4,237 research outputs found

    Modeling self-organization in pedestrians and animal groups from macroscopic and microscopic viewpoints

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    This paper is concerned with mathematical modeling of intelligent systems, such as human crowds and animal groups. In particular, the focus is on the emergence of different self-organized patterns from non-locality and anisotropy of the interactions among individuals. A mathematical technique by time-evolving measures is introduced to deal with both macroscopic and microscopic scales within a unified modeling framework. Then self-organization issues are investigated and numerically reproduced at the proper scale, according to the kind of agents under consideration.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Supporting internet-scale multi-agent systems

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    Mansion: A Structured Middleware Environment for Agents

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    Intelligent agent based-Real time monitoring and Evaluation of GSM quality of service

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    Most Telecommunication companies could not guarantee complete free and quality communication network service. In recent times there had been Undesirable service delivery, this problem is traced to not having free and quality network which had arisen as a result of not monitoring when there is high bit error rate. The problem had been addressed and a solution proffered in this paper by Real time Evaluation and Monitoring of GSM quality of service utilizing intelligent agent device. This was achieved by first determining the channel capacity for GSM quality network, obtaining the bit error rate for the determined capacity, designing an intelligent GSM rule that will monitor and minimize the high bit error rate for quality service and finally designing a Simulink model for real time monitoring and evaluation of GSM quality of service using intelligent agent. The result obtained was10% better than using the conventional methods or techniques like Hieratical, Proportional Integral Derivative (PID). Real time monitoring and Evaluation of GSM quality of service using intelligent agent is preferred to other conventional methods as it can guarantee a perfect and free network in our communication network. Key words: Real time monitoring and evaluation of GSM quality of service, intelligent agent DOI: 10.7176/IKM/11-4-05 Publication date:June 30th 202

    On MAS Scalability

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    In open dynamic multi-agent environments the number of agents can vary significantly within very short periods of time. Very few (if any) current multi-agent systems have, however, been designed to cope with large-scale distributed applications. Scalability requires increasing numbers of new agents and resources to have no noticeable effect on performance nor to increase administrative complexity. In this paper a number of implications for techniques and management are discussed. Current research on agent middleware is briefly described.

    Migrating characters: effective user guidance in instrumented environments

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    The work at hand deals with the conceptual design as well as with the realization of virtual characters, which, unlike previous works in this research area, are not limited to a use in virtual worlds. The presented Migrating Character approach on the contrary allows virtual characters to act and interact with the physical world. Different technical solutions allowing a Migrating Character to move throughout physical space, either completely autonomously or in conjunction with a user, are introduced and discussed as well as resulting implications for the characters behavior. While traditional virtual characters are acting in a well defined virtual world, Migrating Characters need to adapt to changing environmental setups in a very flexible way. A Migrating Character must be capable of determining these environmental changes by means of sensors. Furthermore, based on this data, an adequate adaptation of the characters behavior has to be realized. Apart from a theoretical discussion of the necessary enhancements of a virtual character when taking the step from virtual to real worlds, different exemplary Migrating Character implementations are introduced in the course of the work.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem konzeptuellen Entwurf und der technischen Realisierung von virtuellen Charakteren, die im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet nicht auf den Einsatz in virtuellen Welten beschränkt sind. Der vorgestellte Migrating Character Ansatz erlaubt virtuellen Charakteren vielmehr in der physikalischen Welt zu agieren und zu interagieren. Verschiedene technische Lösungen, welche es einem Migrating Character ermöglichen sich in der physikalischen Welt autonom bzw. in Abhängigkeit vom Benutzer zu bewegen, sind ebenso Gegenstand der Arbeit wie eine ausführliche Diskussion der daraus für das Verhalten des virtuellen Charakters resultierenden Implikationen. Während sich traditionelle virtuelle Charaktere in einer wohl definierten virtuellen Umgebung bewegen, muss ein Migrating Character flexibel auf sich ändernde Umgebungsbedingungen reagieren. Aus sensorischer Sicht benötigt ein Migrating Character also die Fähigkeit eine sich ändernde physikalische Situation zu erkennen. Basierend auf diesen Daten muss weiterhin eine adäquate Anpassung des Verhaltens des Migrating Characters geschehen. Neben einer theoretischen Diskussion der notwendigen Erweiterungen eines virtuellen Charakters beim übergang von virtueller zu realer Umgebung werden auch exemplarische Migrating Character Implementierungen vorgestellt
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