476,848 research outputs found

    Integration Platform as a Service

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Around 2000, the term “enterprise application integration” (EAI) became popular with IT departments. Until then, silo applications – custom-developed or packaged, host- or client-server-based – had been connected with numerous point-to-point interfaces. The resulting complexity of the application landscape affected the implementation of additional business requirements such as electronic marketplaces, e-commerce, and supply chain management. Commonly used middleware techniques such as message queues, object request brokers, or remote procedure calls required significant and costly alterations of source and target systems

    Model-driven performance evaluation for service engineering

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    Service engineering and service-oriented architecture as an integration and platform technology is a recent approach to software systems integration. Software quality aspects such as performance are of central importance for the integration of heterogeneous, distributed service-based systems. Empirical performance evaluation is a process of measuring and calculating performance metrics of the implemented software. We present an approach for the empirical, model-based performance evaluation of services and service compositions in the context of model-driven service engineering. Temporal databases theory is utilised for the empirical performance evaluation of model-driven developed service systems

    Quality-aware model-driven service engineering

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    Service engineering and service-oriented architecture as an integration and platform technology is a recent approach to software systems integration. Quality aspects ranging from interoperability to maintainability to performance are of central importance for the integration of heterogeneous, distributed service-based systems. Architecture models can substantially influence quality attributes of the implemented software systems. Besides the benefits of explicit architectures on maintainability and reuse, architectural constraints such as styles, reference architectures and architectural patterns can influence observable software properties such as performance. Empirical performance evaluation is a process of measuring and evaluating the performance of implemented software. We present an approach for addressing the quality of services and service-based systems at the model-level in the context of model-driven service engineering. The focus on architecture-level models is a consequence of the black-box character of services

    SOA, SoBI & EDA - Paradigms for Integration Capabilities of BI Platform

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    A Business Intelligence (BI) provider may offer a basic solution, a packed application or a comprising BI platform which integrates components from individual technologies in a synergic system. The providers’ tendency is to standardize the instruments offered on a single server platform. The article analyzes the integration capabilities and problems of BI platforms, emphasizes the differences between emergent technologies and suggests integration solutions. The analysis is useful both to the providers of BI solutions - in order to develop some agile platforms, as well as to their users - representing an important factor in selecting the solution. In addition, the conclusions to be drawn will emphasize the tendencies from the BI market and will represent the support in creating some agile platforms.Business Intelligence, agile platform, integration, metadata management, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event Driven Architecture (EDA)

    MeDICINE: Rapid Prototyping of Production-Ready Network Services in Multi-PoP Environments

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    Virtualized network services consisting of multiple individual network functions are already today deployed across multiple sites, so called multi-PoP (points of presence) environ- ments. This allows to improve service performance by optimizing its placement in the network. But prototyping and testing of these complex distributed software systems becomes extremely challenging. The reason is that not only the network service as such has to be tested but also its integration with management and orchestration systems. Existing solutions, like simulators, basic network emulators, or local cloud testbeds, do not support all aspects of these tasks. To this end, we introduce MeDICINE, a novel NFV prototyping platform that is able to execute production-ready network func- tions, provided as software containers, in an emulated multi-PoP environment. These network functions can be controlled by any third-party management and orchestration system that connects to our platform through standard interfaces. Based on this, a developer can use our platform to prototype and test complex network services in a realistic environment running on his laptop.Comment: 6 pages, pre-prin

    Ontology-oriented e-government service integration utilising the semantic web

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.E-government service integration process has recently become an important research topic in e-government domain since many countries have developed various levels of e-government services. Non-interoperability between government agencies in service delivery implementation and platform posing the technical challenge, and the lack of the formulated modelling framework is the main methodological obstacle on the way of achieving dynamic delivery of integrated e-government services. This research is a study of the problems associated with the integration and delivery of integrated e-government services, and proposes a novel solution to tackle them. We start with investigating the fundamentals of e-government as a field of research to build a sensible argument for the questions investigated by this research, which lead to the exposure of the methodological as well as technological problems with the mechanics of e-government in the areas of service integration and delivery. The outcomes of this study in Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 respectively 1) suggests the most practically relevant and technically possible evolutionary pathway to e-government transformation, 2) proposes a modified software engineering process to achieve such transformation, 3) develops an innovative framework for modelling the service integration, 4) proposes an ontology as its knowledgebase, and 5) develops an innovative and intelligent software to support the practice of service integration and delivery. These outcomes collectively result in the introduction of a novel, complete and coherent solution for the abovementioned problems. This research is a cross disciplinary study of software integration engineering frameworks, e-government service delivery platform and semantic web technology, all working to devise the most efficient and robust framework of using semantic web capabilities to enable the delivery of integrated e-government services in an intelligent platform

    An Integrated Service-Oriented Development Platform for Realization of e-Business Systems

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    Enterprises need to be responsive to meet dynamic businesses and requirements. Service-oriented architecture can improve e-Business applications in integration and flexibility. Therefore, service-oriented architecture has been envisioned as an appropriate computational paradigm for e-business applications. This paper proposes a multi-model driven collaborative development platform for building service-oriented e-Business systems. The platform supports service-oriented software engineering and application developments. It employs three views, i.e., business view, process view, and service view to support business and technical consultants’ operations. Consultants can collaborate from distributed sites of, e.g., clients and IT vendors to provide their clients’ with rapid system development and demonstration. The proposed platform is service-oriented and driven by three models, i.e., service meta-model, process model and business model. All of these three models are supported by a semantic reasoning engine to facilitate intelligent service discovery, process execution and business-business integration. A simple example has been used to demonstrate its functionality

    Integration of heterogeneous devices and communication models via the cloud in the constrained internet of things

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    As the Internet of Things continues to expand in the coming years, the need for services that span multiple IoT application domains will continue to increase in order to realize the efficiency gains promised by the IoT. Today, however, service developers looking to add value on top of existing IoT systems are faced with very heterogeneous devices and systems. These systems implement a wide variety of network connectivity options, protocols (proprietary or standards-based), and communication methods all of which are unknown to a service developer that is new to the IoT. Even within one IoT standard, a device typically has multiple options for communicating with others. In order to alleviate service developers from these concerns, this paper presents a cloud-based platform for integrating heterogeneous constrained IoT devices and communication models into services. Our evaluation shows that the impact of our approach on the operation of constrained devices is minimal while providing a tangible benefit in service integration of low-resource IoT devices. A proof of concept demonstrates the latter by means of a control and management dashboard for constrained devices that was implemented on top of the presented platform. The results of our work enable service developers to more easily implement and deploy services that span a wide variety of IoT application domains

    Integration Platform as a Service - Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis

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    Im Rahmen eines von der ZĂźrcher Hochschule fĂźr Wirtschaft koordinierten Forschungsprojekts untersuchten Simon Cuche von der Hochschule Luzern und Peter Gasser von der ZHAW in ihren Masterarbeiten Fallbeispiele zum Einsatz von Integration Platform as a Service in Schweizer Unternehmen. Im Zentrum der Arbeiten standen Fragen betreffend Art der Nutzung, Erfolgsfaktoren, Herausforderungen und resultierenden Nutzen
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