5,579 research outputs found

    Affective Medicine: a review of Affective Computing efforts in Medical Informatics

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    Background: Affective computing (AC) is concerned with emotional interactions performed with and through computers. It is defined as “computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions”. AC enables investigation and understanding of the relation between human emotions and health as well as application of assistive and useful technologies in the medical domain. Objectives: 1) To review the general state of the art in AC and its applications in medicine, and 2) to establish synergies between the research communities of AC and medical informatics. Methods: Aspects related to the human affective state as a determinant of the human health are discussed, coupled with an illustration of significant AC research and related literature output. Moreover, affective communication channels are described and their range of application fields is explored through illustrative examples. Results: The presented conferences, European research projects and research publications illustrate the recent increase of interest in the AC area by the medical community. Tele-home healthcare, AmI, ubiquitous monitoring, e-learning and virtual communities with emotionally expressive characters for elderly or impaired people are few areas where the potential of AC has been realized and applications have emerged. Conclusions: A number of gaps can potentially be overcome through the synergy of AC and medical informatics. The application of AC technologies parallels the advancement of the existing state of the art and the introduction of new methods. The amount of work and projects reviewed in this paper witness an ambitious and optimistic synergetic future of the affective medicine field

    Enhancing Knowledge Intensive Business Processes via Knowledge Management Audit

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    Enhancing organizational Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes (KIBP) for gaining competitive advantages is often performed through Knowledge Management (KM) initiatives. These KM initiatives aim at developing organizational KM infrastructure of KIBP, starting from knowledge audit that is a necessary first step in any KM initiative. Current knowledge audit methods address either technological-related or social-related aspects. None of them was found to deal with the triple perspective of KM infrastructure: culture, knowledge processes and information technology, in the context of KIBP. This paper proposes a comprehensive framework and practical tools for knowledge audit that aim at enhancing KIBP by embedding KM capabilities within them. As KM infrastructure integrates social and technological disciplines, we developed a combined Socio-Engineering Knowledge Audit Methodology (SEKAM) for a systematic audit of the KM infrastructure in the context of KIBP. This methodology is illustrated through knowledge audit in a large high-tech global organization

    A Contigency Model for Requirements Development

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    Drawing upon the requirements and software development literature, the present study proposes an integrative contingency model for requirements development. Based on 116 quality journal articles, we analyze requirements development risks, requirements development techniques, and heuristics for how they are effectively related. Subsequently, we synthesize the insights from the identified literature into a model for requirements development that relates patterns of risk resolution to archetypical risk profiles. The model integrates the literature on requirements and software development; sets the scene for future research; and, finally, proposes how practitioners can manage risks in requirements development projects

    Integration of Wavelet and Recurrence Quantification Analysis in Emotion Recognition of Bilinguals

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    Background: This study offers a robust framework for the classification of autonomic signals into five affective states during the picture viewing. To this end, the following emotion categories studied: five classes of the arousal-valence plane (5C), three classes of arousal (3A), and three categories of valence (3V). For the first time, the linguality information also incorporated into the recognition procedure. Precisely, the main objective of this paper was to present a fundamental approach for evaluating and classifying the emotions of monolingual and bilingual college students.Methods: Utilizing the nonlinear dynamics, the recurrence quantification measures of the wavelet coefficients extracted. To optimize the feature space, different feature selection approaches, including generalized discriminant analysis (GDA), principal component analysis (PCA), kernel PCA, and linear discriminant analysis (LDA), were examined. Finally, considering linguality information, the classification was performed using a probabilistic neural network (PNN).Results: Using LDA and the PNN, the highest recognition rates of 95.51%, 95.7%, and 95.98% were attained for the 5C, 3A, and 3V, respectively. Considering the linguality information, a further improvement of the classification rates accomplished.Conclusion: The proposed methodology can provide a valuable tool for discriminating affective states in practical applications within the area of human-computer interfaces

    Design and implementation of an integrative system for configurable exergames targeting the senior population

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    Exergames have been proposed as a solution for the promotion of physical activity in the senior population. The diversity of needs and limitations of the target users demand that the exergaming systems allow the configuration and adjustment of game parameters according to each user profile. Such systems are ideal to use in nursing homes, senior gymnasiums, or even rehabilitation centers. Health and sports professionals are then the main interacting users with the interface of such exergaming systems. Configuration can be difficult and time-consuming when considering complex systems with a significant amount of parameter choices. Since professionals working on such places already have time constraints, if they face long-time configuration of these systems they might give up of using them. Therefore, there is an evident need for systems that assist professionals in two ways. First, providing management support for training sessions and plans with exergames. Second, providing automatic decision-making processes that assist in game selection and parameters configuration to fit the user needs. The acceptance and effectiveness of such systems can only be achieved if the main prospective interactors with the system are involved in the development process so that the system can fulfill the users’ needs and expectations. This thesis reports on the design, implementation, and usability evaluation of an integrative system using some of the most-known human-centric techniques, such as interviews, card sorting, and paper prototyping. Results of a usability study of the UI and the main functionalities of the system showed a considerable acceptance and interest by the professionals. The usability study revealed to be a great resource to find aspects of the system that should be further considered for improvement in future iterations. Furthermore, the high results of the USE (Usefulness, Satisfaction, and Ease of use) questionnaire confirm that this system is a promising tool that sports professionals may be willing to use in their daily practice.A literatura suporta que os exergames, ou jogos que requerem exercício físico, constituem uma opção válida para promoção da atividade física na população idosa. A diversidade de necessidades e limitações do público-alvo exige que estes exergames sejam configuráveis de forma a permitir ajustar os parâmetros do jogo de acordo com o perfil de cada indivíduo. Estes sistemas personalizáveis são ideais para a utilização em lares, centros de dia, ginásios específicos para idosos ou até mesmo em centros de reabilitação. Os profissionais de saúde e de desporto são, assim, os principais utilizadores a definir as configurações destes exergames. Neste contexto, escolher as definições ideais para cada perfil pode ser um processo difícil e demorado, tendo em conta que a interface destes sistemas apresenta normalmente uma quantidade significativa de opções. Considerando que estes profissionais já têm constrangimentos de tempo na sua prática diária, se forem confrontados com uma interação longa e complexa com estes sistemas, podem acabar por desistir de usá-los. Neste sentido, existe uma clara necessidade de sistemas que auxiliem os profissionais a incluir os exergames na sua prática diária com a população idosa. Este sistema deverá assistir os profissionais de duas maneiras. Primeiro, que permita gerir sessões e planos de treino com os exergames. Segundo, que disponibilize processos de decisão automáticos de forma a auxiliar na escolha dos jogos, bem como nas configurações ideais para cada perfil de utilizador. A aceitação e a eficácia destes sistemas podem apenas ser alcançadas se os profissionais forem envolvidos no processo de desenvolvimento desde o início. Tal permitirá que este possa ser desenhado tendo em conta as suas necessidades e expectativas. Esta dissertação descreve as técnicas aplicadas no desenho, implementação e avaliação de um sistema integrativo para exergames, com base em algumas técnicas bem conhecidas na área de interação homemmáquina, como por exemplo entrevistas, card sorting e prototipagem em papel. Resultados de um estudo de usabilidade da interface do sistema integrativo demonstraram uma considerável aceitação e interesse por parte dos profissionais. O estudo de usabilidade revelou ser um bom recurso para encontrar aspetos do sistema que devem ser considerados para melhoramento em futuras iterações. Além disso, os resultados promissores do questionário USE (Utilidade, satisfação e facilidade de uso) confirmam que os profissionais poderão estar interessados em usar este sistema na sua prática diária


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    As the number of information system users increases, we are witnessing a related increase in the complexity and the diversity of their applications. The increasing functional complexity amplifies the degree of functional and technical understanding required of the user to make productive use of the application tools. Emerging technologies, increased and varied user interests and radical changes in the nature of applications give rise to the opportunity and necessity to re-examine the proper apportionment of cognitive responsibilities in human/system interaction. Examples illustrate the opportunities afforded by such an examination. A framework is presented that illustrates many of the tradeoffs that occur in a reapportionment activity. A knowledge-based architecture is proposed to facilitate both static and dynamic reapportionment decisions

    Design Fiction Diegetic Prototyping: A Research Framework for Visualizing Service Innovations

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose: This paper presents a design fiction diegetic prototyping methodology and research framework for investigating service innovations that reflect future uses of new and emerging technologies. Design/methodology/approach: Drawing on speculative fiction, we propose a methodology that positions service innovations within a six-stage research development framework. We begin by reviewing and critiquing designerly approaches that have traditionally been associated with service innovations and futures literature. In presenting our framework, we provide an example of its application to the Internet of Things (IoT), illustrating the central tenets proposed and key issues identified. Findings: The research framework advances a methodology for visualizing future experiential service innovations, considering how realism may be integrated into a designerly approach. Research limitations/implications: Design fiction diegetic prototyping enables researchers to express a range of ‘what if’ or ‘what can it be’ research questions within service innovation contexts. However, the process encompasses degrees of subjectivity and relies on knowledge, judgment and projection. Practical implications: The paper presents an approach to devising future service scenarios incorporating new and emergent technologies in service contexts. The proposed framework may be used as part of a range of research designs, including qualitative, quantitative and mixed method investigations. Originality: Operationalizing an approach that generates and visualizes service futures from an experiential perspective contributes to the advancement of techniques that enables the exploration of new possibilities for service innovation research