5 research outputs found

    Optimization of Resources to Improve Patient Experience in the New Emergency Department of Mater Hospital Dublin

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    Healthcare systems globally are facing capacity issues due to the increased demand of health services, the high cost of resources and the level of quality anticipated of service providers. Emergency Departments (ED) are the most pressurized unit in healthcare systems due to uncertainty in demand and limited resources allocated. Mater Hospital (one of leading hospitals) in Dublin has built a new (state-of-the-art) unit for ED yet faced an issue in resourcing the unit to optimize performance. This paper presents an integrated solution to optimize the capacity of the new ED before opening to public and examine improvement interventions in the ED area. This solution provides ED management with a tool that can contribute significantly in enhancing patient experience by reducing the waiting time from 21 hours to 6 hours while achieving utilization below the 80% burn-out threshold. The model is recommended by Health Service Executives to be used national wide

    Simulation-based Framework to Improve Patient Experience in an Emergency Department

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    The global economic crisis has a significant impact on healthcare resource provision worldwide. The management of limited healthcare resources is further challenged by the high level of uncertainty in demand, which can lead to unbalanced utilisation of the available resources and a potential deterioration of patient satisfaction in terms of longer waiting times and perceived reduced quality of services. Therefore, healthcare managers require timely and accurate tools to optimise resource utility in a complex and ever-changing patient care process. An interactive simulation-based decision support framework is presented in this paper for healthcare process improvement. Complexity and different levels of variability within the process are incorporated into the process modelling phase, followed by developing a simulation model to examine the impact of potential alternatives. As a performance management tool, balanced scorecard (BSC) is incorporated within the framework to support continual and sustainable improvement by using strategic-linked performance measures and actions. These actions are evaluated by the simulation model developed, whilst the trade-off between objectives, though somewhat conflicting, is analysed by a preference model. The preference model is designed in an interactive and iterative process considering decision makers preferences regarding the selected key performance indicators (KPIs). A detailed implementation of the framework is demonstrated on an emergency department (ED) of an adult teaching hospital in north Dublin, Ireland. The results show that the unblocking of ED outflows by in-patient bed management is more effective than increasing only the ED physical capacity or the ED workforce

    Using discrete event simulation to improve the patient care process in the emergency department of a rural Kentucky hospital.

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    The patient care process of a rural Kentucky hospital is a complex process that must be flexible in order to deal with a large variety of patient needs and a fluctuating patient volume where all patients are unscheduled. A simulation model of an average month in the emergency department was built using the Arena Simulation package. Methods for creating a simulation using Arena are included in this work. Statistics were generated from a number of different sources to create an accurate representation of the model. The Hospital reporting shows a need to improve on two quality measures being tracked, the length of time a patient is in the emergency department from entry to completion of care, and the number of patients who leave without being seen by the physician (most often due to the length of their waiting room time prior to the initiation of care). Due to the complex nature of the emergency department and its impact by other departments of the Hospital as well as outside factors such as patient demand, the ability to quantify an expected gain from a change to the facility or to a process can be difficult to establish. A simulation model will allow for experiments on the system to be created and observed, thus enabling the Hospital to identify the best opportunities for improvement. Experiments included in this work show changes to the emergency department facility by adding an additional patient treatment bed, and changing a policy regarding transfer of a patient from the emergency department to inpatient care in the Hospital. Both experiments show improvement in quality measures, with reduced waiting room times, fewer patients who leave without being seen by the physician, and an overall reduction in the length of stay from entry to completion of care in the ED. In the creation of the simulation model, an objective was to develop a model that could be used to guide decision through its flexibility and statistical reliability. The model can be used to test a variety of physical or procedural changes to the emergency department, as well as to test to the impacts of increased patient volume

    Aplicaci贸n de un modelo de simulaci贸n para la reducci贸n de los tiempos de atenci贸n en un centro m茅dico de urgencias

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    En los 煤ltimos a帽os se ha presentado en el pa铆s, un incremento de la demanda de atenci贸n en servicios de urgencias, esto se debe, a que los usuarios pueden acceder de manera m谩s r谩pida al sistema de salud si lo hacen a trav茅s de estos servicios, aun si los motivos de consulta no corresponden a necesidades de urgencias; por esta raz贸n, el Gobierno colombiano busca agilizar y mejorar la calidad de la atenci贸n en centros de urgencias, y en sus 煤ltimas disposiciones ha establecido criterios para asegurar la valoraci贸n r谩pida y ordenada de los pacientes, realizar la priorizaci贸n de acuerdo a la gravedad y disminuir los riesgos de muerte, complicaciones y discapacidad (Resoluci贸n 5596 de 2015 del Ministerio de Salud y la Protecci贸n Social). Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, es importante para los centros m茅dicos de urgencias, ajustar sus procesos de atenci贸n con el fin de cumplir con los tiempos de espera establecidos, con eficiencia que permita la sostenibilidad financiera, entendida como, la obtenci贸n de los mayores y mejores resultados, empleando la menor cantidad posible de recursos (Ministerio de la Protecci贸n Social, 2005). En este proyecto se aplicaron las metodolog铆as de BPM, miner铆a de procesos y simulaci贸n con el cual se determin贸 la cantidad de recurso humano m铆nimo necesario para mejorar los indicadores de desempe帽o del proceso de atenci贸n de urgencias en un nuevo centro m茅dico de urgencias en Bogot谩.In recent years, the demand of emergency services there has been increased, due to the fact that users can access the health system more quickly if they use these services, even if the reasons for medical consultation do not correspond to emergency needs, for this reason, the Colombian government seeks to streamline and improve the care鈥檚 quality in emergency centers, and the latest regulations has established a criteria to ensure the rapid and orderly medical assessment of patients, making the priority according to the severity and the reduction of risks of death, Complications and disability (Resolution 5596 of 2015 of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection). Taking into account the above-mentioned, it is important for emergency medical centers adjust the attention processes in order to achieve the objectives related to waiting time, with efficiency that allows financial sustainability such as obtaining the highest and best results, using the least amount of possible resources (Ministry of Social Protection, 2005). The methodologies of BPM, process mining and simulation were applied in this project, which was determined the amount of human resources needed to improve the performance indicators of the emergency care service in a new emergency medical center in Bogota.Mag铆ster en Ingenier铆a IndustrialMaestr铆