10,186 research outputs found

    Mitigating Damages From Coastal Wetlands Development: Policy, Economics and Financing

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    This paper looks at the problem of modeling the welfare consequences of the effects of environmental changes on the bioeconomic equilibrium of fisheries. The equilibrium catch equation is suggested as the most appropriate mechanism for modelling these effects. Several different models are presented, based on the availability of data. It is shown that a model in which the equilibrium catch function is estimated directly as a function of environmental quality will be superior to a model which takes the stock effects from an independent ecosystem model. Models are also suggested for those cases in which only proxies for stock levels are available, and for those cases in which no stock data are available.Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Public Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,

    The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries: Issues, Terminology, Principles, Institutional Foundations, Implementation and Outlook

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    Ecosystems are complex and dynamic natural units that produce goods and services beyond those of benefit to fisheries. Because fisheries have a direct impact on the ecosystem, which is also impacted by other human activities, they need to be managed in an ecosystem context. The meaning of the terms 'ecosystem management', 'ecosystem based management', 'ecosystem approach to fisheries'(EAF), etc., are still not universally defined and progressively evolving. The justification of EAF is evident in the characteristics of an exploited ecosystem and the impacts resulting from fisheries and other activities. The rich set of international agreements of relevance to EAF contains a large number of principles and conceptual objectives. Both provide a fundamental guidance and a significant challenge for the implementation of EAF. The available international instruments also provide the institutional foundations for EAF. The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries is particularly important in this respect and contains provisions for practically all aspects of the approach. One major difficulty in defining EAF lies precisely in turning the available concepts and principles into operational objectives from which an EAF management plan would more easily be developed. The paper discusses these together with the types of action needed to achieve them. Experience in EAF implementation is still limited but some issues are already apparent, e.g. in added complexity, insufficient capacity, slow implementation, need for a pragmatic approach, etc. It is argued, in conclusion, that the future of EAF and fisheries depends on the way in which the two fundamental concepts of fisheries management and ecosystem management, and their respective stakeholders, will join efforts or collide

    Predicting spawning habitat for coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using geospatially constructed stream morphology from high-resolution lidar-derived digital elevation model and field survey data in the Indian Creek watershed, Mendocino County, California

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    Restoration of anadromous salmonid habitat is of primary importance to the economic, historical, and cultural geography of the Pacific Northwest. Derivation and use of geospatial habitat models as guides to pinpoint key areas where limited restoration funding can be cost-effectively employed is of great importance. To this purpose, 1 meter resolution lidar-derived Digital Elevation Model data was acquired for the Indian Creek and neighboring watersheds in Mendocino County, California, and used together with field-acquired geomorphic stream data to geospatially model stream widths, depths, and streambank morphology. These geospatial covariates were field-verified in selected locations and then used in conjunction with field surveyed habitat presence data and substrate data to model potential anadromous salmonid species spawning habitat. Probability surfaces, each comprising the areal extent of the Indian Creek stream system and representing the probability for spawning habitat occurrence, were developed for each of the species of interest. The mean area under the curve (AUC) for 100 model replications for Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead were 0.954, 0.951, and 0.958, with standard deviations of 0.036, 0.034, and 0.036, respectively. In contrast to other models that solely use linear lengths of stream, the models developed in this work incorporate modeled stream bankfull widths and modeled stream corridor morphology, thus allowing additional interpretation and prediction involving the amount of species’ use of specific streams and watersheds. Models were field-verified by California Department of Fish and Wildlife fisheries biologist staff and Pacific Watershed Associates engineering geologists and field scientist staff as being representative of actual field conditions, thus assuring the value of modeling results and methodology in future projects and research

    Nell Gwyn’s many after-lives : taming ‘the Protestant Whore’ in 21st century popular fiction

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    Ever since her supposed self-fashioning as ‘the Protestant Whore’ in the 1660s, Nell Gwyn has become a figure of fascination, revamped and reinterpreted in a multitude of ways along the years: from the black and white films of the 1930s, the story of this Restoration orange seller turned Royal concubine continues to excite the imagination of not just film makers, but of novelists, artists and even jam makers nowadays, as much as it inflamed Restoration audiences. The aim of this paper is to analyse the discourse that lays at the basis of three modern-day reconstructions of Nell Gwyn’s figure in an attempt at drawing a connection between celebrity, pop culture and historical fiction so as to explain the reimagining of this actress as an innocent strumpet, a scheming shrew, a dignified lady and all things in between; this paper takes ideas on celebrity and historical fiction as the theoretical basis upon which to build the criticism of these revampings of Nell Gwyn to better understand the survival of her figure three centuries after her death.peer-reviewe

    Seeing the trees as well as the forest: the importance of managing forest genetic resources

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    Reliable data on the status and trends of forest genetic resources are essential for their sustainable management. The reviews presented in this special edition of Forest Ecology and Management on forest genetic resources complement the first ever synthesis of the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (SOW-FGR) that has just been published by the Food and Agriculture Organization. In this editorial, we present some of the key findings of the SOW-FGR and introduce the seven reviews presented in this special edition on: (1) tree genetic resources and livelihoods; (2) the benefits and dangers of international germplasm transfers; (3) genetic indicators for monitoring threats to populations and the effectiveness of ameliorative actions; (4) the genetic impacts of timber management practices; (5) genetic considerations in forest ecosystem restoration projects using native trees; (6) genetic-level responses to climate change; and (7) ex situ conservation approaches and their integration with in situ methods. Recommendations for action arising from the SOW-FGR, which are captured in the first Global Plan of Action for the Conservation, Sustainable Use and Development of Forest Genetic Resources, and the above articles are discussed. These include: increasing the awareness of the importance of and threats to forest genetic resources and the mainstreaming of genetic considerations into forest management and restoration; establishing common garden provenance trials to support restoration and climate change initiatives that extend to currently little-researched tree species; streamlining processes for germplasm exchange internationally for research and development; and the intelligent use of modern molecular marker methods as genetic indicators in management and for improvement purposes

    Land Use Strategy (LUS) Delivery Evaluation Project : Volume 1: Main Report

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    Scotland’s first Land Use Strategy (LUS) – Getting the best from our land – was published in March 2011. The LUS is a requirement of the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, highlighting the important contribution that Scottish Ministers expect land use and land management to make towards the climate change agenda in Scotland. The crucial component of the LUS are its ten principles for sustainable land use – the LUS Principles. The LUS Principles are the key mechanism by which the strategic intent of the national level LUS can be translated into regional and local level planning and decision-making, through existing land use delivery mechanisms, to inform action on the ground. The overall aim of the LUS Delivery Evaluation Project therefore was “to evaluate the range of current land use delivery mechanisms, to ascertain their effectiveness in translating the strategic Principles of the LUS into decision-making on the ground”. The evaluation considered eleven case study land use delivery mechanisms ranging from an urban Local Development Plan (LDP) to the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Partnership Plan


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    Wilderness and wildness have long been essential values at the heart of American conservation. Both have played critical roles in the formation of environmental ethics, providing a conceptual foundation for the belief that the non-human natural world is valuable for its own sake (Nash, 2001). After grounding and inspiring much of 20th century environmentalism, their influence in the current century has grown increasingly tentative. The arrival of what some have called the “Anthropocene epoch” – a term meant to capture the planetary scale impacts of human activity – now threatens the continued viability and relevance of wilderness and wildness to contemporary conservation. The challenges facing wilderness advocates are both physical and conceptual. Anthropogenic climate change, pollution, and the looming mass extinction crisis are all impacting the biophysical elements of wilderness areas (Stephenson & Millar, 2012; Long & Biber, 2015; Ceballos et al., 2015). At the same time, a growing chorus of “new conservationists” are calling for the abandonment of wilderness and wildness as useful values for guiding conservation (Marris, 2015; Kareiva et al., 2012)

    Working paper 25: Strategies for enhancing and restoring rare plants and their habitats in the face of climate change and habitat destruction in the intermountain west

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    Adopting Leopold's sage advice to "keep every cog and wheel," the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources regards "the maintenance of existing genetic diversity and viable populations of all taxa in the wild in order to maintain biological interactions, ecological processes and function" (IUCN 2002, p. 1) as a fundamental conservation goal. Such an outlook is shared by many conservation-oriented organizations, including federal land management agencies in the United States. This Ecological Restoration Institute working paper will review various strategies land managers can use to maintain one segment of the plant world - rare plants - as we experience the current period of changing climate. Rare plants may be seen as the "seemingly useless parts," but they deserve attention. "Intelligent tinkering" through innovative biological conservation and ecological restoration strategies will be necessary to provide them with the kinds of habitat they will need for their continued survival and growth

    "Cost Effective Conservation Planning: Twenty Lessons from Economics"

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    Economists advocate that the billions of public dollars spent on conservation should be allocated to achieve the largest possible social benefit. This is what we term “cost-effective conservation”-- a process that incorporates both benefits and costs that are measured with money. This controversial proposition has been poorly understood and not implemented by conservation planners. Drawing from evidence from the largest conservation programs in the United States, this paper seeks to improve the communication between economists and planners and overcome resistance to cost-effective conservation by addressing the open questions that likely drive skepticism among non-economists and by identifying best practices for project selection. We first delineate project-selection strategies and compare them to optimization. Then we synthesize the body of established research findings from economics into 20 practical lessons. Based on theory, policy considerations, and empirical evidence, these lessons illustrate the potential gains from improving practices related to cost-effective selection and also address how to overcome landowner-incentive challenges that face programs.conservation planning, cost-effectiveness, nonmarket valuation, benefit cost targeting, optimization, prioritization
