13,770 research outputs found

    On Recommendation of Learning Objects using Felder-Silverman Learning Style Model

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The e-learning recommender system in learning institutions is increasingly becoming the preferred mode of delivery, as it enables learning anytime, anywhere. However, delivering personalised course learning objects based on learner preferences is still a challenge. Current mainstream recommendation algorithms, such as the Collaborative Filtering (CF) and Content-Based Filtering (CBF), deal with only two types of entities, namely users and items with their ratings. However, these methods do not pay attention to student preferences, such as learning styles, which are especially important for the accuracy of course learning objects prediction or recommendation. Moreover, several recommendation techniques experience cold-start and rating sparsity problems. To address the challenge of improving the quality of recommender systems, in this paper a novel recommender algorithm for machine learning is proposed, which combines students actual rating with their learning styles to recommend Top-N course learning objects (LOs). Various recommendation techniques are considered in an experimental study investigating the best technique to use in predicting student ratings for e-learning recommender systems. We use the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model (FSLSM) to represent both the student learning styles and the learning object profiles. The predicted rating has been compared with the actual student rating. This approach has been experimented on 80 students for an online course created in the MOODLE Learning Management System, while the evaluation of the experiments has been performed with the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The results of the experiment verify that the proposed approach provides a higher prediction rating and significantly increases the accuracy of the recommendation

    Enhancing Student Performance Prediction on Learnersourced Questions with SGNN-LLM Synergy

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    As an emerging education strategy, learnersourcing offers the potential for personalized learning content creation, but also grapples with the challenge of predicting student performance due to inherent noise in student-generated data. While graph-based methods excel in capturing dense learner-question interactions, they falter in cold start scenarios, characterized by limited interactions, as seen when questions lack substantial learner responses. In response, we introduce an innovative strategy that synergizes the potential of integrating Signed Graph Neural Networks (SGNNs) and Large Language Model (LLM) embeddings. Our methodology employs a signed bipartite graph to comprehensively model student answers, complemented by a contrastive learning framework that enhances noise resilience. Furthermore, LLM's contribution lies in generating foundational question embeddings, proving especially advantageous in addressing cold start scenarios characterized by limited graph data interactions. Validation across five real-world datasets sourced from the PeerWise platform underscores our approach's effectiveness. Our method outperforms baselines, showcasing enhanced predictive accuracy and robustness

    A Novel Adaptation Model for E-Learning Recommender Systems Based on Student’s Learning Style

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    In recent years, a substantial increase has been witnessed in the use of online learning resources by learn- ers. However, owing to an information overload, many find it difficult to retrieve appropriate learning resources for meeting learning requirements. Most of the existing systems for e-learning make use of a “one-size-fits-all” approach, thus providing all learners with the same content. Whilst recommender systems have scored notable success in the e-commerce domain, they still suffer from drawbacks in terms of making the right recommendations for learning resources. This can be attributed to the differences among learners’ preferences such as varying learning styles, knowledge levels and sequential learning patterns. Hence, to identify the needs of an individual student, e-learning systems that can build profiles of student preferences are required. In addition, changing students’ preferences and multidimensional attributes of the course content are not fully considered simultaneously. It is by failing to review these issues that existing recommendation algorithms often give inaccurate recommendations. This thesis focuses on student learning styles, with the aim of dynamically tailoring the learning process and course content to meet individual needs. The proposed Ubiquitous LEARNing (ULEARN) system is an adaptive e-learning recommender system geared towards providing a personalised learning environ- ment, which ensures that course learning objects are in line with the learner’s adaptive profile. This thesis delivers four main contributions: First, an innovative algorithm which dynamically reduces the number of questions in the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles (FSLSM) questionnaire for the purpose of initialising student profiles has been proposed. The second contribution comprises examining the accuracy of various similarity metrics so as to select the most suitable similarity measurements for learning objects recommendation algorithm. The third contribution includes an Enhanced Collaboration Filtering (ECF) algorithm and an Enhanced Content-Based Filtering (ECBF) algorithm, which solves the issues of cold-start and data sparsity in- herent to the traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF) and the traditional Content-based Filtering (CBF), respectively. Moreover, these two new algorithms have been combined to create a new Enhanced Hybrid Filtering (EHF) algorithm that recommends highly accurate personalised learning objects on the basis of the stu- dents’ learning styles. The fourth contribution is a new algorithm that tracks patterns of student learning behaviours and dynam- ically adapts the student learning style accordingly. The ULEARN recommendation system was implemented with Visual Studio in C++ and Windows Pre- sentation Foundation (WPF) for the development of the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The experimental results revealed that the proposed algorithms have achieved significant improvements in student’s profile adaptation and learning objects recommendation in contrast with strong benchmark models. Further find- ings from experiments indicated that ULEARN can provide relevant learning object recommendations based on students’ learning styles with the overall students’ satisfaction at almost 90%. Furthermore, the results showed that the proposed system is capable of mitigating the problems data sparsity and cold-start, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of recommendation of the learning object. All in all, the ULEARN system is competent enough to support educational institutions in recommending personalised course content, improving students’ performance as well as promoting student engagement.Arab academy for science technology & maritime transpor

    Adaptive learning: a cluster-based literature review (2011-2022)

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    Adaptive learning is a personalized instruction system that adjusts to the needs, preferences, and progress of learners. This paper reviews the current and future developments of adaptive learning in higher education, especially in relation to the digital education strategy of the European Union. It also uses a cluster analysis framework to explore the main themes and their relationships in the academic literature on adaptive learning. The paper highlights the potential of emerging technologies such as AI, eye-tracking, and physiological measurements to improve the personalization and effectiveness of adaptive learning systems. It presents various methods, algorithms, and prototypes that incorporate learning styles into adaptive learning. It also stresses the importance of continuous professional development in e-learning, media literacy, computer security, and andragogy for teachers who use adaptive learning systems. The paper concludes that adaptive learning can promote creativity, innovation, and lifelong learning in Ukrainian higher education, but it also acknowledges the challenges and suggests further research to assess its impact

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Technology Enhanced Learning

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced significantly in recent years, transforming various industries and domains. Its ability to extract patterns and insights from large volumes of data has revolutionised areas such as image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous systems. As AI systems become increasingly integrated into daily human life, there is a growing need for meaningful collaboration and mutual engagement between humans and AI, known as Human-AI Collaboration. This collaboration involves combining AI with human workflows to achieve shared objectives. In the current educational landscape, the integration of AI methods in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) has become crucial for providing high-quality education and facilitating lifelong learning. Human-AI Collaboration also plays a vital role in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), particularly in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the need for effective educational technologies to support remote learning and bridge the gap between traditional classrooms and online platforms. To maximise the performance of ITS while minimising the input and interaction required from students, it is essential to design collaborative systems that effectively leverage the capabilities of AI and foster effective collaboration between students and ITS. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed in this context. One challenge is the lack of clear guidance on designing and building user-friendly systems that facilitate collaboration between humans and AI. This challenge is relevant not only to education researchers but also to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and developers. Another challenge is the scarcity of interaction data in the early stages of ITS development, which hampers the accurate modelling of students' knowledge states and learning trajectories, known as the cold start problem. Moreover, the effectiveness of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) in delivering personalised instruction is hindered by the limitations of existing Knowledge Tracing (KT) models, which often struggle to provide accurate predictions. Therefore, addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the collaborative process between humans and AI in the development of ITS. This thesis aims to address these challenges and improve the collaborative process between students and ITS in TEL. It proposes innovative approaches to generate simulated student behavioural data and enhance the performance of KT models. The thesis starts with a comprehensive survey of human-AI collaborative systems, identifying key challenges and opportunities. It then presents a structured framework for the student-ITS collaborative process, providing insights into designing user-friendly and efficient systems. To overcome the challenge of data scarcity in ITS development, the thesis proposes two student modelling approaches: Sim-GAIL and SimStu. SimStu leverages a deep learning method, the Decision Transformer, to simulate student interactions and enhance ITS training. Sim-GAIL utilises a reinforcement learning method, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL), to generate high-fidelity and diverse simulated student behavioural data, addressing the cold start problem in ITS training. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on improving the performance of KT models. It introduces the MLFBKT model, which integrates multiple features and mines latent relations in student interaction data, aiming to improve the accuracy and efficiency of KT models. Additionally, the thesis proposes the LBKT model, which combines the strengths of the BERT model and LSTM to process long sequence data in KT models effectively. Overall, this thesis contributes to the field of Human-AI collaboration in TEL by addressing key challenges and proposing innovative approaches to enhance ITS training and KT model performance. The findings have the potential to improve the learning experiences and outcomes of students in educational settings

    A Self-Regulated Learning Approach to Educational Recommender Design

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    Recommender systems, or recommenders, are information filtering systems prevalent today in many fields. One type of recommender found in the field of education, the educational recommender, is a key component of adaptive learning solutions as these systems avoid “one-size-fits-all” approaches by tailoring the learning process to the needs of individual learners. To function, these systems utilize learning analytics in a student-facing manner. While existing research has shown promise and explores a variety of types of educational recommenders, there is currently a lack of research that ties educational theory to the design and implementation of these systems. The theory considered here, self-regulated learning, is underexplored in educational recommender research. Self-regulated learning advocates a cyclical feedback loop that focuses on putting students in control of their learning with consideration for activities such as goal setting, selection of learning strategies, and monitoring of one’s performance. The goal of this research is to explore how best to build a self-regulated learning guided educational recommender and discover its influence on academic success. This research applies a design science methodology in the creation of a novel educational recommender framework with a theoretical base in self-regulated learning. Guided by existing research, it advocates for a hybrid recommender approach consisting of knowledge-based and collaborative filtering, made possible by supporting ontologies that represent the learner, learning objects, and learner actions. This research also incorporates existing Information Systems (IS) theory in the evaluation, drawing further connections between these systems and the field of IS. The self-regulated learning-based recommender framework is evaluated in a higher education environment via a web-based demonstration in several case study instances using mixed-method analysis to determine this approach’s fit and perceived impact on academic success. Results indicate that the self-regulated learning-based approach demonstrated a technology fit that was positively related to student academic performance while student comments illuminated many advantages to this approach, such as its ability to focus and support various studying efforts. In addition to contributing to the field of IS research by delivering an innovative framework and demonstration, this research also results in self-regulated learning-based educational recommender design principles that serve to guide both future researchers and practitioners in IS and education

    Sequencing in Intelligent Tutoring Systems based on online learning Recommenders

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    In dieser Arbeit entwickeln und testen wir Algorithmen für Learning Analytics, die die personalisierte Sequenzierung von Matheaufgaben erlauben. Die Sequenzierung schlägt die nächste Aufgabe einem Schüler vor, die seine Lernbedürfnisse entspricht. Unsere Lösung basiert auf Vygotskys „Zone of Proximal Development“ (ZPD), das die weder zu einfachen noch zu schwierigen Aufgaben für den Schüler bestimmt. Der Sequenzer, auch Vygotsky Policy Sequencer genannt, ist in der Lage Aufgaben im ZPD zu erkennen, dank die von einem Vorhersagealgorithmus geschätzte zukünftige Leistung des Schülers. Die Arbeit enthält folgende Beiträge: (1) Die Evaluation der Anwendbarkeit von Matrix Factorization als Inhaltsdomäne unabhängige Algorithmus für die Vorhersage der Leistung der Schüler. (2) Anpassung und Evaluation eines Matrix Factorization basierenden Algorithmus, der die zeitliche Evolution der Schülerkenntnisse einbezieht. (3) Entwicklung von zwei Ansätzen für die Aktualisierung von Matrix Factorization basierenden Modellen durch den Kalman Filter. Zwei Aktualisierungsfunktionen sind benutzt: (a) eine einfache, die nur die letzte vom Schüler gesehene Aufgabe betrachtet, und (b) eine, die in der Lage ist, seine fehlenden Kompetenzen einzuschätzen. (4) Ein neues Verfahren von Machine Learning gesteuerte Sequenzer zu testen durch die Modellierung einer simulierten Umgebung, die aus simulierte Schülern und Aufgaben mit stetigen erzielten und gebrauchten Fähigkeiten und Schwierigkeitsgraden besteht. (5) Die Entwicklung einer minimal eingreifenden API für die leichte Integration von Machine Learning basierende Komponente in größere Systeme, um das Integrationsrisiko und die Kosten vom Know-How-Transfer zu minimieren. Dank all diesen Beiträgen, wurde der VPS in ein großes kommerzielles System integriert und mit 100 Kinder für einen Monat getestet. Der VPS zeigte Lerneffekte und wahrgenommene Erlebnisse, die mit den von den ITS Sequenzer vergleichbar sind. Infolge der besseren VPS Modellierfähigkeiten konnten die Schüler beendeten die Aufgaben schneller lösen.In this thesis we design and test Learning Analytics algorithms for personalized tasks' sequencing that suggests the next task to a student according to his/her specific needs. Our solution is based on a sequencing policy derived from the Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which denes those tasks that are neither too easy not too dicult for the student. The sequencer, called Vygotsky Policy Sequencer (VPS), can identify tasks in the ZPD thanks to the information it receives from performance prediction algorithms able to estimate the knowledge of the student. Under this context we describe hereafter the thesis contributions. (1) A feasibility evaluation of domain independent Matrix Factorization applied in ITS for Performance Prediction. (2) An adaption and the related evaluation of a domain independent update for online learning Matrix Factorization in ITS. (3) A novel Matrix Factorization update method based on Kalman Filters approach. Two different updating functions are used: (a) a simple one considering the task just seen, and (b) one able to derive the skills' deficiency of the student. (4) A new method for offline testing of machine learning controlled sequencers by modeling simulated environment composed by a simulated students and tasks with continuous knowledge and score representation and different diffculty levels. (5) The design of a minimal invasive API for the lightweight integration of machine learning components in larger systems to minimize the risk of integration and the cost of expertise transfer. Profiting from all these contributions, the VPS was integrated in a commercial system and evaluated with 100 children over a month. The VPS showed comparable learning gains and perceived experience results with those of the ITS sequencer. Finally, thanks to its better modeling abilities, the students finish faster the assigned tasks
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