9 research outputs found

    An application to select collaborative project management software tools

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    "The 2014 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'14)"In an increasingly competitive market the use of project management techniques can help controlling scope, time, and cost in an efficient way. Either due to size or complexity that may exist in a project, it may be essential to use project management software tools. Some projects involve teams of people who may be geographically dispersed, being essential to exchange information among project stakeholders, hence the need for collaborative tools, best known as groupware. In this paper, we present an overview of project management and collaborative project management techniques and tools. Next, we present a framework, based on ISO 9126 and ISO 14598, to classify collaborative project management software tools. Finally, we present a model and an application to help on the selection of this type of tools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using Web 2.0-Based Groupware to Facilitate Collaborative Design in Engineering Education Scheme Projects

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    Employee collaboration is vital for manufacturing organisations wishing to be successful in an ever-changing global market place; it is commonly referred to as the joining of people and interests to meet a common goal via visual or oral interaction, information and knowledge sharing and the coordination of tasks; product development teams operating within the aerospace and defence industry rely extensively on this. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to present the results of a validation study carried out during an Engineering Education Scheme (EES) project initiated by a leading aerospace and defence manufacturing organisation, to confirm the benefits of using bespoke Web 2.0-based groupware to improve employee collaboration between dispersed teams. The results of a cross-sectional survey concluded that employees in the collaborating organisations would welcome greater usage of Web 2.0-based technologies. The study confirmed that groupware offers the potential to deliver a more effective collaborative environment with additional communication channels on offer to end users

    Integrating social knowledge and collaboration tools into dispersed product development

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    Employee collaboration and knowledge sharing is vital for manufacturing organisations wishing to be successful in an ever-changing global market place; Product Development (PD) teams, in particular, rely heavily on these activities to generate innovative designs and enhancements to existing product ranges. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to present the results of a validation study carried out during an Engineering Education Scheme project to confirm the benefits of using bespoke Web 2.0-based groupware to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing between dispersed PD teams. The results of a cross-sectional survey concluded that employees would welcome greater usage of social computing technologies. The study confirmed that groupware offers the potential to deliver a more effective collaborative and knowledge sharing environment with additional communication channels on offer. Furthermore, a series of recommended guidelines are presented to show how PD teams, operating in globally-dispersed organisations, may use Web 2.0 tools to improve employee collaboration and knowledge sharing

    Automating the analysis of problem-solving activities in learning environments: the co-lab case study

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    The analysis of problem-solving activities carried out by students in learning settings involves studying the students' actions and assessing the solutions they have created. This analysis constitutes an ideal starting point to support an automatic intervention in the student activity by means of feedback or other means to help students build their own knowledge. In this paper, we present a model-driven framework to facilitate the automation of this problemsolving analysis and of providing feedback. This framework includes a set of authoring tools that enable software developers to specify the analysis process and its intervention mechanisms by means of visual languages. The models specified in this way are computed by the framework in order to create technological support to automate the problem-solving analysis. The use of the framework is illustrated thanks to a case study in the field of System Dynamics where problem-solving practices are analysed.The Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (España) has partially supported this research under Project TIN2011-29542-C02-02. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Ton de Jong, Wouter R. van Joolingen and Sylvia van Borkulo (University of Twente), for supporting this research. The work reported here was done during Rafael Duque’s stay at the Department of Instructional Technology of the University of Twente

    The Organization of Strategic Purchasing:Case studies of formal and informal integration

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    Percepção háptica no design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador

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    Orientador: Prof. dr. Adriano HeemannDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Parana, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/02/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração : Design gráfico e de produtoResumo: Inserido no tema "Design Colaborativo", esta pesquisa investiga a importância da percepção háptica em sistemas colaborativos remotos síncronos. A pesquisa compreende a emergente necessidade de colaboração remota com times multidisciplinares para o alcance de resultados efetivos em projetos, na qual os ambientes virtuais colaborativos parecem uma aposta promissora ao design colaborativo. Neste cenário, o toque que é um componente essencial ao design de produto poderá ser quesito básico para a prática projetual virtual futura. Deste modo, delimitou-se o problema da presente pesquisa pelo seguinte questionamento: qual o papel da modalidade sensorial tato-pressão, estimulada por dispositivos hápticos, no design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador? A investigação técnica desta pesquisa foi executada com o uso metodológico de duas referências: uma revisão teórica-empírica, na qual utilizou-se do modelo estruturado de revisão bibliográfica RBS que é composto por uma revisão bibliográfica de documentos relevantes aos temas pesquisados: Colaboração, Ambientes Virtuais, Informação e Percepção, e Háptica; e uma pesquisa com a aplicação do método Delphi adaptado com as analogias da Sinética. O discurso obtido através destes métodos foi o articulador das conclusões desta pesquisa. Como objetivo geral esta pesquisa buscou determinar o papel da modalidade sensorial tatopressão, estimulada por dispositivos hápticos, no design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador. O produto final que estabelece tal determinação é composto por um mapeamento de características e propostas de pesquisa e aprimoramento do design colaborativo síncrono mediado pelo computador apoiado por dispositivos hápticos. Dentre as conclusões observou-se que a háptica no desenvolvimento colaborativo ainda é um estudo incipiente que demanda avanços em tecnologia e pesquisa. Embora, seja uma prática em estágio inicial de desenvolvimento existe uma grande prospectiva de seu uso em sistemas futuros de desenvolvimento remoto.Abstract: Inserted on the theme "Collaborative Design", this research investigates the importance of haptic perception in synchronous remote collaborative systems. The research comprises the emerging need for remote collaboration with multidisciplinary teams to achieve tangible results in projects in which the collaborative virtual environments seem to be a promising bet to collaborative design. In this scenario, the touch which is an essential component to the product design can be a basic need for the future virtual design practice. Thereby the problem of this research is delimited by the following question: what is the role of sensory modality touch-pressure, stimulated by haptic devices in synchronous computer-mediated collaborative design? The technical investigation of this research was performed with the methodological use of two references: a theoretical and empirical review, in which was used a structured literature review RBS model that consists of a literature review of relevant documents to the topics surveyed: Collaboration, Virtual Environments, Information and Awareness and Haptics, and a research with the application of the Delphi method adapted with the analogies of Sinetica. The discourse obtained by these methods was the articulator for the conclusions of this research. As the main objective this study sought to determine the role of sensory modality touchpressure, stimulated by haptic devices in synchronous computer-mediated collaborative design. The final product that establishes this determination is made by a mapping features and proposals for research and improvement of synchronous computer-mediated collaborative design supported by haptic devices. Among the findings it was observed that the haptic collaborative development is still in an incipient study that demand advances in technology and research. Although, it is a practice in early stage of development there is a great prospect of its use in future systems for remote development

    Utilização de ferramentas informáticas na gestão de projetos : enfoque na gestão colaborativa

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial (área de especialização em Logística e Distribuição)Sem a existência da disciplina de GP, o esforço de implementação de um projeto resumir-se-ia ao desenvolvimento de um produto ou serviço, demorasse o que demorasse e custasse o que custasse. Num mercado cada vez mais competitivo, isto não é aceitável. O trabalho da gestão de projetos passa pela competição entre tempo, custo, requisitos, qualidade e riscos. Devido quer à dimensão quer à complexidade que possa existir num projeto é essencial recorrer ao uso de ferramentas informáticas. Os projetos envolvem equipas de pessoas que podem estar geograficamente dispersas. Para que o projeto tenha sucesso é essencial a troca de informações entre os intervenientes no projeto, daí a necessidade dos sistemas colaborativos, mais conhecidos por Groupware. Este trabalho teve como objetivos iniciais estudar e compreender alguns conceitos, nomeadamente a gestão de projetos, a gestão de projetos colaborativa e as ferramentas informáticas de gestão de projetos. A revisão da literatura permitiu concluir que as ferramentas colaborativas de gestão de projetos são um apoio essencial à gestão de projetos, quer pelo facto de auxiliarem os gestores de projetos a cumprir os objetivos, através das funcionalidades de planeamento disponibilizadas, quer pelo auxílio à comunicação entre os vários membros da equipa, que cada vez mais se encontram distantes, precisando de recorrer a Groupware para comunicarem entre si. Com esta dissertação pretendia-se fazer um levantamento de algumas ferramentas colaborativas de gestão de projetos atualmente existentes no mercado, desenvolver um modelo multicritério de apoio à decisão para ajudar na avaliação e comparação das ferramentas colaborativas de gestão de projetos, segundo as normas ISO/IEC 9126 e ISO/IEC 14598. Por fim, pretendia-se também desenvolver uma aplicação informática para apoiar os profissionais/decisores na seleção da melhor ferramenta colaborativa de gestão de projetos, usando um modelo multicritério de apoio à decisão.Without the existence of the discipline of GP, the effort of implementing a project would summarize the development of a product or service, lasts what it lasts and at any cost. In an increasingly competitive market, this is unacceptable. Project Management’s work passes through the competition between time, cost, requirements, quality and risk. Due the size or complexity that can exist in a project it’s essential resorting the use of software tools. Projects involve people teams that can be geographically dispersed. For the project to succeed it’s essential the information sharing between project’s players, hence the need for collaborative systems, more known as Groupware. This work aims to study and understand some concepts, including project management, collaborative project management and IT tools in project management. The literature review in this thesis shows that collaborative project management tools support is essential to the management of projects, either because they assist managers to meet the deadlines through good planning, either by the teams, which increasingly work at different geographical areas, needing to resort to groupware to communicate with each other. With this thesis we intended to do a survey of some collaborative project management tools currently on the market, develop a multicriteria model for decision support to assist in the evaluation and comparison of collaborative tools for project management, according to the ISO / IEC 9126 and ISO / IEC 14598. Finally, we also intended to develop a computer application to support professionals / decision makers in selecting the best tool for collaborative project management, using the multicriteria model for decision support