents to multiple moving receivers simultaneously can be hard to achieve, and second, most of the roads outside the main urban areas lack such fixed infrastructures due to economic reasons. In this paper, we tackle both these issues by proposing rapidly deployable wireless access infrastructures combining RaptorQ-protected content diffusion and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). We performed experiments using actual vehicles and UAVs, and our results showed that RaptorQ-based content dissemination mechanisms is highly efficient when transmitting to multiple moving receivers simultaneously, and UAVs can serve as cheap, effective, and rapidly deployable mobile wireless access elements.Ortiz-Mayordomo, S.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano, J.; Manzoni, P.; Toh, C. (2019). A UAV-Based Content Delivery Architecture for Rural Areas and Future Smart Cities. IEEE Internet Computing. 23(1):29-36. https://doi.org/10.1109/MIC.2018.2884277S293623

    On-Demand Routing for Urban VANETs using Cooperating UAVs

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    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are characterized by frequent routing path failures due to the high mobility caused by the sudden changes of the direction of vehicles. The routing paths between two different vehicles should be established with this challenge in mind. Stability and connectedness are a mandatory condition to ensure a robust and reliable data delivery. The idea behind this work is to exploit a new reactive routing technique to provide regulated and well-connected routing paths. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or what are referred to as drones can be both involved in the discovery process and be full members in these discovered paths in order to avoid possible disconnections on the ground when the network is sparsely connected. The different tests of this technique are performed based on NS-2 simulator and the outcomes are compared with those of related on-demand routing protocols dedicated for VANETs. Interesting results are distinguished showing a reduced end-to-end delay and a high delivery ratio, which proving that this heterogeneous communication between vehicles and UAVs is able to extend the network connectivity.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, conferenc

    A Survey on Topology and Position Based Routing Protocols in Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET)

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    Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) is a subclass of Mobile ad hoc networks. It is a developing new technology in which vehicles interchange the information from one vehicle to another vehicle within a network. VANET is responsible for providing an illustrated approach for Intelligent Transport System (ITS). The main use of VANET is to save life and prevent the accidents. This Paper describes a survey of routing protocols in vehicular ad hoc networks. The survey of routing protocols in VANET is significant and essential for smart ITS. The routing protocols are divided into two categories of topology-based and position-based routing for VANETs. This review discusses the advantages and disadvantages of these routing protocols


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    Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) merupakan protokol routing yang memiliki performa baik di lingkungan VANET. Protokol GPSR memiliki kelemahan ketika node selanjutnya mengalami keadaan local maximum, yaitu ketika node selanjutnya tidak dapat mengirim paket ke node selanjutnya dikarenakan tidak ada node di sekitar yang memiliki posisi terdekat dengan node tujuan atau semua node terdekat sudah pernah menerima paket tersebut. Untuk mengatasi keadaan local maximum, protokol GPSR dimodifikasi dengan konsep overlay network. Overlay network diterapkan dengan menggunakan route discovery milik protokol dynamic source routing (DSR). Hasil dari proses route discovery akan menjadi acuan pencarian virtual anchor point (VAP). VAP merupakan representasi dari overlay network dan berguna untuk mengganti acuan posisi node tujuan dalam metode greedy forwarding. Selain VAP, pemilihan node selanjutnya menerapkan metode area optimum dalam pemilihan node selanjutnya untuk menghindari node yang berada pada luar batas transmisi node pengirim. Dalam makalah ini, evaluasi dilakukan terhadap kinerja routing protocol pada skenario real. Hasil simulasi diukur berdasarkan nilai rata-rata packet delivery rasio (PDR), end to end delay dan routing overhead (RO). Jumlah node yang digunakan dalam simulasi dimulai dari 50, 100, dan 150 node. Dari simulasi yang dilakukan didapatkan bahwa real performa GPSR modifikasi dibandingkan dengan GPSR tradisional mengalami peningkatan nilai PDR sebesar 72%, tetapi terjadi peningkatan pada nilai rata-rata end to end delay sebesar 1118% dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata RO sebesar 0.6%

    UAV-assisted data dissemination based on network coding in vehicular networks

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    Efficient and emergency data dissemination service in vehicular networks (VN) is very important in some situations, such as earthquakes, maritime rescue, and serious traffic accidents. Data loss frequently occurs in the data transition due to the unreliability of the wireless channel and there are no enough available UAVs providing data dissemination service for the large disaster areas. UAV with an adjustable active antenna can be used in light of the situation. However, data dissemination assisted by UAV with the adjustable active antenna needs corresponding effective data dissemination framework. A UAV-assisted data dissemination method based on network coding is proposed. First, the graph theory to model the state of the data loss of the vehicles is used; the data dissemination problem is transformed as the maximum clique problem of the graph. With the coverage of the directional antenna being limited, a parallel method to find the maximum clique based on the region division is proposed. Lastly, the method\u27s effectiveness is demonstrated by the simulation; the results show that the solution proposed can accelerate the solving process of finding the maximum clique and reduce the number of UAV broadcasts. This manuscript designs a novel scheme for the UAV-assisted data dissemination in vehicular networks based on network coding. The graph theory is used to model the state of the data loss of the vehicles. With the coverage of the directional antenna being limited, then a parallel method is proposed to find the maximum clique of the graph based on the region division. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by the simulation

    A novel collaborative IoD-assisted VANET approach for coverage area maximization

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    Internet of Drones (IoD) is an efficient technique that can be integrated with vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) to provide terrestrial communications by acting as an aerial relay when terrestrial infrastructure is unreliable or unavailable. To fully exploit the drones' flexibility and superiority, we propose a novel dynamic IoD collaborative communication approach for urban VANETs. Unlike most of the existing approaches, the IoD nodes are dynamically deployed based on current locations of ground vehicles to effectively mitigate inevitable isolated cars in conventional VANETs. For efficiently coordinating IoD, we model IoD to optimize coverage based on the location of vehicles. The goal is to obtain an efficient IoD deployment to maximize the number of covered vehicles, i.e., minimize the number of isolated vehicles in the target area. More importantly, the proposed approach provides sufficient interconnections between IoD nodes. To do so, an improved version of succinct population-based meta-heuristic, namely Improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) inspired by food searching behavior of birds or fishes flock, is implemented for IoD assisted VANET (IoDAV). Moreover, the coverage, received signal quality, and IoD connectivity are achieved by IPSO's objective function for optimal IoD deployment at the same time. We carry out an extensive experiment based on the received signal at floating vehicles to examine the proposed IoDAV performance. We compare the results with the baseline VANET with no IoD (NIoD) and Fixed IoD assisted (FIoD). The comparisons are based on the coverage percentage of the ground vehicles and the quality of the received signal. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed IoDAV approach allows finding the optimal IoD positions throughout the time based on the vehicle's movements and achieves better coverage and better quality of the received signal by finding the most appropriate IoD position compared with NIoD and FIoD schemes. © 2013 IEEE

    Leveraging Communicating UAVs for Emergency Vehicle Guidance in Urban Areas

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    International audienceThe response time to emergency situations in urban areas is considered as a crucial key in limiting material damage or even saving human lives. Thanks to their "bird's eye view" and their flexible mobility, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be a promising candidate for several vital applications. Under these perspectives, we investigate the use of communicating UAVs to detect any incident on the road, provide rescue teams with their exact locations, and plot the fastest path to intervene, while considering the constraints of the roads. To efficiently inform the rescue services, a robust routing scheme is introduced to ensure a high level of communication stability based on an efficient backbone, while considering both the high mobility and the restricted energy capacity of UAVs. This allows both predicting any routing path breakage prior to its occurrence, and carrying out a balanced energy consumption among UAVs. To ensure a rapid intervention by rescue teams, UAVs communicate in an ad hoc fashion with existing vehicles on the ground to estimate the fluidity of the roads. Our system is implemented and evaluated through a series of experiments. The reported results show that each part of the system reliably succeeds in achieving its planned objective