462 research outputs found

    A Macro-Level Order Metric for Self-Organizing Adaptive Systems

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    Analyzing how agent interactions affect macro-level self-organized behaviors can yield a deeper understanding of how complex adaptive systems work. The dynamic nature of complex systems makes it difficult to determine if, or when, a system has reached a state of equilibrium or is about to undergo a major transition reflecting the appearance of self-organized states. Using the notion of local neighborhood entropy, this paper presents a metric for evaluating the macro-level order of a system. The metric is tested in two dissimilar complex adaptive systems with self-organizing properties: An autonomous swarm searching for multiple dynamic targets and Conway\u27s Game of Life. In both domains, the proposed metric is able to graphically capture periods of increasing and decreasing self-organization (i.e. changes in macro-level order), equilibrium and points of criticality; displaying its general applicability in identifying these behaviors in complex adaptive systems. Abstract © 2018 IEEE

    Information-Theoretic Control of Multiple Sensor Platforms

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of a consistent, information-theoretic basis for understanding of coordination and cooperation decentralised multi-sensor multi-platform systems. Autonomous systems composed of multiple sensors and multiple platforms potentially have significant importance in applications such as defence, search and rescue mining or intelligent manufacturing. However, the effective use of multiple autonomous systems requires that an understanding be developed of the mechanisms of coordination and cooperation between component systems in pursuit of a common goal. A fundamental, quantitative, understanding of coordination and cooperation between decentralised autonomous systems is the main goal of this thesis. This thesis focuses on the problem of coordination and cooperation for teams of autonomous systems engaged in information gathering and data fusion tasks. While this is a subset of the general cooperative autonomous systems problem, it still encompasses a range of possible applications in picture compilation, navigation, searching and map building problems. The great advantage of restricting the domain of interest in this way is that an underlying mathematical model for coordination and cooperation can be based on the use of information-theoretic models of platform and sensor abilities. The information theoretic approach builds on the established principles and architecture previously developed for decentralised data fusion systems. In the decentralised control problem addressed in this thesis, each platform and sensor system is considered to be a distinct decision maker with an individual information-theoretic utility measure capturing both local objectives and the inter-dependencies among the decisions made by other members of the team. Together these information-theoretic utilities constitute the team objective. The key contributions of this thesis lie in the quantification and study of cooperative control between sensors and platforms using information as a common utility measure. In particular, * The problem of information gathering is formulated as an optimal control problem by identifying formal measures of information with utility or pay-off. * An information-theoretic utility model of coupling and coordination between decentralised decision makers is elucidated. This is used to describe how the information gathering strategies of a team of autonomous systems are coupled. * Static and dynamic information structures for team members are defined. It is shown that the use of static information structures can lead to efficient, although sub-optimal, decentralised control strategies for the team. * Significant examples in decentralised control of a team of sensors are developed. These include the multi-vehicle multi-target bearings-only tracking problem, and the area coverage or exploration problem for multiple vehicles. These examples demonstrate the range of non-trivial problems to which the theory in this thesis can be employed

    Information-Theoretic Control of Multiple Sensor Platforms

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of a consistent, information-theoretic basis for understanding of coordination and cooperation decentralised multi-sensor multi-platform systems. Autonomous systems composed of multiple sensors and multiple platforms potentially have significant importance in applications such as defence, search and rescue mining or intelligent manufacturing. However, the effective use of multiple autonomous systems requires that an understanding be developed of the mechanisms of coordination and cooperation between component systems in pursuit of a common goal. A fundamental, quantitative, understanding of coordination and cooperation between decentralised autonomous systems is the main goal of this thesis. This thesis focuses on the problem of coordination and cooperation for teams of autonomous systems engaged in information gathering and data fusion tasks. While this is a subset of the general cooperative autonomous systems problem, it still encompasses a range of possible applications in picture compilation, navigation, searching and map building problems. The great advantage of restricting the domain of interest in this way is that an underlying mathematical model for coordination and cooperation can be based on the use of information-theoretic models of platform and sensor abilities. The information theoretic approach builds on the established principles and architecture previously developed for decentralised data fusion systems. In the decentralised control problem addressed in this thesis, each platform and sensor system is considered to be a distinct decision maker with an individual information-theoretic utility measure capturing both local objectives and the inter-dependencies among the decisions made by other members of the team. Together these information-theoretic utilities constitute the team objective. The key contributions of this thesis lie in the quantification and study of cooperative control between sensors and platforms using information as a common utility measure. In particular, * The problem of information gathering is formulated as an optimal control problem by identifying formal measures of information with utility or pay-off. * An information-theoretic utility model of coupling and coordination between decentralised decision makers is elucidated. This is used to describe how the information gathering strategies of a team of autonomous systems are coupled. * Static and dynamic information structures for team members are defined. It is shown that the use of static information structures can lead to efficient, although sub-optimal, decentralised control strategies for the team. * Significant examples in decentralised control of a team of sensors are developed. These include the multi-vehicle multi-target bearings-only tracking problem, and the area coverage or exploration problem for multiple vehicles. These examples demonstrate the range of non-trivial problems to which the theory in this thesis can be employed

    Future state maximisation as an intrinsic motivation for decision making

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    The concept of an “intrinsic motivation" is used in the psychology literature to distinguish between behaviour which is motivated by the expectation of an immediate, quantifiable reward (“extrinsic motivation") and behaviour which arises because it is inherently useful, interesting or enjoyable. Examples of the latter can include curiosity driven behaviour such as exploration and the accumulation of knowledge, as well as developing skills that might not be immediately useful but that have the potential to be re-used in a variety of different future situations. In this thesis, we examine a candidate for an intrinsic motivation with wide-ranging applicability which we refer to as “future state maximisation". Loosely speaking this is the idea that, taking everything else to be equal, decisions should be made so as to maximally keep one's options open, or to give the maximal amount of control over what one can potentially do in the future. Our goal is to study how this principle can be applied in a quantitative manner, as well as identifying examples of systems where doing so could be useful in either explaining or generating behaviour. We consider a number of examples, however our primary application is to a model of collective motion in which we consider a group of agents equipped with simple visual sensors, moving around in two dimensions. In this model, agents aim to make decisions about how to move so as to maximise the amount of control they have over the potential visual states that they can access in the future. We find that with each agent following this simple, low-level motivational principle a swarm spontaneously emerges in which the agents exhibit rich collective behaviour, remaining cohesive and highly-aligned. Remarkably, the emergent swarm also shares a number of features which are observed in real flocks of starlings, including scale free correlations and marginal opacity. We go on to explore how the model can be developed to allow us to manipulate and control the swarm, as well as looking at heuristics which are able to mimic future state maximisation whilst requiring significantly less computation, and so which could plausibly operate under animal cognition

    Emergent Behavior Development and Control in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Emergence in natural systems is the development of complex behaviors that result from the aggregation of simple agent-to-agent and agent-to-environment interactions. Emergence research intersects with many disciplines such as physics, biology, and ecology and provides a theoretical framework for investigating how order appears to spontaneously arise in complex adaptive systems. In biological systems, emergent behaviors allow simple agents to collectively accomplish multiple tasks in highly dynamic environments; ensuring system survival. These systems all display similar properties: self-organized hierarchies, robustness, adaptability, and decentralized task execution. However, current algorithmic approaches merely present theoretical models without showing how these models actually create hierarchical, emergent systems. To fill this research gap, this dissertation presents an algorithm based on entropy and speciation - defined as morphological or physiological differences in a population - that results in hierarchical emergent phenomena in multi-agent systems. Results show that speciation creates system hierarchies composed of goal-aligned entities, i.e. niches. As niche actions aggregate into more complex behaviors, more levels emerge within the system hierarchy, eventually resulting in a system that can meet multiple tasks and is robust to environmental changes. Speciation provides a powerful tool for creating goal-aligned, decentralized systems that are inherently robust and adaptable, meeting the scalability demands of current, multi-agent system design. Results in base defense, k-n assignment, division of labor and resource competition experiments, show that speciated populations create hierarchical self-organized systems, meet multiple tasks and are more robust to environmental change than non-speciated populations

    On the Combination of Game-Theoretic Learning and Multi Model Adaptive Filters

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    This paper casts coordination of a team of robots within the framework of game theoretic learning algorithms. In particular a novel variant of fictitious play is proposed, by considering multi-model adaptive filters as a method to estimate other players’ strategies. The proposed algorithm can be used as a coordination mechanism between players when they should take decisions under uncertainty. Each player chooses an action after taking into account the actions of the other players and also the uncertainty. Uncertainty can occur either in terms of noisy observations or various types of other players. In addition, in contrast to other game-theoretic and heuristic algorithms for distributed optimisation, it is not necessary to find the optimal parameters a priori. Various parameter values can be used initially as inputs to different models. Therefore, the resulting decisions will be aggregate results of all the parameter values. Simulations are used to test the performance of the proposed methodology against other game-theoretic learning algorithms.</p

    Applications of information theory in filtering and sensor management

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    “A classical sensor tasking methodology is analyzed in the context of generating sensor schedules for monitoring resident space objects (RSOs). This approach, namely maximizing the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence in a measurement update, is evaluated from a probabilistic perspective to determine the accuracy of the conventional approach. In this investigation, a newdivergence-based approach is proposed to circumvent themyopic nature of the measure, forecasting the potential information contribution to a time of interest and leveraging the system dynamics and measurement model to do so. The forecasted objective exploits properties of a batch measurement update to frequently exhibit faster optimization times when compared to an accumulation of the conventional myopic employment. The forecasting approach additionally affords the ability to emphasize tracking performance at the point in time to which the information is mapped. The forecasted divergence is lifted into the multitarget domain and combined with a collision entropy objective. The addition of the collision consideration assists the tasking policy in avoiding scenarios in which determining the origin of a measurement is difficult, ameliorating issues when executing the sensor schedule. The properties of the divergencebased and collision entropy-based objectives are explored to determine appropriate optimization schemes that can enable their use in real-time application. It is demonstrated through a single-target tasking simulation that the forecasted measure successfully outperforms traditional approaches with regard to tracking performance at the forecasted time. This simulation is followed by a multitarget tasking scenario in which different optimization strategies are analyzed, illustrating the feasibility of the proposed tasking policy and evaluating the solution from both schedule quality and runtime perspectives”--Abstract, page iii

    A Decentralized Architecture for Active Sensor Networks

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    This thesis is concerned with the Distributed Information Gathering (DIG) problem in which a Sensor Network is tasked with building a common representation of environment. The problem is motivated by the advantages offered by distributed autonomous sensing systems and the challenges they present. The focus of this study is on Macro Sensor Networks, characterized by platform mobility, heterogeneous teams, and long mission duration. The system under consideration may consist of an arbitrary number of mobile autonomous robots, stationary sensor platforms, and human operators, all linked in a network. This work describes a comprehensive framework called Active Sensor Network (ASN) which addresses the tasks of information fusion, decistion making, system configuration, and user interaction. The main design objectives are scalability with the number of robotic platforms, maximum flexibility in implementation and deployment, and robustness to component and communication failure. The framework is described from three complementary points of view: architecture, algorithms, and implementation. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of the ASN architecture. Its design follows three guiding principles: decentralization, modularity, and locality of interactions. These principles are applied to all aspects of the architecture and the framework in general. To achieve flexibility, the design approach emphasizes interactions between components rather than the definition of the components themselves. The architecture specifies a small set of interfaces sufficient to implement a wide range of information gathering systems. In the area of algorithms, this thesis builds on the earlier work on Decentralized Data Fusion (DDF) and its extension to information-theoretic decistion making. It presents the Bayesian Decentralized Data Fusion (BDDF) algorithm formulated for environment features represented by a general probability density function. Several specific representations are also considered: Gaussian, discrete, and the Certainty Grid map. Well known algorithms for these representations are shown to implement various aspects of the Bayesian framework. As part of the ASN implementation, a practical indoor sensor network has been developed and tested. Two series of experiments were conducted, utilizing two types of environment representation: 1) point features with Gaussian position uncertainty and 2) Certainty Grid maps. The network was operational for several days at a time, with individual platforms coming on and off-line. On several occasions, the network consisted of 39 software components. The lessons learned during the system's development may be applicable to other heterogeneous distributed systems with data-intensive algorithms

    Multiple-objective sensor management and optimisation

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    One of the key challenges associated with exploiting modern Autonomous Vehicle technology for military surveillance tasks is the development of Sensor Management strategies which maximise the performance of the on-board Data-Fusion systems. The focus of this thesis is the development of Sensor Management algorithms which aim to optimise target tracking processes. Three principal theoretical and analytical contributions are presented which are related to the manner in which such problems are formulated and subsequently solved.Firstly, the trade-offs between optimising target tracking and other system-level objectives relating to expected operating lifetime are explored in an autonomous ground sensor scenario. This is achieved by modelling the observer trajectory control design as a probabilistic, information-theoretic, multiple-objective optimisation problem. This novel approach explores the relationships between the changes in sensor-target geometry that are induced by tracking performance measures and those relating to power consumption. This culminates in a novel observer trajectory control algorithm based onthe minimax approach.The second contribution is an analysis of the propagation of error through a limited-lookahead sensor control feedback loop. In the last decade, it has been shown that the use of such non-myopic (multiple-step) planning strategies can lead to superior performance in many Sensor Management scenarios. However, relatively little is known about the performance of strategies which use different horizon lengths. It is shown that, in the general case, planning performance is a function of the length of the horizon over which the optimisation is performed. While increasing the horizon maximises the chances of achieving global optimality, by revealing information about the substructureof the decision space, it also increases the impact of any prediction error, approximations, or unforeseen risk present within the scenario. These competing mechanisms aredemonstrated using an example tracking problem. This provides the motivation for a novel sensor control methodology that employs an adaptive length optimisation horizon. A route to selecting the optimal horizon size is proposed, based on a new non-myopic risk equilibrium which identifies the point where the two competing mechanisms are balanced.The third area of contribution concerns the development of a number of novel optimisation algorithms aimed at solving the resulting sequential decision making problems. These problems are typically solved using stochastic search methods such as Genetic Algorithms or Simulated Annealing. The techniques presented in this thesis are extensions of the recently proposed Repeated Weighted Boosting Search algorithm. In its originalform, it is only applicable to continuous, single-objective, ptimisation problems. The extensions facilitate application to mixed search spaces and Pareto multiple-objective problems. The resulting algorithms have performance comparable with Genetic Algorithm variants, and offer a number of advantages such as ease of implementation and limited tuning requirements